dissapointed in PWI?



  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    zoe, have you ever been in a real war before? this is not kindergarten where you 'play nicely' and hope you win. the supreme art of strategy for offensive warfare encorpertates many rules.

    1. element of surprise
    2. sabotage
    3. taunting
    4. traps
    5. manpower
    6. demoralization

    the art of defense requires these too, and out numbering your enemy 3 to one for a proper seige to be successfully defended.

    you are just plain stupid. you would not goto iraq and run in guns blazing to fight an insurgent. and if it was an innocent person coming at you with a gun there, (which oft times they teach their kids to do) you wouldnt stand there and take it. if you got hit, would you tell your squadrons medic to leave you alone, because healing isnt real PVP either?

    just like in battle, you wouldnt charge head on into a party in TW, youd fight strategically with your faction. quit living in a fantasy world. lrn 2 war
  • whoisthis
    whoisthis Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    zoe, have you ever been in a real war before? this is not kindergarten where you 'play nicely' and hope you win. the supreme art of strategy for offensive warfare encorpertates many rules.

    1. element of surprise
    2. sabotage
    3. taunting
    4. traps
    5. manpower
    6. demoralization

    the art of defense requires these too, and out numbering your enemy 3 to one for a proper seige to be successfully defended.

    you are just plain stupid. you would not goto iraq and run in guns blazing to fight an insurgent. and if it was an innocent person coming at you with a gun there, (which oft times they teach their kids to do) you wouldnt stand there and take it. if you got hit, would you tell your squadrons medic to leave you alone, because healing isnt real PVP either?

    just like in battle, you wouldnt charge head on into a party in TW, youd fight strategically with your faction. quit living in a fantasy world. lrn 2 war

    QFT exactly what i was going to say
  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Learn to play. PVP in an mmo is about who is better. This is only proven when there is no trash like this. 2 people, head on, both ready. Then you see who is better.

    Want to talk about war? I was in the army. I've been in one. You try some of that **** you like so much here, your OWN superiors will have your head.
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    prove it.

    pics of your active reserve papers, or honorable discharge certificate + your dog tags + stamp saying something proving its you.

    or it never happened.

    i doubt someone would let you serve in the armed forces. zoe with a gun... i can see it now.. her holding it backwards and threatening to pull the trigger if the enemy doesnt drop their weapon, and the enemy just laughing at her
  • erethizon1
    erethizon1 Posts: 554 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Funny how people come to play mmos, which are often based on grinding, just to say they don't like to grind. Then I must ask, why are you even here?

    I personally believe that just because most MMORPG's have been poorly designed thus far does not mean that all the future ones will be nor that the ones that currently are must remain that way. I love MMORPG's. I have been playing them for 10 years. That said, the single part of MMORPG's that I am the most tired of is the mindless killing of tens of thousands of furry woodland creatures just to gain experience.

    Considering that we are called adventurers and not mass murders I do not think it is unreasonable for experience to be given for things other than simply killing. I am strongly attracted to character development in games and particularly like the fact that character development takes a very long time in MMORPGs (characters in single player games like the Elder Scroll series can have every aspect of the character maxed in just a couple of days). The more ways a game has to gain experience the longer it will take people to get bored of the grind and quit. I can safely say that I would have left PWI months ago if not for the crazy stone quest. I reached the point where I was tired of the grind and basically stopped playing. But I still logged in every day for crazy stone because it was so easy to do. A few months later I was a dozen levels higher and got back into the game. Now I do crazy stone and world quest every day no matter how much I am not in the mood to play Perfect World.

    The ability to advance my character without having to kill things has kept me here. If there were even more non-violent ways to advance I would have a greater interest in this game. Restricting advancement to just killing creatures has always been a poor idea. I am just waiting for developers to finally realize that and do something about it. These games will always be centered around combat and that is fine. But all MMORPG's should spend significant time developing non-combat ways to gain experience. Everyone gets tired of the grind at times and there should be things to do in game that keep them away from the grind while still advancing their character.
  • Cy_clone - Heavens Tear
    Cy_clone - Heavens Tear Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Torm started a legitimately useful thread and it gets quickly destroyed by smart asses.
    To Zoe and haters, get back on topic or gtfo. kthxbye.
  • mbrunestud
    mbrunestud Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    anyone ever played baldur's gate? the main storyline has long, hard quests that often takes a party and require killing of insane enemy parties or bosses to complete. that was interesting. i think wraiths ploy was such an attempt, would be nice if there were more of these quests.

    and fighting npc parties was what made the game so interesting. there were so many strategies involved, and it made every class useful in the game. it'd be a long shot to implement this, but it'd be really fun. that game was like rpg at its finest i think, at least for its time (not an mmo, but you could play multiplayer)
  • EgaeniI - Heavens Tear
    EgaeniI - Heavens Tear Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    the general feeling i get from PWI is that.. its all about how to make money, user feedback is filtered out.

    okie i do like the way they already put out 2 decent updates since OB, 1 for the world boss /wraith plot and 2nd genie, i do give them credit for that.

    but that doesn't stop the fact that with each update the game becomes more and more impossible to play, and since i'm playing from australia, the lag plus the game lag and the memory leak make west arch a death trap for me. i used to set up shop there for days.... now i cant even stay there for half b4 the game client crash. picking up cs and wq is a very risky business for me.

    2ndly... plz feed us with all ur events, wat u want me do these days.. lvl 97 wat can i do.. 3-2 3-3 once a day, fb 99 once a day. other than those.. i have nothing to do.. and even with those, its the same thing over and over again, "stand over there / bb / heal / spark / dont steal aggro" and plz dont say "u can go grind" give me a break. YES we DO have dragon place, BUT that is until the update, now with the summer/swimming wear on sale.. i jsut lost interest in dp. PLZ feed us with events

    3rd... veno, LOL u know after all these qq about venos.. i even created a veno myself and got her a herc. my theory is that.. if u cant beat them y dont u join them. this is a rather sad fact. they r good at everything, talking about unbalanced class. the ONLY good fact now about venos is that.. they r almost usless in 3-2 and 3-3, both venos and pets r within range of aoe sleep/stun so they not really needed in tts, and since genie is so good at luring, no need veno to lure. but plz tell me generally which class is the richest? i dont count ppl that paid with real cash. i know few veno friends spent $0 in this game, and richer than me.. who has spent money on this game.

    but sadly im just a big sucker.. i just dled jade empire gona try it out untill pw can fix the lag.. maybe nerf herc/nix a bit and throw in a bit more events in. atm.. im really just waiting out for aion... or sc2 or diablo 3
    b:bye full time shop part time player
  • Piliener - Lost City
    Piliener - Lost City Posts: 589 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    OK first you have not been playing since OB otherwise you wouldn't be QQing about the lag and the bugs. These things were a million times worse. Do you remember when Archers were the most broken thing in any game ever and you could almost oneshot anything from 30, I do. If you were an original then you would know that us few that are still around do enjoy the massive changes that have happened and the BALANCE that has come between each class. Veno's are nowhere near broken. Go back to the OB if you're from that era 4 years ago and hop on oracle since you obviously can't handle urself. QQ to the MY people and let them know that you don't like there changes then quit like the other losers who can't stick it out because of a few bugs. People like you make us look bad and we all can't stand your QQing anymore so either suck it up or just LEAVE already.
    Spoons you will forever be missed in this community
  • kattdancer
    kattdancer Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I have encountered major lag leading to complete disconnect from server in PW.

    I have also encountered this same behavior in every other MMORPG I play/have played including World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy XI, Guild Wars, City of Heroes/Villains and MegaTen Imagine. Friends who play still other games are also mentioning this in THEIR games.

    It seems that all servers for all games are being hit by "something" that is causing this. Could be just too many players + not enough server capacity or DDOS maybe? Dunno.
  • MentalEdge - Heavens Tear
    MentalEdge - Heavens Tear Posts: 629 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    ^ this part is misleading.
    herc's pdef =22k, and mdef=17k when you factor in tank buffs at 90
    people dont know what hercs skills do alot of the time, and are completely unaware of factoring this in. herc has way higher hp, def, and mdef making him ultimate -defensive- pet while phoenix has more patk, accuracy, and atk speed making him ultimate -offensive- pet


    Btw you mislead by saying hercs skills,any pet can have them.
    Quit 100%...and surprised my forum account wasn't banned...yet
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    base means nothing when he comes with those skills

    #1 you would take off a phoenix's current skills for herc ones
    #2 even with rare pet skills, the only pet that can even come close in stats is phoenix when it comes to hercs tanking ability.

    care to try again?
  • ViennaMcFly - Dreamweaver
    ViennaMcFly - Dreamweaver Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    They shoud rename '' International '' version to '' Us '' version, or they don't get it that Eu & Us time zone aren't the same and everyone outside Us time zone got problems to join Tw's, Dragon Temple.....
  • MentalEdge - Heavens Tear
    MentalEdge - Heavens Tear Posts: 629 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    base means nothing when he comes with those skills

    #1 you would take off a phoenix's current skills for herc ones
    #2 even with rare pet skills, the only pet that can even come close in stats is phoenix when it comes to hercs tanking ability.

    care to try again?

    I don't need to try again,fact is saying the phoenixes stats are better than hercs is not misleading,its truth.

    Got that?Or do i need to slap you around some with my silly glove?

    Oh and theoretically,if the nix was able to enter TT,and if an owner removed pounce and added the defense buffs,it would be a better tank than hercules,lack of an attack skill and reflect would be compensated by nixes higher rate of attack and power,ofcourse this isn't what your first post was about so i wont carry on with this line :)
    Quit 100%...and surprised my forum account wasn't banned...yet
  • vagrant0
    vagrant0 Posts: 290 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    First to beat a dead horse- veno are awesome class cheap to play, easy to make money CS pet that is outstanding ( yeah im jealous) but what kills me is fleash ream - the ONLY skill there is that isnt nerfed damage in PVP. I just dont get it. Why dont GM's fix it. Why dont GM's even respond to the questions asked about it ? ( some people might say genies are the answer and I say BS. make the archer, Bm, and barbs bleed unnerfed damage too and then ill except genies as an answer.

    Have you ever seen a veno without flesh ream win pvp against someone even 5 levels lower than them unless that person happens to be afk? It's one of the only pvp abilities open to them, and is solved rather nicely by genie skills, so QQ more.

    The easy to make money part is quickly negated by a CS pet that costs between 15m-25m coins each for the materials (80k for 10-50 sof/feather, 9,999 sof/feather needed for 1 pet). For those that can't count, that's roughly $200 real money per pet. ANY level 80+ character with an extra 20m coin to throw around would also be rather strong comparatively. The grass is always greener, and so on. Yep, venos may still be the least costly of classes, but unless they're getting weekly TW money (doesn't happen until after they have herc/phoenix), or are grinding out TT mats (again, not until after they have herc), they'll still only make about 14m coin in total, from 1 to 75 unless they're exceptionally lucky with FB drops. Even with pets, Veno has to keep buying/making decent equipment. Pets need skill books to increase skills (atleast 1m for skillbooks), veno needs to spend about 1m of their lifetime money on their own skills before 75, 300k for cage (in addition to farming for other pet bag expansions), 600k for safe expansions, 600k for inventory expansions. Leaves about 8m remaining by level 75, even if they spent their time grinding for exp instead of using crazy stone, selling every mirage they get, converting every celestone to mirage, and spend roughly an hour a day farming mats. So, do you really think it's worth it to have a pet that can sometimes kill others if they don't happen to have a level 10+ genie? Sure, a Veno may have the lowest costs up front, but they still have rather high lifetime costs just getting themselves to where they can even compete in something like PvP.

    Make a veno, learn what's involved with even getting to that point. THEN complain that it's unfair. Being able to solve for bleed damage with a genie is more than a fair fix.
  • whoisthis
    whoisthis Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    i can drop 20m into my gear and still wont be able to hit a barb or bm in full TT90 for 1.2k a hit consistently, even with GX. and venos can compete extremely well in PVP without nix. my friend Ylime (8X) hits me , a barb (8X) for 5.5k crits non sparked. dont say venos are useless in pvp without nix lol.
  • HatedSoul - Sanctuary
    HatedSoul - Sanctuary Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    i only have 1 thing that really bugs me and probably will be the reason for me to stop playing this game soon ... i playd bout half year and gotten to a serten lvl .. now others my lvl alll join 2 clans those 2 clans rule the terretory .... why do alllll join these clans ... well simple freeee coins
    terretory war is the main thing most people are going to quit on , i mean i want a good war i dont wanna be in the top guilds why?? whats there fun?? its tooooooooo easyyyy nice and nooobie getting free coins always having to do **** for it... while others who buy zhen even ... cant compete in noooo way never because those 2 clans filled with peeps of greed for coins are sooo uber rich u need spend 100s of thousends of dollars if u ever want a chanse ... there for this game is ruiend .. zhen buyers have no atvantage what so ever ... because ey these 2 clans get over 2500$ free A WEEK if u would buy zhen and sold as coins i mean .... how can this be fun?? for me it would feel like playing a game with cheatcodes like infint money nice easy right .... only way to safe this game is to end alll TW fee or profit made of land .... if u wanna keep the zhen buyers atleast and reset on land dont help **** because the clans still there they take over all in a month again they already got there uber gear we can never compete with ... or am i wrong here? this is pointless to try to become the best ... or buying zhen feels even more pointless .... i hope gm's take this serious because this is a game destroyer
    I MISS AYANOb:cryb:sad
  • HolyInferno - Sanctuary
    HolyInferno - Sanctuary Posts: 767 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    +1 to disintegration of interest.

    I guess its soon time to pack our bags b:bye
    b:bye you were all swell peoples
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I don't need to try again,fact is saying the phoenixes stats are better than hercs is not misleading,its truth

    comparing only off basic stats without including skills is idiotic

    phoenix only has better atk, accuracy, and attack speed. it fails in comparison to herc when it comes to def and mdef, as though its plausible to give phoenix herc skills its not practical due to rarity, and being expensive, last herc skill i saw in AH went for 5m, + another mil to learn it. phoenix is weaker than herc in the defensive areas period.
  • Zorish - Harshlands
    Zorish - Harshlands Posts: 310 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Im 80 and being Veno besides grinding or HH theres nothing else to do. Fbs and stuffs, but mostly veno are not wanted anywhere, the game becomes repetitive, and theres no much to do reallly.
    DP was good, now you cant make money out of it bcs of Cash shop sale, plus it was only once a week. This game has way too many "events" that are time based and many ppl cant be on them just bcs of work/college, etc.
    Why I cany tame a rare pet? Bcs Im working on mant, or DP bcs Im at work. I lose most of the game content just bcs Im not on, that is not really fair.

    And FR, pls...
  • Smexxyfox - Heavens Tear
    Smexxyfox - Heavens Tear Posts: 722 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    /agree with Zorish

    I'm bored to death with the game. What ticks me off the most of all though is the comuntiy being so.. reclusive and selfcentered.

    I don't even bother trying to get parties for TT or events because its always just a big fight over loot,personality clashes and general rude behaviour. It's really sad to see a good game being let down by the ppl that play it.
  • HolyInferno - Sanctuary
    HolyInferno - Sanctuary Posts: 767 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    i think its just a nice cycle they got here. Bring in a bunch of people. Let them play play and charge zen. After they hit9x they realize the game is pointless to continue. Quits. Bring in a new wave of people. Rinse and repeat. I don't blame ya PWI. brother got to get paid right?
    b:bye you were all swell peoples
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    or people are never satisfied with what they have, they always want MOREMOREMORE. learn to enjoy simplicity and what you have guys
  • Zorish - Harshlands
    Zorish - Harshlands Posts: 310 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    comparing only off basic stats without including skills is idiotic

    phoenix only has better atk, accuracy, and attack speed. it fails in comparison to herc when it comes to def and mdef, as though its plausible to give phoenix herc skills its not practical due to rarity, and being expensive, last herc skill i saw in AH went for 5m, + another mil to learn it. phoenix is weaker than herc in the defensive areas period.
    or people are never satisfied with what they have, they always want MOREMOREMORE. learn to enjoy simplicity and what you have guys

    ITs about the game not having enough end game content. 80 is not even endgame, but theres nothing else to do.
    Ppl dont take me to Rebirth Order bcs there are more needed classes. TT ok, Im needed, thats true, but not many ppl can spend 4 hours to do several runs and get enough mats for all party, you always get 1 run and end up fighting for loot.
    Fbs are casual and you dont get so many.
    Venos can only grind, theres nothing else to do.
    Getting squad is not that easy.

    Im just pointing out something. You dont get much to do except grind (for venos) and it gets quite boring. Is not demanding moremoremore, is just asking for things to do and not die of boredom.
    I like this game really, but now I dont have much to do.
  • mbrunestud
    mbrunestud Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    venos not getting in on rebirth? nonesense! ask tear how he does it, tho i seem to remember that it involves having the golden meatball

    i actually grind more than anything. on my archer i refused to zhen because i wanted to make sure i have the money to buy equipment when i get to each milestone in levels

    on my veno i stubbornly wanted to keep my lvl 5 turtle so i've been grinding water mobs a whole lot

    what keeps me going is really the friends i have. it's just fun to talk to them and do stuff with them, be it fb runs, boss fights, whatever. also, i watch episodes of shows online while the game is windowed when faction chat is really quiet.

    i do hope they will make more endgame content as the weeks go by tho, but whether they implement it rarely or often doesnt matter much to me, just not buggy and it'd be all good
  • Kinoku - Sanctuary
    Kinoku - Sanctuary Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    At 85 now and it's pretty repetitive. Granted I like the simple nature of the game and somedays I get bored, I participate in TW weekly, Dragon Temple weekly gives something to do over the weekends. But I agree endgame content is a little low, I also wish there was more.

    At that point I look at various other MMO's I've played considerably.
    1. RO, great but if you look at it from IRO stand point we were at one point 3 years behind Korea.
    2. City of Heroes, I played for about a year honestly that game was so slow at updating and weekly perks was non exsistant.
    3. WoW from beta untill about a year after final release. This was one of the fastest developing games I played but it was also my highest P2P bill.
    4. FF I got bored and quit before I reached lvl 50. Maybe I didn't give the game enough time, but at that time I just was no where close to being entertained by it.

    Then I take another look at this game with all everyone that played other versions says it has. I started mid December, from what I understand PWI wasn't more then five to six months before that; so we're getting close to the 1 year mark. Conversions take time, a really long time, I still enjoy this game enough to give them that time. Bored? take sometime to go do something else for a bit.
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    yeah, coming from iro though, there is a butt load of stuff to do there, just.. playing for 5 years = boring finally. theyre on 13.1 now kino and caught up with kRO and just slightly away from getting thier 'renewal' which will just kill the game haha. what kind of idiot decides to revamp every skill, formula, and aspect of gameplay so randomly, if it aint broken dont fix it...

    as for you guys who are bored

    its a free MMO, its not like they have all this money, time, and effort to make a huge **** game perfect and fully function,and not like they can release anything they want when they damn well please. go outside for once or 'entertain' yourself in other ways.

    perfect world has plenty to do, and gets better after small breaks
  • Kinoku - Sanctuary
    Kinoku - Sanctuary Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Well it's good to know that they are almost caught up. It's been probably pushing 3 years since I last played, or even read anything on new or upcoming updates, but that sounds like something RO would do.

    But PWI is free, and I beleive that in a way they should get some slack for that. Yes a large portion of people pay and honestly I fell that even if you're a "paying customer" here you're not really paying for updated service. You're just paying for those nice little game items, most of which already work perfectly fine.

    Also I follow the gaming market fairly closely. And from what I'm seeing Perfect World's earnings rival that of other big name P2P MMO's, as seen by their earnings statments releasted. Now I do not know if PWI is factored into the picture there but I don't see why it wouldn't be. So I wouldn't say they don't have the money to put into it.
  • Azura - Lost City
    Azura - Lost City Posts: 2,281 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I'm upset about the end game content too. There is absolutely nothing for people to do on this server besides 3-2 and 3-3 once they stop leveling. Even my-en has more events than pwi.

    We are missing:

    -The new netherbeast event on wednesdays
    -The arena event on saturdays
    -The pk event on thursdays
    -Jungle ruins
    -Any plausible way to farm rep
    -Daily attendance quest
    -Daily couples quest
    -More that I forgot

    ... all we have is dragon palace.

    Right now I am level 91 and the only thing I do is HH. It would be nice if they added all those events because is getting pretty boring.
  • Zorish - Harshlands
    Zorish - Harshlands Posts: 310 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Personally Im 80 waiting to get my Herc and then start a cleric, maybe it will get better. Just will keep changing class until Aion will be out.
    With a herc Ill be able to equip my cleric as a god xD.
    And I think PWE gets fairly enough money if we look at AH every day