So Legendary...



  • Harima Kenji - Sanctuary
    Harima Kenji - Sanctuary Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    that kind of attitude is exactly why everyone is going after Nef instead of Leg....

    Do you have any idea what Legendary said in WC taunting Nef? We Nef have a rule that will kick or ban anyone that trash talk in WC. When even Legendary trash talk in WC, no one cares. They think they are correct about bad Nef.

    When we win, we never ever insult anyone in WC. We congratulate ppl and stuff. Some Nef fans would trash talk but we Nef get the blame. You ppl need to think what you are saying before posting b:angry EVGA didnt say a thing bad about you but perhaps arrogance towards Leg!
  • Harima Kenji - Sanctuary
    Harima Kenji - Sanctuary Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Legendary said in WC they can take Archo and Nef cant. LMAO.. so Nef was off to show them we can too and they attacked us. Is it that bad for Nef to say something back? b:shutup
  • TheDan - Sanctuary
    TheDan - Sanctuary Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Its every persons option to pick wether or not they wanna be arrogant and when you establish as guild as big as Nefarious there are bound to be a small fraction of those people who choose to be arrogant,they don't represent the faction as whole. *insert piggyslap*

    Nah, we'll leave that to the officers to represent their faction. b:chuckle
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  • Kalza - Sanctuary
    Kalza - Sanctuary Posts: 239 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Nah, we'll leave that to the officers to represent their faction. b:chuckle

    b:cry fine >_>
  • Monkeytoes - Sanctuary
    Monkeytoes - Sanctuary Posts: 154 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Do you have any idea what Legendary said in WC taunting Nef? We Nef have a rule that will kick or ban anyone that trash talk in WC. When even Legendary trash talk in WC, no one cares. They think they are correct about bad Nef.

    When we win, we never ever insult anyone in WC. We congratulate ppl and stuff. Some Nef fans would trash talk but we Nef get the blame. You ppl need to think what you are saying before posting b:angry EVGA didnt say a thing bad about you but perhaps arrogance towards Leg!

    Honestly, I rarely even watch world chat, as 90% of whats said on there is garbage.
    I am aware of Nef's WC rule and agree that you rarely see Nef members trash talking there, several Nef members even congratulated my own faction after TW in world chat.
    On the opposite side of that Devalis himself whispered my faction's leader prior to a TW to talk trash, so the lack of trash talk in WC doesn't mean that the trash talk isn't there.
    My opinion of Nef is based solely on the fact that I have met more snotty, rude and arrogant Nef members than from any other faction.
    Maybe I just don't come across as many Legendary members, but I can only remember ever having an issue with one person, and that person is no longer in Leg, he's in Nef now.
  • Sager - Sanctuary
    Sager - Sanctuary Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited May 2009

    I have seen this type of messege 3 times in this week.
  • Harima Kenji - Sanctuary
    Harima Kenji - Sanctuary Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Honestly, I rarely even watch world chat, as 90% of whats said on there is garbage.
    I am aware of Nef's WC rule and agree that you rarely see Nef members trash talking there, several Nef members even congratulated my own faction after TW in world chat.
    On the opposite side of that Devalis himself whispered my faction's leader prior to a TW to talk trash, so the lack of trash talk in WC doesn't mean that the trash talk isn't there.
    My opinion of Nef is based solely on the fact that I have met more snotty, rude and arrogant Nef members than from any other faction.
    Maybe I just don't come across as many Legendary members, but I can only remember ever having an issue with one person, and that person is no longer in Leg, he's in Nef now.

    Perhaps the moment you saw Nef title on top of a person head you would find bones in the egg. When you meet some good people, it will be at the back of your mind. I'm just trying to say, not 200 people in a faction will be perfect. We try our best to not recruit bad reputation people but Legendary took Steel's badass yet they can still go under the radar. b:surrender

    have your faction ever attack legendary? how do you know they wouldnt do the same..
  • Monkeytoes - Sanctuary
    Monkeytoes - Sanctuary Posts: 154 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I get what you're saying, and I have met good people from Nef.
    I've met bad and good people from Legendary.
    This whole discussion reminded me of the time someone from Leg informed one of our members that Leg would be pk'ing all of our members on sight....all because he beat her to a steel mine...on a pve server b:chuckle
    There are jerks in Nef and there are jerks in Leg and I don't like/hate either one.
    There are things about Nef that I admire, they have done a great job building a strong faction.
    Unfortunately, reputation does color peoples opinion, and when that rep starts to spread from the members to the officers, well its all downhill from there...
  • aensidhe
    aensidhe Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I don't know why people hate Nefarious so much. Steel was the most hated faction. Plenty of Steel member applied to join Nefarious and we refuse their application; yet Legendary accept them all just wanted to have high level to win us. Well, nothing more to say.


    Well, dunno about that. I see a lot of high levels previously in Steel now in Nef. And how many Steel haters came from Leg or Nef? It's just plain wrong to generalise like that. It's all a game. b:pleased
  • Sylvae - Sanctuary
    Sylvae - Sanctuary Posts: 1,018 Arc User
    edited May 2009

    I have seen this type of messege 3 times in this week.

    I think I know which ones you are referring to, and the other 2 were people who got the fb squad and did the automatic assumption they got all the drops. It wasn't advertised that way, and it was never discussed. And the players were mid lvl (5X+), so they should have known that there is no automatic rule for that. They had no problem with drops being random, up until that one mold they wanted dropped. In this case, not something even interesting to discuss.

    That one you have pictured, was one we saw that had us trying to hunt down who they were talking about. That WC was claiming it was agreed the tabber gold mold, and that a Leg member took it. We were trying to find which member was the one in the squad that got it, I logged off about that time though so not sure how it resolved.

    Legendary is also trying to crack down and general stupid kiddy jerkish behavior that is senseless. Things like setting cube card to 100. No reason to do it, and makes the faction look bad. If they really want to be a little brat, no reason they should be in Legendary.

    As to the other 2 WCs, the best was the one who claimed that the Leg member "just" stole the mold from them in the fb. The member they named, hadn't been on in over 6 hours. That one was rather entertaining.
  • ZzzKyantezzz - Sanctuary
    ZzzKyantezzz - Sanctuary Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    It is not the attitudes that make people attack Nefarious. It is more like the jealousy that Nefarious could hold more land than other. Whenever Nefarious has achieved something I have not seen any thread or post that talk about it, but whenever Legendary has achieved something you will see plenty of "Territory News Thread" that talked about it. Nefarious has successfully defend 2 weeks of heavy attack, but not a single post in "Territory News" talk about it. I am sure that when we lost there is going be million of post and million of world chat trash talk us. I sometimes feel that it is so discrimination.

    I don't know why people hate Nefarious so much. Steel was the most hated faction. Plenty of Steel member applied to join Nefarious and we refuse their application; yet Legendary accept them all just wanted to have high level to win us. Well, nothing more to say.


    LOL i laughed when i saw the sentence: Plenty of Steel member applied to join Nefarious and we refuse their application: wa yea right refused those who are below 89+ and accepted who that are 89+ b:shutup
  • ZzzKyantezzz - Sanctuary
    ZzzKyantezzz - Sanctuary Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited May 2009

    I have seen this type of messege 3 times in this week.

    needed that much to take a SS of it and post when needed? lol b:chuckle
  • Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973
    Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973 Posts: 7,881 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I would like to congratulate _WillFire_ for achieving the drama he so passionately sought.
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  • Deceptistar - Sanctuary
    Deceptistar - Sanctuary Posts: 10,454 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Its every persons option to pick wether or not they wanna be arrogant and when you establish as guild as big as Nefarious there are bound to be a small fraction of those people who choose to be arrogant,they don't represent the faction as whole. *insert piggyslap*
    You have a point, they will never represent the faction as a whole, even if it where the leader themselves. But when those arrogant are the ones that actively voice themselves out in publics places, the truth is, it does hurt the faction as a whole and colors their rep as a whole, even when we know its not suppose to. A good example is EVGAs prior post which has been quoted and used more than once, and used as an example to represent nefs members as 'see theres arrogance here'.
    ★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan
  • Harima Kenji - Sanctuary
    Harima Kenji - Sanctuary Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I think I know which ones you are referring to, and the other 2 were people who got the fb squad and did the automatic assumption they got all the drops. It wasn't advertised that way, and it was never discussed. And the players were mid lvl (5X+), so they should have known that there is no automatic rule for that. They had no problem with drops being random, up until that one mold they wanted dropped. In this case, not something even interesting to discuss.

    That one you have pictured, was one we saw that had us trying to hunt down who they were talking about. That WC was claiming it was agreed the tabber gold mold, and that a Leg member took it. We were trying to find which member was the one in the squad that got it, I logged off about that time though so not sure how it resolved.

    Legendary is also trying to crack down and general stupid kiddy jerkish behavior that is senseless. Things like setting cube card to 100. No reason to do it, and makes the faction look bad. If they really want to be a little brat, no reason they should be in Legendary.

    As to the other 2 WCs, the best was the one who claimed that the Leg member "just" stole the mold from them in the fb. The member they named, hadn't been on in over 6 hours. That one was rather entertaining.

    Perhaps you can explain why zxXAmyXx exploit the bug in cube. She killed people that respawn in room 1. Lucky an officer from Legendary stopped him. b:thanks

    BTW, this bug was posted on forum. It seems like he is doing it on purpose.

    Yeah yeah.. If i had the screenshot. He would have had his a$$ banned already.
  • Sylvae - Sanctuary
    Sylvae - Sanctuary Posts: 1,018 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    If they did do that, I hope someone has a screenshot they can get that person banned with. I prefer not to have kids in a guild I am in. And if they are young and I can't tell the difference, then I don't have a problem with that. But if in a few sentences it is obvious they are a kid/immature college kid, then I'd rather they weren't even playing the game. Unless their parent is funding the game at least.

    I've liked the faction Nef since the beginning of the server, don't really have members I dislike since never really had a problem with them. Had a few that were KoS in DT, but that was more fun than anything.

    So no problem with factions, but I say anyone has a screenie on anybody doing pointless jerk things, or exploiting bugs (cube bug, luring harpy for guard kill, etc.) then I sincerely hope they use that screenie to get the offenders banned. Doesn't matter what guild they are in, I hope their playing experience is ruined to the point they stop playing. May seem uncaring, but can't help but viewing it as improving the player base so everyone else doesn't have to deal with these dang kids.
  • Sager - Sanctuary
    Sager - Sanctuary Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited May 2009
  • RisenPhoenix - Sanctuary
    RisenPhoenix - Sanctuary Posts: 593 Arc User
    edited May 2009

    Do you just sit around all day and take SS's of other factions and anything relating to them just to stir up drama on the forums?

    What faction are you in? Cause Id like to have a chat with one of your higher ups.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Duke Shouts: WTT PWI for Your Credit Card! It is the duty of all warriors to do so NAO! b:bye LeirtA - Lost City PWI = Pay2Win International

    b:bye Quit as of 10/09 b:bye
  • Sager - Sanctuary
    Sager - Sanctuary Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Well, seen like you don't appreciate my help. I just want to help Legendary to watch out for their member and have a review on their member behavior. Anyway, I like to screenshot and it is my right to screenshot what I want.
    sit around all day and take SS's of other factions and anything relating to them
    I don't sit all day just to screenshot. I play around 2 to 3 hours per day and seen like those incident happen to when I was online.
  • ZzzKyantezzz - Sanctuary
    ZzzKyantezzz - Sanctuary Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Perhaps you can explain why zxXAmyXx exploit the bug in cube. She killed people that respawn in room 1. Lucky an officer from Legendary stopped him. b:thanks

    BTW, this bug was posted on forum. It seems like he is doing it on purpose.

    Yeah yeah.. If i had the screenshot. He would have had his a$$ banned already.

    u sound like NEFs mems didnt abuse the bugs. But oh well our officers fixed the prob right after amy was using the bug and everything was fixed no big deal on it. b:victory
  • Corennes - Sanctuary
    Corennes - Sanctuary Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I like going to the forum to read the drama but this is kinda getting insane now...

    TWing is done for fun. I don't hold it against a faction if they bid on us, it keeps us active and grinding. I also don't really care why you bid on us since it is just part of the game.

    Love all of you no matter what faction you are from and keep in mind it is just a game
  • Akasera - Sanctuary
    Akasera - Sanctuary Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Sigh, and this is why I elected to avoid the forums for a few days. Congratulations Nef, you did beat us; our patrols collapsed, and we missed warning of your last move while we had most of our forces on the offensive. Your coordination was better than ours, and I concede that fact. We are also well aware of what's coming this week, and will adjust accordingly; here's your chance to validate your bravado.

    I will also concede we are not all saints; to my knowledge, no faction within this virtual roleplay is, and it would be hypocritical for any faction to claim they or members don't make mistakes. We do however talk to all applicants before they enter and have them go through a screening process before deciding if there is a fit with our faction, and maintain our own internal discipline. It's why we don't spam advertisements on WC like other factions, nor take people hours to minutes after they have left another faction. If we are in the business here though of recommending courses of action and general conduct to other factions, I would propose you extend your WC trashtalk prohibition to other avenues. Confining it to pms isn't any more noble, quite the contrary.
  • TTemple - Sanctuary
    TTemple - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I would propose you extend your WC trashtalk prohibition to other avenues. Confining it to pms isn't any more noble, quite the contrary.

    I disagree. I had enough of **** in the WC like NOMNOMNOM. if you have problem, bring it to PMs. I don't wanna know it b:angry
  • Kalza - Sanctuary
    Kalza - Sanctuary Posts: 239 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I disagree. I had enough of **** in the WC like NOMNOMNOM. if you have problem, bring it to PMs. I don't wanna know it b:angry

    a useful tool such as the blacklist comes to mind...... zindane >_<
  • Akasera - Sanctuary
    Akasera - Sanctuary Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I disagree. I had enough of **** in the WC like NOMNOMNOM. if you have problem, bring it to PMs. I don't wanna know it b:angry

    I didn't suggest it be brought to WC. I suggested it be ceased in its entirety, while observing that as stands, continuing it in private (not by all, but certainly at least a notable few) is merely hypocritical.
  • TTemple - Sanctuary
    TTemple - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I suggested it be ceased in its entirety

    lol... mission impossible 4? I'm just happy u keep off the WC b:shutup
  • HolyInferno - Sanctuary
    HolyInferno - Sanctuary Posts: 767 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I didn't suggest it be brought to WC. I suggested it be ceased in its entirety, while observing that as stands, continuing it in private (not by all, but certainly at least a notable few) is merely hypocritical.

    depends on what the basis of that rule is. You say that not everyone are saints? Of course not. And people express themselves a bit more "colorfully" than others. That is your own choice. The foundation of that WC spam is so that we dont bother the REST OF THE COMMUNITY. If you think that the person pm-ing you or the pm content is inherently bad, well then, you have the option to just look the other way. However, exposing the rest of the PWI community to nonsense because you feel like everyone should know, is childish to the nth degree. Competition, especially of this caliber will only bring rises and the worst out of people. Asking them to contain themselves depends on the discipline of that individual.That is all.
    b:bye you were all swell peoples
  • Evga - Sanctuary
    Evga - Sanctuary Posts: 779 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    wow, i didn't expect it to go so well for us actually not with the problems we had b:laugh i guess it goes to show how strong we really are, and how wrong it is for leg to mess with us.

    i wonder how will join us when we bid against leg next week b:victory so far i see 2 candidates, rebirth and dreaming. other than that i'm not really sure. oh wait maybe steel? b:chuckle

    the one message that started a fire... btw the only reason i said it is cause i had the worst expectation for this tw, seeing as how we have less total people in the tw and 3 strong faction are against us. i did expect to lose or at least win after the time out. never did i though we will win by destroying crystal :P
  • MorgulLord - Sanctuary
    MorgulLord - Sanctuary Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    OMGG Drama !! >:D

    Are you people done making Genie threads? This place was barren for a week and now you are all back.

    YAAY ("\(^_^)/")

    Just a reminder to everyone <Nef and others> : While competitiveness is good, haughtiness is not.

    Let the wars be fought with a competitive spirit. It's a game afterall.

    I am free of all prejudices. I hate everyone equally...
  • Dark_Exile - Sanctuary
    Dark_Exile - Sanctuary Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    well as the stories fly back an forth and all over pwi i can only say one thing. Legendary has the backing of alot of factions. Nef is good and all with all them shiny high level peeps. which is nice an all. but i see even the legendary pkers drop there swords to help the noobs. case and point- in the time it takes to get from 80-90 a noob has gone from the math. because they help they have all those people behind em.... again im not taking sides. just pointing out, u may hold the majority of power. but when those factions decide to attack u wont b able to hold them off
    Death is only the beginning.........

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