So Legendary...



  • Veracious - Sanctuary
    Veracious - Sanctuary Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    well as the stories fly back an forth and all over pwi i can only say one thing. Legendary has the backing of alot of factions. Nef is good and all with all them shiny high level peeps. which is nice an all. but i see even the legendary pkers drop there swords to help the noobs. case and point- in the time it takes to get from 80-90 a noob has gone from the math. because they help they have all those people behind em.... again im not taking sides. just pointing out, u may hold the majority of power. but when those factions decide to attack u wont b able to hold them off
    That is only your perspective. I for one have recieved lots of help from Nefarious. Heck, one guy soloed all my culti 49 bosses for me and waited for me to turn get the quest for Luminoc as well. I think you're generalizing to imply that Nef doesn't help lower levels, because they have certainly helped me, arguably more so than any of the previous factions I was actually a member in.
  • Ninnuam - Sanctuary
    Ninnuam - Sanctuary Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited May 2009

    I have seen this type of messege 3 times in this week.
    I think I know which ones you are referring to, and the other 2 were people who got the fb squad and did the automatic assumption they got all the drops. It wasn't advertised that way, and it was never discussed. And the players were mid lvl (5X+), so they should have known that there is no automatic rule for that. They had no problem with drops being random, up until that one mold they wanted dropped. In this case, not something even interesting to discuss.

    That one you have pictured, was one we saw that had us trying to hunt down who they were talking about. That WC was claiming it was agreed the tabber gold mold, and that a Leg member took it. We were trying to find which member was the one in the squad that got it, I logged off about that time though so not sure how it resolved.

    Legendary is also trying to crack down and general stupid kiddy jerkish behavior that is senseless. Things like setting cube card to 100. No reason to do it, and makes the faction look bad. If they really want to be a little brat, no reason they should be in Legendary.

    As to the other 2 WCs, the best was the one who claimed that the Leg member "just" stole the mold from them in the fb. The member they named, hadn't been on in over 6 hours. That one was rather entertaining.

    Eh I feel sort of called out here. I realize I'm a bit slow to reply, but I don't really frequent this subforum, so if you'll excuse me =P The person in the ss is referring to is me, and it's far from the truth. Allow me to clarify what happened here.
    I responded to a guildie asking for a cleric for the last two bosses in fb69. Nothing was ever mentioned about the tabber keeping the drops; alas, you won't even see me in a random fb69-79 unless the molds are fair game, much less so for only two of the bosses. The xp/time ratio just isn't worth it without a chance at the molds imho. 90+ that may change, but right now I can easily grind 4-5 times as much in an hour. So yeah, tauren cape dropped and I got it. Since no one (including the tabber) ever said anything about mold rules, I assumed we were going by the current loot distribution, which was set on random. And I got the mold fair and square. Furthermore, the tabber themself even said they were fine with it that way. Regardless, I offered to sell the mold and split the proceedings with the tabber, which is what eventually happened, even though the tabber refused the offer at first, after I explained to them how much the mold was worth.
    So there you have it, I did NOT run away with the mold, the tabber was given half the molds' worth as was mutually agreed later on, despite of them refusing the offer at start, and their failure to inform me they'd want to keep the molds in the first place (I'll go out on a limb here and say they assumed no one in their right mind would come to help halfway through fb69 for less than 40k xp and coin drops, and they'd most likely be right).

    That being said, I've done countless fbs and continue to do so, making sure the tabber gets all their quests done, and any and all drops as agreed at the start. Haven't had one unhappy camper yet, or they wouldn't be pming me for every subsequent fb they need done lol.

    The pitiful attempt of a greedy, sneaky tabber to tarnish my faction's rep like the one in your ss is honestly the least of my worries. If anything, had I seen that WC earlier I would've made sure to have done exactly that.
  • HolyInferno - Sanctuary
    HolyInferno - Sanctuary Posts: 767 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Sager does make strong points, regarding how people feel towards Legendary and Nefarious. However, Monkeytoes also makes a good point, in reference to Evga. Kalza and Sager, maybe you's should re-read what Evga wrote.

    Arrogant much?

    After reading this and then looking at your siggy, i LOL'ed. Unfortunately, Nefarious' Arrogance will never hold a light to that archer of yours b:chuckle
    b:bye you were all swell peoples
  • Ayano-chan - Sanctuary
    Ayano-chan - Sanctuary Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    U mean sarendena? O.o ,don't forget about me b:victory .

    P.S. : nef peeps grinding in pk mode at fish should really learn what the button "T" does.
  • Zuyue - Sanctuary
    Zuyue - Sanctuary Posts: 188 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    sure=) time to toss in some fun. We've had to defend 3 good guilds including legendary twice. Next week...we'll be responding since our leader's now unbanned. I wonder what happens if a ton of guilds jump the gun to attack you guys as well. GL=)

    Hm seems like the same outcome attacks on us this week including nef = 9 and leg still holds all there territory. :D I also here your leaders ego or dumbfound manner got the best of him after your attack and he banished a good person aww Shiki <3. Anyways hope u can deal with someone being banished everytime your attack fails cause soon u be down to no members >.> hope u can deal with your leaders decisions on this matter. :D
  • Sager - Sanctuary
    Sager - Sanctuary Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Hm seems like the same outcome attacks on us this week including nef = 9 and leg still holds all there territory. :D I also here your leaders ego or dumbfound manner got the best of him after your attack and he banished a good person aww Shiki <3. Anyways hope u can deal with someone being banished everytime your attack fails cause soon u be down to no members >.> hope u can deal with your leaders decisions on this matter. :D

    I am glad she got kicked due to afk during the territory war for over one hour as well as always afk during TT run. Anyway, thanks for the 60 minutes of fight on this Saturday. I used only 100k of charm or less b:chuckle
  • Zuyue - Sanctuary
    Zuyue - Sanctuary Posts: 188 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I am glad she got kicked due to afk during the territory war for over one hour as well as always afk during TT run. Anyway, thanks for the 60 minutes of fight on this Saturday. I used only 100k of charm or less b:chuckle

    Hehe sager yea as u can prolly already see leg has a problem with offence atm against good faction like nef. A war each week and a defense against your attacks each week while hopefully paying attention to the battlefield will hopefully help with this issue :D *prays*
  • HolyInferno - Sanctuary
    HolyInferno - Sanctuary Posts: 767 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    U mean sarendena? O.o ,don't forget about me b:victory .

    P.S. : nef peeps grinding in pk mode at fish should really learn what the button "T" does.

    sorry ayano, unfortunately you have gotten quite stale. Same faces every week for TW and in pk, boooooring. Go use a makeover scroll or something so maybe I can feel some remote semblance that things are actually moving in this game
    b:bye you were all swell peoples
  • Shikyura - Sanctuary
    Shikyura - Sanctuary Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I am glad she got kicked due to afk during the territory war for over one hour as well as always afk during TT run. Anyway, thanks for the 60 minutes of fight on this Saturday. I used only 100k of charm or less b:chuckle

    im glad you are pretty stupid b:laughb:victory

    no problem there b:thanks
  • ZzzKyantezzz - Sanctuary
    ZzzKyantezzz - Sanctuary Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I am glad she got kicked due to afk during the territory war for over one hour as well as always afk during TT run. Anyway, thanks for the 60 minutes of fight on this Saturday. I used only 100k of charm or less b:chuckle

    cuz ppl happened to know u was not a thread to kill so b:chuckleb:bye
  • HolyInferno - Sanctuary
    HolyInferno - Sanctuary Posts: 767 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    cuz ppl happened to know u was not a thread to kill so b:chuckleb:bye

    spell check please. It gets annoying when i have to spend time reading english >.>
    b:bye you were all swell peoples