which colour genie and genie skills will be best for archer

Guardgodess - Sanctuary
Guardgodess - Sanctuary Posts: 99 Arc User
edited May 2009 in Archer
was just wondering the question as to which type of genie (red, white, orange, green) will most benefit archer, pvp and pve wise, or is there no difference at all.

plus, which genie skills will be a good idea to learn for pvp and pve wise.

i am thinking of getting two genies, one pvp and one pve.

thank you in advance for any input
Post edited by Guardgodess - Sanctuary on


  • Suiryujin - Sanctuary
    Suiryujin - Sanctuary Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    personally i take the green one because its for dex and dex is the one that affects the duration and strength of the skills bonus.

    right now i am considering 2 option for self buff as archer. wind shield and relentless courage
    windshield provides 30% dmg reduction and 10% atk spd boost and supposedly 10% dex for 8 seconds, every 50 dex gives u +1 sec (lvl 10)
    relentless courage gives u 22% atk spd bootst, 11% casting boost, 30% move speed boost for 8 seconds at lvl 6. it increase the effect of each thing by 1% every 20dex
    (lvl 6 right now)
    personally i am leaning towards the relentless courage for the superior firepower.

    2nd skill, i am looking for a stun/immoblize skill so i as archer can kill them while they cant kill me. the best i found so far is the immoblize skill of piercing flame.
    it deals some minor dmg, and has 100% of immoblize for 3sec at lvl 10. every 40 dex increase the duration by 1sec. so probably 4 sec of immoblize total. the cast range is 20 meter and its instant cast. seems like a decent ability unless someone can find me a skill that stuns. i also consider to ignore the disable skill and get the extreme poison for the amp dmg thats still under consideration.

    final skill. i am looking for some sort of status immune, i want protection from the bleed from nix but also stun from bm, i tried the advanced skill:faith and it fails hard, at lvl 3 it still only says 10% chance of making self immune to status affects. i think i will try absolute domain next, if worse comes to worse i will just stick with the good old trick of using wings of grace to stop bleed from getting on me.

    genie has a max skill slot of 3 and well... i dont plan on getting mag 2 much, i am expecting myself to use only 1 skill in a PvP situation. so it will be high dex and decent vit but low mag and low str genie for me. only question is which 3 skill will provide me the most versatile defense in almost all situation against all classes
    My body is made of swords.
    Iron is my blood, and glass is my heart.
    I have overcome countless battlefields undefeated,
    Without once retreating,
    Nor once being understood.
    Always alone, intoxicated with victory on the hill of swords.
    Therefore, there is no meaning to that life.
    Perhaps this body is nothing but a sword itself.
  • Guardgodess - Sanctuary
    Guardgodess - Sanctuary Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    for windshield's damage reduction, is it your damage output gets reduced, or the damage you receive?
  • mbrunestud
    mbrunestud Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    it seems piercing flames is freeze rather than stun
  • Guardgodess - Sanctuary
    Guardgodess - Sanctuary Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    really? damn

    did someone try it out?
  • denesis
    denesis Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    personally i take the green one because its for dex and dex is the one that affects the duration and strength of the skills bonus.

    right now i am considering 2 option for self buff as archer. wind shield and relentless courage
    windshield provides 30% dmg reduction and 10% atk spd boost and supposedly 10% dex for 8 seconds, every 50 dex gives u +1 sec (lvl 10)
    relentless courage gives u 22% atk spd bootst, 11% casting boost, 30% move speed boost for 8 seconds at lvl 6. it increase the effect of each thing by 1% every 20dex
    (lvl 6 right now)
    personally i am leaning towards the relentless courage for the superior firepower.

    2nd skill, i am looking for a stun/immoblize skill so i as archer can kill them while they cant kill me. the best i found so far is the immoblize skill of piercing flame.
    it deals some minor dmg, and has 100% of immoblize for 3sec at lvl 10. every 40 dex increase the duration by 1sec. so probably 4 sec of immoblize total. the cast range is 20 meter and its instant cast. seems like a decent ability unless someone can find me a skill that stuns. i also consider to ignore the disable skill and get the extreme poison for the amp dmg thats still under consideration.

    final skill. i am looking for some sort of status immune, i want protection from the bleed from nix but also stun from bm, i tried the advanced skill:faith and it fails hard, at lvl 3 it still only says 10% chance of making self immune to status affects. i think i will try absolute domain next, if worse comes to worse i will just stick with the good old trick of using wings of grace to stop bleed from getting on me.

    genie has a max skill slot of 3 and well... i dont plan on getting mag 2 much, i am expecting myself to use only 1 skill in a PvP situation. so it will be high dex and decent vit but low mag and low str genie for me. only question is which 3 skill will provide me the most versatile defense in almost all situation against all classes

    But mag genie has better energy recovery than dex one
    THE GAME IS DEAD b:byeb:byeb:bye
  • nim7
    nim7 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Can some1 tell me or give me a link about what colour is good for which in genies? (and their ability/s) b:cute
  • MorgulLord - Sanctuary
    MorgulLord - Sanctuary Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    for windshield's damage reduction, is it your damage output gets reduced, or the damage you receive?


    This is from the Genie Skill list : Reduce damage taken partially while increasing attack speed and dodge (Only on land and in the air)

    I am free of all prejudices. I hate everyone equally...
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    going for pure attacks skills

    amp, atk speed increase.. etc
  • mgleason
    mgleason Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Hmm...Currently have a green one as well. I'm somewhat overwhelmed. I've used all my enlightenment deals to level it, but have yet to place any points. anyone have any ideas? only level 10 atm. Have 3 skill points i think and all attribute points
  • Leaderalan - Lost City
    Leaderalan - Lost City Posts: 327 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Thank You Forsakenx
  • ArwenFrost - Heavens Tear
    ArwenFrost - Heavens Tear Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    i went with the stunning blast (lvl 10 - 7 seconds immobilize) , extreme poison (lvl 10 - 10 second amp), thunderstorm (lvl 10 - extra metal attack) and relentless courage (lvl 2 atm - increase att speed and decrease channeling).
  • Ladieluck - Sanctuary
    Ladieluck - Sanctuary Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    personally i take the green one because its for dex and dex is the one that affects the duration and strength of the skills bonus.

    -okay, So basicallly, the strength genie will have stronger spells but they won't last as long, and vitality genie will have more energy, etc?

    And let me make sure I've got this right (sorry, but It's alot of reading and alot to sort out)
    Aside from the basic skill that each genie starts out with, It appears that all the genies, regardless of color, can learn the same skills - It's just that they start out with more points on one stat as apposed to the other? And then, depending on where you put your affinity points is what will determine which skills you can learn?
    Is that right? Or is it more like, each color genie has it's own skill tree

  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    What I got so far:

    - Tree of protection: beast defensive skill for pvp
    - Extreme poison: amplifies damage
    - Windshield: increased attack speed (amazing for the weapon i want endgame) + damage reduction + dex increase

    I got the green genie and atm I only plan to have these three skills. What I like so far is that my genie has enough energy to use windshield and extreme poison at the same time so I don't have to increase it's energy level too much. I will use these saved attributes to increase dex by a lot because dex increases the duration of tree of protection, increases the % amplified with extreme poison and also increases the duration of windshield. I like it so far, been busy so I haven't seen many other better options I probably missed.
  • Peacefulelf - Dreamweaver
    Peacefulelf - Dreamweaver Posts: 259 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    When i check the longivity skills it doesnt show any of the ones you guys are mentioning >_>

    An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind...
  • Mosz - Heavens Tear
    Mosz - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,181 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    When i check the longivity skills it doesnt show any of the ones you guys are mentioning >_>

    there are min lvls to learn skills so the skilltree expands as the genie lvls
  • U_got_sniped - Lost City
    U_got_sniped - Lost City Posts: 292 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    hmm why not make a genie thats gonna save you alotta money b:bye

    personaly iam gonna have tree of protection (saves hp pot and really good to regain some fast hp)

    wind shield (extra dammage, evasion, and reduced dammage taken. also reduces amounts of arrows firedb:chuckle more money on goodiesb:dirty)

    keeping 1 spot open for later. probaly on some buff or debuff. the other attack skills sucks
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    replaced wind shield with relentless courage
  • MorgulLord - Sanctuary
    MorgulLord - Sanctuary Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    replaced wind shield with relentless courage

    Any reasons why you removed Wind Shield ? And whats Relentless Courage.

    <At work atm, cant go ingame to chk skills, sorry>

    I am free of all prejudices. I hate everyone equally...
  • Mosz - Heavens Tear
    Mosz - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,181 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    hmm why not make a genie thats gonna save you alotta money b:bye

    personaly iam gonna have tree of protection (saves hp pot and really good to regain some fast hp)

    wind shield (extra dammage, evasion, and reduced dammage taken. also reduces amounts of arrows firedb:chuckle more money on goodiesb:dirty)

    keeping 1 spot open for later. probaly on some buff or debuff. the other attack skills sucks

    since when are arrows more expensive then chi stones, these skills burn significant amounts of stamina, genie skills really seem intended for occasional pvp and 90+ players

    also my lucky points keep sucking on genies blehhhhhh, gonna take it slow and let you leet archers figure out a good pvp skill setup ^_^
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Any reasons why you removed Wind Shield ? And whats Relentless Courage.

    <At work atm, cant go ingame to chk skills, sorry>


    windshield only gives 10% attack speed, relentless courage gives a lot more and it's affected by genie dex

    windshield : 0.69 atk speed
    relentless only level 4 atm: 0.8 atk speed

    the dmg reduction on windshield is nice though just not my preference.
  • MorgulLord - Sanctuary
    MorgulLord - Sanctuary Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Now, here's another question.

    <Sorry, if I'm asking too many. The anxiety of sitting at work and waiting for the day to end to try out the new patch... I hope you get it xP>

    Do they both stack ?

    I am free of all prejudices. I hate everyone equally...
  • Suiryujin - Sanctuary
    Suiryujin - Sanctuary Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    relentless courage drains ALOT of energy, its not something that u can use with another skill. the duration of relentless coruage is 8 seconds, not enough for most genie to regen the energy needed, u might just barely, but well maybe for 1 second doubt it worth it
    My body is made of swords.
    Iron is my blood, and glass is my heart.
    I have overcome countless battlefields undefeated,
    Without once retreating,
    Nor once being understood.
    Always alone, intoxicated with victory on the hill of swords.
    Therefore, there is no meaning to that life.
    Perhaps this body is nothing but a sword itself.
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    You don't have to have relentless courage on 24/7. The atk speeds don't stack but pvp wise 30% atk speed for 8 seconds is beast.
  • ArwenFrost - Heavens Tear
    ArwenFrost - Heavens Tear Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    have u guys tried using the genie metal skills? im currently playing around with Thunderstorm and have it max at lvl 10 and it does 1487.2 metal dmg. However it does triple dmg on ground targets and double damage to very close targets. I have compared the dmg with lighting strike and when the target is on ground and close by, it does more dmg than a lvl 10 lighting strike. Also it is an instant cast, haven't seen it miss yet and it has crit couple times. Not sure if genie att skills are affected by the player's crit rate but if it is, its worth looking in to. I will need to play around with it more.
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    have u guys tried using the genie metal skills? im currently playing around with Thunderstorm and have it max at lvl 10 and it does 1487.2 metal dmg. However it does triple dmg on ground targets and double damage to very close targets. I have compared the dmg with lighting strike and when the target is on ground and close by, it does more dmg than a lvl 10 lighting strike. Also it is an instant cast, haven't seen it miss yet and it has crit couple times. Not sure if genie att skills are affected by the player's crit rate but if it is, its worth looking in to. I will need to play around with it more.

    im thinking of getting 40 mag so I can get this skill also. the energy recovery that comes with mag is helpful too. i'm going to wait a bit more and see what people find before i go wasting more sp =.=
  • Suiryujin - Sanctuary
    Suiryujin - Sanctuary Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    does genie skills get 75% dmg reduction in PvP like players?
    if it does, then its like... 200-300dmg a hit at the most, if its doesnt then there might be some use for it.
    My body is made of swords.
    Iron is my blood, and glass is my heart.
    I have overcome countless battlefields undefeated,
    Without once retreating,
    Nor once being understood.
    Always alone, intoxicated with victory on the hill of swords.
    Therefore, there is no meaning to that life.
    Perhaps this body is nothing but a sword itself.
  • Limshutian - Sanctuary
    Limshutian - Sanctuary Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    hmmm...i think i will use my genie for backup just in case i am dieing or sumthing and my stun is on cooldown...or i could use the a genie knockback skill or sumthin like that to save myself
  • Waterboy - Lost City
    Waterboy - Lost City Posts: 405 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    i dont think the color of the genie matters its mainly the skills u get along with the genie that do
  • Suiryujin - Sanctuary
    Suiryujin - Sanctuary Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    i dont think the color of the genie matters its mainly the skills u get along with the genie that do

    the color of genie represent the type of genie u got at the beginning.
    for example longevity with 15 dex is green
    the stats on genie does have a minor affect on ur skills, therefore if u are trying to make the best PvP genie u can, better pick the one with the best beginning stats.

    u get 1 stat per point until u get over 40 points. thats over 40 points ADDED to that stats, not 40 points in that stat
    so if i have a base dex of 15, i can get my genie to 55 dex paying only 40 points.
    while i had a vit based genie with 15 vit and base dex of 5 i would need to use 60 points to get to 55dex
    My body is made of swords.
    Iron is my blood, and glass is my heart.
    I have overcome countless battlefields undefeated,
    Without once retreating,
    Nor once being understood.
    Always alone, intoxicated with victory on the hill of swords.
    Therefore, there is no meaning to that life.
    Perhaps this body is nothing but a sword itself.
  • LordSnow - Lost City
    LordSnow - Lost City Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    the color of genie represent the type of genie u got at the beginning.
    for example longevity with 15 dex is green
    the stats on genie does have a minor affect on ur skills, therefore if u are trying to make the best PvP genie u can, better pick the one with the best beginning stats.

    u get 1 stat per point until u get over 40 points. thats over 40 points ADDED to that stats, not 40 points in that stat
    so if i have a base dex of 15, i can get my genie to 55 dex paying only 40 points.
    while i had a vit based genie with 15 vit and base dex of 5 i would need to use 60 points to get to 55dex

    but cant you reset your points throught the quests the npc gives?