Untamed gender barrier breakdown

Zand_pyrite - Sanctuary
Zand_pyrite - Sanctuary Posts: 126 Arc User
edited May 2009 in Suggestion Box
I've been thinking about how it seems to hit a bit along the lines of sexism and fetishes with the whole untamed race that all females are just like humans with the animal ears and a tail and all guys are these things covered in fur looking exactly like the animals they represent.

The idea I have might be a major solution for breaking down the gender roles for the Untamed classes (if PWE would even consider this). The reason for me posting this thread is because I'm a guy irl who likes to play as his own gender in games and likes to play arcane-type characters and most threads I seen on here have only been bringing up the problem with no solution. Anyway here's my idea:

We have your barbarians typical look: coated in fur, fierce looking beings that share full characteristics of both animal and man.
What if we were to have that look for female characters?
Take the normal human model make them slightly taller and cover them in fur of say jaguars, panthers and even have foxes in the mix along with polar bears even. That way we can have female barbarians that look the part, fierce, amazonian, half-human, half-animal, beings. My suggestion though with armor is keep the male models for them, just a little tighter. I think that would look better for the idea I have in mind. As for transformation I think a slimmer orange tiger would be good (such as the south chinese tiger)

Now let's take a look at the typical Venomancer look: Seductive beings, seem to share more characteristics of humans then of animals the very essence of a turn-on for some people out there (you know who you are).
How could we apply this to male characters?
Overall, this one is probably one of the easiest types to make. Take the Human model and just add the ears and tails to them, maybe add a husky option. Who says a male character in those accessories can't be a little seductive like the game designers intended Venomancers to be? As for transformation I think a wolf or husky would be the best choice (siberian husky or a gray wolf maybe)

Anyway, thats my idea. If you have anything to say feel free to do so. No haters or "Never going to happen"s please though. this a thread for opinions not hating.

Additional thoughts from later posts:
People we're asking earlier why the female barbarians had to look different from Venomancers and why male Venomancers had to look different from Barbarians. I had a few logical explanation and thought I should quote them here to summarize my thoughts in the 1st post

Post #11:
It's mainly due to how the developers and designers originally intended the classes to be. The barbarians were designed to look like fierce beings that could intimidate with a mere look, while venomancers were made to be seductive that could charm monsters into doing what they want. Can't really charm something with beauty while hiding it under fur and you can't really be too intimidating when you look like something that popped out of some pervert's mind (unless your the pervert's significant other).

Post #16:
Consider it like evolution sort of or possibly different life conditions.
Ex 1: Spartans and Athenians. (Different life conditions: raising the body or raising the mind)
The Spartans in actual history were all buff regardless of male or female, having well developed bodies made for combat. Athenians were mainly quite skinny and had more developed minds for diplomacy and philosophy.
Ex 2: Evolution
The Barbarians and Venomancers might just be two different branches on the evolutionary chain with the same source of where they evolved from.

You basically have to consider that if Venomancers have to look the part, so do Barbarians.

Another person, FangJingShan, asked me to provide pictures for female barbarians. Those are located in post #5. Since the post on the same page it's not needed to bring the links up here.
Post edited by Zand_pyrite - Sanctuary on


  • FangJingShan - Lost City
    FangJingShan - Lost City Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I know it might be a lot to ask, but would you be able to provide pictures to better describe the female barbarian? So far, it just sounds like different animals with the same effect. In this case, there really would be no difference as you wouldn't really be able to tell a gender difference.
  • Maddieson - Sanctuary
    Maddieson - Sanctuary Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Ok main thing, barbarains are guys because guys are supposed to be tough and musclar. Venomancers are girls because typically girls are supposed to be weak and needs someone to take the damage for them(pet).

    So long story short, venos are girls and barbs are guys.
    It's not my job to shut you down on a suggestion. It's a pleasure, though.
  • FangJingShan - Lost City
    FangJingShan - Lost City Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Yes, but then you have yet to explain why a man can be a human wizard and a woman can be a human warrior. In case you forgot, warriors can still tank, just not as well as barbarians.

    Second thing, he is suggesting this because many people (including myself) wish to have a male venomancer. I am a guy, I like to play as a guy. If I can't though and I like the class enough, I'll play as a female. Plus, it would help to get all the guys from hitting on my first chance they get once they see a female. I have to tell them each time that I'm a guy. Unless they create some kind of permanent thing over my head where I can put a message saying "I'm a guy, don't bother," then I will be all for male venomancer.

    To add, if they ever were to enable it, they should give all venomancers and barbarians a week to change the sex of their character. They can only modify the characters looks if they change. Or give them that week then give everyone a makeover scroll or something so they can change it, and it's fair for everyone.
  • firefang11
    firefang11 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    (dont beleave me? look on google & deviant art)
    omg i am on DA too lmao. i don't have much work just a bunch of screen shots and poems my book that i am writing and such. but my name is Iron-Clad-Wolf or Ganiju ^.^
  • Zand_pyrite - Sanctuary
    Zand_pyrite - Sanctuary Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I'm curious as to if the people on the poll are only saying no because they actually don't like the idea or because of the ever popular belief that it will never happen reguardless of how simple it might be to pull of, aka the people who are just fine with the sexist roles in the race.

    Modeling computer graphics from data that already exists doesn't take too long. Granted reforming the barbarians to make a female version of them will be a bit of work but all I've been seeing from PWE, game wise, is them just translating data from an older client rather then making actual changes to it.
  • Zand_pyrite - Sanctuary
    Zand_pyrite - Sanctuary Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I just remembered something that could also work for female Barbarians. We could also have a cat type. To any .****// fans you should know I'm talking about Mia. She would be a great model to base a cat type barbarian off of. Just make the fur a little more realistic.

    The armor she has on is almost exactly what I was talking about for armor that female Barbarians to wear as opposed to the tiny little skirts that they make armor into for females below level 90 in this game.
  • Dreadmaul - Heavens Tear
    Dreadmaul - Heavens Tear Posts: 519 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    y not make the female barbarians look like just liike venos and the male venos look just like barbarians but less buff
  • Dreadmaul - Heavens Tear
    Dreadmaul - Heavens Tear Posts: 519 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    by buff i mean muscular not buff skills
  • Zand_pyrite - Sanctuary
    Zand_pyrite - Sanctuary Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    It's mainly due to how the developers and designers originally intended the classes to be. The barbarians were designed to look like fierce beings that could intimidate with a mere look, while venomancers were made to be seductive that could charm monsters into doing what they want. Can't really charm something with beauty while hiding it under fur and you can't really be too intimidating when you look like something that popped out of some pervert's mind (unless your the pervert's significant other).
  • mortgage
    mortgage Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    You fools! Don't you guys know there is a shortage of women in China? Because China is such a manly country, it has fewer women. Playing male veno's will cause the women of china to give birth to more men, thus ruining china and by domino effect this game.
  • Daerina - Heavens Tear
    Daerina - Heavens Tear Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    i like both ideas, but my hopes aren't too high that we'll see this anytime soon, it sounds like a major addition to the game which would probably be added to the beijing version long before we'd see it and that hasn't happened as far as i know
    Daerina~Lvl79 Venomancer
    Sunny_Dae~Lvl41 Cleric
    follow me on twitter b:victory twitter.com/Daerina
  • Doughster - Heavens Tear
    Doughster - Heavens Tear Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    why not just keep the general form of a veno for a barb (maybe make them a bit more buff), but lose the tail perhaps and change the transformation to something like a wolf or a big cat of somekind.
  • Pikapals - Harshlands
    Pikapals - Harshlands Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    well, this is just plain STOOPID... not a good idea to see a guy running around with a tail coming out his butt... this idea is KRAZY
    b:surrender don't kill mes...
  • Zand_pyrite - Sanctuary
    Zand_pyrite - Sanctuary Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    why not just keep the general form of a veno for a barb (maybe make them a bit more buff), but lose the tail perhaps and change the transformation to something like a wolf or a big cat of somekind.

    Consider it like evolution sort of or possibly different life conditions.

    Ex 1: Spartans and Athenians. (Different life conditions: raising the body or raising the mind)
    The Spartans in actual history were all buff regardless of male or female, having well developed bodies made for combat. Athenians were mainly quite skinny and had more developed minds for diplomacy and philosophy.
    Ex 2: Evolution
    The Barbarians and Venomancers might just be two different branches on the evolutionary chain with the same source of where they evolved from.
  • roguelink
    roguelink Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I've been thinking about how it seems to hit a bit along the lines of sexism and fetishes with the whole untamed race that all females are just like humans with the animal ears and a tail and all guys are these things covered in fur looking exactly like the animals they represent.

    The idea I have might be a major solution for breaking down the gender roles for the Untamed classes (if PWE would even consider this). The reason for me posting this thread is because I'm a guy irl who likes to play as his own gender in games and likes to play arcane-type characters and most threads I seen on here have only been bringing up the problem with no solution. Anyway here's my idea:

    We have your barbarians typical look: coated in fur, fierce looking beings that share full characteristics of both animal and man.
    What if we were to have that look for female characters?
    Take the normal human model make them slightly taller and cover them in fur of say jaguars, panthers and even have foxes in the mix along with polar bears even. That way we can have female barbarians that look the part, fierce, amazonian, half-human, half-animal, beings. My suggestion though with armor is keep the male models for them, just a little tighter. I think that would look better for the idea I have in mind. As for transformation I think a slimmer orange tiger would be good (such as the south chinese tiger)

    Now let's take a look at the typical Venomancer look: Seductive beings, seem to share more characteristics of humans then of animals the very essence of a turn-on for some people out there (you know who you are).
    How could we apply this to male characters?
    Overall, this one is probably one of the easiest types to make. Take the Human model and just add the ears and tails to them, maybe add a husky option. Who says a male character in those accessories can't be a little seductive like the game designers intended Venomancers to be? As for transformation I think a wolf or husky would be the best choice (siberian husky or a gray wolf maybe)

    Anyway, thats my idea. If you have anything to say feel free to do so. No haters or "Never going to happen"s please though. this a thread for opinions not hating.

    i think thats a great idea...plus what a great way to give PW a small make over making both classes even more interesting to play as?
  • Belokk - Sanctuary
    Belokk - Sanctuary Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    heres the main problems with the 2 classes which the devs know about in every game most want to play as the pet class and yet this game put a gender ristriction on them and as normal with gender ristricted classes or races the female has the superior 1 which is actully confusing

    face it every class in most games that give pets are always the most populer it would be the same as me creating a game with a race that most people regardless of gender always want to play as AKA dragons never playable but always requested then i tell the community that this race will be male only then i say they would also get the best class too
    and then i give the females an extreamly boring race say humans who are the amazons

    i would get a lot of uproar form the female players and most would be filling the forums with give them a female gender then if we're talking about me being a dev like the makers of this game create idiotic exuses and reasons for them not have a playable female gender

    there is already a simple model for the male venos which is a snake and venos ability that focus on taming beasts is a thing even a barbarian could do infact it seems more like an ability for the barbs to me
    also it would open up quite a lot of entertainment for the 2 classes if they gave untamed a racial ability were what the player chose for the classes look like i chose a lion would get special abilitys so i could get some sort of roar

    games with more options and choices are always more entertaining and enjoyable
  • Zand_pyrite - Sanctuary
    Zand_pyrite - Sanctuary Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Thank you to all people that said yes on the poll so far. I browsed the forums a bit and this issue is not only being brought up for the sake of male venomancers but a few are also out there for female barbarians.
  • Lupinae - Sanctuary
    Lupinae - Sanctuary Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2009

    Second thing, he is suggesting this because many people (including myself) wish to have a male venomancer. I am a guy, I like to play as a guy. If I can't though and I like the class enough, I'll play as a female. Plus, it would help to get all the guys from hitting on my first chance they get once they see a female. I have to tell them each time that I'm a guy. Unless they create some kind of permanent thing over my head where I can put a message saying "I'm a guy, don't bother," then I will be all for male venomancer.

    That's easy enough to know: just look at the breast size, the bigger it gets more likely you'll find a 16yo pimpled-faced boy behind it. b:laugh

    On the topic: The suggestions seems a little weird to me, altough intriguing enough, I would have to see that.
    What I do think is barbs should be more customizable.
  • Zand_pyrite - Sanctuary
    Zand_pyrite - Sanctuary Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    That's easy enough to know: just look at the breast size, the bigger it gets more likely you'll find a 16yo pimpled-faced boy behind it. b:laugh

    On the topic: The suggestions seems a little weird to me, altough intriguing enough, I would have to see that.
    What I do think is barbs should be more customizable.

    Actually a few people I know that made a Venomancer character that are male irl actually used the smallest size possible for the ****. So using that for an assumption would be pointless.

    And isn't the possibility for a different gender also considered a bit more as customization?
  • Otani - Dreamweaver
    Otani - Dreamweaver Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I don't worry too much about the gender of a character vs the gender of the player behind the character...and you shouldn't either, unless you really are looking for love (or lovin') in...a video game??

    As for game aesthetics, I fully support Untamed classes being able to be either gender. Heck there were guys with cat ears in Loveless, but they were...underage...and yaoi. Then again, current Barbs are full-blown furries so as to give Anonymous something to rage about.

    Personally I don't worry about these things. But I'm all for choice when it comes to making a character you are going to be comfortable playing. They have the same problem with Elves, don't they? Or can blademasters and clerics be either gender?
  • CatShadow - Lost City
    CatShadow - Lost City Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I think that female Barbarians and male Venomancers is a great idea. I found it kinda strange when I started playing that Untamed were the only race that didn't have male and female playable classes.

    Plus, the male Venomancers would definitely cater to the female players. Vice versa for female Barbs. Feisty jaguar girls and neko guys running around? Sure ^^.

    The whole "tough barbs" and "weak venos" has always pissed me off. Why not have a tough class of Amazon-like women? I would SO play a barb if I could choose to be a female.
  • Zand_pyrite - Sanctuary
    Zand_pyrite - Sanctuary Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I don't worry too much about the gender of a character vs the gender of the player behind the character...and you shouldn't either, unless you really are looking for love (or lovin') in...a video game??

    As for game aesthetics, I fully support Untamed classes being able to be either gender. Heck there were guys with cat ears in Loveless, but they were...underage...and yaoi. Then again, current Barbs are full-blown furries so as to give Anonymous something to rage about.

    Personally I don't worry about these things. But I'm all for choice when it comes to making a character you are going to be comfortable playing. They have the same problem with Elves, don't they? Or can blademasters and clerics be either gender?

    no actually this issue is only in the Untamed race. You can be any gender you want in any class other then the Venomancers and Barbarians
  • Ellestor - Heavens Tear
    Ellestor - Heavens Tear Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I see one major issue with this request, male barbarian animals is one thing but if you start allowing "animal people" into the game then it's coming dangerously close to infringing on other games intellectual property.

    While animal people are in lore in many games the simple answer is that the cheetah women, fox women, etc. It comes too close to other game's copyrights.

    Sony, BioWare, and numerous other companies hold the legal reigns when it comes to things of that nature as mostly (besides historical references of werewolves and such) the idea comes from Dungeons and Dragons which is currently licensed to other companies and while Perfect World Entertainment may be an up and coming company they hardly hold the financial backing to compete with those multinational companies.
  • Zand_pyrite - Sanctuary
    Zand_pyrite - Sanctuary Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I see one major issue with this request, male barbarian animals is one thing but if you start allowing "animal people" into the game then it's coming dangerously close to infringing on other games intellectual property.

    While animal people are in lore in many games the simple answer is that the cheetah women, fox women, etc. It comes too close to other game's copyrights.

    Sony, BioWare, and numerous other companies hold the legal reigns when it comes to things of that nature as mostly (besides historical references of werewolves and such) the idea comes from Dungeons and Dragons which is currently licensed to other companies and while Perfect World Entertainment may be an up and coming company they hardly hold the financial backing to compete with those multinational companies.

    If that were the case then the game would have been shut down by now just for the sake of using cat-girls, bunny-girls, etc. The thought of werebeasts such as that in, both genders male and female, has been around for eons. No company can claim copyright on it since it's been around for even longer then most games.

    D&D would have even been brought to a screeching halt for using fantasy references found in most books, which they got most of their things from legends.
  • Ellestor - Heavens Tear
    Ellestor - Heavens Tear Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Do some research please Zandora, the unfortunate truth you'll find is that these companies can claim these ideas simply by "Licensing Intellectual Property" it's not copyright but it's just as dangerous. As previously stated those companies hold the majority of the rights at this time and it doesnt matter if it's no where near the same, the beauty of Perfect World Entertainment being located in America means they can be sued for breathing easily much less using items that come close to a multinational companies ideas.
  • Ishooter - Dreamweaver
    Ishooter - Dreamweaver Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    yeah seriously can't really imagine a female barbarian, but venomancer is a maybe...I still like it the way it is though
  • Zand_pyrite - Sanctuary
    Zand_pyrite - Sanctuary Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Do some research please Zandora, the unfortunate truth you'll find is that these companies can claim these ideas simply by "Licensing Intellectual Property" it's not copyright but it's just as dangerous. As previously stated those companies hold the majority of the rights at this time and it doesnt matter if it's no where near the same, the beauty of Perfect World Entertainment being located in America means they can be sued for breathing easily much less using items that come close to a multinational companies ideas.

    Licensing only deals with the distributing, they can't at all hold any right or restrict any other ideas similar to them regardless due to having a common source which in this case are old legends. On top of that Intellectual Property Right only cover original ideas, not legends written over 100 years ago

    Granted for any additions to be added to the American Client of the game ran by PWE, a partial branch of Perfect World Inc, they would have to go through Perfect World Inc. in China. If they do actually bother to do so and they get the OK to make additions then they can do what they want so long as they don't take ORIGINAL ideas straight from another game, such as making twists to old legends exactly like another game's. They can use any legend they want so long as it's over 50 years old and make any changes to it so long as it remains original to this game, as per Copyright.

    In the matter of using were-beasts, which are legends over 50 years old. The way that they, as Untamed, are described them in the Perfect World storyline, that they were animals that gained self-awareness granted by PanGu and evolved into humanoid beings. This should not even be a relevant issue in the matter of Licensing Intellectual Property and/or Copyright.
  • Fyrelite - Heavens Tear
    Fyrelite - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I searched specifically for a thread like this. I would love to see both genders available for Barbs and Venos. I'm new to pwi and was rather suprised when scrolling through to start making my first character and found out I couldn't make a female panda Barb.

    I just switched over from playing WoW where I was a female Druid tank/healer. I went with a Cleric and also made a panda Barb but don't personally like playing male characters. I am female and my personal preference is to play female characters.

    I'll still level the male Barb when I feel so inclined. However, I'd really like the option to switch to female.
  • sandiroberts
    sandiroberts Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Also do you think it would be a good idea to maybe be able to make a white tiger barb(not transformation). There are white tigers,black wolves etc... just saying all classes cept barbs can change hair, face, and other colors but not barbs. The only thing we change is our eye color. Now im not talking the extreme(like pink though that would be sooooooooo pimp wouldnt it) but just an idea to add to another great idea.