clerics in pvp



  • Mikel_oru - Sanctuary
    Mikel_oru - Sanctuary Posts: 610 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Full int cleric will never have as much pdef as a LA wiz. I think you're forgetting that wizards have earth barrier.

    You mean LA Cleric right? Anyways Wizard's phy def will be 30% highter than the LA Cleric, not such a great difference (still a difference), unless the Wizard is fully buffed, then things get ugly in the proccess of comparisson.
  • Mikel_oru - Sanctuary
    Mikel_oru - Sanctuary Posts: 610 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    dont worry, it can. with metal mastery as high as it can be, tempest lv 3 and elemental debuff lv 10 it does around 2700 on ALL light armor users. that includes you

    I hope I proved my points now with the test we made. I don't talk about LA without reason.
  • Yuggy - Heavens Tear
    Yuggy - Heavens Tear Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I wanna see, seriously if it does that much dmg then I must get it lol.

    It won't do that much damage cast by a LA cleric
  • Samalia - Sanctuary
    Samalia - Sanctuary Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    so my tempest did a bit less damage on you than i expected. it still hit you for 2200, and i was unbuffed. you were also unbuffed though so i wont make a big deal about that, but my buff would increase my damage more than your buff would increase your def because your magic def is already decent so the diminishing return would be in play. so probably add around 100 damage? you werent a 1 hit ill give you that. your hp was higher than most LA users, i expected since you went light armor that you would have stoned your armor with def shards because you obviously wanted more def. but that doesnt really matter because my weild thunder/cyclone combo is better dps and thats what i would use on you in a real situation.

    the fact still remains that your razor feathers hit me for 1600. and since my def is low the buff would have made a lot more of a difference in damage decrease than your buff would have for damage increase. so i probably would have taken around 1400 had we both been buffed. and i can plume shell your damage. plume shell that and bam im taking like 350 damage, and you cant plume shell my weild thunder.

    my weild thunder + cyclone combo = around 3k damage
    your feather + plume shot combo = around 2500 damage, and yours can be reduced by 80% from my plume shell, which does not apply to my damage.

    you have 1 way to beat me. you need to first survive for 20 seconds, easier said than done because i dont even need to sleep you or debuff you to start my assault. i can just spark and weild thunder - cyclone. 4 out of 5 times you wont last through the first 20 seconds

    the only way to survive for those 20 seconds would be to sleep me and start stack healing as soon as your duel timer starts. and while youre healing you cant damage me. so i will be at 100% hp when my plume shell goes down, at which point you have 1 chance to critical me with a razor feathers. and since i will not have used my sleep yet, you will be slept immediately after your non crit razor feathers giving me a chance to rinse your damage and repeat my assault. your crit rate is about 7% or so, which equates to about 1/13 chance of critting me. 1 thirteenth of your 20% survival rate will equal a victory. that is a staggering 1 in 65 chance of victory

    this might seem like a sad reality for light armor cleric vs full int attack cleric, but it is a reality none the less.
  • Mikel_oru - Sanctuary
    Mikel_oru - Sanctuary Posts: 610 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I won't dissagree that LA Cleric will fare worse against robed Cleric (like I mentioned above) with plume shell up but you/I forgot to mention that my razors is lvl9 (to max it you need lvl68) and that my debuff is also low lvl, that's because I don't have money to get them up, i mainly do cs nowdays, of course it wouldn't do as high dmg as an ult.
    Anyways my points were proved, you were totally underestimating me because I have a different build that you don't approve of and showed that I know a few stuff more than you or others in here about LA build. Thing is, I know about both LA and robes, I had my reasons for going LA.

    I'm also considering a robed build to achive as high hp as possible but I can't decide yet, not an easy choice.
    It won't do that much damage cast by a LA cleric

    Don't make me wanna do tests on the difference now, the difference will not be above 200 dmg and I'm already saying too much.

    I've always been into PvP, my builds are always aiming on that porpuse but I keep it proper for PvE too, no PvE = No PvP, I kinda regret not starting on a PvP server but then again I like the option of choice in everything I do.
  • Rillien - Heavens Tear
    Rillien - Heavens Tear Posts: 569 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Some points to consider:

    Light armour clerics CAN still wear arcane armour, people. I know some who carry around two sets, or mix and match. Yes, this will not help if you get ganked in PvP, but if you're going into the battle as the attacker then you can be prepared. Sure, this might be expensive to maintain two sets of armour, but who said that getting the best out of your gear was cheap?

    It is also possible to get plenty of hp without adding vit. Light armour refined gives a higher hp bonus than arcane. Light armour users also have enough strength to wear decently nice +hp helmets rather than the mana ones (the one I am wearing right now gives me over 200 hp right there). Sure, they will not have as much as full vit. No one is saying that. But with the extra physical defense and working hard to get as much hp as possible it is a very survivable build.

    Also, the point of going LA in PvP is probably not "Oooh I want to beat all the clerics and mages". The point is to survive and win against archers, bms, and barbs who see magic users as easy targets. You will always have weaknesses against certain classes. Pick your poison.

    Really when it comes down to it the best builds for PvP are light armour and vit builds (I'm sure if someone was a great player they could manage with full int, but it's more difficult than the other two). Either one is fine as long as you know what gear you need and how to play your build.

    Also, as a side note, it doesn't make any sense to me when people say that full vit clerics are better healers than LA clerics. Healing is based on the mag stat. Both put in 6 mag every 2 levels. They are equal. Clerics have many options for build diversity.
  • Astoru - Heavens Tear
    Astoru - Heavens Tear Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    mikel oru is light armor. im not, im pure int. my tempest is lv 3, elemental debuff lv 10 metal mastery maxed. on light armor users my tempest hits for 2600. mikel oru can put on all the helmets he wants, he doesnt have 2600 hp guaranteed.

    and if that doesnt work my weild thunder is also highest it can be. double spark to avoid whatever, debuff, sleep, weild thunder, cyclone. thats going to be around 2800 damage. and since hes light armor he wont be able to 1 hit me either. so even if he has maxed razor feathers and gets it off between my double spark and my sleep, it wont matter because right after that hes dead.

    theres really no way a light armor cleric can beat an attack cleric of the same level.

    oh and by the way i just 1 hitted a lv 70 archer, and he was using elemental accesories too. something tells me a phys def hungry cleric like you doesnt use those.
    wtf you talking about? I shard hp.

    ●Wizard (Male) - Fasditious and pretentious, carries the arrogance of intellectual superiority. Feels the need to remind everyone of his world-ending power, but grows a little manic and unhinged when he finally is allowed to unleash it. "Ahh-hahahahaha!! NOW YOU ALL BURN!!!!"
  • missqq
    missqq Posts: 277 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    wtf you talking about? I shard hp.


    no u fail, 8x wizards without TT90 are 2 shots
  • Aeneas - Harshlands
    Aeneas - Harshlands Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Alot of the issue with full-INT is that many do not know the right gear to get. I still wear all arcane gear, imbued with HP shards and wear pdef ornaments (belt and necklace). As a result, I have equal, if not more pdef then LA wizzies and LA clerics at my same level. And my HP is usually higher as well.

    No you don't.

    Hell let me log in and post my stats, and let's see.

    All stats include cleric buffs but no others

    Wearing my phys. def. necklace/belt (general purpose PvP gear)

    HP - 3,542
    Physical defense - 4,017

    Metal R - 6,946
    Wood R - 6,210
    Water R - 5,972
    Fire R - 6,291
    Earth - 6,210

    Wearing my elemental def. necklace/belt (usually only vs mages/clerics when melees arent around or a factor)

    HP - 3,552
    Physical defense - 3,173

    Metal R - 7,641
    Wood R - 6,667
    Water R - 6,667
    Fire R - 6,986
    Earth R - 6,667

    In both cases, of course, my magical attack damage was 4,594 - 5,710 using Endless Ambiguity.

    Some special notes
    -- I wear the lvl77 mold arcane sleeves, not LA sleeves.
    -- as a result of that + Endless Ambiguity I have -9% channeling all the time. If I wear my Elemental necklace it goes up to -12%. Hoping to find some way of acquiring a -6% channeling necklace to replace the -3% I currently have for a total of -15%.
    -- Worth noting the 10% crit rate. I crit a lot, and I crit extremely hard. I have 2 1% crit rings.

    I'm two levels below you. Post your stats, let's compare.
  • missqq
    missqq Posts: 277 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    ew ur char looks so uglyb:shutup