clerics in pvp

Bouillon - Lost City
Bouillon - Lost City Posts: 8 Arc User
edited May 2009 in Cleric
Ive looked troughout many guides, threads, ect talking about clerics in pvp and i wanna be one of those :)
i still have a small problem with the stats though. Im hesitating between 9mag and 1str every 2 lvl OR 6mag 1str 3vit every 2 lvl.

which one would be better for pvp?
or perhaps you have a better build for me :)

oh and which weapon should i use? magic swords?
Post edited by Bouillon - Lost City on


  • Zephyrx - Lost City
    Zephyrx - Lost City Posts: 1,563 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Umm... just go for a balance 7 Mag, 2 Vit, 1 Str every 2 lvls...

    For skills, choose the one that gives the highest spike damage, like Wield Thunder (lv 44)

    For equips, find +HP or +Physical Def Arcane equips for PvP. For PvE just stack up +Magic or +Magic Attack items. So you will level faster with more damage so you can get higher lvls to PvP. (After lv 60.. it's kinda different, but just hax your Magic attack to the max before lv 60)

    For weapons. Choose the best weapon with the most balanced damage for PvE. Choose the weapon with the highest spike dmg (max dmg.. mostly those Partakas or something... the x9 weapons) Good PvE weapons are the m-swords and wands ( x1 and x4 weapons)...

    And oh yea.... a cleric is mostly going to just support in PvP. Your not the primary DPS unless your Magic-Attack is off the charts with godly equips. Then, still... your mostly going to support lol
    Position: Professional Forum Troll
    Position Details: Be able to incite people to flames and perform miracles such as telling people what's right and what's wrong. Be able to dish out flames to other people so fire extinguishers are needed to put out the flames. Most of all, giving others a piece of reality.

    ZephyrX is better than crack... he's your Anti-Drug
  • Bouillon - Lost City
    Bouillon - Lost City Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    so i guess a pvp cleric isnt the best choice for a first character. since i have no money...
    any suggestion? <.<
  • Zephyrx - Lost City
    Zephyrx - Lost City Posts: 1,563 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Roll a 6 sided die... assign each class to a number from 1-6.

    Then let the godly die choose your fate.

    Though if your a female and you happened to roll Untamed Barbarian, you are forced to use a male character. Same as if your a male... rolled Untamed Venomancer, your forced to use a female character. (Of course there's nothing wrong with being a furry animal or a fox with a tail)
    Position: Professional Forum Troll
    Position Details: Be able to incite people to flames and perform miracles such as telling people what's right and what's wrong. Be able to dish out flames to other people so fire extinguishers are needed to put out the flames. Most of all, giving others a piece of reality.

    ZephyrX is better than crack... he's your Anti-Drug
  • Bouillon - Lost City
    Bouillon - Lost City Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    i see.... XD
    pretty good idea :P
    i think ill chose BM. seems not very complicated and always cool :P
  • Swoswix - Harshlands
    Swoswix - Harshlands Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I have few ideas on PvP Cleric. I've posted this small "guide" on my faction forums. Now i wanna show it here. I'm pretty sure everything is not perfect here, but you may get few ideas for PvP.

    Ok, here's what i've noticed in building my arcane Cleric on PvP server:

    Arcane build is the most powerful build in terms of DD, since you don't waste any stats on strenght, dexterity and vitality (everyone who knows the most famous Nuker cleric build guide, knows what i'm talking about). Some people still believe light armor or high armor (total nonsense) builds are good for PvP. The only problem i was thinking about: how could any cleric fight on his own in PvP while not wasting too much of mag stats for vit, dex and str. Well i think i've found a way to do that.

    My aims:

    1. Build arcane based cleric better than light armor based archer (everybody knows archers are bad-**** fighters).
    2. Don't waste any stats on other dex, vit, str.
    3. Have a good amount of phy. def. (more than average light armor build or at least the same)
    4. Have a good amount of HP (can be 30% less than average same level light armor based builds, but still: the more - the better)

    (Further text will be based on my current level 61 cleric in compare with same level archers)

    Ways to do that:

    1. Cleric > Archer: why?
    I'm taking Archer as an example to make everything simple. Archers are ment to be one of the most powerful, or probably the most powerful PvP class and i want to waste em! So why do i believe Clerics are better than Archers?

    a) Damage output: (approximately. fighting same level mobs. own buffs, sparks used)

    Cleric - Regular: 3700 - 5000 Critical: 5000 - 13000
    Archer - Regular: 1500 - 3000 Critical: 3000 - 6400

    I know it's not very accurate but i've been asking on real time info for few of my archer friends. That's why amplitude is so wide. Damage outputs were taken as it they were dealt on same level mobs using sparks/most powerful spells/hits to deal max damage). One could say "archers attack faster", but they can't attack me double faster whereas cleric damage is almost doubled in compare with archers.

    b) We have loads of good stuff: heals, 2 sleep spells, debuffs, purify.

    2. Arcane armor > Light armor: why?
    a) Did u just think "wtf is he talking about"? Very Happy Here is an example:
    My character with perfectly (probably lol) chosen gear has:
    ~4500 mag. def.,
    ~1500 phy. def.,

    Light armor Archers has average of:
    500 - 1500 mag. def. (double/triple less than mine)
    1500 phy. def. (same as mine)
    1700 - 2500 HP (more than my cleric but still not too much)

    Did u get it? Arcane armor can be better than light one.

    3. HOW?
    I was focused on all of my gear of course. What did i do?

    a) ARMORS:
    - take 3* equipment
    - bonus stats: all of your armor must have as much phy. res. as possible. don't pay too much attention on other stats except HP.
    - sockets: all of your equipment MUST have as much sockets as possible. 2 - 4 all please.
    - shards: the most important part of all. I have all my sockets filled with beautiful phy. res. shards = +500 physical defence.
    - my hat and robe has sockets filled with beautiful HP shards = +200 HP (why? because my goal was to hit 1700HP bar)

    b) JEWELERY:
    - take any equipment +phy. def., +mag. atk.. 3* are really not necessary.
    - bonus stats: all of your inventory must have as much +HP as possible. usually you can find +70 - 80 HP.

    c) Why armors: +phy. res./jewelery: +HP?
    - because it's easier to find +phy. res. armor than +HP armor. same with jewelery.
    - because you can find more HP adding jewelery than armor. (at least it's what i've experienced. +80 HP is easier to find on jewelery than armor)

    4. Why to waste money on all these things at all?
    a) i can beat same level archer.
    b) i won against lvl+70 archers when i was lvl60.
    c) i won against lvl65 cleric when i was lvl59.
    d) i won against Chuck Norris (karma will beat my backyard for this lol)
    e) i won... i won... i won many times against higher level players in duels and regular PvP. And that's why i'm still alive on PvP server lol. That's why i didn't have trouble being PKed while half of our guild just ran away to level up. I still was there fighting for myself and guild :P

    There are still many things to negotiate, many things to debate about, many things to disprove. Feel free to flame/attack/duel me. Feel free to discuss. <3
  • Mikel_oru - Sanctuary
    Mikel_oru - Sanctuary Posts: 610 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Try LA build, then talk. You don't know anything about it, you even use archers as your example - simply wrong.
    It's funny how everyone talks about things he/she doesn't know anything about.

    Congratulations on misleading new players to follow your whims.
  • Samalia - Sanctuary
    Samalia - Sanctuary Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Try LA build, then talk. You don't know anything about it, you even use archers as your example - simply wrong.
    It's funny how everyone talks about things he/she doesn't know anything about.

    Congratulations on misleading new players to follow your whims.

    would you be quiet you dumb idiot!!! stop bringing your stupid build into every dam cleric thread!!! all you do is try to defend your own build when its completely unrelated to the topic!!

    nobody cares how much you like light armor you fruitcake - im a robed cleric with 2200 hp and i will 1 hit you!! my mage is around 300 with my armor, stats and any add on effects. and none of my armor is refined except my cape

    you dont know anything about pvp. first of all!! the person who you wrote the above comment to is on a pvp server!! youre not!! stfu you have no right to tell anybody on a pvp server how they need to role to do pvp!!

    and ive seen you post on other threads about how good of a SUPPORT cleric you are!!! i have 1 healing spell, ironheart lv 10. all of my other points are in attack spells and debuffs. my weild thunder is lv 6 elemental debuff lv 10 all buffs lv 10 (except that bs celestial guardian spirit) and all maxable attack spells are maxed. and heres your worst enemy. my razor feathers is level 1!!! and so is my physical debuff spell!!

    i wont even try to hit you with physical spells so your increased defence is irrelevant. you can sleep me all you want because you cant 1 hit me even if you had maxed debuffas which i know you dont because your res and wellspring are probably both 10 and you probably have regeneration aura aswell. as soon as i wake up (thats asuming you sleep me first) you will be slept and then you WILL be 1 hitted and not with a physical attack either but with tempest

    i hope i find you in game some day just so i can tear your pathetic inferior light armor brains out
  • Mikel_oru - Sanctuary
    Mikel_oru - Sanctuary Posts: 610 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I won't bother with someone that uses insults while I ahven't and we can duel anytime lol you know my name no? ^^
  • Slake - Lost City
    Slake - Lost City Posts: 348 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Man mikel u get some ppl attacking u when u defend LA build....

    To swoswix... while i really do appreciate ppl doing these sort of tests u are rather ambiguous as to whether u are comparing: A. arcane cleric to an archer or B. Arcane Cleric to Light Cleric. Its mainly the first little bit that creates the confusion, after that it all cleric vs. archer which is cool, the challenge of killing archers is fun.

    To Samalia... lol at u being on the same server as Mikel and insulting him for being on it and spouting opinions about pvp, isn't that what u were doing too. (Personally I have no server-ism) And also I just wanted to let you know that LA clerics can be very effective in PvP. Sleep > phys debuff > doubble spark > razor feathers > plume shot is a very painful combo for arcane wearers.

    Anyways.... Mikel_oru keep talking up LA builds even if its just so new players know it is viable. :)

  • Slake - Lost City
    Slake - Lost City Posts: 348 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    lol u already respondedwhile i was typing that

  • Astoru - Heavens Tear
    Astoru - Heavens Tear Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    would you be quiet you dumb idiot!!! stop bringing your stupid build into every dam cleric thread!!! all you do is try to defend your own build when its completely unrelated to the topic!!

    nobody cares how much you like light armor you fruitcake - im a robed cleric with 2200 hp and i will 1 hit you!! my mage is around 300 with my armor, stats and any add on effects. and none of my armor is refined except my cape

    you dont know anything about pvp. first of all!! the person who you wrote the above comment to is on a pvp server!! youre not!! stfu you have no right to tell anybody on a pvp server how they need to role to do pvp!!

    and ive seen you post on other threads about how good of a SUPPORT cleric you are!!! i have 1 healing spell, ironheart lv 10. all of my other points are in attack spells and debuffs. my weild thunder is lv 6 elemental debuff lv 10 all buffs lv 10 (except that bs celestial guardian spirit) and all maxable attack spells are maxed. and heres your worst enemy. my razor feathers is level 1!!! and so is my physical debuff spell!!

    i wont even try to hit you with physical spells so your increased defence is irrelevant. you can sleep me all you want because you cant 1 hit me even if you had maxed debuffas which i know you dont because your res and wellspring are probably both 10 and you probably have regeneration aura aswell. as soon as i wake up (thats asuming you sleep me first) you will be slept and then you WILL be 1 hitted and not with a physical attack either but with tempest

    i hope i find you in game some day just so i can tear your pathetic inferior light armor brains out

    You keep telling yourself that you can oneshot a character with a similar level to yours. Just because you believe that, doesn't mean it's gonna happen.
    ●Wizard (Male) - Fasditious and pretentious, carries the arrogance of intellectual superiority. Feels the need to remind everyone of his world-ending power, but grows a little manic and unhinged when he finally is allowed to unleash it. "Ahh-hahahahaha!! NOW YOU ALL BURN!!!!"
  • Mikel_oru - Sanctuary
    Mikel_oru - Sanctuary Posts: 610 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Man mikel u get some ppl attacking u when u defend LA build....

    I've gotten enough insults to know by now that once someone starts insulting you, it's not worth the try anymore. In all subjects, not just gaming.
    Anyways.... Mikel_oru keep talking up LA builds even if its just so new players know it is viable. :)

    Seems like you're the only person that got my point and the why I defended LA. The reason is simple: saying that LA sucks like Swoswix did is misleading and ignorant wich can make any new player think that LA is not a good build, wich is not the case.
  • Aeneas - Harshlands
    Aeneas - Harshlands Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Im hesitating between 9mag and 1str every 2 lvl


    which one would be better for pvp?

    Full INT is completely worthless in PvP anywhere below 90 (and probably above 90 too but I wouldn't know).
  • Mysticlifex - Heavens Tear
    Mysticlifex - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,175 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    LA does not suck, but LA does some what defeat the purpose of a cleric, thus creating a new purpose.

    Not to get 1 shotted by barbs
    We're MysticAve my name is not Dave
    (Poem in the making - Shall be epic)
  • Xoria - Sanctuary
    Xoria - Sanctuary Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Robe and Light builds can both PvP fine. Light armor if you want that extra physical defence. Use HP shards in your armor. Arcane, throw in physical defence gems.

    When it's said and done, skill use and kiting are what win the battles. Granted, I'm not the best cleric around, but, with only 1.3k physical defence (my armor is still not gemmed) and 10k+ in my magical defence, I have killed blademasters, archers; one shot wizards and venomancers my level.

    Weapon wise, it's about how much damage you want to dish out. Glaives have the highest peak damage, but the lowest damage as well. Swords are the most balanced, hitting in a consistent range.

    Skills, Silent Seal (and using purify takes out your reduced damage after casting) and Chromatic Seal are your friends. Want to PvP as a cleric? These are a MUST to level. Great Cyclone for reduced speed (great to use on those annoying blademasters), Plume shot for other magic casters, Wield Thunder and the all around deadly spell, Tempest.

    These are just things to keep in mind while creating a build. If you can, try both light and arcane in PvP. Remember to think outside the breadbox- you may need to use apothecary pots far more than the other build. Go with the style that suits you and learn to cover up your build's weaknesses.
    [In a distorted place and time][The knife that stabbed me in the back grants me wings]
    [I keep looking to the sky][In order to flee from the memories]
    [The world that expands inside of your arms is][///the last secret garden///]
    [If you've already forgotten me, don't forget...]
    [The things that we once embraced]
  • _WillFire_ - Sanctuary
    _WillFire_ - Sanctuary Posts: 563 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Full INT is completely worthless in PvP anywhere below 90 (and probably above 90 too but I wouldn't know).


    I guess I better just nip off and re-roll for HA. b:chuckle
    Mark 12:29-37
    _WillFire_ 8x Combat Medic
  • Aeneas - Harshlands
    Aeneas - Harshlands Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited May 2009

    Yep. Completely useless. I see you sitting in SZ, chi'ing like crazy so you can creep out and try to oneshot someone with tempest before running away and getting onshotted yourself by virtually everyone your level. You're not useful in a PvP fight. And you aren't that useful in TW either when you can't survive a BM chain stun to keep heals on the catapult.

    That's a figurative "you" but if you're full INT I'm sure it applies to the specific "you". Squishy clerics are worth nothing.

    Either LA and be prepared to spend big money sharding up/refining HP, or be vit/Arcane (and be prepared to spend big money sharding up phys def). But "FAC" or "Full Int"? Stay in SZ building chi where you belong.
  • Aeneas - Harshlands
    Aeneas - Harshlands Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    BTW below 90 Light Armor is a perfectly good build IF you're willing to do what it takes to get your HP up to respectable levels (flawless HP gems, tons of refining, etc).

    In terms of a TW the main thing a cleric healing a cata is going to face is chain stunning BMs. You can't plume shell it all, not with the 10 second gap between the duration and the cooldown, and not when stun **** can catch you in that 10 second gap and extend the duration without it. You need the phys. def to survive if you want to keep stacking those heals on your pullers.

    Of course, Arcane/Vit builds can do the same thing LA's do with HP, stack phys. def. They're really comporable honestly, neither build is wrong.

    Properly geared, the LA is trading a little (not really that much) mag defense, HP, and base damage, for more spike damage (an extra 4-5% crit rate) and phys defense. But honestly the gap between the two (again, when properly geared) isn't that huge.
  • Rinnve - Lost City
    Rinnve - Lost City Posts: 473 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Yep. Completely useless. I see you sitting in SZ, chi'ing like crazy so you can creep out and try to oneshot someone with tempest before running away and getting onshotted yourself by virtually everyone your level.
    This is not true. Full ints are squishy but not THAT squishy if they know how to play. They are about 4-5 shotted (with charm and good equipment - not ungodly, but not white 1* from tailor shop) by physical dd's of +/- same level, so they CAN survive in 1vs1 fight and CAN kill almost everyone except of barb with charm.
    You're not useful in a PvP fight. And you aren't that useful in TW either when you can't survive a BM chain stun to keep heals on the catapult.
    Cleric's uses in tw are not limited to cata healing. They can be good in mage anti-cata parties, debuffing pullers (AFAIK mdef debuff stacks with undine strike) and then dealing damage - and protecting mages from archers.

    Vit build is still better IMO 'cause addon damage from extra int is not very high, but please don't tell stories about full ints.
    --, Sirius: Иней, 70 cleric - off.
    PWI, Lost City: Rinnve, 7X wiz (frozen);
    Allods Online, Раскол: Риннве, 2X occultist
  • _tina_ - Lost City
    _tina_ - Lost City Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    the main thing a cleric healing a cata

    This thread is called *clerics in pvp*

    so get your *clerics are only supposed to heal* bullshiit outa hereb:angry

    KTHXBYE b:thanks
    Cuz theyll Kick your **** before you spot them
  • missqq
    missqq Posts: 277 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    clerics are not tanks ok? no reason to be LA. clerics need high HP pool for survivability, which is why 6 int 1 str 3 vit is best pvp build.
  • Samalia - Sanctuary
    Samalia - Sanctuary Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited May 2009

    You keep telling yourself that you can oneshot a character with a similar level to yours. Just because you believe that, doesn't mean it's gonna happen.

    mikel oru is light armor. im not, im pure int. my tempest is lv 3, elemental debuff lv 10 metal mastery maxed. on light armor users my tempest hits for 2600. mikel oru can put on all the helmets he wants, he doesnt have 2600 hp guaranteed.

    and if that doesnt work my weild thunder is also highest it can be. double spark to avoid whatever, debuff, sleep, weild thunder, cyclone. thats going to be around 2800 damage. and since hes light armor he wont be able to 1 hit me either. so even if he has maxed razor feathers and gets it off between my double spark and my sleep, it wont matter because right after that hes dead.

    theres really no way a light armor cleric can beat an attack cleric of the same level.

    oh and by the way i just 1 hitted a lv 70 archer, and he was using elemental accesories too. something tells me a phys def hungry cleric like you doesnt use those.
  • Mikel_oru - Sanctuary
    Mikel_oru - Sanctuary Posts: 610 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    mikel oru is light armor. im not, im pure int. my tempest is lv 3, elemental debuff lv 10 metal mastery maxed. on light armor users my tempest hits for 2600. mikel oru can put on all the helmets he wants, he doesnt have 2600 hp guaranteed.

    and if that doesnt work my weild thunder is also highest it can be. double spark to avoid whatever, debuff, sleep, weild thunder, cyclone. thats going to be around 2800 damage. and since hes light armor he wont be able to 1 hit me either. so even if he has maxed razor feathers and gets it off between my double spark and my sleep, it wont matter because right after that hes dead.

    theres really no way a light armor cleric can beat an attack cleric of the same level.

    oh and by the way i just 1 hitted a lv 70 archer, and he was using elemental accesories too. something tells me a phys def hungry cleric like you doesnt use those.

    We can test if you can actually one shot me ingame anytime, I tried to whisper you earlier but you were offline, just whisper me, MikeL_Oru is my ingame name. I'm curious to see if lvl3 tempest can actually do as much dmg as you claim.
  • Valenti - Sanctuary
    Valenti - Sanctuary Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Not to make any personal attacks, but i have found that the arcane armor build works the best. Whether or not to use the 9 mag, 1 str or 6 mag, 1str, 3 vit build is questionable, but wearing any other armor on cleric will reduce attack/heal(heal can be very important for pvp) by too much and not increase survivability by enough. I wont get into specifics, but the arcane makes the most sense stat-point wise and the lack of defence/hp can be made up for with jewelry and other equips. Please comment on this, i'd like to know what others think regarding which build is best for pvp and in general.
  • Mikel_oru - Sanctuary
    Mikel_oru - Sanctuary Posts: 610 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Not to make any personal attacks, but i have found that the arcane armor build works the best. Whether or not to use the 9 mag, 1 str or 6 mag, 1str, 3 vit build is questionable, but wearing any other armor on cleric will reduce attack/heal(heal can be very important for pvp) by too much and not increase survivability by enough. I wont get into specifics, but the arcane makes the most sense stat-point wise and the lack of defence/hp can be made up for with jewelry and other equips. Please comment on this, i'd like to know what others think regarding which build is best for pvp and in general.

    Arcane build does make more sense but people underestimate LA build too much, just too much. It's a given that LA will not be as good as Arcane on Cleric VS Cleric and maybe Cleric VS Wizard but it does fare better with any other class. Beeing "weak" to two(questionable) classes to make life easier with the rest makes much sense to me.
  • missqq
    missqq Posts: 277 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Arcane build does make more sense but people underestimate LA build too much, just too much. It's a given that LA will not be as good as Arcane on Cleric VS Cleric and maybe Cleric VS Wizard but it does fare better with any other class. Beeing "weak" to two(questionable) classes to make life easier with the rest makes much sense to me.

    LA build noob LOL!!!!11one
  • Samalia - Sanctuary
    Samalia - Sanctuary Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    dont worry, it can. with metal mastery as high as it can be, tempest lv 3 and elemental debuff lv 10 it does around 2700 on ALL light armor users. that includes you
  • Mikel_oru - Sanctuary
    Mikel_oru - Sanctuary Posts: 610 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    dont worry, it can. with metal mastery as high as it can be, tempest lv 3 and elemental debuff lv 10 it does around 2700 on ALL light armor users. that includes you

    I wanna see, seriously if it does that much dmg then I must get it lol.
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Full INT is completely worthless in PvP anywhere below 90 (and probably above 90 too but I wouldn't know).

    LIES!!! b:bye
    Yep. Completely useless. I see you sitting in SZ, chi'ing like crazy so you can creep out and try to oneshot someone with tempest before running away and getting onshotted yourself by virtually everyone your level. You're not useful in a PvP fight. And you aren't that useful in TW either when you can't survive a BM chain stun to keep heals on the catapult.

    That's a figurative "you" but if you're full INT I'm sure it applies to the specific "you". Squishy clerics are worth nothing.

    Either LA and be prepared to spend big money sharding up/refining HP, or be vit/Arcane (and be prepared to spend big money sharding up phys def). But "FAC" or "Full Int"? Stay in SZ building chi where you belong.

    I would like to point out that with the right gear, full INT is definitely NOT a one-shot. I have seen LA clerics fall long before the full-INT cleric has fallen. b:surrender

    Alot of the issue with full-INT is that many do not know the right gear to get. I still wear all arcane gear, imbued with HP shards and wear pdef ornaments (belt and necklace). As a result, I have equal, if not more pdef then LA wizzies and LA clerics at my same level. And my HP is usually higher as well.

    BUT....I would like to point out that I am not against either build. Since, a lot of it has to do with how well you know your Cleric and how well you know how to play it.

    ** Words of advice: Start your gear early!! I had all of my HH60 gear 3 levels before lvl 60, my HH70 gear about 2 levels before hitting 70, my 80 gear (which is OMG...b:cool) right when I hit 80. And I am alrdy farming my 90 and endgame gear. RESEARCH ppl!! PLAN AHEAD!!! That is the key!

    ps--> Tempest owns at higher levels, BUT not all that effective in PvP since the casting time can be too long. It is a wait and see if you can get it off in time before a potential interruption. is SOOO much fun in a sneak attack,especially when you wipe a party out b:chuckle
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Sorbik - Lost City
    Sorbik - Lost City Posts: 202 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Full int cleric will never have as much pdef as a LA wiz. I think you're forgetting that wizards have earth barrier.