Perfect World Women Clothes
I have a surgestion for everyone.
do as i do, sit down (or lay down what ever you chose.. ahhh yes.. the freedom of chosing, such a wonderfull thing *dreamy look* anyway..) okay now relax your arms, your shoulders. feel your heart beat going through your whole body. are you relaxing now? okay, now thing of Perfect World and all the things you disagree on or dislike or whatever negative things you have about it. are you thinking about it now? okay.. now here comes the hard part. dont be scared. make sure your relaxed just to be sure.. okay.. here it comes, repeat after me over and over again.
It's just a game, it's just a game, it's just a game.0 -
This is an outrage! What happened to gender equality? We demand male thongs.b:laugh0
Mothergoose - Sanctuary wrote: »This is an outrage! What happened to gender equality? We demand male thongs.b:laugh
Omg, I lol'd. xD0 -
I'm surprised this thread hasn't been locked yet, it's just asking for flame wars and trolling.0
mistigrikitty wrote: »3:) Honestly.... if PWI characters would only be MONSTERS, or toons that looks like toothpick? Would the majority of you would still play?????
The game would be the same, you do quests, you form faction, you form squads, you do TW, you chat with REAL LIFE people ..... but we would all be orcs, and ghouls, and dwarves with beard ( male and fml), lizard etc.... would you still play??????
My guess is that 3/4 if not more, would chose another game where the toons looks more like human... 'cause... that's how we are.. we like to do things as human kind, that would not be possible IRL, even if it is to show a little bit more skin and to flirt a little bit
I'm going to point out that this game has two non-human races, and the leading MMO currently has 9 non-human races which just destroys your entire argument.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear wrote: »I'm going to point out that this game has two non-human races, and the leading MMO currently has 9 non-human races which just destroys your entire argument.
but they are all very human-like humanoids0 -
OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear wrote: »I'm going to point out that this game has two non-human races, and the leading MMO currently has 9 non-human races which just destroys your entire argument.
and did i say
lolz u really are a foru mtrollb:bye0 -
3/2 isnt a number its an improper fraction0
My favorite part is the way people act like its a perfectly free choice concerning what you wear. I would like to point out that there is a strange tendency for certain categories of clothes to be pervasive within a certain time period/culture. We could point to the way people dressed in Britain in the early 19th century, or the way they dressed in North America in the 1990's, or the way indigenous peoples of the Pacific Isles still dress today, and we would conclude that there is a relativity to these 'styles' and thus a true freedom of choice.
Unfortunately there is not such a thing as a truly free choice. To be conditioned and reflective of your culture is what your choice amounts to, and thus there are absolute standards within relative frameworks. Why is it that 'revealing' clothes in the 19th century consisted of showing your ankles, whereas now it consists of showing everything but **** and genitals? You might think that they had 'repressed' sexuality during the Victorian period and that we are oh so much more enlightened now. The irony is of course, that sexuality (at least from the male standpoint) was most likely much freer with the social acceptance of prostitution (to a certain extent, at least it was pervasive). If you want more on this argument I refer you to Michel Foucault's History of Sexuality vol 1.
The point is that revealing clothes are not a specific "woman's choice", they are conditioned by what the culture tells that woman is attractive/acceptable/beautiful/sexy. Pervasive standards of beauty bombard individuals through the techno-media-advertising complex until they are absorbed as absolute.
You do not choose your values, you choose among the values presented to you.
This means, of course, that the people talking about sexual liberation and individual choice are unaware of this principle. We are not sexual liberated, just because we reveal more of our bodies, or are more free with our sexuality does not entail a deeper relationship and understanding of our sexuality. In fact, it would seem that our incessant need to talk about sexuality implies some deep seated problem, we must define our sexuality, we must free it; all this means is that sexuality is a problem that we must fix. The fact that sexuality poses a problem for us means that from the beginning we are in a relationship of "bad faith" with it (bad faith-Sartre).
The second point, that individual choice is culturally conditioned means that "not being judgmental" is laughably naive. One is always judgmental according to the values one has assimilated, otherwise there is absolutely no categorizing of the world, and if there is no categorizing, there is no consciousness. One automatically assumes a stance towards everything and everyone else, whether this is a conscious decision or not. Thus to think that you are not judgmental is simply to be innately biased and not to question your worldview. It is to think you have "arrived" as an enlightened individual.
Anyway, for those of you who read this, congratulations. For those of you who don't I will include the abbreviated version below:
You are always judgmental, you are not free, you are told what to think and value, and this is the way it will ALWAYS be, you cannot free yourself from your horizons, you just adopt different ones which are just constrictive in a different way.0 -
People wear what they want to wear. There is plenty of clothes that cover the females from top to bottom. It's called freedom of choice. In this day and age of us people all over the world losing more and more of our freedoms, I would think you would at least want some freedom of choice in the video game you play.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
You will never do anything in this world without courage.
It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor.
~Aristotle0 -
Tearvalerin - Sanctuary wrote: »exactly, animals dont wear clothes, why should people O: except... during that little time of the month for females... then its appropriate.. lol.. but in anycase, no clothes ftw!
lol wtf? b:shocked0 -
Lyndura - Lost City wrote: »I can name some that are not revealing at all:
Chipao, Wingspan Gown, Summer Pattern, Star Crossed Love, Veranda Smock, Ballroom Dress, Crystal Love Dress, etc.
There're clothes for all the likes.
The thread should have ended right here, with post #3. PW offers clothes of all kind, nobody has to buy any set they don't like. So, in the end it's not about skimpy vs. non-skimpy clothing but about the right to choose. If people want to wear skimpy clothing it's their right to do so. Both in real life and in game. If people want to wear non-revealing clothing, that's their right, too. Those kind of discussion usually happens because people want to force their own views onto others but nobody has any right to tell others what to wear.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Clothes aren't that bad... I am more disatisfied with female armor. lvl70-90 LA kinda looks like steel underwear. Got myself a dress so I wouldn't have to run around half naked.
Not all female clothes are too revealing. I think at the moment only bikini can be considered as revealing, but that was long long time ago when women swimsuits didn't showed anything at all. Plumed Embrace is bit more than revealing... for me it looks like it consist from hands who are touching up the girl...0 -
lol but tt90 LA is like fully covered with fish-type fins or something
they were doing good w/ 7x, 8x armor, i dont know what happened there at tt900 -
Revealing? O RLY?
I don't see ****. (okay, FINE. few of them are bra-less). But get used to it. Everytime (most) men see a woman on the front cover of a game (or even ads), they have the urge to club the game(box) with a shoe and drag it to a cave by it's hair. 95% of the female gaming characters (pixels, not real women) Are counted as 'sex Symbols'. That's how gaming is today.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Vixe - Heavens Tear wrote: »....*wishes for aristocratic dress to be in PWI*
But.. yeah, maybe some are revealing, but not all. Personally I wouldnt put some of those clothes on my char cause they are way to ****.. Beside that I cant say I care that much..*Semi retired*0 -
this is wonderful! b:thanksfinally, someone with a sense of refinement, good taste, and a sense of true femininity. i applaud you for speaking up on this. perhaps if more of us ladies, who prefer to look and dress as such, speak up, we can influence the devs to bring into the game more of the beautiful gowns and outfits that *do* exist in the game. not all of us want to look or act like Xena!b:flowerinfernohero wrote: »I have seen something that is a little wrong to me, but remember, this is my opinion, not me pushing my thoughts onto other people.
I feel that the Perfect World clothes for women are far to "revealing".
I see some with nothing on but practically a bikini bottom and sandals.
if you feel the same as I do please speak up.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
(and hugs to Flauschkatze for the sig!)
"Thanks for writing me-- it's always great to hear from a vet.
Playing here since '08b:heart0 -
Yeah, I gotcha. It is a fantasy MMO. I like playing surreal games occasionally, but I find that element pretty weird and I don't like it at all. There's just a time and a place. My youngest brother keeps rotating the camera up to all these girls knickers all of the time laughing and making jokes, while I see loads of scantily clad women everywhere wearing bikinis and holding the biggest of big weapons I ever saw.
It isn't a matter of me getting used to it. I just see it as a little bit inappropriate for an MMO without even age suggestions (afaik), and that probably won't change. It is only my opinion, I'm not judging anyone, but understand that while people may have to live with it, we don't all have to like it.0 -
Proud wearer of a Chipao. And I'm a guy. b:chuckle
But like has been said, people will wear what they want to wear. Everyone stop and think about the clothes you wear in game. Why do you wear them? Now stop, and compare them to what you wear in real life. Are they similar? Completely different? Why? This is a game with a very, very powerful character editor. Granted, there's no height editor, but you can modify so many attributes it's rediculous. You can be anything you want.
I notice that I don't see any complaints about female breast sizes going around, even though we're talking about attitudes and reavealing clothes. Most of what I see around, are small breasted females, who are pretty, to beautiful. We had the power to control that. Take a look at the males. See that many scrawny guys? I don't think so.
Now, what does that say about us? Sounds like to me, we're got a relative standard here. Now, I know every so often you'll see a tiny catgirl with **** the size of watermelons, probably being carried by a male character. (Something tells me their either both males... Or opposite the gender they're playing.)
And speaking of the guys, and guy fashion, do you realize just how many bare chested guys I see walking around? I was flying by the City of the Plume the other day, and I saw a group of about 6 guys all just standing there with no shirt on.
WE have the power to make our characters in our image, our friend's image, or in some cases, no image at all, WE have the power to put them in the attire WE choose. Why do we do it the way we do? What is wired into our heads to make things the way they are? Answer that, and you'll have the answer to the question of why PWI has the selections they do.
And until then, I'll be smiting things in a Lime Green Chipao, probably while talking to a Catgirl in a Ballroom dress, or a Barb who has clothes, but wears Armor while fighting, or countless other people I deal with in a day's time. And, maybe, if I die, a Cleric in a Bikini will be nice enough to res me. b:victory0 -
I don't see why it is a problem. If it isn't something you would wear, then don't; it's not like someone is forcing it on you. Live and let live.Taraleth - Lost City wrote: »The second point, that individual choice is culturally conditioned means that "not being judgmental" is laughably naive. One is always judgmental according to the values one has assimilated, otherwise there is absolutely no categorizing of the world, and if there is no categorizing, there is no consciousness. One automatically assumes a stance towards everything and everyone else, whether this is a conscious decision or not. Thus to think that you are not judgmental is simply to be innately biased and not to question your worldview. It is to think you have "arrived" as an enlightened individual.
Intelligence exists here after all b:thanks0 -
I think people should be more worried about themselves, and what they should and shouldnt do, and a hell of a lot less worried about what they think other people should do.
/end of thread, lol[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
You will never do anything in this world without courage.
It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor.
~Aristotle0 -
OH NO!!!! some men in this game dont wear shirts!! run away!!
Women cant wear a bikini, but guys can walk around shirless?? eh, who cares, i'm wearing my bikini anyways b:victory[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
6X Sin on RT0 -
AndromedaB - Sanctuary wrote: »but they are all very human-like humanoids
Even the barbs, are cute kind of beasts...
Barbs could have been a wild boar, a lizard, a turtle, a star nosed mole,a porcupine, an armadillo etc.... No.. they chose likable and fluffable kind... tiger ( reminder of cats), wolves ( reminder of dogs) and Panda, a fluffy little bear that is in instinction, lion who refers to the "king".... all with nice fur,and cute face.
The elves, they look like humans but with long ears and feather on their head?
The venom... the have skin like human but some have tails, some have animal ears... again.. they don't look like the ugliest scaliest beast on earth.....
When I was talking about monsters.. was "fantasy monsters" like ORCS, eldergoth, an Ettin, Formians, worms, Fungis, ghouls, eyeballs... etc...
Would there be as much people playing PWI, if there was no human looking kind of characters or if the ones we could play, would all be fat and ugly ???
Be honest and tell me if YOU would still play the same game, but not with the cutiness of the toons.....
I have many toons, 2 have weird looks ( 1 has deep purple skin, the other one has deep green skin, both have big legs ( as big as the character permits, good size waist and yes they have good busts), 1 has normal color skin and his the thinnest that can be with huge ****... just for the heck of it... the 2 others are normal color skin, and everything in the medium setting .. ..... it's a game.. I have fun creating my character and I like sometimes imagine how it would be to be skin with nice ****....
IRL I have the nice ****.. but I am CHUBBY... and I have laughing laughs about many males, even children.. ( one of my DD classmate ( she is only 5 and she is a girl) told to her friend.. look at X moms, she is so fat and ugly).. .... so you know.. it's nice sometimes to "evade" in a fantasy game and look like a bombshell for once.... but the toon that looks like a barbie.. I don't play her often... just when I'm really down
Anyway.. my replied went longer than I thought ROFL....0 -
PWI womens clothes....
their sexy...
their cute...
its hot......
most of them are revealing...
all of them are skin tight... (woo iron bikini armour!)
..its nice to wear in-game cause well.. its inside a game...
but in real life we all know those would look like hooker fashions if thats your whole wardrobe b:chuckle[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan0 -
I dont get why people refer to an online cartoon based character a "chick"....guys let me tell u this...ITS ONLY A GAME chicks and guys dont exsistb:victory0
i'm a female playing behind a female character.
i LOVE the revealing clothing.
this game is a fantasy, and i get to wear whatever i feel like wearing that day because it is a >>>roleplaying, fantasy game.<<< if it was real life the general population couldn't pull it off. but in this game you can because of the perfect bodies etc.
really, next thing you know people are going to be saying games like this cause anorexia etc because it hikes up what women think the norm looks like.
most of us KNOW it's fake. and those of us that do revel in the clothing, and the perfection that everyday people can't have.
~d4x veno - dragnbabe
4x poleblade bm - dragnbaby
faction: Odinblade
one day...0 -
Lol..... i dont see any problem with woman walking around in bikinis... or should we start going to beaches etc in real life aswell and tell them to put clothes on? soz... but i like wearing bikinis
Clothing in pw to revealing? Nah... not at all to my opinion b:chuckle[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so0 -
Clothes from boutique is revealing?
dont know what country/state/county you are from.
bikini and skirt that show some undies isnt something new.
there are many games out there that has skin tight armor for female character.
this isnt one of them.
woman show some of her assets is wrong, any game with female character you should never play.
*Computer generate graphic game*
you can always go play maple story.
you can go always go play a game that make their character like a cartoon.
This is a fantasy game.
If i was like 4' tall in rl I probably make my character like 6' tall if i can in game.
if i was the woman that has small breast in rl and like to have a C cup in game.
if my waist was like size 5 and i would like size 2 i can do it in game..
NOT everyone woman like to look like a stick figure that most poster are showing.
skinny as bones, got waist 1 got size -a breast and running down the runway think they are the hottest stuff in the world.
Yet none of you thought of such image in your minds.0 -
Rectitude - Heavens Tear wrote: »I dont get why people refer to an online cartoon based character a "chick"....guys let me tell u this...ITS ONLY A GAME chicks and guys dont exsistb:victory
Hmmm... yes and no ... when you see a female character you asume shes a female irl (with venos in this game not so much i gues) and im sure you call them she aswell unless they tell you they are male or the other way around like barbs who are female irl. So the way people think makes them male or female even if the characters dont realy have a gender.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so0 -
AndromedaB - Sanctuary wrote: »and did i say
*snipped useless accusation/flame*
Pot. Kettle. Black.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
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