New Players and Rare Pets



  • Ashuransteel - Sanctuary
    Ashuransteel - Sanctuary Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    LOL tiggy its freya from IRO forums! you know exactly what its like to read my posts xD... especially there LOL
  • Oceiot - Heavens Tear
    Oceiot - Heavens Tear Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    well guess what ur ripoff prices can kiss my **** cause i will never buy ur stupid bear at ur prices.....and yes Efox got the bear again tonight....but yet u say she doesnt have a monopoly (laugh)

    Just try the other spawn site -.-, theres more then one you know, jeez b:beatup
    It's a bunny :O
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Theres a difference between being immature, and having an utter distaste and hatred toward humanity, where feelings are a meaningless concept to me.

    I tipped my hat toward you, aiming for a little bit of insight from a wiser individual, but apparently my direction for a word from the wise was just a shot in the dark. I highly doubt youre beyond my comprehension.

    Being a professional **** is just what I do. If my point gets driven in, whos a little ad hominem argumentum going to hurt, eh?

    EDIT: as for the arrow, I was blissfully unaware of such a feature on the forums.

    You know, the mature thing to do would have been to, you know, read the post that was being referred to because we already know you're a complete waste of genetic material, and stating such yourself is kinda redundant.
  • Ashuransteel - Sanctuary
    Ashuransteel - Sanctuary Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    You know, the mature thing to do would have been to, you know, read the post that was being referred to because we already know you're a complete waste of genetic material, and stating such yourself is kinda redundant.

    There was nothing derogotory directed at you in anyway.
    Im not even going to dignify that with a retaliation, youre not even worth a second of my time. Goes to show you cant always see behind the facade of lying eyes.

    anyways point and case on topic.

    Your idea only generates a more fierce competition for said rare pet, as more people would be able to show up if the spawns were more flexible in time.
    How would more people showing up make catching the pet any easier than before, it just makes the pet sold by someone else for $. Thread should die.
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    There was nothing derogotory directed at you in anyway.
    Im not even going to dignify that with a retaliation, youre not even worth a second of my time. Goes to show you cant always see behind the facade of lying eyes.

    You really should go back and read what you wrote because if you really believe there was no insult in that post you made, then you simply fail at reading comprehension. Seriously, you do.
  • Ashuransteel - Sanctuary
    Ashuransteel - Sanctuary Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    You really should go back and read what you wrote because if you really believe there was no insult in that post you made, then you simply fail at reading comprehension. Seriously, you do.

    First insult on board-
    statement of arrogance made in the form of your believing in a superiority.

    what was that? who made the first blow?
    in any case, continuing to feed trolls results in further degredation of sharp minds. peace out yo.
  • Cutietoes - Dreamweaver
    Cutietoes - Dreamweaver Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    This is how it's going to end regardless whatever is continued to be said in this thread... You quit, you buy pet, or catch it yourself at lvl 60+. As mentioned before, the game will NOT be changed for a few people's demands. Sure i know it's frustrating to wait hours just to fail time and time again but the game is not about catching these rare pets. It's mainly questing and socializing i suppose. As mentioned before ALL ingame tameable rare pets are not strong at all. When compared to Magnemites, they are useless.

    Only reason you want pets is for its rarity cuteness or perhaps bragging rights, which again no one cares about anymore. Developers will not change this feature so if you like being disappointed time and time again, plz continue this thread. Meanwhile other Venos will get stronger and return to the spawn spot and boom, someone new better than you will steal your oppurtunity yet again. And why should they give you anything? They worked hard leveling in order to get the required skills to catch the pet, you didn't. Instead you want people to make it easier for you, don't be lazy.

    Forget about the rare pets for now and train yourself to become stronger, sure you'll hate me for saying this because you're obviously stubborn to stay on this issue, hey while you're at it, complain to PW Devs that it's unfair that people who can AFFORD gold have items from cashshop that help them get stronger faster. Yeah actually that's a perfect idea, lets make the whole game real easy and not challenging at all and see how how fast people will lose their interest in the game altogether.

    So in conclusion, just work hard and train your veno to have your cute pet. You don't see many companies just giving away jobs to whiny people with high school diplomas rather than hard working graduates with degrees. You don't lose a lot of weight going on a diet for a day, it takes's how the world works, build yourself up from the bottom to get to the top. Just imagine how chaotic the world will be if anyone can be anything they want to be without working hard for it, no one will want to do any job that's beneath them and then what will happen...slavery again? lolz

    Anywayz sorry for making you rea dall this but this is an important life lesson as well a one for catching rare pets. Same yourself time and train a good pet you can catch and you will be rewarded when you finally become a high level yourself and start taming's not impossible.
  • Solandri - Heavens Tear
    Solandri - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I have no interest in the rare pets at all but I ended up with one anyway. A friend of mine found the Armored Bear while they were doing WQ or something and told me about it. I went out and tamed the thing, this was a few weeks ago. I still have it today in my pet bag.

    Why did I tame it if I had no interest in the rare pets? To make sure that someone else could not just to sell it.
    You might as well have killed it Zoe. Here's how I see the different scenarios for a rare pet, ranked from (IMHO) best outcome to worst outcome.

    1. Veno tames rare pet, puts it in pet bag and uses it.
    2. Veno tames rare pet, sells it, buyer puts it in pet bag and uses it.
    3. Veno tames rare pet, makes baby pet out of it, uses it (or sells it)
    4a. Veno tames rare pet, puts it in pet bag, never uses it.
    4b. Someone kills rare pet.

    1 and 2 end up with the pet being used as a pet. 3 ends up with the pet being used as decoration. 4a and 4b both end up with the pet never seeing the light of day again. IMHO what you did was worse than someone taming it to sell. If you're not going to use it, you should give it away to someone who will or let someone make a baby pet out of it. IMHO.

    If you don't want it, leave it alone so someone else who wants it can get it. That's my philosophy. I thought that was why you dislike people who tame the rares just to sell. But I see now that your actual motivation is just condescension towards anyone who sells things. So much so that you would prevent a pet from ever being used rather than allow someone to sell it.

    This game (and all free-form games like RPGs) offer a wide variety of things that players can do. Some people like PvP, some people like PvE. Others like amassing fortunes and elite equipment. Still others like exploring the world. Some people just like meeting new people and getting to know and play with them. And some people like playing merchants in the virtual world.

    Unless explicity prohibited by the rules laid down by the game owner, none of these playstyles has a greater right to things in the game than another playstyle. I dislike PvP, but I don't begrudge people who do it. I think grinding for exp is a waste of time, but I don't disprage those who do it. I personally believe it's wrong to take a limited resource (e.g. rare pets) simply to sell it when there are plenty of people there who wish to use that resource without your interference. But the game rules do not prohibit it so I do not condemn those who do it. I simply explain my point of view to them in the hopes of swaying their thinking so that there are fewer of them.

    If the rules and GMs do not prohibit an activity, the person who unilaterally decides that players conducting that activity are wrong, that person is the one who is actually in the wrong.
  • Solandri - Heavens Tear
    Solandri - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    well guess what ur ripoff prices can kiss my **** cause i will never buy ur stupid bear at ur prices.....and yes Efox got the bear again tonight....but yet u say she doesnt have a monopoly (laugh)
    If people are buying it at that price, then it's not a ripoff price; it's the market price. You may feel it's a ripoff price, but that just means you are cheap. (And I mean that in a non-disparaging way - I am cheap too.)

    And I've beaten Efox for a rare (cub). So has a friend of mine (kitty). No channeling gear. So no I don't think she has a monopoly. I just don't care about rares as much as she and apparently you do.
  • seduce
    seduce Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    two words:
    who cares

    95% of rare pets have crappy stats and suck anyways.
    so what should it matter? just deal with it

    people wants it cause its rare i suppose...

    my opinion GM shld remove all rare pets or make them normal spawns b:chuckle

    just kidding venos...b:shocked
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    First insult on board-
    statement of arrogance made in the form of your believing in a superiority.

    what was that? who made the first blow?
    in any case, continuing to feed trolls results in further degredation of sharp minds. peace out yo.

    You completely missed the point of step 2, didn't you? OMG, seriously? You got bent out of shape over that? OMG, that is so funny. A forum troll got bent out of shape by that. b:chuckle
  • mbrunestud
    mbrunestud Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    to OP and redmenace

    man Granrey is probably the most docile poster ever. to snap at him is like...sinning. you *******s, at least read what he was trying to say. every part of his posts had good advice, you know, God forbid you get some levels and play the game instead of fuming over a small feature in the game that doesn't even matter.

    even after you get a rare pet what then? you can now finally play the game?
  • jentira
    jentira Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I'm brand spanking new to this game and just running through the forums and I'm loving the responses!! Here again are a few players trying to change a game to make it easier for them...the beauty that I've read so far though is that the community is actually backing up the devs and saying...LEAVE IT ALONE.
    Oh geee you have to camp a spawn to get something or buy it? Wow, that's the way it should be! I will admit...I used to be the whiner about spawn camping but then I realized...If you want to have a profession at spawn camping, go for it; I'll spend my time doing something else and just buy the item from you later.
    The only time I would complain about spawn camping is when you cant sell/buy the drop...then I would ask the devs to look into increasing the rate or making it a random drop off more critters. first post to this forum and I'm looking forward to playing...Keep up the support community!!! My motto has always been...If you dont like it...go play some thing else or some where else.
  • Koyote - Harshlands
    Koyote - Harshlands Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Dont give upb:sad i need an antelopeb:bye
    Koyote - Wizardhunter of Harshlandsb:pleased. (I hate wizardsb:angry)
  • Flauschkatze - Heavens Tear
    Flauschkatze - Heavens Tear Posts: 998 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Dont give upb:sad i need an antelopeb:bye

    antelopes aren't rare Oo

    Thanks to Torhn for coloring!
  • Koyote - Harshlands
    Koyote - Harshlands Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    They are on harshland. no one is selling
    Koyote - Wizardhunter of Harshlandsb:pleased. (I hate wizardsb:angry)
  • _Bloody_Fox_ - Sanctuary
    _Bloody_Fox_ - Sanctuary Posts: 993 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Heh a friend gave me a kitten for free. I gave it to my wife though
  • Vinat - Sanctuary
    Vinat - Sanctuary Posts: 1,200 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    yea i agree, it sucks and is unfair. its really absurd that most of the rares venos tame get sold to other venos when really.. the greedy ones should just stop going to the spawns and let others have a chance at getting one that most of us would probably use.

    i get so sick when i see venos at the spawns and they pull out the exact same pet, meanwhile there's 20 other people there who dont have it yet and want it to use.

    and the pricing on some of them? ridiculous. lvl 20 shaodu cub for 1.5m? nobody lvl 20 can afford that, and by the time you CAN afford it.. the time you would need to spend leveling it makes getting one not even worth it.
  • Damewort - Sanctuary
    Damewort - Sanctuary Posts: 573 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I don't see any other reason for rare pets than their looks and some nice skills. You can live easly without them.
    About decreasing the respawn time... They are rare for a reason - so not everyone would get one, so that you would need to spend some time/money/luck to get one. Faster they respawn, less special and rare they become and their purpose is lost.
    Not the best example, but rare pets are like rare coins - so many people want to get them, but only lucky and/or rich ones can get them. Don't destroy the purpose of rare pets just because you can't get one

    If you really want them then try to catch it over and over, and over... till you get it. It could have more worth then, because of your hard work and patience :P Or just earn money and buy it... or hope that a friend will make a nice present for you :)

    I got two rare ones - snow hare and tabby. Both are presents - snow hare was a present from a bm with who I squaded for water quest (still not sure why he gave it to me for free...). Tabby was from guild mate and friend as I once mentioned that I would like to get one someday.
  • Niamy - Sanctuary
    Niamy - Sanctuary Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Hya ^_^,
    seduce wrote: »
    people wants it cause its rare i suppose...

    my opinion GM shld remove all rare pets or make them normal spawns b:chuckle

    just kidding venos...b:shocked

    GM's dont do this kinda things >_<
    GM = Police in game, they dont made changes to the game U_U

    3 weeks? lol, i've tried for over 2 months at the shaudo cub spawn point with no luck.

    Anyway, sorry to tell you this, but its not gonna happen, they (not the GMs, i'm talking about the developers) will not be bothered by this.

    At last one that understand just GMs re not developers.

    Venomancer 82
    Cleric 55
    Barbarian 32
    Wizard 54
    Believe me when I tell you will not want to test my anger...
  • Solandri - Heavens Tear
    Solandri - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    and the pricing on some of them? ridiculous. lvl 20 shaodu cub for 1.5m? nobody lvl 20 can afford that, and by the time you CAN afford it.. the time you would need to spend leveling it makes getting one not even worth it.

    I dislike people who sell the rare pets too. But I think it's worth pointing out that the pounce skill that comes with the shadou cub (stun, increase attack speed) can only be obtained from a level 60+ PvP event, and would probably sell for 1.5 million on its own.
  • Morbiuss - Heavens Tear
    Morbiuss - Heavens Tear Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    well jsut for an update 4 more spawns have occured since i started this thread and again Efox got all 4 of point is that spawn time needs to be increased to prevent ***** like this from camping both spawns morning and night and taking the pet every single time...or at least put some more randomness in it so its not at 7:19 am and 7:19 pm every friggin day for aweek enabling efox to get every single spawn....

    im glad u guys think this is fair and part of the game but guess what I DONT i think its bull**** and needs to stop.....SOMETHING needs to be done it is not a fair system when the same ***** gets it every single time and no one else can
  • Ashuransteel - Sanctuary
    Ashuransteel - Sanctuary Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    can you not read at all?

    Why on earth should something be done just to benefit one selfish player's jealousy? They are called -rare pets- not, -everyone can have 1 pets.- What part of GO LEVEL, and COME BACK TO TRY AGAIN LATER is just that hard to comprehend
  • manfor
    manfor Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    From what I remember reading, there is a bit of randomness to the times now. It was recently made that the spawn times are +/- 2hrs or so rather then exactly every Xhrs.
    Satellite Internet: The permanent "hold on a sec" connection

    Always ready with the S'mores and hot dogs for when the flames get going.
  • Morbiuss - Heavens Tear
    Morbiuss - Heavens Tear Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    rare pet spawn time....server time up after maintenance +5 hours to the all u have to do is see what time server comes up and bingo u have the pet spawn time for the entire week for all rare pets

    and how the *** am i the selfish player? i want one friggin pet for myself for my own personal use....
    im not the one snagging every single spawn every single day day after day no offense to you sir but go *** urself
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Whats the point of being so damn hostile? Theyre telling you youre being selfish for a reason. Youre not the only one who needs/wants these pets.
    It would only give that veno 2 more chances a day to get it, and raise the price of them, effectively shooting you in the foot. Instead of whining, and wasting time with something the dev team wont touch... go level, get better stuff, try again, level the pet when youre higher like the rest of us do. Man up Q_Q.
  • Morbiuss - Heavens Tear
    Morbiuss - Heavens Tear Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    because its UNBALANCED......take out channeling then and btw im FAR from the only one who thinks it needs to be just the only one who says so
  • mortie
    mortie Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Whats the point of being so damn hostile? Theyre telling you youre being selfish for a reason. Youre not the only one who needs/wants these pets.
    It would only give that veno 2 more chances a day to get it, and raise the price of them, effectively shooting you in the foot. Instead of whining, and wasting time with something the dev team wont touch... go level, get better stuff, try again, level the pet when youre higher like the rest of us do. Man up Q_Q.

    Actually, more spawns would mean more supply, which would result in a lower price. However, I don't really see them increasing the spawn rate of rare pets. If you really want to catch rare pets you should play a less populated server ^^
  • Eorween - Heavens Tear
    Eorween - Heavens Tear Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Why do you want a rare pet ?
    Are the rare pet so GREAT that you cant do anything with that regular pet cant do ?
  • Tabasco - Dreamweaver
    Tabasco - Dreamweaver Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Why do you want a rare pet ?
    Are the rare pet so GREAT that you cant do anything with that regular pet cant do ?

    Exactly what I was thinking when I was going through this thread.
This discussion has been closed.