New Players and Rare Pets



  • Morbiuss - Heavens Tear
    Morbiuss - Heavens Tear Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    its a huge surprise that your banned for being rude and disrespectful....

    and im glad you approve of his atitude

    thats nice im really happy for ya

    all i want is a better chance to tame a shadou cub.....
  • Ashuransteel - Sanctuary
    Ashuransteel - Sanctuary Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    The point is, you fail at making money so you resort to scamming other players and can't seem to comprehend ways of making money that don't involve being greedy. The guild I'm in has 89 members at the moment. Guess what the majority of them do for coins? Grind, and none of us ever have money problems.
    can you not read?
    I have a herc/phoenix and run TT/FB89 for money. I said once my ban is lifted Id be glad to show them/my gear.

    Your words are nothing but self righteous banter, a biased opinion. Theres no -proof- that selling a rare pet is a scam. It is just YOUR OPINION. READ. YOUR OPINION.

    So instead of being a blockhead, with a brickwall for a skull, here it is in big letters for you to read again.


    If you must resort to fallacy and opinion, you have no argument, so yet again. Stand down, youve lost this fight.
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Example supplied.


    Actually, you should have said "QFT" because that poster was actually right.
  • Ashuransteel - Sanctuary
    Ashuransteel - Sanctuary Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    #1 who are you refering to as right?
    #2 care to post your opinion, you can deliver them in a more mature fashion than the rest of this forum here ~_~;
  • Kazue - Heavens Tear
    Kazue - Heavens Tear Posts: 389 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    morbiuss wrote: »
    so im "crying" because i think a lvl 20 pet should be available to level 20 interesting

    well first off I play a veno because i like to tame pets and as a veno i think pets should b accessible to me if their my level....and btw on heavens tear YES a certain individual DOES have the monopoly her name is guess what again your wrong

    and IF im crying guess what its my damn right

    A level 20 pet should be available to a level 20 player? Hmmm, can someone please get me a warsoul weapon. I am already 10 levels above its requirement.
    morbiuss wrote: »
    I care about the fact that at lvl 20 i have no chance of taming something that is probably the best pet in game and will enable me to level a LOT faster than i would without it

    And the weapon would also make me level A LOT faster. And and... its the best weapon in the game. PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! Thanks in advance.
  • dieho
    dieho Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    This player is sick of the greed. If you complain about them then you are clearly part of the problem. Go die please, the world does not need greed in it.

    I have no interest in the rare pets at all but I ended up with one anyway. A friend of mine found the Armored Bear while they were doing WQ or something and told me about it. I went out and tamed the thing, this was a few weeks ago. I still have it today in my pet bag.

    Why did I tame it if I had no interest in the rare pets? To make sure that someone else could not just to sell it.

    if your only goal is to make sure someone else couldnt get it to sell then why didnt you just kill it? take your stupidity and self-righteousness off the forum. oh wait i forgot you cant kill a rare pet because that would be just like murdering someone.
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    dieho wrote: »
    if your only goal is to make sure someone else couldnt get it to sell then why didnt you just kill it? take your stupidity and self-righteousness off the forum. oh wait i forgot you cant kill a rare pet because that would be just like murdering someone.

    You are refering to PK'ers in game means Pkers in real life right?b:chuckle
  • Ashuransteel - Sanctuary
    Ashuransteel - Sanctuary Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    yes because we on sanct all know vert wants to murder us irl, with axes in hand, and butcher us and wear our skins as masks like ed geinb:victory

    i recently started blowing my excess funds on GAs to go into pk mode to take out the occasional level 30 i see in it. not because im a SERIAL KILLER but because it was freakin hilarious to see this level 30 barb trying to attack me, and then i one shot him.
  • Morbiuss - Heavens Tear
    Morbiuss - Heavens Tear Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    again please increase the spawn timer to every 6 hours rather than every 12
    k thx good day
  • Ashuransteel - Sanctuary
    Ashuransteel - Sanctuary Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    lol youre not gunna get what you want man, just face it :|
  • Solandri - Heavens Tear
    Solandri - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    again please increase the spawn timer to every 6 hours rather than every 12
    k thx good day

    It's not going to happen. The game has been out for years and the rare spawn times or locations haven't been tweaked.

    Most people are lazy/stupid and just target the rare, click tame, and pray they get it. Just put some thought into how to tame and you'll greatly increase your chances. I've gotten two cubs, two pigs, and a kowlin on HT, no channeling gear. Obviously channeling gives you an advantage, but using your brain will give you the most advantage and I'm pretty sure everyone has one of those. It's hard, but in my experience no harder than e.g. trying to get a certain mold from an FB.
  • sageofearth
    sageofearth Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Yes it was. I was able to get hercules, phoenix, a maxed land mount, maxed air mount, tons of molds, tons of TT gear, lots of fashions, lots of makeover scrolls, lots of dragon orbs, basically, I can get whatever I want and guess what? I have never sold 1 rare pet. If you are unable to afford anything without selling them, you fail.

    I don't run TT for money either. I also bought my first 3 sage veno books for millions each, then it takes another mil on top of that to learn them. Did I sell a rare pet? Nope.

    Man your one greedy little rich person. Why dont you go around and give away all that stuff to people who dont have it. Because thats the only fair thing to do....

    NEWS FLASH! Did you know that in life, nothing is fair. I want to be rich in real life. I want to have a big house, nice car, great computer. I want the tv to play shows only I want to watch. I WANT THIS, I WANT THAT. WHA WHA WHA!!!! Life aint fair. But Pw is nice to you friken noobs. You got more then one way to get the pet. Buy it. Tame it. Trade for it. And if none of those work for you...well to friken bad your out of luck bub. You cant just have it your way. God before online games you had to either deal with how the game was, put cheat codes in, or not play it. Treat a mmo the same way and you mite just enjoy the dang thing. Be happy that its free...cause there aint NOTHING stoping them from charging you money to play this game...or for them to stop making updates and just shuting it down all together.
  • Morbiuss - Heavens Tear
    Morbiuss - Heavens Tear Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    newsflash this aint real life this is a GAME.....and games are meant to be FUN
    and to me FUN is being a venomancer and TAMING RARE PETS but when im cheated out of ANY chance of taming a rare pet because some HIGH lvl has 9999999 channeling then it isnt FUN so the LEAST that can be done is make it FUN by giving NEW people like ME a half a chance to tame a RARE pet by increasing the spawn timer to a more realistic timeframe like every SIX hours instead of every TWELVE where tamers like EFOX can just park their toons at the spawns and keep hogging all the RARE spawns....

    so lets make it FAIR and set it to every SIX hours to provide more people more opportunity to get RARE pets it isnt HURTING anyone to do so
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    newsflash this aint real life this is a GAME.....and games are meant to be FUN
    and to me FUN is being a venomancer and TAMING RARE PETS but when im cheated out of ANY chance of taming a rare pet because some HIGH lvl has 9999999 channeling then it isnt FUN so the LEAST that can be done is make it FUN by giving NEW people like ME a half a chance to tame a RARE pet by increasing the spawn timer to a more realistic timeframe like every SIX hours instead of every TWELVE where tamers like EFOX can just park their toons at the spawns and keep hogging all the RARE spawns....

    so lets make it FAIR and set it to every SIX hours to provide more people more opportunity to get RARE pets it isnt HURTING anyone to do so

    it will not work, you are just giving the high levels more chances to make you feel cheated as you said.

    keep in mind those people have many expenses at higher level to continue in the game. Expenses that you should not have yet.

    They need to get cash and you dont.

    I dont want to sound rude. So, I will do it as polite as possible:

    Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, level up and you can make way more cash to tame/buy/purshase any pet you want.
  • Ashuransteel - Sanctuary
    Ashuransteel - Sanctuary Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    freakin ***** and whine all you want. im not going to be able to have fun TW because i refuse to be big faction cannon fodder. you cant have rare pets, get over it no one cares. theres more things a venomancer can do besides tame pets >_>;
  • Rikkuheart - Lost City
    Rikkuheart - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    If you increase the time os spawn from 12 hours to 6 hours what the heck does that solve??? So now EFOX gets twice as many rare pets...big deal. Go do something else. Like Ashuransteel said theres more to venomancers then taming rare pets. Go lvl, go party with peopel. Or sit at the same spot all day hoping to get a rare pet that you really dont need. I have a veno, and I NEVER plan to get a rare pet. I plan on useing wolves cause I like them. I dont even care that they arnt as good as other pets. You shouldnt go after a rare pet just because its RARE! Thats your problem not ours. And if you think Im being selfish, Im not. I dont mind helping people, but how the heck am I supposed to help you if all you do is complain and want to get everything you want just because you say so. Grow up.
  • Valdea - Dreamweaver
    Valdea - Dreamweaver Posts: 223 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    This thread is mind-numbing to read and makes one start to feel their intelligence slipping away. Especially as I read the posts made by the c*** sucking, high-leveled, self rightious d***wads who claim that a level 20 rare pet (referring to the shaodu in particular) can't possibly be tamed by a player in the level 20 range and that they should either suck it up and pay the 2 mil (fat chance they'll have that) or level up and tame it when they're 40-50 plus. Then we have to deal with the fact that they pet is 30 levels lower than us and have to go back to that pet level area to catch it up with us. Which is a real pain in that **** (had to do it for my golem).
    And, FYI, if you ask most venos how they make their money. They'll tell you grinding mobs. Because of our HP MP and Soul Transfusion skills we can grind, practically on end, rarely using pots if you're good. I have yet to have a veno tell me that she/he makes their money selling rare pets except for Mr. Banned-Character. Now what does that say? I support fully Zoe's beliefs that catching rare pets just to sell is a horrible thing. The human species are greedy ba****** and I wish I had never been born into them. b:angry

    ps. If you're going to pull the, "how am I supposed to get an all class pet if venos don't sell them" card, try asking a veno nicely to help you out. Chances are if you cover the fee to make the pet they'll do it for you.
  • Notbad - Heavens Tear
    Notbad - Heavens Tear Posts: 374 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    wow most of you people are very rude. I mean just because you think a different way doesn't give you the right to just says some stuff that might be mean to other people (in your oponions)..btw i do think there should be a fast spawn rate...these high venos that are taming and selling for high prices are getting to greedy, and they tame all the time so if you want a rare your gonna have to buy it at high prices. Also people want to get rares because they want ya..
    Baby theres no other super star you know that i'll be..Listening to lady gaga b:laugh
  • exaltederick
    exaltederick Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    morbiuss wrote: »
    so im "crying" because i think a lvl 20 pet should be available to level 20 interesting

    well first off I play a veno because i like to tame pets and as a veno i think pets should b accessible to me if their my level....and btw on heavens tear YES a certain individual DOES have the monopoly her name is guess what again your wrong

    and IF im crying guess what its my damn right

    Then you are playing venos for the wrong reason. Venomancers are not like a pokemon master, lol. The best pets for a venomancer are common mobs (sawfly for pvp and crystalline magnamite for pve). And of course you have the phoenix and the hercules which you can get from the cash shop.

    Imo one of the best reasons to play a venomancer is to actually play this game for free. Venomancers can have cash shop pets, and decent gear (but never like Yoshiki's) without using a single real life cent.
  • Morbiuss - Heavens Tear
    Morbiuss - Heavens Tear Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    your saying basically that since i am handicapped because PW doesnt allow keymapping of the movement keys to any other keys besides awds that i should deal with the fact i have a hard time targetting mobs thru magmites and deal with it....and that instead of getting the secondbest tank in game which is ALSO small (shaodu) before i no longer need it (when i get a herc) or whatever that i should suck it up and pay ur stupid ripoff prices....

    well guess what ur ripoff prices can kiss my **** cause i will never buy ur stupid bear at ur prices.....and yes Efox got the bear again tonight....but yet u say she doesnt have a monopoly (laugh)

    well im soooo sorry that im not as good as u cause u have been playing for 2 years or whatever youve been playing but guess what....after i have been playing for two years i will still never be an **** like you....

    BTW im sorry that you mr almighty veno still suck after two years and ur faction cant get any property in TW LOL get over it who cares about stupid TW anyways:)
  • Surfer_Rosa - Sanctuary
    Surfer_Rosa - Sanctuary Posts: 227 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    A magmite's huge physical defense makes it a far better tanker than the shadou cub in the overall majority of posible in game scenarios, high dps being an overwhelmingly useful added bonus. Most of the roles fulfilled by rare pets can be better acomplished by non rares. This is not to say that rare pets have bad stats as many people have implied in this thread, i myself use a tabby and a shadou cub as my only land pets, but do so aware that i have traded the better stats top performers would have given me for the benefit of improved situational awareness and fun animations.
    Venos of any level have every right to tame any pet they want, and since resource management is an important part of any mmo, they have every right to profit selling them. Using common sense you can figure out the spawn times of rares to within an hour so people camping then for longer than that categorically fail at strategy. This doesn't mean they're easy to tame, i tried snowhare and only got it after 4 tries. I decided to avoid the nightmare and grinded instead to pay for mine. It was frustrating and it took me weeks so i consider i earned a right to my pets no less than if i had tamed them myself. I'm against rare spawns being killed to hike prices but not against another veno making a profit fair and square. It's not greed, it's competition. That's what the game is about.
  • blindeyesniper
    blindeyesniper Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    The OP is such a whiner. I was in my 60's when I tamed my cub. Yes, I tamed it with no channeling gear. I tried for weeks, if not months, to get a cub prior. The difference between you, the OP, and I is that I don't cry about it when I can't tame the pet I want. I carry on with my magmite and hope for a better day tomorrow. b:bye
  • Morbiuss - Heavens Tear
    Morbiuss - Heavens Tear Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    again all the OP said was increase the spawn time from every 12 hours to every 6 hours to give more people a chance......

    i really dont care what you had to do or didnt have to do....when I was a teenager i had to walk 3 miles to school barefoot in the snow with nothing but newspapers wrapped around my feet uphill with a strong wind blowing.....

    now we ride in cars and buses....if we kept everything the same for the benefit of the old geezer who used to have it difficult the world would never progress....

    get over it and stop whining because im recommending improvements on a game to make it fairer for more people not just the old geezers
  • Surfer_Rosa - Sanctuary
    Surfer_Rosa - Sanctuary Posts: 227 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    again all the OP said was increase the spawn time from every 12 hours to every 6 hours to give more people a chance......

    i really dont care what you had to do or didnt have to do....when I was a teenager i had to walk 3 miles to school barefoot in the snow with nothing but newspapers wrapped around my feet uphill with a strong wind blowing.....

    now we ride in cars and buses....if we kept everything the same for the benefit of the old geezer who used to have it difficult the world would never progress....

    get over it and stop whining because im recommending improvements on a game to make it fairer for more people not just the old geezers

    No. OP complained about the game being unfair. It is in fact feasible for lvl 20 players to tame the rares, which some do. If you don't want to, you can either grind the coins or lvl up. Or you can just play without a rare. QQing about a situation that you can solve seems pathetic to me.
  • Surfer_Rosa - Sanctuary
    Surfer_Rosa - Sanctuary Posts: 227 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    The OP is such a whiner. I was in my 60's when I tamed my cub. Yes, I tamed it with no channeling gear. I tried for weeks, if not months, to get a cub prior. The difference between you, the OP, and I is that I don't cry about it when I can't tame the pet I want. I carry on with my magmite and hope for a better day tomorrow. b:bye

    The diference between you and me is it took me less weeks than a month to get my rare. I didn't cry, i made my day better, not just hoped.
  • Viper_girl - Heavens Tear
    Viper_girl - Heavens Tear Posts: 541 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I think this is the most ridiculous WHINE thread I have read in a while.

    RARE pets are exactly that "RARE"= hard to get.

    If they were so easy to get everybody would have them and they would not be desirable.

    Imagine if they made Magnamites which are annoyingly common, 12 hr spawns. All of a sudden the people will stop whining about seeing everyone with one and it would become a 10M coin pet.

    Personally I got my rare pets by trading and getting enough coin to buy them. If they made it easy to get I want a refund.
  • Ashuransteel - Sanctuary
    Ashuransteel - Sanctuary Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Mr banned has not said he makes money off rare pets, I stated it wasnt a greedy motivation behind it. I got my shaodu for 900k back in january before the price sky rocketed on Sanct recently.

    I resold it for 1.4m when I wanted Source of Force
    BTW im sorry that you mr almighty veno still suck after two years and ur faction cant get any property in TW LOL get over it who cares about stupid TW anyways:)
    This idiotic attempt at an insult makes no sense. The whole purpose of my Venomancer is to kill people. I want a TW where Im fighting people on my own standard, not just ganging up 2312314123 to 1 on these 90+ dudes with TT90 gear, hoping my teamates + a stinkin bird with a glitched bleed kills it.

    Theres nothing wrong with saying, GO GET LEVELS COME BACK, TRY AGAIN.
    The large % of venomancers who have got phoenix at 60+ have to level the thing from 1-XX so why cant OP? Hes whining because he cant get something rare. Its like a kid crying because he didnt get a charizard in his pokemon cards, saying PUT A CHARIZARD IN 50% OF THE PACKS.
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    #1 who are you refering to as right?
    #2 care to post your opinion, you can deliver them in a more mature fashion than the rest of this forum here ~_~;

    1. Learn to follow the little arrow next to the person's name in the quote of the post I made.

    2. When you learn to be mature, and learn to follow step one we might have a meaningful conversation, but until then I believe that is simply beyond your ability and/or grasp.
  • Ashuransteel - Sanctuary
    Ashuransteel - Sanctuary Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Theres a difference between being immature, and having an utter distaste and hatred toward humanity, where feelings are a meaningless concept to me.

    I tipped my hat toward you, aiming for a little bit of insight from a wiser individual, but apparently my direction for a word from the wise was just a shot in the dark. I highly doubt youre beyond my comprehension.

    Being a professional **** is just what I do. If my point gets driven in, whos a little ad hominem argumentum going to hurt, eh?

    EDIT: as for the arrow, I was blissfully unaware of such a feature on the forums.
  • Tigriss - Heavens Tear
    Tigriss - Heavens Tear Posts: 760 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Ok he said a few times about this game being out for two years. If I'm not mistaken PWI hasnt benn online that long. I'm drunk alot but I'm sure it hasn't been that long since I did beta.
    "Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"
    Thankies Crystalynnex
This discussion has been closed.