Full attack barb and Nuke Cleric

Granrey - Sanctuary
Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
edited April 2009 in General Discussion
Just wondering what people think about these players that pick these paths.

Aparently, they are focused on attacking rather than their game role.

Honestly, I have no problem with it, since we can all do whatever we want with our toons but I wonder what other people think about them. Sometimes is hard to find squads, so they have to do what they need to level up.

Myself, I have made my BM with very low tanking capabilities but with other properties that I like.

So, what do you think about them?
Post edited by Granrey - Sanctuary on


  • Vulpix - Lost City
    Vulpix - Lost City Posts: 533 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    i've got a full dex veno and it is amazing.

    Except for the whole "can't wear the appropriate armor" thing
    TY _Bloody_Fox_ for the sig ^_^
    I think venomancers are a pretty cool guy, eh mances the venom and doesn't afraid of anything.
  • swgs
    swgs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    i've got a full dex veno and it is amazing.

    Except for the whole "can't wear the appropriate armor" thing

    A full dex veno is different, you can still serve the veno role in a group. you can still DD, amp, lure and purge. that's what people are expecting a veno to do in a group. But can some one tell me what is the advantage of being a heavy cleric?
  • Deadbone - Sanctuary
    Deadbone - Sanctuary Posts: 292 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    swgs wrote: »
    A full dex veno is different, you can still serve the veno role in a group. you can still DD, amp, lure and purge. that's what people are expecting a veno to do in a group. But can some one tell me what is the advantage of being a heavy cleric?

    People wont annoy u by asking if u want to go fb or tt with themb:chuckle
  • Celestyna - Heavens Tear
    Celestyna - Heavens Tear Posts: 629 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    more power to someone who chooses these builds but PLEASE tell your party before. i have had both.. a cleric without iron heart and a barb who couldnt tank drum without bb from the get go and second cleric... these things need to be told to the party before you get to the boss so proper arrangments can be made and/or you dont rely on them to do what you are expecting them to be able to do.
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    more power to someone who chooses these builds but PLEASE tell your party before. i have had both.. a cleric without iron heart and a barb who couldnt tank drum without bb from the get go and second cleric... these things need to be told to the party before you get to the boss so proper arrangments can be made and/or you dont rely on them to do what you are expecting them to be able to do.

    I had no clue what was a nuke cleric until last weekend in which we were talking about TT runs within the guild and a cleric guildmate says: don't expect much healing from me because I'm a nuke cleric.b:laugh
  • Zhoelle - Sanctuary
    Zhoelle - Sanctuary Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I am 100% okay with unusual builds. I think it adds variety and makes the game more interesting. But as was mentioned above, just let your squad know ahead of time.
  • WarrenWolfy - Sanctuary
    WarrenWolfy - Sanctuary Posts: 1,686 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Just wondering what people think about these players that pick these paths.

    Aparently, they are focused on attacking rather than their game role.
    I'm generally against the notion that players ought to fit their characters into certain expected roles. However, the game doesn't really seem to allow a whole lot of flexibility for unusual builds because the skill sets definitely favour certain roles.

    So a full attack cleric kinda strikes me as a wizard, but with less types of attack spells, while a full offense barbarian kinda strikes me as a blademaster, but with less stun/aoe skills.
    PWI Merchanting Guides: warrenwolfy.wordpress.com
  • swgs
    swgs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    People wont annoy u by asking if u want to go fb or tt with themb:chuckle

    Good point.
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Just wondering what people think about these players that pick these paths.

    Aparently, they are focused on attacking rather than their game role.

    So, what do you think about them?

    At least they can think outside the box.
  • AndromedaB - Sanctuary
    AndromedaB - Sanctuary Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    FAC and attack barbs are OK but if i ask for a tank or healer and you say zomg invite me im a cleric! or dont tell us your biuld ur guna get kicked first if we need another spot. eg. if theres a barb in our squad who cant tank a fb boss and party is full, that barb gets kicked and we get another one

    and srsly wtf is the point a cleric without heals?
    ALL clerics should atleast have at least lv 9 revive and lv 10 ironheart or as close to it as possible
    most FACs i met have that and im fine with it and they are useful in a party
  • Pemarkre - Harshlands
    Pemarkre - Harshlands Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    So a full attack cleric kinda strikes me as a wizard, but with less types of attack spells, while a full offense barbarian kinda strikes me as a blademaster, but with less stun/aoe skills.

    I have to agree with this. I've been spending my time evenly on a Wizard and a Cleric, to figure out which one I'd like to have as my Main. (The Venomancer on my Avatar has fallen into being a secondary character.) When on the Cleric, I enjoy the buff/heal abilities and the benefit it lends to squads and faction, but when working the PvE angle the lack of different elemental attacks bugs me a little. But the Wizard, which gives me that attack variety, is lacking in the buff/heal department.

    So making my Cleric the attacker, rather than the healer, doesn't make sense to me. Oh, I'd be able to hit for a ton down the line, but the way the stats and skills run, I'd rather take advantage of the healing skillsets. On the other hand, my Wizard WILL be able to hit for a ton down the line, and comes with limited healing sets (if you can even call it that) anyway, so I'll be focusing on the attack aspect for her. At some point I'll decide which one to focus on for leveling and end-game, but the other will become my secondary to be on-call if needed in certain situations. So I'll have the best of both, just on different characters ;)

    I'm already surrounded by tanks on a server highly populated with Venos, so my poor tank(pet) Veno is gathering dust at the moment XD My choice to go with a magical support class got some unsolicited approval yesterday as I ran healing backup in Archosaur for a friend. Cries of "buff, buff" followed my Cleric. 'twas a little surprising at first as my Mage and Veno are all but ignored aside from Duel requests XD
    Take the moment in your hands, and dust off the parts that you wish weren't there. Hold onto and pursue the parts you enjoy, letting the drifting dust fade away on the wind, remembered and learned from, but no trouble to you now. ~ Myself, 4/4/09.

    Call me Kemi, the lighthearted, optimistic cynic. ^x^

    Harshlands |*| Lareish (Enraged Wz - Main) |*| Lalarei (Clc) |*| Pemarkre (Vm)
  • Oz - Lost City
    Oz - Lost City Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    had to laugh at "FAC" b:chuckle

    I personally think that, yes, everyone can do what they want and I wouldnt call them off for whatever build they choose..

    However, classes in PW (up to a certain extent) are just made to be what they are, due to their skills, weapons, armour, blabla..

    --> A barb is a tank class, and you cant really change that. You arent meant to deal high damage, you are meant to be the meatshield, the barb skills show that.

    --> A healer is a healer and not a damage dealer. That doesnt mean youre gonna be bad at PvE or PK, you will just fight differently. Full attack imo is the worst thing you can do to your cleric, especially at lower levels. You NEED to fulfill your supportive role, so you can help people, get invites to fbs, HH and whatnot. Later on, after lvl90, that doesnt matter anymore anyway since you have all your skills maxed and a refined weapon gives you nice power.
    My opinion: If you want a healer, choose a cleric. If you want to be a mage, choose a mage, not a healer -.-

    (Sorry bout that, had some really bad experiences with FACs (still gotta laugh at it) without proper healing capability in parties and being 2-shots to boss aoe in HH b:surrender)
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    had to laugh at "FAC" b:chuckle

    I personally think that, yes, everyone can do what they want and I wouldnt call them off for whatever build they choose..

    However, classes in PW (up to a certain extent) are just made to be what they are, due to their skills, weapons, armour, blabla..

    --> A barb is a tank class, and you cant really change that. You arent meant to deal high damage, you are meant to be the meatshield, the barb skills show that

    --> A healer is a healer and not a damage dealer. That doesnt mean youre gonna be bad at PvE or PK, you will just fight differently. Full attack imo is the worst thing you can do to your cleric, especially at lower levels. You NEED to fulfill your supportive role, so you can help people, get invites to fbs, HH and whatnot. Later on, after lvl90, that doesnt matter anymore anyway since you have all your skills maxed and a refined weapon gives you nice power.
    My opinion: If you want a healer, choose a cleric. If you want to be a mage, choose a mage, not a healer -.-

    To say "only mages should do X, and if you want to do X, you should play a mage", or "if you play a cleric you should only do X because that is what clerics are 'supposed to do', and not Y because that is what mages do".

    Just because that is how you would play that class doesn't mean that is the only way to play the class.

    Someone playing a cleric that has leveled their attack skills more than their support skills is playing their class just as correctly as the player leveling their support skills more. The player who eschewed their support skills almost completely is still playing their class correctly even though you might disagree with that because it doesn't benefit you with buffs and really good heals, but simply does a lot of damage.

    Listening to people who only want each class to do what they want them to do is possibly the worst thing a player can do.
  • Senyo - Heavens Tear
    Senyo - Heavens Tear Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I have to somewhat agree with FAC's being a joke. A Full attack cleric is the same as normal cleric stats wise. the more magic you have the better you deal damage/heal. But it's ironic that something that couldn't possibly survive would be a full attack cleric, you need to stay alive to deal damage.

    I didn't want to get put in ether role, I love dealing damage and stealing agro from mobs on fb runs, but I also like to have ppl being able to rely on me as a healer. so I leveled core attack and support skills and I never had anyone complaining.

    But I have to agree that I'm a little tired of the limited attack skills the cleric has compared to other classes. there's physical and magical. and of the magic damage there's one effect witch is slow. Compare that to venomancer skills that can lower accuracy, raise casting times, freeze the enemy and leech HP.

    overall I'd like to see something like summer sprint on a cleric. and maybe something like a stone barrier or fox form to raise physical resistance by 100% for an extended period of time
  • Mothergoose - Sanctuary
    Mothergoose - Sanctuary Posts: 1,320 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Attack barbs can't fill the role of tank well because the difference is in stats. Hybird attack clerics can still fill the role of healer well, with a few modifications to skills, since stats are basically the same.

    Out of the 3 main skill trees (heal, buff, attack) only lvl the best, and you'll be able to dd as well as heal as well as any of the pure support or pure attack classes. Instead of maxing all skills out of one tree, pick out the best of each tree and leave the crappy ones.

    Out of heals, max ironheart, and maybe wellspring. Party heals aren't useful, a good party should only have the tank taking large amount of damage anyway. Archers who steal aggro are on their own.

    In buffs, max Spirit's gift, leave rest. Defensive and regeneration buffs are nice to have, but not vital.

    In attacks, max plume shot, cyclone, and maybe tempest. Skills like thunderball are a waste of SP.

    Fewer, more spammable skills attack work out well anyway. Low number of attack skills are the strength of Clerics and Venos. The greatest weakness of Wizard is too many redundant attack skills that all require SP, in place of useful utility/survival skills like plume shell or bramble array. A balanced cleric can deal just as much damage as Wiz, by spamming the same skills over and over, and at the same time be a lot more survivable and useful.
  • XeroLan - Heavens Tear
    XeroLan - Heavens Tear Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I've got a hybrid Cleric build and love it. I can do some fierce damage but still have my buffs, revive and Ironheart maxed, as well as BB and RB. My guild has a ton of clerics, so we usually have at least 2 on dungeon runs and we've gotten pretty good and switching off between heals and debuffing bosses. I was able to do my fb79 as the only cleric, not just healing but DD'ing too. The only death was our veno who accidentally got in Brigand Transient's way.

    I really like seeing other peoples' builds because it's nice to see people thinking outside of the box. b:laugh It adds more to the game and with a good squad, gives you more versatility and options. If all I ever did was stand there with my finger on the Ironheart hotkey day in and day out, I would have lost my mind by now. I like being able to spam a few heals on my tank, toss a few debuffs and Thunderball/Tempest at the boss, heal, repeat. Good times. :D

    BTW Mothergoose, Thunderball isn't a waste of SP in my opinion (but I guess it just depends on your play style, like everything else hehe). At lvl 10 it's got some decent DoT and a good initial burst when you first cast it. It may not seem like much but every little bit counts.
  • XAsch - Sanctuary
    XAsch - Sanctuary Posts: 855 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Full Attack Barb. Ohhhhhhh man. <wipes tears>. Whew. Just gimme a moment..
  • Senyo - Heavens Tear
    Senyo - Heavens Tear Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I have to agree that there are some pretty useless skills, but considering the small range of attack skills we have I'm happy for thunderball.
    A truly worthless skill is Blessing of the Purehearted closely followed by Sirens kiss. Seriously, at that lvl it's deadly to get agro, so why use an aoe? and at higher lvl's it just wasts a spark you could use on a tempest a little later.
    I wouldn't consider aoe buffs useless but I guess they're not really necessary. the buff I lvled the least was HP/MP regen. it has the smallest effect.

    I put off lvling metal mastery because it seemed I got more damage out of lvling a skill than getting a nother 2% out of metal skills. once I had most of my metal skills lvled (excluding tempest) I maxed metal mastery.
  • Erado - Heavens Tear
    Erado - Heavens Tear Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    a simple skillset for any cleric to get first is Ironheart blessing, plumeshot, cyclone & the physical defense, magic defense and magic attack buffs.

    get those skills and youll be able to buff, heal and attack just the same, regardless of wether you call yourself FAC or not. and those skills will be maxed by early 50s...

    later on you can always focus on attack skills or more stuff like revive and purify etc. but thats not that shocking.
  • endlichman
    endlichman Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    why should skill cleric's at least lvl 9 revive?
    this cost just $$$ ...but a cleric wont have anything from it..she cant revive herself?! but other ppl can be revived...
    if a cleric has just lvl 3-6 all ppl cry, ... its better than loosing all exp.
    if you dont like this low lvls buy scrolls.. or another thing could be..pay for revive lvl10. because clerics had to pay for this skill,too....
    all attack clerics with low rez skill.. but if they dont have the money ?
    so please be nice, ask for revive lvl but dont blame any clerics for low skill lvl...otherwise give'em money :P XD
  • scridon
    scridon Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Attack barbs can't fill the role of tank well because the difference is in stats. Hybird attack clerics can still fill the role of healer well, with a few modifications to skills, since stats are basically the same.

    Out of the 3 main skill trees (heal, buff, attack) only lvl the best, and you'll be able to dd as well as heal as well as any of the pure support or pure attack classes. Instead of maxing all skills out of one tree, pick out the best of each tree and leave the crappy ones.

    Out of heals, max ironheart, and maybe wellspring. Party heals aren't useful, a good party should only have the tank taking large amount of damage anyway. Archers who steal aggro are on their own.

    In buffs, max Spirit's gift, leave rest. Defensive and regeneration buffs are nice to have, but not vital.

    In attacks, max plume shot, cyclone, and maybe tempest. Skills like thunderball are a waste of SP.

    Fewer, more spammable skills attack work out well anyway. Low number of attack skills are the strength of Clerics and Venos. The greatest weakness of Wizard is too many redundant attack skills that all require SP, in place of useful utility/survival skills like plume shell or bramble array. A balanced cleric can deal just as much damage as Wiz, by spamming the same skills over and over, and at the same time be a lot more survivable and useful.

    No offense but I think you are not informed enough about clerics to be giving advice on skills.

    For one Chromatic healing beam (AOE heal) is pretty useful, unless you like to waste mana using Regeneration aura all the time. It is not something you need to max by any means, however I have mine only at lvl 4 and seems to be fine for the time being. If you play cleric long enough you will learn under which circumstances it is best to use either Aura or AOE heal.

    As for buffs, I think its pretty important to max them all. The least important is Celestial guardian seal, I think. However, when you can, it is also important to max it if you plan on being at least to some degree a support cleric. Also it helps to conserve mana during grinding and healing which any little bit helps, trust me. All the rest of the buffs are almost a must to max asap, however at lower lvls you will not have the sp to do that so be wise and lvl what is more useful at your lvl with the sp you have.

    On to attacks, Wield thunder is also high priority skill to max as well, it is the best attack skill a cleric has. Tempest alone does great AOE damage but requires 2 sparks so its not always use-able. If you use Elemental seal> Advanced Spark> Wield thunder, you can deal huge amounts of damage to your target. This chain also requires 2 sparks but Advanced spark isn't needed to do pretty good damage with wield thunder and elemental seal.

    Now when to lvl these skills and in what order is something I am not going to get int nor when or how to use them as that would just take way to long. If you play Cleric long enough you will learn. :)
  • mbrunestud
    mbrunestud Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    endlichman wrote: »
    why should skill cleric's at least lvl 9 revive?
    this cost just $$$ ...but a cleric wont have anything from it..she cant revive herself?! but other ppl can be revived...
    if a cleric has just lvl 3-6 all ppl cry, ... its better than loosing all exp.
    if you dont like this low lvls buy scrolls.. or another thing could be..pay for revive lvl10. because clerics had to pay for this skill,too....
    all attack clerics with low rez skill.. but if they dont have the money ?
    so please be nice, ask for revive lvl but dont blame any clerics for low skill lvl...otherwise give'em money :P XD

    if every cleric has at least lvl 9 revive, they benefit each other by reviving each other. she cant revive herself, but she gets revived by another and one day return the favor. life for everyone is just simply easier if every cleric gets lvl 9 revive. not that i mind that much, i've town ported many times, just means more grinding and grinding just means more coins. same reason i max sharptooth arrow. you think revive is expensive? try sharptooth, lvl 7 is 290k in coins, next will be 440k in coins. it doesnt benefit me for the most part, for all i care bosses could take 30min for everyone else, i just stand there and fire away with only the repair cost on my bow to worry about. but you know what? other people tank for me, other people heal for me, and since sharptooth saves repair bills and charm costs for them, that is why i lvl it when i can afford it.
  • Xnastyx - Lost City
    Xnastyx - Lost City Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    IMO tanking is very easy and does not require a build to be based on the ability to tank.And having a attack based build mixed with tanking skills works out better then most ppl think invoke FTW!!.But as said before you cant really deviate from the expected role of your class to much.(build wise)

    P.S I have been told i tank better then ppl who do have tank based builds.Even approached by other barbs asking, "how can i be a better tank"?...its not that complicated.and it's not just based on you;(gives my clerics credit tob:victory
  • Literature - Harshlands
    Literature - Harshlands Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Fac barbs and nuker clerics are fail. I've seen nuke clerics. They can't heal and they do close to the same dmg as a normal cleric. They drop very easy because they have weak buffs too.

    Never seen a fac barb but I think they would be just as much fail. Barb power comes from his crazy tanking.
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I would not like to be a barb or a cleric and having to kill 400 mobs to level up.
  • Inias - Heavens Tear
    Inias - Heavens Tear Posts: 440 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    srry @ the person above me but , depends on what u mean with "nuke cleric"
    i'm a cleric myselve

    and i have NEVER heard of a nuke cleric , on the other hand i heard alot off FAC (full attack cleric) this is a build where they get their survivability (HP and phys def) out of their armor , still real FAC go for mag+ in their gear so they have high magic and high dmg

    but don't forget high mag = high dmg BUT never the less also => more healing
    ironheart heals ... over time + % or your basic mag attack so the more mag the higher the healing

    SO basicly => full attack cleric = more dmg dealing=>more healing=> dead in no time

    but if u mean with nuke cleric => cleric that doesn't want to learn healing skills ====>> don't even care to invite them , those are just *******
    ironheart etc are a clerics strongest skills either if it's for healing a barb or healing yourselve b4 battle

    so here u go :)

    BTW : barbs i dunno nothing about :p
    thanks to forsaken for this awesome sig b:victory[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    srry @ the person above me but , depends on what u mean with "nuke cleric"
    i'm a cleric myselve

    and i have NEVER heard of a nuke cleric , on the other hand i heard alot off FAC (full attack cleric) this is a build where they get their survivability (HP and phys def) out of their armor , still real FAC go for mag+ in their gear so they have high magic and high dmg

    but don't forget high mag = high dmg BUT never the less also => more healing
    ironheart heals ... over time + % or your basic mag attack so the more mag the higher the healing

    SO basicly => full attack cleric = more dmg dealing=>more healing=> dead in no time

    but if u mean with nuke cleric => cleric that doesn't want to learn healing skills ====>> don't even care to invite them , those are just *******
    ironheart etc are a clerics strongest skills either if it's for healing a barb or healing yourselve b4 battle

    so here u go :)

    BTW : barbs i dunno nothing about :p

    As I said, I had never heard the term before. but we were planning a zhen party or a FB (I can recall pretty well now) and my cleric guildmate said something like this:

    "don't count on me much for healing, because I'm a nuke cleric"

    Since I don't play Cleric and never heard the nuke term before, I'm assuming that she has taken a "full attack cleric" role to the most extreme posible.

    For her to say "nuke". I'm assuming she has some devastating skills that kills every mob around, lol.

    I will ask her next time I see her for more details on her built.
  • Anomandariss - Heavens Tear
    Anomandariss - Heavens Tear Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Fac barbs and nuker clerics are fail. I've seen nuke clerics. They can't heal and they do close to the same dmg as a normal cleric. They drop very easy because they have weak buffs too.

    Never seen a fac barb but I think they would be just as much fail. Barb power comes from his crazy tanking.
    You are the one who fails here. If a full attack barb is made the right way, it is a very good soloing class. The same goes for clerics.

    I, myself, am one and so far questing, farming and grinding has been awfully easy.
  • swgs
    swgs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Fac barbs and nuker clerics are fail. I've seen nuke clerics. They can't heal and they do close to the same dmg as a normal cleric. They drop very easy because they have weak buffs too.

    Never seen a fac barb but I think they would be just as much fail. Barb power comes from his crazy tanking.

    It is not the build, all cleric will be able to learn same skills when they are 85+ regardless the build. the issue is a lots of FAC are not willing to play a supporting role, if they have a chance to send out only one spell, they most likely send out a attack instead a heal. there is nothing wrong to play the way they like, you just need to know your squad members when you form a squad. I do not have problem to group with a FAC, but a FAC (or used to be) is just a DD in my squad, if I only have one spot for a cleric, I rather then pick a lower level full support cleric then a higher level FAC (or used to be) with same sometime even better skills.

    Full attack barb is understandable. They are a tank compare to any non barb classes, but they can not tank as good as a full tank build barb, they may all have same skills, but they do not have same amount of HP. they are both the same when the level difference is big between the barb and the mob, but they are not same when they need to tank a mob at or above their level. A experenced attack build barb may tank better the a full tank build barb without enough experence, but it does not mean a full attack barb can tank equally to a full tank build barb.
  • Literature - Harshlands
    Literature - Harshlands Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    You are the one who fails here. If a full attack barb is made the right way, it is a very good soloing class. The same goes for clerics.

    I, myself, am one and so far questing, farming and grinding has been awfully easy.

    If I wanted a damage dealing class I would just make an archer. They hit crazy hard with decent survivability.

    Why try to bootleg that damage with a barb or cleric? :S

    I'm all about efficiency. Being DiFerAnt doesn't concern me. ;o