Whatsdifference between PVP and PVE

Terrorfox - Lost City
Terrorfox - Lost City Posts: 6 Arc User
edited February 2009 in General Discussion
Which servers are pvp and which are pve?b:shocked
i dont understand whats the difference between themb:cry, could somone explain?
Post edited by Terrorfox - Lost City on


  • Gonzu - Heavens Tear
    Gonzu - Heavens Tear Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    You should have found that out by now since you are level 30. b:chuckle

    You are on the only PvP server the other two are PvE.
  • Nomaad - Heavens Tear
    Nomaad - Heavens Tear Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Lost City is the PvP server, Heavens' Tear and Sanctuary are PvE servers. The difference between them: PvP = Player vs. Player; PvE = Player vs. Environment.

  • JustForFun - Heavens Tear
    JustForFun - Heavens Tear Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Lost city - PvP
    Heavens Tear and Sanctuary - PvE

    PvP = Player v Player
    PvE = Player v envirnonment

    On the PvP server PK goes anywhere outside the safe zones, whether you are white name or blue name. On PvE server you have to be white name to PK or be PKed.
  • Gonzu - Heavens Tear
    Gonzu - Heavens Tear Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    The bottom line is: other players will attempt to kill you on Lost City all day long.

  • BanexOfxEvil - Sanctuary
    BanexOfxEvil - Sanctuary Posts: 123 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    The bottom line is: other players will attempt to kill you on Lost City all day long.


    lol yes thats fun (rolls eyes)

    pvp server: at lvl 30+ u are forced into pk mode and u cant get out......
    pve server: at lvl 30+ u are not forced into pk mode but u have a chance to turn it on and must remain logged on for 10 hours to turn it back off...

    hehe good luck with pvp server at your lvl
  • Tomiko - Heavens Tear
    Tomiko - Heavens Tear Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    PVE = More QQ with Blue name + hug safezone during pk action = FTL

    PVP = More Pewpew
  • Oishasan - Sanctuary
    Oishasan - Sanctuary Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Player versus Player
    You level up and quest like normal, until you reach level 30, at which point 'game on'. You must now watch yourself for you are on a server where players can and will kill you for points. Usually they will wait for you to be engaged with a mob/quest before attacking.
    PvPers will do everything in their power to attract new blood to the server and become fodder, but if you weren't part of the initial push on a PvP server you're SoL, wait for the next server or well, you will learn to love punishment.
    It's very rare to see end-game of any sort in this enviornment. It happens, but the time it takes to level on a PvP server that is already established is 3x-10x that of a PvE server, and since items = power, those at the top do not want you succeeding in any way.
    Oh and that's right, your items will be looted if you die in PvP. You can pay real life cash to 'insure' them or buy a 'doll' that disappears for every death, which will be many.
    nickname: hardcore
    If you love first person shooters, this is the server type for you. (though to be honest, this is much more time intensive than a FPS would ever consider before you actually kill someone, thus why it is a MMORPG)

    Player versus Enviornment
    You are able to level up in the game and quest unhindered. Enjoying the game designed by the devs and the obstacles they have placed to challenge you. Often the most popular of servers, because many of the players are end-game/loot oriented, also you will find most of the Roleplaying community on these.
    You will also find more childish players here...Kill stealers, ninja looters, etc.. but that's with any MMORPG. It's a long game, write their names down. It's the trade off for not having to watch your back 24/7.
    You have the option to 'flag' for PvP on PvE (there are some hotspots), You also have the option to turn it off, once you do, you have to wait 10 hours.
    You will still lose items to PvP deaths, but not to PvE deaths.
    nickname: carebear
    If you love RPGs, this is the server type for you.

    If you like populated servers go PvE, for the PvP populace will dwindle and fall much sooner than the PvE counterparts in every North American/Euro MMORPG when given the option. Especially considering the length of time it takes to level and cash involved with this game.

    Also there is the core part of the game which is the TW.
    A guild vs guild war that happens weekly on ALL servers for control of parts of the map, which actually pays the guilds $ for what they own/control. The more they have, the more they want, the more they have to defend. It's a great part of the game, but there is a limit to who can enter as far as number of players, usually the guild with the highest level and amount of entries will win. (thus why on PvP servers if you weren't there in the beginning, they have no intention of letting you level up, lol)
    Light Armor build, Support Cleric

    Barbarian, feral build

    Arcane Veno
    Beetle Wrangler
  • jemima
    jemima Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Quick correction to your post.
    Item drop rates on death are the same for bother servers. You can still drop items to monster deaths on the PvE servers.

    And I have yet to see any hardcore rp'ers on any server in any version, although I haven't played on Sanctuary, so it could just be that server.
  • Terrorfox - Lost City
    Terrorfox - Lost City Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    You level up faster on PvE.
    does that mean you need less exp to level?
  • AlpineFrost - Lost City
    AlpineFrost - Lost City Posts: 362 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    No that just mean you have no one greifing you while you try and grind.

    But seriously the PvP server isnt as bad as everyone from the PvE server says... I rarely ever get Pked. ever.
    Ex-Waffles Director
  • Dar_Malkier - Lost City
    Dar_Malkier - Lost City Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I have to agree with Alpine on this. You will almost always hear people on the carebear servers making the comment that you will be meat for the grinder if you join the PVP server. Simple fact is that I have an alt (an EP - Elven Priest or "Cleric") that I've started on the PVP server and in a little over a week, he's up to level 45 and has only been PKed (Player Killed) a couple of times.

    In my opinion, the PVP server is more fun and exciting to play as it adds a different element to the game than the standard old "quest and grind on mobs" theme as real, live human opponents are much more unpredictable than a computerized mob.
  • AlpineFrost - Lost City
    AlpineFrost - Lost City Posts: 362 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I have to agree with Alpine on this. You will almost always hear people on the carebear servers making the comment that you will be meat for the grinder if you join the PVP server.

    thank you :D and i agree, i find the PvP server alot more fun... its far to easy to bea AI.
    Ex-Waffles Director
  • Chaotiic - Lost City
    Chaotiic - Lost City Posts: 498 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Player versus Player
    You level up and quest like normal, until you reach level 30, at which point 'game on'. You must now watch yourself for you are on a server where players can and will kill you for points. Usually they will wait for you to be engaged with a mob/quest before attacking.
    PvPers will do everything in their power to attract new blood to the server and become fodder, but if you weren't part of the initial push on a PvP server you're SoL, wait for the next server or well, you will learn to love punishment.
    It's very rare to see end-game of any sort in this enviornment. It happens, but the time it takes to level on a PvP server that is already established is 3x-10x that of a PvE server, and since items = power, those at the top do not want you succeeding in any way.
    Oh and that's right, your items will be looted if you die in PvP. You can pay real life cash to 'insure' them or buy a 'doll' that disappears for every death, which will be many.
    nickname: hardcore
    If you love first person shooters, this is the server type for you. (though to be honest, this is much more time intensive than a FPS would ever consider before you actually kill someone, thus why it is a MMORPG)

    Player versus Enviornment
    You are able to level up in the game and quest unhindered. Enjoying the game designed by the devs and the obstacles they have placed to challenge you. Often the most popular of servers, because many of the players are end-game/loot oriented, also you will find most of the Roleplaying community on these.
    You will also find more childish players here...Kill stealers, ninja looters, etc.. but that's with any MMORPG. It's a long game, write their names down. It's the trade off for not having to watch your back 24/7.
    You have the option to 'flag' for PvP on PvE (there are some hotspots), You also have the option to turn it off, once you do, you have to wait 10 hours.
    You will still lose items to PvP deaths, but not to PvE deaths.
    nickname: carebear
    If you love RPGs, this is the server type for you.

    If you like populated servers go PvE, for the PvP populace will dwindle and fall much sooner than the PvE counterparts in every North American/Euro MMORPG when given the option. Especially considering the length of time it takes to level and cash involved with this game.

    Also there is the core part of the game which is the TW.
    A guild vs guild war that happens weekly on ALL servers for control of parts of the map, which actually pays the guilds $ for what they own/control. The more they have, the more they want, the more they have to defend. It's a great part of the game, but there is a limit to who can enter as far as number of players, usually the guild with the highest level and amount of entries will win. (thus why on PvP servers if you weren't there in the beginning, they have no intention of letting you level up, lol)

    YOU SIR ARE AN ****

    Um have a look at a little thing called level rankings and u will see which server levels faster. PVE may seem like a good idea but tbh people get bored of it and want to pvp then there not enough people to pvp with and u jus quit game. Also ALL the serious players who have been and plan on being 90+ go to the pvp server as they know at 90 in-game content wears thin and there is nothing to do but pvp. PVE there is just plain nothing to do.

    A lot of pve players say at 90 u jus grind to 100, well wat do u do at 100? Grind to 105? Now what? Are we finally ready to pvp? Okay lets pvp with the 5 other players at lv 105......


    PVP players dont want more people on the server so we can pick on noobs we want more people so in a few months we have more higher levels to compete and test our skills with. Lvl 1-90= about 3 months lvl 90-99 = about 4+months. In case u didnt know a lv 98 has the same gear as a level 90 thus even pvp. Gear only changes at 99 when people get tt99 gold. 1 piece of tt99 gold= 1month farming. Therefore in the time i am leveling to 99 a new player could start and hit 90 and we could have some fun pvp for months b4 i have any 99 gear and thus an advantage over him/her. Get over urselves PVE carebears and stop trying to restrict others gameplay.

    Note: i have a lv 4x alt which has never been pk'd unless it was red name(i are bored and kill peoples la).
    Official Guild History

  • Cyanea - Lost City
    Cyanea - Lost City Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I think everyone has gotten across the idea that on Lost City, you go into "pk mode" automatically when you reach level 30, and stay there. In other words, other players can attack and kill you. You can also attack and kill other players.

    But no one gets points for killing players (and I think you should edit your post, Oishasan, because you had claimed they do). However, pvp players can, sometimes get other people's gear, and ... this stuff gets complicated.

    Also, some PvP players will do anything to try and provoke you to fight with them. For some people this involves lots of condescending language. Others will be very mature and intelligent, of course. I have run into condescending PvP players too often for my taste, so I mostly play on PvE servers.

    Some players with immature pvp type personalities play on PvE servers, but they can not kill you directly, and are not supposed to use game bugs to hurt people. If they get out of hand, you can open a ticket reporting them and the GMs can take measures to stop them. I have never encountered such people personally, most of them are smart enough to go play on lost city.

    Also, I think lost city (our pvp server) is our oldest server, so they have higher level characters than anyone else. I also believe that PvP players tend to have bigger entertainment budgets than PvE players, and when you spend some real money you can gain some minor in game advantages.
  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    In my experience, those players that level the fastest, quit playing the game the fastest. They quickly run out of things to do, pk or not.

    What is the point of pk anyway? You get nothing out of it. Sure you can do TW for land but if you are max level you don't need the money from it. The PvP is simply a huge waste of money. Never has been and never will be a reason to pvp outside of TW or an arena of some sort like dragon temple. Though once you reach max level there is no reason to pvp at all. It will always be the exact same people and it will get boring as hell in a very big hurry.

    At least LC players are doing one thing good, they'll max out levels first, causing them to raise the level cap sooner. =D
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • varenian
    varenian Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I can't agree with saying a PVP server is more fun. Maybe if you enjoy constantly killing people, but for me, nah. I played up to level 73 on the Malaysian servers, and me and my whole guild were griefed constantly by the top guilds. It got to the point of getting PKed 5+ times a day. There was nothing we could do either since they were much higher with much better gear.
  • Chaotiic - Lost City
    Chaotiic - Lost City Posts: 498 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Also, I think lost city (our pvp server) is our oldest server, so they have higher level characters than anyone else. I also believe that PvP players tend to have bigger entertainment budgets than PvE players, and when you spend some real money you can gain some minor in game advantages.

    Both lost city and heavens tear were released at the same time so release date isnt wat gave us higher levels. Also whether or not the budget issue is true i dont know but all u can buy to help u level is exp scrolls and before those were released we still had higher levels (our highest level was mid 7x at the time and average level was around 6x heavens highest was late 6x)
    In my experience, those players that level the fastest, quit playing the game the fastest. They quickly run out of things to do, pk or not.

    What is the point of pk anyway? You get nothing out of it. Sure you can do TW for land but if you are max level you don't need the money from it. The PvP is simply a huge waste of money. Never has been and never will be a reason to pvp outside of TW or an arena of some sort like dragon temple. Though once you reach max level there is no reason to pvp at all. It will always be the exact same people and it will get boring as hell in a very big hurry.

    At least LC players are doing one thing good, they'll max out levels first, causing them to raise the level cap sooner. =D

    Whatever u want to say pvp is fun. There are tonnes of high levels on lost city to pvp with so it wont "always be the same people and get boring". For HT and Sanc this is true as of course the same people will have their pk turned on so u will fight the same people over and over. Also i would like to ask u wat do u do at max level if u dont pvp? Wat do u even do at 9x? To be honest i never saw the quests as captivating and the storylines were so boring that mostly i jus pressed okay until i got the mobs i needed to kill. So wat do u do if u dont pvp? Grind more? Role play? Really would like to know. PVP is done not because there is any point to it but because its plain fun this is a game afterall.
    varenian wrote: »
    I can't agree with saying a PVP server is more fun. Maybe if you enjoy constantly killing people, but for me, nah. I played up to level 73 on the Malaysian servers, and me and my whole guild were griefed constantly by the top guilds. It got to the point of getting PKed 5+ times a day. There was nothing we could do either since they were much higher with much better gear.

    Im not debating whether or not its more fun at mid-level im talking about high level where u dont grind and level off dailies pretty much. Mid level ur char is still exciting as ur maxing out skills getting new gear etc. But wat is interesting about sitting around with max skills and ur final 9x gear and doing nothing? Wat do u do log on do dailies attend TW and log off?

    Also this is not MY big guilds on LC dont harass newbies unless its ragequit in which case they greif everyone and are considered to be dying. As a lowbie on Lost city u will get killed maybe 3-4 times level 1-80. Ask around its true. Unless ur in one of the big KOS guilds u virtually never get pked.
    Official Guild History

  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Whatever u want to say pvp is fun. There are tonnes of high levels on lost city to pvp with so it wont "always be the same people and get boring". For HT and Sanc this is true as of course the same people will have their pk turned on so u will fight the same people over and over. Also i would like to ask u wat do u do at max level if u dont pvp? Wat do u even do at 9x? To be honest i never saw the quests as captivating and the storylines were so boring that mostly i jus pressed okay until i got the mobs i needed to kill. So wat do u do if u dont pvp? Grind more? Role play? Really would like to know. PVP is done not because there is any point to it but because its plain fun this is a game afterall.

    Im not debating whether or not its more fun at mid-level im talking about high level where u dont grind and level off dailies pretty much. Mid level ur char is still exciting as ur maxing out skills getting new gear etc. But wat is interesting about sitting around with max skills and ur final 9x gear and doing nothing? Wat do u do log on do dailies attend TW and log off?

    Well thats just fine but to me, if it has no real point, I have no interest in it. I don't find spending all my money just for that to be fun. As for what you do at higher levels, you grind to the top. When you get bored you start another character there are 6 classes after all. Each one is quite different.

    I find pk to be boring and grinding to be more interesting because grinding actually benefits me where as pvp does not. I have done a TON of pvp in other games and in other versions of PW. Its the same in them all.
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • Chaotiic - Lost City
    Chaotiic - Lost City Posts: 498 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Well thats just fine but to me, if it has no real point, I have no interest in it. I don't find spending all my money just for that to be fun. As for what you do at higher levels, you grind to the top. When you get bored you start another character there are 6 classes after all. Each one is quite different.

    I find pk to be boring and grinding to be more interesting because grinding actually benefits me where as pvp does not. I have done a TON of pvp in other games and in other versions of PW. Its the same in them all.

    grinding is interesting.................
    please get to 9x then tell us ur opinions of grinding

    i really lol'd at this ..........grinding is interesting lmao
    Official Guild History

  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Why get to 9x here when I've gotten to 119/120 on an mmo that was 100% grind? Its a lot easier to level here than it was there.
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • Chaotiic - Lost City
    Chaotiic - Lost City Posts: 498 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Okay Zoe lets forget about u and talk about the average player.

    Average doesnt like to grind. So wat do u do once u hit 9x? Dont like to grind so grinding more is out of the question so wat do u do? Quit game?
    Official Guild History

  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    If you don't like to grind the answer is simple, you should not be playing an mmo.
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • Chaotiic - Lost City
    Chaotiic - Lost City Posts: 498 Arc User
    edited February 2009

    I should have listened when people said there is no point in talking to u
    Official Guild History

  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    ALL MMO's have grind, so if you don't like grinding the only option is to not play them at all. Or is that simple concept too complicated for your mind to comprehend. After all the only thing that ever goes through the mind of a LC player is "kill, kill, kill, must kill more,MORE, kill!"
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • Chaotiic - Lost City
    Chaotiic - Lost City Posts: 498 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    ALL MMO's have grind, so if you don't like grinding the only option is to not play them at all. Or is that simple concept too complicated for your mind to comprehend. After all the only thing that ever goes through the mind of a LC player is "kill, kill, kill, must kill more,MORE, kill!"

    This is exactly what i mean when i say u need to stop the LC hate. Why resort to personal attacks? Just because u dont like grinding doesn't mean u don't do it to get to high level. I think this would be clear me being 12 levels higher than u. My point is 9x is the point in this game where u no longer have to level up as u have reach for most people end-game. And your grinding tho it may not stop slows down considerably and FOR MOST players stops entirely. So wat do u do grind at ridiculously low %/hr and pretend u enjoy the game? Well according to you just grind more or start a new char and grind.

    Would like more opinions(less re.tarded ones) from PVE players of wat u do at 9x.

    Note:Those 12 levels work out to roughly all the experience u have gained up to ur current level (81).
    Official Guild History

  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    12 Levels? Learn to count please. =p
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    grinding is interesting.................
    please get to 9x then tell us ur opinions of grinding

    i really lol'd at this ..........grinding is interesting lmao

    lol@taking something out of context

    Zoe said (paraphrased)that in comparison to PKing it was more interesting.

    And you had the gall to call someone else an ****.

  • Zhaocai - Heavens Tear
    Zhaocai - Heavens Tear Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    At 9x? Keep going until max level. Why should you stop? o_O Sure you could stop and just PVP, but why not do that at max level when you can just destroy your opposition?
  • DeOso - Lost City
    DeOso - Lost City Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    At 9x? Keep going until max level. Why should you stop? o_O Sure you could stop and just PVP, but why not do that at max level when you can just destroy your opposition?

    Because doing nothing but grinding to the max level is BORING. No argument for that.

    I really can't see the point of being a high level on the pve servers. I mean seriously, all you can really do is just grind. Grind, grind, grind. No real competition between other players (Which is the main reason some of us play MMO's). And I'm sure there is slightly less motivation to make your character the best it can be.
  • Zhaocai - Heavens Tear
    Zhaocai - Heavens Tear Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    For me I just like to be the best for my own sake..I could care less to show it to others. I personally LOVE grinding. Just seeing a level up gives me enjoyment. I don't like to kill other players unless that person seriously made me angry, but that doesn't happen often.