Come on RoC, killing rare pets?



  • fuzzles
    fuzzles Posts: 628 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    mikeya wrote: »
    someone's greedy, wants to make a fashion symbol out of the pet. all while my friend has been waiting a month just to pay 1.4mil coin for a veno egg...

    Not to **** in your fountain of truth or anything, but by killing it every time you're just driving the price up and making it less likely that your friend is ever going to get one.

    Your friend should slap you.
    Everyone here is ridiculously oversensitive.
  • Trenith - Heavens Tear
    Trenith - Heavens Tear Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited January 2009

    So yall venos still complaining?

    Yall tame a pet spend a lil coin to make it all class and sell it for millions.

    Then yall complain yall are poor.


    Ill be there with Mikeya at every pet spawn killing those pets as well.

    Become a barb, cleric, archer, wizard or blademaster.


    Im with Mikeya figure something out or dont get the pet. IDGAF if theres only 2 cubs left on the server, or if theres no cubs left on the server. Heck, Ill go kill the kowlin the ugly little pig, Ill go kill them all...

    Matter fact, all you venos goign QQ over this... or anyone period, new deal, 100K a res.

    Yall can charge us for pets, Imma charge yall for buffs and a res. Those cost more money then your silly little tame skill + the cost to make the pet.

    Okay next topic for venos to complain over.

    Let me guess, yall want to complain that 99.9% of you venos suck in pvp right?
  • Stupidus - Heavens Tear
    Stupidus - Heavens Tear Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    lol. nerd rage
  • Teseanna - Heavens Tear
    Teseanna - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,021 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    mikeya wrote: »
    LOL, i was there for one purpose, and CONTRARY to popular belief, i still have yet to kill ONE CUB!

    that's right people, your idiocy has spread such rumors as me being a cub-killer... well, u are lacking the proper knowledge to spread such rumors... and yes, i was in pk mode, and when i got pk'ed to much... i switched to a much lower lvl character... a cleric that couldnt go pk even if i wanted.

    besides the point. people have PKed me, and i dont mind it. it happens.
    u want to hog it just cuz ur a veno? what empowered u to be the sole idea of justice? who said ur capture is the only method approved for a bear cub?

    what would u do with the bear cub? use it to upstream ur revenue? u think you're the only one spending coin on skills? why not grind like the other part of the population?

    ill be out there, every damn time, at one location or the other.

    terms for me leaving that spot:
    1. offer me coin to leave, im poor too... a bribe is fine by me
    2. PK ME TOO MUCH... yes, i will leave
    3. DECIDE on one person, just one person to capture the pet, i will leave it alone(all people there, including non-venos)
    4. make sure there are no players lvl 50+ trying to gang up on a lvl 20 bear...

    current spawn time is around 7:24am/pm Central Time (USA)
    spawn locations are 199, 453 & 287, 459

    I for one was there to tame it, and give it away. Don't assume.
  • Teseanna - Heavens Tear
    Teseanna - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,021 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    100k a res? keep yer mana, son...
  • mikeya
    mikeya Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I love how u all keep saying "well I was there to capture and give it away"

    such a sadly unbelieveable story. :(

    as much as it might have a small hint of truth... im not calling you directly the greedy one.

    its the people who are super high level that already have a few...

    U know AV_Idol was spotted in west arch selling 2 baby cub eggs for 1.6 mil each?
    that was ironic, didnt many of you Praise her for captureing the pet before i could kill it?

    so, AV_Idol makes 1.6 mil coin... or I kill the bear, either way, you are all still left with nothing and sitting in the dust.

    there's a level 70+ venomancer in RoC that has been trying for that bear since level 40~ish.

    everyone has their sob story. im not pleased with how ignorant you all are about how this capture goes to the fastest...

    the fastest one is the person who has the biggest computer, with a super great internet connection, that has millions of coin in the game already, that has a veno that's of a very high level.

    where's the fair? absurd advantage that i fully disapprove of.

    develop a system.
    make something happen, where there's a FAIR way to achieve a bear.... and ill give up.
  • EhrdeXero - Heavens Tear
    EhrdeXero - Heavens Tear Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    all i gotta say mike is b:angry...

    ur awesome lol b:chuckle
  • Semyezza - Heavens Tear
    Semyezza - Heavens Tear Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Way to go mikeya and Exo stop those money hungry venos b:victory

    Wow. Ignorant brat. Way to stereotype. I'm a Venomancer. That makes me money hungry too, right? b:bye

    So yall venos still complaining?

    Yall tame a pet spend a lil coin to make it all class and sell it for millions.

    Then yall complain yall are poor.


    Ill be there with Mikeya at every pet spawn killing those pets as well.

    Become a barb, cleric, archer, wizard or blademaster.


    Im with Mikeya figure something out or dont get the pet. IDGAF if theres only 2 cubs left on the server, or if theres no cubs left on the server. Heck, Ill go kill the kowlin the ugly little pig, Ill go kill them all...

    Matter fact, all you venos goign QQ over this... or anyone period, new deal, 100K a res.

    Yall can charge us for pets, Imma charge yall for buffs and a res. Those cost more money then your silly little tame skill + the cost to make the pet.

    Okay next topic for venos to complain over.

    Let me guess, yall want to complain that 99.9% of you venos suck in pvp right?

    And is it just me or do I detect jealousy of some kind? Lmfao.

    I don't get all this Veno-hating. Please explain, without being offensive, using the letter "Q", being rude, sound like a thirteen year old, stereotyping, being offensive, being rude, being offensive-- Never mind. I'm asking for too much. -sigh-

    On another note, my "class"-mates that are complaining about people killing the pets they want to tame: Stop trying. I mean, seriously. I once camped the Tabby and the Kowlin, and there's always someone bigger and better than nicks the pet. Just decide which pet you want most, save up lykwoa and get it.

    I wanted a Kowlin and a Shaodu Cub since I was lvl 35ish. Guess what? I'm 71, and I have a KOWLIN and a SHAODU CUB. Save up, don't waste your life camping and take the easier road. <3

    - Richard the Warlock, LFG.

    visit my gallery on !! !!
  • Myai - Heavens Tear
    Myai - Heavens Tear Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Well, I think I was the first to actually try and talk with Mikeya instead of fighting and yelling at him over the last kill. BUT, the kill that happened earlier, almost 5 hours ago(I think, I'm too tired to even do that simple math X3) happened after many more than 5 venos had agreed to let Loki have the cub if they caught it. That had been our agreement, and he broke it because he said that the people did not pm him. Well boo hoo! What if we didn't want to pm and would like to say it in normal chat instead? I thought that Mikeya was smart enough to see when someone has agreed with him even when they don't pm him.

    I also find it offensive that Mikeya doesn't believe Flausch and I when we say we're there to help the lower levels. I already have my cub and am also in Flausch's forum. I chose to spend my time on a cliff so that I can help other lower level venos like Loki and Izzy.

    Personally, I find it very hard to give a needing veno a rare pet I just tamed when there's a barb killing the bear every time it re-spawns. But that's just me, personally. b:chuckle

    And you all keep saying how impossible it is for a low level veno to tame a rare pet? Well, I just made a new veno and she's only level 10. She tamed the frogling that re-spawns by the Broken Bridge Village. There were around 20 other venos there, including high level ones. So if you think that the low level venos can't tame rare pets just because there are higher level ones there, you're not looking at everything. There are three main parts to taming a rare pet:
    A. Clicking on it ASAP
    B. Start channeling ASAP
    C. Hope that you prevail

    Taming is actually only luck. People are different, therefore they have to create they're position and variables when they tame, and find the one that they like best.

    And seriously, if you're a BM, barb, archer, cleric or wizard, just create a veno and use her to try and tame pets. The Snow Hares are going for 50k+ now and they re-spawn every hour only. If you want to make cash, just go catch a few of those and you'll have as many coins as one Shaodu Cub costs in the same amount of time too. it's not that hard.

    Non-venos, please don't kill a rare pet if the venos at the spawn site decide on the one who's going to get the egg. That would be stupid. And Mikeya, please watch for willing helpers in the normal chat too. The PMing problem was my fault, but my mind was somewhere else and I completely forgot to make sure you understood.

    I'm going to sleep now. The bear re-spawns in less than 7 hours and I'm tired X3 And my stupid frigging mouse isn't working and I hate using my laptop's mouse pad >____< nvm, it's working again @_@

    Kinda in a bad mood because of a bad day, so please forgive the rambling XD
  • aerifyre
    aerifyre Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    If the venomancers in game would get together and create a fair system for taming the pets, as Mikeya suggested, I would be all for it. I wouldn't even mind waiting a few days/weeks, if I knew I was guaranteed a chance at getting one of the pets.

    @Mikeya: I can't vouch for everyone who says that they are there to give the pets away, but I do know of a couple who have tried to help me personally get the Shaudo Cub, namely Flauschkatze and Teseanna. Myai, as she said, is part of the group of venomancers who at least try to help each other out in regards to the rare pets (and other things). Not everyone who says they're taming it for someone else is lying.
  • Myai - Heavens Tear
    Myai - Heavens Tear Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    aerifyre wrote: »
    If the venomancers in game would get together and create a fair system for taming the pets, as Mikeya suggested, I would be all for it. I wouldn't even mind waiting a few days/weeks, if I knew I was guaranteed a chance at getting one of the pets.

    @Mikeya: I can't vouch for everyone who says that they are there to give the pets away, but I do know of a couple who have tried to help me personally get the Shaudo Cub, namely Flauschkatze and Teseanna. Myai, as she said, is part of the group of venomancers who at least try to help each other out in regards to the rare pets (and other things). Not everyone who says they're taming it for someone else is lying.

    Thank you b:pleased
  • Kazue - Heavens Tear
    Kazue - Heavens Tear Posts: 389 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    People need to understand this: Even thou the rate pets have a long spawn rate, they are treated just like any other mob; and hence free for killing. AND NO ONE NEEDS A RARE PET. It doesn't violate the ToS in any ways for a non veno to kill a rate pet. Heck, if killing rare pet does violate ToS in anyway, i need to report half of the server for killing that normal mob that i was waiting to attack.

    And before you start to blame the non venos for killing rare pets. Take a good look at those venos that sell rares for 1+ mil. You claim that we (non venos) are exploiting the venos by killing rare pets. Well, you venos are exploiting us by selling the pets for ridicules prices. If you can convince all those venos to lower the rare price to a reasonable cost, maybe we, the non venos, will stop killing rares. Before you start to blame us non venos, take a good look at your fellow venos.

    And here is the funny thing. The OP stereotyped the entire RoC guild by the action of one (or a few) member(s). So whats wrong if mikeya stereotype the entire veno class by the action of a few greedy venos?
    aerifyre wrote: »
    Section 11, Subsection (n) of the Terms of Service states that [users shall not] "Take any action that disrupts the Service or that negatively affects or may prohibit other users from enjoying the Website, the Games or any other aspect of the Service."

    In my opinion, actions such as this blatant killing of a rare pet by higher level players are in violation of the Terms described above. We already have to compete with higher level players taming the pets purely for monetary reasons (basically taking away the chance for lower level players to get said pets). We should not, under any circumstances, have to compete with griefers killing the pets. This does, for many people, negatively affect the game.

    I sincerely ask the developers and GMs to review this, and to take action against players who bring down the game in such fashion.
    this was taken from

    Disclaimer: I have yet to kill a rare pet in game, but I am just fed up with venos claiming it is against the ToS/rules/whatever to kill a rare.
  • aerifyre
    aerifyre Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    this was taken from

    Disclaimer: I have yet to kill a rare pet in game, but I am just fed up with venos claiming it is against the ToS/rules/whatever to kill a rare.

    As I described in my thread (the post you linked), if a player is killing the rare pets purely out of spite, then it has a negative impact on the game, and is thus against the ToS. This is why I put in the suggestion that a rule be made against killing the rare pets, since there is no rule currently in place. I am also only advocating this towards non-venomancer kills, since no one else has a good reason to kill the rare pets, and even venomancer-caused deaths should only be caused by accident - i.e. too many pets attacking the rare at once.

    Not only would this make venomamcers happier in that it would be easier to get a rare pet (would only have to compete with accidental deaths during tame attempts), it would probably drive down the cost of the rare pets by a fair amount. It's very basic economics, there would be a higher supply, so prices would drop.
  • Stickygreen - Heavens Tear
    Stickygreen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    aerifyre wrote: »
    As I described in my thread (the post you linked), if a player is killing the rare pets purely out of spite, then it has a negative impact on the game, and is thus against the ToS. This is why I put in the suggestion that a rule be made against killing the rare pets, since there is no rule currently in place. I am also only advocating this towards non-venomancer kills, since no one else has a good reason to kill the rare pets, and even venomancer-caused deaths should only be caused by accident - i.e. too many pets attacking the rare at once.

    Not only would this make venomamcers happier in that it would be easier to get a rare pet (would only have to compete with accidental deaths during tame attempts), it would probably drive down the cost of the rare pets by a fair amount. It's very basic economics, there would be a higher supply, so prices would drop.

    lol get over urself. Less QQ more Pew Pew.
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

  • Myai - Heavens Tear
    Myai - Heavens Tear Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Since Mikeya is mainly pissed off at how unfair the taming is, then why don't we just split people up by levels? All of the rare pets except the Windwalking Piggy, Kowlin, and Armored Bear have 2 or more spawn spots.

    Why don't we just say that level (this is only an example of level splitting) 40+ can only go to this spot and that anyone above level 39 at the other spot has to leave and go to the other place?

    This makes it so that we can't complain about the faster channeling, and most of the it is mostly lower level venos that want the rare pets to keep, not to sell. That way when you kill the pet in the area, you can decide whether you want to kill the pet that the keepers want to tame, or the pet that that the sellers are trying to tame. This makes it so that the higher level venos know that they're taking a high chance to go there and that chances of winning are smaller and some will stop going entirely and the amount of over-priced rare pets goes down. And then the lower level venos don't have to spend so much time trying to catch something before a level 80 veno does.

    You could also split the sites by keepers and sellers. I just think that if we just split up the spawn sites like this we're not being rude to all of the venos that have no part in the ridiculously high prices. Plus, there are some venos like Odlid (she's famous for this next thing) that have been trying to tame a rare pet since level 20 and are now level 70 and still don't have the one they want. Yes, Odlid is living proof that this is happening.

    Let's be nice to those that don't deserve to get all of the hate that we're throwing at the venos because they did nothing to deserve to get it.
  • Stickygreen - Heavens Tear
    Stickygreen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Since Mikeya is mainly pissed off at how unfair the taming is, then why don't we just split people up by levels? All of the rare pets except the Windwalking Piggy, Kowlin, and Armored Bear have 2 or more spawn spots.

    Why don't we just say that level (this is only an example of level splitting) 40+ can only go to this spot and that anyone above level 39 at the other spot has to leave and go to the other place?

    This makes it so that we can't complain about the faster channeling, and most of the lower level venos want the rare pets to keep, not to sell. That way when you kill the pet in the area, you can decide whether you want to kill the pet that the keepers want to tame, or the pet that that the sellers are trying to tame. This makes the higher level venos know that they're taking a high chance to go there and that chances of winning are smaller and some will stop going entirely and the amount of over-priced rare pets goes down. And then the lower level venos don't have to spend so much time trying to catch something before a level 80 veno does.

    You could also split the sites by keepers and sellers. I just think that if we just split up the spawn sites like this we're not being rude to all of the venos that have no part in the ridiculously high prices. Plus, there are some venos like Odlid (she's famous for this next thing) that have been trying to tame a rare pet since level 20 and are now level 70 and still don't have the one they want. Yes, Odlid is living proof that this is happening.

    OMG so many whiners in this game...
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

  • Myai - Heavens Tear
    Myai - Heavens Tear Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    OMG so many whiners in this game...

    I'm not whining, I actually go to the spawn sites to try and help the level 20s there. I just think it's better to throw all of your hate at the deserved person and not the innocent.

    EDIT: Plus, I bought my rare pet, no tamed it. I know how high the prices are and have never sold (and never will sell) a rare pet for that high of a price.

    lol, EDIT again: I never plan on selling a pet ever anyways. I tame for free. >_>
  • Junon - Heavens Tear
    Junon - Heavens Tear Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    aerifyre wrote: »
    As I described in my thread (the post you linked), if a player is killing the rare pets purely out of spite, then it has a negative impact on the game, and is thus against the ToS. This is why I put in the suggestion that a rule be made against killing the rare pets, since there is no rule currently in place. I am also only advocating this towards non-venomancer kills, since no one else has a good reason to kill the rare pets, and even venomancer-caused deaths should only be caused by accident - i.e. too many pets attacking the rare at once.

    Not only would this make venomamcers happier in that it would be easier to get a rare pet (would only have to compete with accidental deaths during tame attempts), it would probably drive down the cost of the rare pets by a fair amount. It's very basic economics, there would be a higher supply, so prices would drop.

    Venomancers should be happy enough with their overpowered Phoenix and Hercs. This game spoils them. First of all they aren't rare pets when they spawn. They are rare MONSTERS. It's a monster before it is a pet.

    If someone wants to kill a rare monster then that's something you just have to deal with. It doesn't make sense to make killing a rare monster a bannable offense. This just goes to show how badly Venos have been spoiled. -.-

    If every Veno didn't have to worry about them being killed, then what's the sense of calling them rare if every Veno can just come by and catch it?
  • Kingpiccolo - Heavens Tear
    Kingpiccolo - Heavens Tear Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I tried to tame the Armoured Bear with my Axes. It didn't work.
  • Kazue - Heavens Tear
    Kazue - Heavens Tear Posts: 389 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    aerifyre wrote: »
    As I described in my thread (the post you linked), if a player is killing the rare pets purely out of spite, then it has a negative impact on the game, and is thus against the ToS. This is why I put in the suggestion that a rule be made against killing the rare pets, since there is no rule currently in place. I am also only advocating this towards non-venomancer kills, since no one else has a good reason to kill the rare pets, and even venomancer-caused deaths should only be caused by accident - i.e. too many pets attacking the rare at once.

    Not only would this make venomamcers happier in that it would be easier to get a rare pet (would only have to compete with accidental deaths during tame attempts), it would probably drive down the cost of the rare pets by a fair amount. It's very basic economics, there would be a higher supply, so prices would drop.

    Notice the word this "would" make veno happy, but only "probably" drive down the price. So if we stop killing rare pets, venos will benefit, while its a might for the rest of us. If you venos really want a rare pet, go get a herc, solo some hh/tts, sell the mat, buy the pet. Its not rocket science.
  • Darksylph - Heavens Tear
    Darksylph - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,816 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Notice the word this "would" make veno happy, but only "probably" drive down the price. So if we stop killing rare pets, venos will benefit, while its a might for the rest of us. If you venos really want a rare pet, go get a herc, solo some hh/tts, sell the mat, buy the pet. Its not rocket science.

    You all act like getting a Herc is some easily obtainable item. Most Veno's don't have a Herc nor the 20-25 million needed to acquire them. You seem to have the process backwards, getting cubs or froggies helps them to farm and maybe in the future they can afford a herc.
  • Myai - Heavens Tear
    Myai - Heavens Tear Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I tried to tame the Armoured Bear with my Axes. It didn't work.

    lol, I sure hope you're not serious about that X3 It'd be sad if someone was really trying to tame a pet by just attacking it XD

    I'm not so sad about such high level rare pets dying, the venos that tame those as keepers and sellers aren't so common. Although I'd rather not have the Kowlin dying every time I try to tame it XD i want one so much >_<
  • Rophe - Heavens Tear
    Rophe - Heavens Tear Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    lol... venos are finally getting balanced and nerfed >.<

    This is another example of RoC players (I can't blame the faction, though its tempting to judge the masses) doing something that isn't illegal but it is a big "**** you" to the world. I do think someone got temp banned for this once... though I don't have any SS to prove that.
  • Stickygreen - Heavens Tear
    Stickygreen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    keep doing it RoC, providing us with some quality entertainment ^_^
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

  • mikeya
    mikeya Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    ^.^ hahahahaa... i would continue if i had the balls... but GM's got the delete button, and the large dumb masses of people who strictly abide by rumors and ideas asked the GM to hold their hand over such a button!!!!!

    I wont do it myself, and im stricken to encourage others to do such a thing as kill a mob!! please! no killing mobs, Grinding is a "Bannable" offense if ur killing a mob someone else wants.

    or if you just said nothing to other players, and killed the mob, i guess ur immune to such an idea as "greiving" other players. cant grieve someone if they dont have any reasoning to why you're doing it. ^.^

    look to the future everyone!!! there is a new light up ahead! I wish to see it!!! ILL BE AT THE NEXT BEAR SITE! i wont be killing, just watching!!! ^.^
  • Kazue - Heavens Tear
    Kazue - Heavens Tear Posts: 389 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    You all act like getting a Herc is some easily obtainable item. Most Veno's don't have a Herc nor the 20-25 million needed to acquire them. You seem to have the process backwards, getting cubs or froggies helps them to farm and maybe in the future they can afford a herc.

    The frog mag tanks. What do the cub do? fly out dmg it and golem out phy tank it. If they (veno) can't make money with a golem, they are not going to make anymore money with a rare pet. Its simple as that. And there are plenty of venos running around with a herc.

    EDIT: Because of all of this, i am really tempted to join mikeya to see if i can "tame" some rares myself.
  • Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear
    Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,385 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I tried to tame the Armoured Bear with my Axes. It didn't work.

    Get it stright dude, those are arrow tame only.
    1. If I kill you; do something about it yourself, don't go complaining to my wife.
    2. If you have less kill counts then me, don't expect me to take pk advice from you.
    3. If you are hiding behind an alt, don't expect me to acknowledge your existence.

    Tokichiro - Heavy Armor Fish / Kiyoshi - Dual Blade Elf
  • Bookman - Heavens Tear
    Bookman - Heavens Tear Posts: 165 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    mikeya wrote: »
    ^.^ hahahahaa... i would continue if i had the balls... but GM's got the delete button, and the large dumb masses of people who strictly abide by rumors and ideas asked the GM to hold their hand over such a button!!!!!

    I wont do it myself, and im stricken to encourage others to do such a thing as kill a mob!! please! no killing mobs, Grinding is a "Bannable" offense if ur killing a mob someone else wants.

    or if you just said nothing to other players, and killed the mob, i guess ur immune to such an idea as "greiving" other players. cant grieve someone if they dont have any reasoning to why you're doing it. ^.^

    look to the future everyone!!! there is a new light up ahead! I wish to see it!!! ILL BE AT THE NEXT BEAR SITE! i wont be killing, just watching!!! ^.^

    MAN UP.

  • Darksylph - Heavens Tear
    Darksylph - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,816 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    The frog mag tanks. What do the cub do? fly out dmg it and golem out phy tank it. If they (veno) can't make money with a golem, they are not going to make anymore money with a rare pet.

    Cub is a mix tank. In TT as a full arcane Veno, my Golem died on Chin from his magic, my froggy died from physical attacks. Cub survived and tanked the boss. Cub isnt the strongest magic or phys but is very strong for both on things that have both types of damage and without my cub i couldnt solo 1-2 (solo mode, for any readers who never experienced solo vs. group mode, solo is alot easier) at 68 without the cub.

    And seriously, there arent that many hercs out there as you think. The people in the big guilds are used to seeing herc, but theres so many without it.
  • LT_Ash - Heavens Tear
    LT_Ash - Heavens Tear Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    of these venos was my friend. What happened next is that Mikeya dropped some 60TT axes, and these axes ended up in my friend
This discussion has been closed.