tank bm?



  • Nayiro - Sanctuary
    Nayiro - Sanctuary Posts: 1,275 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    fuzzles wrote: »
    BMs simply can't hold the aggro if you're in a real party. If there are archers or mages (Or venos, if you're in TT), then the BM can forget about tanking. Don't even try. You'll just get your entire party wiped out.

    Personally, I'm a barb, and I'm plenty happy to see the BMs tank. If they want to do so, then go ahead. I'll just pop out of tiger form and make sure not to steal your precious little aggro. It takes longer, but I'm sure you have your reasons (idiocy is a reason, not an excuse).

    Having said that, BMs should know their limits. If you can't tank, don't try to tank. And don't assume that you'll be tanking either. If there's a barb of an equal level, then they're gonna be tanking. End of story.

    BMs are there to sit down, shut up, and wave their little swords around while the barbs and clerics get the job done.. BMs should only ever try to tank after making it clear to the entire party that they'll be doing so, and only if there's no roughly equal level barb around.
    Stream Strike spamming FTW :D
  • Nevlik - Heavens Tear
    Nevlik - Heavens Tear Posts: 265 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    umm, I'm going to agree with the barb on this one. Stream strike does build aggro, but no where near as much as any of the tiger form skills. Not to mention the barbs have multiple aggro generating skills.

    yes bms can tank low dungeons easy, but expecting bms to tank TT's or other high lvl bosses is stupid.
  • Nayiro - Sanctuary
    Nayiro - Sanctuary Posts: 1,275 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    umm, I'm going to agree with the barb on this one. Stream strike does build aggro, but no where near as much as any of the tiger form skills. Not to mention the barbs have multiple aggro generating skills.

    yes bms can tank low dungeons easy, but expecting bms to tank TT's or other high lvl bosses is stupid.

    BMs can tank TT60 with a cleric, but i was kidding about the stream strike thing xD
  • XAsch - Sanctuary
    XAsch - Sanctuary Posts: 855 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    hey look i will give credit where credit is due xasch is good at what he does. ok he is good at aoe damage. with that said this thread was to find out why you bm's insist on tanking when the barb is around. as fuzzles said you don't hold enough agro to do it for real. now if you are like as and spend your time tanking in the low lvl fb where you are asured that you will 3 hit kill all the mobs then fine. and if the barb dies durring that then it's his fault. that's a given. but on the bosses the barb needs to tank especially if it is the barbs fb. if he dies cuz you are taking all the healing from the clerics then you just screwed not just him but every one. you single handedly wasted every ones time. and useing a tank barb for a dper is just stupid. the potential for them to take your agro is too high and with the clerics focused on you he will die from the boss before you get agro back period. so that is the problem. but your right asch you are god's little gift to aoe damage and killing 20 mobs that are half your level. kinda like that fat kid that got held back 4 years in 6th grade getting lunch money.


    Half my level? riiiiiiiiiight. b:bye
    umm, I'm going to agree with the barb on this one. Stream strike does build aggro, but no where near as much as any of the tiger form skills. Not to mention the barbs have multiple aggro generating skills.

    yes bms can tank low dungeons easy, but expecting bms to tank TT's or other high lvl bosses is stupid.



    TT70. b:thanks
  • fuzzles
    fuzzles Posts: 628 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Not all that relevant, XAsch... you have two good and organised clerics there, an HP charm, and top end gear. Any same-level character with heavy armour, an HP charm, two clerics etc, could tank it. Quite literally.

    And I'll bet that wiz was having fun. Constantly worrying about stealing aggro.
    Everyone here is ridiculously oversensitive.
  • Sager - Sanctuary
    Sager - Sanctuary Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    xAsch: I can tank those easily too with only one cleric. However, one of my barbarian friend could tank that TT70 bosses without a cleric at level 74 which something blademaster can't. b:victory
  • XFlay - Sanctuary
    XFlay - Sanctuary Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    @fuzzlez: perv couldn't steal aggro. we've done TT70 the last 2 weeks, not once has perv EVAH stole aggro. ^_^

    @Sager: when DancingTat and I died, cuz we were too close to AoE, Asch had to tank with Krager for about 10mins, no heals, while we res'd to town and run back through. so I think it's not hard for BM also. ^^

    plus, in TT, Tat and I attack most, not heal. charms for a reason. XD
  • jemima
    jemima Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Yeah, the reason for charms is in case you don't have a cleric healing.

    Of course, clerics for a reason too. To heal. I don't care if you're one of those FAC's who for some bizarre reason thinks that clerics can outdamage every other class including mages, your job is to heal. You aren't a dd.
  • The ferenczy - Sanctuary
    The ferenczy - Sanctuary Posts: 275 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    again and for the last time asch you can't out agro the tank you can charm all you want and have clerics all you want and we all know that when flay is in a party you and i mean any one in the party doesn't die.

    but in her post she admits that you failed at tanking cuz she died and had to go back to town.

    the job of a tank isn't to damage as many as possible that is just aoe damage it is part of the dpers job. a tank isn't supposed to solo. a tank is a living peice of defence. period.
    i have worked with you i have seen your tricks. you have high def low hp and high damage. that doens't mean jack for a tank. sorry but it doesn't. you still go down like any other equal leveled none tank class build. all that you do and have managed to accopmlish is makeing it rough for your cleric to heal you and keep your party around. but like i said before this is getting useless so i am done with you and your class bye.
    one day the world will shout to me save us....
    and i will whisper no.
  • Wyeth - Heavens Tear
    Wyeth - Heavens Tear Posts: 245 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    why would any one wate all there time and effort to make a "tank bm"?

    and why do all of you bm insist on trying to be the tank just cuz your level is higher than the barbarian in squad? do you not realize that you are only keeping agro cuz the barb lets you and in most cases the barb actually is more than capable of tanking the mob you are tanking. don't get me wrong in sum cases it is needed. but in most it is just arogant. i am not trying to start a flame thread but i am just trying to get some insight into how your brains work.

    Totally with you on this one. It pains me to see axe BMs think they are "tanks". Also pains me to see ANY BM put more than 50 into their vit. Our role in a party is AOE or DD, NOT tanking.
  • Wyeth - Heavens Tear
    Wyeth - Heavens Tear Posts: 245 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    HOWEVER, in no way does this make WBs superior to BMs in anyway besides tanking.

    Barbs i guess like the fact that they are only used as meat shields, while BMs get to have fun doing all the dmg. In a duel a BM can easily beat a barb his level or higher (i've beaten 70 barbs). PK is just an HP charm tick-fest so you'll get no where 1v1.

    Barbs may have aggro skills, but thats ALL they got. They do **** for damage compared to the same level BMs and their accuracy/evasion is incredibly horrible. Out of tiger form skills are pretty useless as well.

    Sure we'll all use em just cause they can tank stuff, thats what they are there for. But coming onto the BM forum and calling out BMs who try to tank? Go back to your corner bud, we only call you when we need a tank and you only speak when spoken to.

    I'm done reading this thread. Goodbye.
  • Mhikan - Heavens Tear
    Mhikan - Heavens Tear Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    as an archer, i can say having a bm in a squad inside fb or TT is a good thing, or may i say, A MUST...

    they do the very important 2nd tank in party if in a chaos.. AOE STUN ftw...specially when the bm is good, they can stun lock the 2nd pulled mob until we DD kill the mob the main tank is dealing with, giving the squad a higher survivability rate...

    and they give a very usefull buffs too...
  • Esteban801 - Sanctuary
    Esteban801 - Sanctuary Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    @Sager: when DancingTat and I died, cuz we were too close to AoE, Asch had to tank with Krager for about 10mins, no heals, while we res'd to town and run back through. so I think it's not hard for BM also. ^^
    but in her post she admits that you failed at tanking cuz she died and had to go back to town.

    If you want to make a statement at least read what you are responding to. But hey if you can disable the bosses AoE then you must be the BEST TANK OF ALL PWI.
  • Tawarwaith - Sanctuary
    Tawarwaith - Sanctuary Posts: 391 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Sorry The ferenczy, but you're being unreasonnable.
    - First of all, it isn't all that weird for a melee class to add vit points for their build. This doesn't mean they are trying to "steal" the barbs job.
    - The barb is made for tanking. It sure is the best class for tanking. However, this doesn't mean we are the only ones that can tank.
    - There isn't always a barb around. In those cases, it's better to have a tank, rather than no tank. A BM, or why not a heavy veno, can play that part. It'll always be easier for the cleric if he can focus on one person.

    The only thing you're doing right now, is giving all other barbs a bad image. Just look at this thread: http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=163742
    Looks to me that Angelmoon is talking about you.

    Quit the **** already. Players do what they want, experiment their build how they want, and the main thing isn't (at least not to everybody) to make "the best build". Most people just try to have fun. Don't just start to flame people because they try something that's out of the common way to do things. Even if someone tries to create a tank build archer, that's none of our, neither yours, nor mine, nor anybody elses, business.
  • tatakairyu
    tatakairyu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Sure we'll all use em just cause they can tank stuff, thats what they are there for. But coming onto the BM forum and calling out BMs who try to tank? Go back to your corner bud, we only call you when we need a tank and you only speak when spoken to.

    Hahahahaha, oh my god. That made me laugh hard.
  • Dess - Heavens Tear
    Dess - Heavens Tear Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I gotta agree with Tawarwaith. You, The ferenczy, are makin barbs look bad. When I started playin this game, i was in no way, shape, or form tryin ta make a 'tank' bm. I can solo bosses (with clerical assistance) through fb51. Ive done it in the past, and Im sure Ill end up doin it again in the future. Now, does that mean i go into a fb expecting to tank? Hell no. If a barb is with us, Ill let him take the role of tank. I actually prefer having a barb with me on fbs because i dont like to tank. I like bein one of the ones that clears up extra mobs, and taking care of the adds. I like being one of the squad DDs. But dont come on here accusin all bms of tryin ta make a 'tank' bm. That aint true, and it sounds to me like your pushin your own shortcomings as a barb onto bms who can tank better than you. However, I also gotta agree with Wyeth. Everyone in a squad needs to know their role, and stick with that role. Ive been in squads where uppity bms tried to out tank the barbs, and they got the whole squad killed. Point is, dont blame others for your own failings.
  • Bobncut - Sanctuary
    Bobncut - Sanctuary Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    as an archer, i can say having a bm in a squad inside fb or TT is a good thing, or may i say, A MUST...

    they do the very important 2nd tank in party if in a chaos.. AOE STUN ftw...specially when the bm is good, they can stun lock the 2nd pulled mob until we DD kill the mob the main tank is dealing with, giving the squad a higher survivability rate...

    and they give a very usefull buffs too...

    Amen to this - I've said it before (in this thread I think) and will say it again, this is probably the one role where the BM's versatility may actually make them the best at something. Hands down, the best times I've had in the game have been working with a squad that saw this.
  • DeOso - Lost City
    DeOso - Lost City Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Sure we'll all use em just cause they can tank stuff, thats what they are there for. But coming onto the BM forum and calling out BMs who try to tank? Go back to your corner bud, we only call you when we need a tank and you only speak when spoken to.

    I'm done reading this thread. Goodbye.

    OMG...You just OWNED!!! b:pleased