Reset TW Map Every 6 months



  • Cat - Heavens Tear
    Cat - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,187 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I thought I said why but maybe you didnt understand.

    If you think guilds would be upset by loosing their lands in a map reset, dont you think they would be even more upset by loosing a land and then not being able to bid on it for 3 weeks or any amount of time past the normal limit? Thats would be the issue.

    And wouldnt the same thing go for what you said?

    Quote Some..: "With that idea people will start thinking along the lines "Whats the point of taking over the land, u will just lose it after a while." Motivation of conquering PW would be gone. Everything they fought for would be gone, thus no point of a faction if it can never fully acheive that dream"

    Quote Some...: "Just because u say there is going to be problems doesn't mean there will be."


    Guilds loosing lands and not being able to rebid on them is an issue. Im all for guilds having more opportunities to loose their lands obviously the point of this thread. However I think they deserve the chance to get any land back they do loose. That keeps things fair.

    And as far as I know this is the suggestion catagory. Ill leave the poll making up to the GMs if they decide this is worth looking into further.
    "Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"

    Didn't anyone tell you that you wanted to sleep with me?!?! I thought you knew....
  • Some_guy - Heavens Tear
    Some_guy - Heavens Tear Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    oh come on, get real. Do u seriously think that a guild would be more pissed at losing one territory than losing all the territory they owned.

    qoute: "If you think guilds would be upset by loosing their lands in a map reset, dont you think they would be even more upset by loosing a land and then not being able to bid on it for 3 weeks or any amount of time past the normal limit? Thats would be the issue."

    No, not really because if they don't even have the amount of patience to even wait 3 weeks then they shouldn't even be playing mmorpgs (i mean be realistic, its an mmorpg, which takes a lot of time, and anyways 3 weeks is a short span,but make it shorter if u want like 2 weeks) and besides I thought u wanted the smaller factions to have a chance at TW? why are u now so worried about the issues of the big guild. If they get agitated then its still better than losing all their land. Finally, I don't think that the GMs will be interested in ur idea, let alone mine(no offence). First they have a lot of other priorites on their list, so don't think they will put up up a poll for u.
  • Cat - Heavens Tear
    Cat - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,187 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I want ALL the guilds to have a chance. Once again there is a difference in earning your lands back every week and then loosing a land and then being told you CANT earn it back for at least a few weeks.

    It also doesnt mean a small guild might get the land. Look at the map now, thats pretty much how its going to be 2-3 main guilds owning the map till one finally takes over all. Now lets say Large Guild A looses land. The large guild b that is beside large guild A can now bid on the free land that large guild A just lost. Then once again it comes down to whose going to be able to bid more? Large guild or small guild.

    Most the large guilds have some types of friendly agreements too. It could also turn into a case of Guild A going to guild B and saying hey heres 30m bid on the land we lost and then you guys can hang on to it for the next 3 weeks and keep all the income from the land. When our 3 weeks is up since you are a large guild and we know noone will try to bid to take it from you, we will then bid and you can just let us "win" it back.

    Another Issue lets say Large guild A looses a land then that isnt in a spot where another large guild can be. Large guild A gives their 300m to a trusted friend and has them bid on the land for them so noone else can bid on it for the 3 weeks it takes for them to get it back.(might be against the rules but still happens all the time and is hard to prove)

    A complete reset is the only guarenteed way mentioned so far to ensure that ALL guilds have a chance to compete in the TWs for at least a month or 2.

    Whether or not the GMs are interesed in my idea right now or in the future doesnt bother me too much. The map was reset on other versions of PW as was shown already in this thread. Which means aperently some of the higher ups of the PW world think that resetting the maps at some point in time is a Good Idea.

    At least I know I tried and thats good enough for me :)
    "Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"

    Didn't anyone tell you that you wanted to sleep with me?!?! I thought you knew....
  • Some_guy - Heavens Tear
    Some_guy - Heavens Tear Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    lol, looks like u and I are the only ones posting on this topic now.

    Back to topic: U seem to think that three weeks is a long time. Yeah sure income wise, but they won't die. If u want all the guilds to try, then make the wraiths attack ALL the territories EVERY 2 weeks. Thats bound to make some of the guilds to lose land, thus giving more opportunities to the little guilds. Those who don't attend it lose thier land. Sure its going to be a hassle but like u wanted, this would create more active and interesting TWs. And they already resetted the map in other versions? Dam, my arguments are a lost cause.
  • Mua - Lost City
    Mua - Lost City Posts: 546 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    lol, looks like u and I are the only ones posting on this topic now.

    Could be something to do with the GMs either doing it or not doing it, this thread would have very little effect on their plans. I don't know about the others but I can't be bothered to discuss something so pointless in that much depth.
    Mua - 8x WF - Conqueror
  • Sereniama - Heavens Tear
    Sereniama - Heavens Tear Posts: 211 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Quit crying, and learn to play. It's a fairly simple matter to take territories from a stronger guild if you're determined and know what to do.

    Shut your trap young missy! I think you are crying more cos you can't come up with a good insult. OH fyi, your the one who is crying so YOU learn to play you little brat smart mouth.

    Sou Sou Moutoku = The most badass **** in Anime History. Never diss Kohime Musou or die.
  • Zehethos - Heavens Tear
    Zehethos - Heavens Tear Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Shut your trap young missy! I think you are crying more cos you can't come up with a good insult. OH fyi, your the one who is crying so YOU learn to play you little brat smart mouth.

    ... Why must you always try to cuss people out?
    I am a wraith army commander. I command the Wraiths. I order them to kill. I order them to attack. I order them to tell them to shut up. I order them to do anything I tell them to do. I killed many people. You might be next.
  • Mua - Lost City
    Mua - Lost City Posts: 546 Arc User
    edited January 2009

    ... Why must you always try to cuss people out?

    Because that's how carebears fight. If she came to LC Ren would one shot her w/o Phoenix b:bye

    Not that I agree with what Ren said, but Sereniama makes herself sound like an old grandma.
    Mua - 8x WF - Conqueror
  • XBaelx - Lost City
    XBaelx - Lost City Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I know there is going to be alot of whinning about this suggestion but really just think it threw before you throw that tantrum.

    I think the TW map should reset every 6 months. That means it goes clean and all land is free for the taking again.

    If your already a big guild you'll just loose a few weeks of pay. Get over it. You will get the land back easy enough.

    But this gives a chance for all guilds again to get some land and hold it for a week or 2. Plus think of the first week after the map is reset. Probably just about every land will be owned by a different guild. Think of all the fun pvp wars there will be for weeks after that.

    I came from pw my, where on 1 server 3 guilds all allied and ruled the enitre map for months on end.. Theres no fun in that. On the other server there is now 1 guild that owns the entire map and noone cane beat them.. Once again no fun in that either..

    This will keep the TW gameplay open to everyone and every guild. Instead of having to join a guild you dont like just to get a little tw action. Plus once again gives most guilds a chance to own some kind of land at some point in time.

    I think it will make things alot more fun and interesting to have the map reset every 6 months..

    +1 to this idea whine all you like but a refresh and restart would make this game way more fun.

    and i'd like to add we could do friendly TW fight for a small donating during the week.
    Plus a different map occasionally would be great like a cave system or water battle or maze type battle (frost FB 51 map)...
    Cat you're level 84... get a real guild and quit crying already seriously. Resetting TW ruins the game period.

    Ruins your game you mean your narrow minded low IQ probably cant understand how a reset would give people and fresh start and reason to TW more and give you idiots more battles to play...
  • Kelovar - Heavens Tear
    Kelovar - Heavens Tear Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    When the TW map is wiped, the guilds with the most land should maybe get a reward and maybe a mention on the site (something that means the old fights arent totally pointless!) It'd be cool to see a ranking of the results of each TW set listed on the site, and see which guild gets the most land each time, and how many smaller guilds manage to get.

    I agree with this. If there is a reset (which I hope they do in a few months), doing something like this would be important.

    I still don't really like the wraith attack idea, since I don't know how it could be pulled with a challenging difficulty, without being either too easy or too hard. And what about AI? ^^"

    Anyways, reset is quite simple to do, and would work very well. Having a map like THIS is really boring. It stagnates and people aren't interested in TW anymore, since they obviously can't fight that guild nor hope to even get a territory for a week. A reset should have been done before they got this far IMO.

    I'm pretty sure Ren is the only person wanting a map with only one faction... which is the same as saying nobody wants that.
    ~ Through the darkest of nights, we shall shine brightly, revealing the path to both friendship and glory ~
    Kelovar, Radiance executor

    Thanks ForsakenX for the sig *_*
  • peachgrove
    peachgrove Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Actual simple solutions is to allow more than 3 TW per day.
    This will make it much harder to defend larger territory.
    Don't bite off more than you can chew.
    Therefore if you own 10 territories or more, You will have to defend them all at once. This is more true to real life.
  • Darknin - Lost City
    Darknin - Lost City Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    tankhunter wrote: »
    I say do both ideas.

    Every 6 Months the slate is wiped clean, but in between wipes have Wraith forces compete in TW. This would put more pressure on guilds large and small, as well as give the PvE players an excuse to participate in TW in their guilds. After all, a PvE built player is better for fighting off the Wraith forces then a PvP player who has been diverted from the fight against an enemy guild to take care of the mobs.

    Keeps teh challenge up and brings other types of players in TW.

    It would give guilds a reason to not kick FACs so fast for instance, wraith attacks are perfect for FACs to deal with.

    Lol, yeah make the FAC's keepableb:dirty