Post your Wizard Thoughts/Experience Here
Mrbungle - Lost City wrote: »this may work early on but the monsters get too many hp so you wont kill them so easy.
one of my combos is sandstorm - stone rain - fow / wop - sandstorm - stone rain.
gush and pyro are too weak so i use them for fillers
The mobs I fight right now can still be killed using Sandstorm: Gush/Pyro/Gush/Pyro... You could solo the game using just Gush and Pyro.. really.0 -
Jrudora - Lost City wrote: »The mobs I fight right now can still be killed using Sandstorm: Gush/Pyro/Gush/Pyro... You could solo the game using just Gush and Pyro.. really.
sure you can kill everything with gush and pyro but i dont want to use that many spells for one monster while you could kill it with just a few.0 -
Well, I started off as a pure int build, it was fine, ladalada, then i started dueling with it at lv 30 (only 34 now though =P) and decided to try a barb since I assume those are the easiest targets, well, only thing I was missing was my pants, and he still had 1/4 hp left... so I switched to light armor, stoning it with hp and Pdef (2 of each) and now I can laugh at pretty much any melee around my lvl. and PvE wise I was with a cleric for haggist, and she told me if i tried to tank she would refuse to heal me, well, after 3 hitting the little twits that follow haggist, i went for him myself against the clerics will. And im glad I did, i was able to completly solo him (no thanks to cleric) and my charm only ticked 2-3 times (at lv 33) and that was with minimal kiting, after seeing that, and those pretty numbers above my foes heads... im hooked on this wizard, and the light armor build as a whole, a few extra coins to make up for a little lost damage and gain a HELL of a lot of survivablilty (sp) seems like a more then fair trade.0
Mrbungle - Lost City wrote: »sure you can kill everything with gush and pyro but i dont want to use that many spells for one monster while you could kill it with just a few.
I usually like taking the lowest mana approach to kill a mob when I see it.
Stone rain to me is a spell used only for water mobs or pvp, since its mana cost is much higher than gush or pyro, for usually only 1k or so more damage. (To a mob).
Therefore, I prefer to start with Sandstorm, and finish with gush/pyros instead of throwing in stone rains here and there.
If the mob ends up with low life, I'll finish it with pitfall.
Oddly enough, pitfalls now one of my highest used skills (Despite it being level 1) just to finish mobs off.. haha.. and with a cleric's buff, it usually saves the pitfall too.
Sandstorm Stone rain method:
Let's see. Cast time + Channel times in brackets
Sandstorm (4s), Stone rain (3.4s), force of will(2.5s), sandstorm(4s), stone rain(3.4s):
319 mana (Mine is level 9 atm), 214, 171, 319, 214
Total Mana used: 1237 mana
Time used: 17.9s
My method:
Sandstorm(4s), pyro(2.3s), gush(2s), pyro(2.3s), gush(2s), pitfall(2s):
319, 141, 144, 141, 144, 68
Total Mana used: 957 mana
Time used: 14.6s
In the long run saves mana and time
(These were based on my spell's mana costs)
But, its all up to personal preference I guess.0 -
I haven't actually read the posts but this statement only is meant for the above post.
Both combos will do about the same damage of course changing on the element of the monster, but the factor you aren't looking at is the first one you call the sandstorm stone rain method you should take 0 damage. The second method you will probably get hit a couple times depending upon if its melee or magic mob.0 -
Usually when i first start grinding on some mob and i dont how what i need to kill it, i just use my skills trying to use least(#of skills) and less mana. when i figure the golden recepy i just put it on a macro. (trying not to get hit and kill fast), and when 2 spark is up i use a spark eruption and few skills by hand. (10% mana back)"If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut."b:shutup
Hey, I'm from the LOST City PVP server. And I am planning to make a mage. I've been a full DEX build (Except for needed STR of coarse) Archer for a while, and I very much enjoy it. But now, I feel like making a mage. Archer kind of fits my playing style, so with that being said, what mage would be best for me? A full INT or LA mage? And which of the three elements would be best?
And please take into account I'm going to be on PVP server.0 -
Arpeggius - Lost City wrote: »Hey, I'm from the LOST City PVP server. And I am planning to make a mage. I've been a full DEX build (Except for needed STR of coarse) Archer for a while, and I very much enjoy it. But now, I feel like making a mage. Archer kind of fits my playing style, so with that being said, what mage would be best for me? A full INT or LA mage? And which of the three elements would be best?
And please take into account I'm going to be on PVP server.
Stick with an archer.0 -
I just joined,and i have a question since I am Downloading right now,so if i chose a Wizard,what spell do i start out with,and does it look cool ?? And lastly do i even get a spell if i just started.0
Jrudora - Lost City wrote: »Sandstorm Stone rain method:
Let's see. Cast time + Channel times in brackets
Sandstorm (4s), Stone rain (3.4s), force of will(2.5s), sandstorm(4s), stone rain(3.4s):
319 mana (Mine is level 9 atm), 214, 171, 319, 214
Total Mana used: 1237 mana
Time used: 17.9s
My method:
Sandstorm(4s), pyro(2.3s), gush(2s), pyro(2.3s), gush(2s), pitfall(2s):
319, 141, 144, 141, 144, 68
Total Mana used: 957 mana
Time used: 14.6s
In the second method if you use SS,G,P,G,Pheonix,G,P,Force of will,G,P
The mob will remain slowed for an additional 2s and will not hit you if its phys. This will work to keep you safe on mobs as much as 15 lvls higher.
Also Glacial Snare can be used to start the attack causing VERY high chance of a slow.
GS,SR\SS,G,P,G,Pheonix,G,P,Force of Will,G,P
When facing ranged mobs, swap Pheonix out with force of will.0 -
im a lv 1 wiz and i was wondering would a 3 mag 1 dex per lv build be good
so if you get into a melee spat you cant get out of (for what ever reason) you can dodge good0 -
now, im pretty happy with my mage
i got my hh-weapon and most of the mobs are now it got much easier (only the stupid gang leaders are making troubles)
and the 3 ultimates are really great and funny to use in pve and pk0 -
My mostly used combo is:
Glacial Snare (I like the slowing) 4.3 secs, 293 mana
Gush (fast, slowing) 2 secs, 144 mana
Force Of Will 2.5 secs, 183 mana
Gush (fast, slowing) 2 secs, 144 mana
Pyrogram (fast) 2.3 secs, 141 mana
13.1 secs, c 900 mana b:victory
With this combo I don't get hit at all by mobs, even archer types. Although Force of Will's cooldown means you can't use the combo again without pausing, it's actually not a problem if you're picking up stuff, or even just to regain mana (I always have Glacial Embrace on)
(and I have maxed Water and Fire mastery as I use Gush and Pyrogram so much!)
I found kiting and distance shrink backfires and just gets me the attention of more mobs...[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
b:surprised b:chuckle0 -
When I play, I prefer to just test each monster out before I kill them with just a combo of Blazing Heirogram and Spring Gush.
Once I recognize what triggers various parts of their AI, it's fairly easy to craft a combo specific to that monster rather than a one-size-fits-all combo.
For example, by whittling down it's HP with less powerful spells, I can see that the monster casts a defence buff upon being hit with a magic attack at 50% HP and at 25% HP it uses a leech skill on me.
The next time I fight it, I'll then know that the defence buff correlates to it wasting its time and so I can cast a slightly longer spell then, and I'll want to be certain to kill it with a powerful spell that will knock it from 30% to 0% so that I don't get hit by the leech spell.
Anyhow~0 -
they suck at pvp.
only class who cant stun or freeze the enemy. (Force of will is just a skill to make them pot)
Clerics basically **** wizards
All an archer needs to do is stun, and we die
All a bm needs to do is hit magic def sutra, sprint, and stun lock
All a wb needs to do is keep attacking us till they crit with an XS proc, 6k damage dead. Or perdition, dead.
Veno, stun, use phoenix. If no phoenix, any pet with bleed.
In conclusion, wizards suck0 -
they suck at pvp.
only class who cant stun or freeze the enemy. (Force of will is just a skill to make them pot)
Clerics basically **** wizards
All an archer needs to do is stun, and we die
All a bm needs to do is hit magic def sutra, sprint, and stun lock
All a wb needs to do is keep attacking us till they crit with an XS proc, 6k damage dead. Or perdition, dead.
Veno, stun, use phoenix. If no phoenix, any pet with bleed.
In conclusion, wizards suck
...harsh...0 -
they suck at pvp.
only class who cant stun or freeze the enemy. (Force of will is just a skill to make them pot)
Clerics basically **** wizards
All an archer needs to do is stun, and we die
All a bm needs to do is hit magic def sutra, sprint, and stun lock
All a wb needs to do is keep attacking us till they crit with an XS proc, 6k damage dead. Or perdition, dead.
Veno, stun, use phoenix. If no phoenix, any pet with bleed.
In conclusion, wizards suck
As much as I don't like this player ingame, she is a fairly high level wizard and she's exacly right about our class.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Because the bigger your damage, the bigger your epeen.0 -
I'm just curious, I saw someone mention that Hell Wizards are one of the best end-game classes.
Are the Rock Fall Spell and the sleep spell not-useful for incapacitating people?
(assuming the Rock fall spell isn't, since it's a fairly low chance)0 -
they suck at pvp.
only class who cant stun or freeze the enemy. (Force of will is just a skill to make them pot)
Clerics basically **** wizards
All an archer needs to do is stun, and we die
All a bm needs to do is hit magic def sutra, sprint, and stun lock
All a wb needs to do is keep attacking us till they crit with an XS proc, 6k damage dead. Or perdition, dead.
Veno, stun, use phoenix. If no phoenix, any pet with bleed.
In conclusion, wizards suckPandora - Lost City wrote: »As much as I don't like this player ingame, she is a fairly high level wizard and she's exacly right about our class.
I wish I had read this before going spending so much money on this char.0 -
I've got lvl 30 wizard, pretty satisfied so far.. I basicaly solo through everything with pyro, gush and stone rain.
and my advice, take earth barrier spell. extra 50% pdef on my current lvl really helps.Sami protiv svih.0 -
Better yet, I'm going to stick with my wizard... because being a minority is fun0
they suck at pvp.
only class who cant stun or freeze the enemy. (Force of will is just a skill to make them pot)
Clerics basically **** wizards
All an archer needs to do is stun, and we die
All a bm needs to do is hit magic def sutra, sprint, and stun lock
All a wb needs to do is keep attacking us till they crit with an XS proc, 6k damage dead. Or perdition, dead.
Veno, stun, use phoenix. If no phoenix, any pet with bleed.
In conclusion, wizards suck
This sums it up so well...
To think there are still people out there who doesn't agree with this.0 -
Hey i guess it depends what you are looking for, I'm here to gank people, kill em before they know what happened, if i wanted to Duel, i would of played a BM. And before you all say then go archer, i already have one on MY, doing this for a changeb:bye0
hell, even in duels i kite thier silly asses, unless thier an archer... in which case i teleport to them. after slowing them. I'm starting to think it all comes down to smarts in the end. We have skills that counter other classes, other classes have skills that counter us wizzys.
I'll happily get called a noob for kiting around, in the end, thier the ones on the ground in most cases.0 -
level 43 mage, Robe user and full magic damage. normally, I duel with level 55+ barbs and bladers. Well, they couldn't have a chance to touch me. I used shrink skill. It's very usefull skill in PVP. If enemies so high level that you couldn't kill them in 2 shots, attack them, slow them down, use shrink to run away further, attack, slow them down. repeat and repeat ...!
If you guys have any other good strategy. let me know b:bye0 -
My mage build was always a disaster , i wasnt a pure wizz , and i wasnt a LA wizz . Im closer to LA , but i really dont know if LA mages are really effective.. are they? Im lvl 45 and dont have a build my points are : 129mag 42dex 41str 35vit.. could some1 help me?_-+*Maurox*+-_
Maurox - Lost City wrote: »My mage build was always a disaster , i wasnt a pure wizz , and i wasnt a LA wizz . Im closer to LA , but i really dont know if LA mages are really effective.. are they? Im lvl 45 and dont have a build my points are : 129mag 42dex 41str 35vit.. could some1 help me?
LA is the best build, to be straight up and bluntly honest, in my opinion. Don't be between the two, though. Either be light or full int.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Because the bigger your damage, the bigger your epeen.0 -
TheMonkie - Lost City wrote: »level 43 mage, Robe user and full magic damage. normally, I duel with level 55+ barbs and bladers. Well, they couldn't have a chance to touch me. I used shrink skill. It's very usefull skill in PVP. If enemies so high level that you couldn't kill them in 2 shots, attack them, slow them down, use shrink to run away further, attack, slow them down. repeat and repeat ...!
If you guys have any other good strategy. let me know b:bye
I get destroyed by pike blademasters.... smacked then farstriked is pretty darn painful.
As for barbs....perdition. Ow.0 -
Jrudora - Lost City wrote: »I get destroyed by pike blademasters.... smacked then farstriked is pretty darn painful.
As for barbs....perdition. Ow.
Well you stay far from them. Run around as much as you can and slow them down.0
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