Post your Wizard Thoughts/Experience Here



  • Jrudora - Lost City
    Jrudora - Lost City Posts: 445 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    In a duel its hard to stay far from a blademaster, especially when they just sprint right up to you. Smack seals me from using any spells, and then farstrike pretty much ends the match. Haha...
    I'm too squishy for my own good. =P
  • Kristoph - Lost City
    Kristoph - Lost City Posts: 2,016 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Running away and slowing a Blademaster in a duel is hardly realistic. If you pull it off then it's most likely stupidity on the BM's part.
    Wondering how much longer these **** packs are going to be around.
  • Maurox - Lost City
    Maurox - Lost City Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    LA is the best build, to be straight up and bluntly honest, in my opinion. Don't be between the two, though. Either be light or full int.

    Yea ur right. Thx , i will go LA.
  • shield
    shield Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Subject to change after the first duel:

    For a BM duel, start with your Force of Will, distance shrink AWAY, pop sutra and begin combo. If you see them coming in at sprint, pop advanced spark eruption THEN distance shrink away and begin to kite.
    If facing a veno on the ground, wait until the duel starts, distance shrink away and fly. Thier pet is useless now.
    If facing a veno in the air, drop to the ground once they send thier pet after you, pop sutra and let fly. Use force of will as req to cancel thier casts. If they get a pet out and send it towards you, will of the pheonix, cast another spell at the veno, then swap air for ground, ground for air the opposite of whichever pet they are sending at you.

    If facing an archer Force of Will, distance shrink TOWARDS them (dmg is 1/2 at close range) and pop sutra, start combo
    If facing a barb, get in the air. This removes thier +30% movement. Cast, Distance shrink, cast, flee, repeat. Until you've got a sutra and enough range to let fly. Though you might do better with spark\advanced spark, one spell and then more fleeing.

    If facing a cleric, Force of Will, pop Sutra and pray. Don't duel them again.
  • ShadowDrag - Lost City
    ShadowDrag - Lost City Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    sian!!!!!!!!!! y did u leave outlaw???
  • Mosa - Harshlands
    Mosa - Harshlands Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    PVE has always been a proplem for me that untill I mastred the kiting techniques of this game then it became a breez..

    PVP a.k.a (FUN) have always been bad 1 on 1 you will never win unless the other person is stupid or dont know how to handle your class right.

    but what I found to be somewhat of an equall to try to beat was BM (not vit build) just gush and hope ot hits b4 they stun the FoW then gush again and sutra heal yourself if your charm has ticked and its still a while to get it back and sandstorm as the last sutra combo and hope his charm dont tick..

    (yeah too much luck and stupidty envolved to pull this one off but you will be surprized by how much it works..
    formerly known as mosabi-heaven's tear..

    you know that wizard that kicked your **** b:victory..

    now I just own wizards at the new servers b:victory
  • Talonstryke - Heavens Tear
    Talonstryke - Heavens Tear Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I have a wizard on Sanctuaray. but started with a Veno on Heavens Tear.

    I Just got all quests done for FB39 and the spiritual quest done. Will of the phoenix and Sandstorm are fantastic! I'm pure Int and that's the only build for me. My Philosophy: We are wizards, we do damage. So the more damage I can do while the mob is 'over there' means the less I have to do to kill it when it gets 'over here'. Anything that takes away from that is verboten!

    I had to do the nuke/run/nuke thing early on but that ended quickly. Now most everything dies before it closes to melee range. If it is a ranged mob I'll get hit once usually and then its dead. I use macros when Im out doing questing. One button triggers off 4 spells, it is as close to fire and forget as a wizard can get. There is no worry about timing anything. All you need to think about and watch for are interrupts. In fact what I do is fire the macro and then I'm panning that camera around looking for flanking mobs and re spawns. Multi taps on the ESC key can kill the macro if things have gotten to dicey to close to me.

    I love the Casters classes because we don't go out into the world armed to the teeth and carrying enough armor to put a armored car to shame b:pleased.. just our naked lil tissue paper butts and some spells and we succeed b:laugh.

    Venos are in the same category yes they have pets.. but while the pet is being bad **** 'over there' your tissue paper butt is standing 'over here'. and a big nasty can eat ya up before the pet even knows yer about to die.

    I love me Wizard!!!
    and Venos Rock

    Oh. I don't pvp. I don't Duel. No interest in either.
  • Zeline - Sanctuary
    Zeline - Sanctuary Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Some experiences, pure magic:

    PvE : Allways been a breeze, quick single target destruction. But we lack the defence to engage in solo AoE like a Blademaster, so "xp per hour" isnt much to brag about, at least once you pass 70. After 80 Ive not bothered, all my xp comes from dailies, cube and quests.
    If you like Zhen, wizards are in demand there because of their Dragons Breath AoE spell.
    You can expect @ 150-200% xp increase with Zhenning compared to Soloing. But try to join parties that compensates the charm users, or it will be very expensive for you.

    PvP : Is getting juicier and juicier, I now have both blade tempest and Ice dragon @ lvl 10. Most of my PvP experiences comes from countless cube runs.
    I think I maybe have a 7/3 win/loss ratio, where most losses come from barbs activating the AoE dmg in the PvP rooms, or HP blademaster builds that does the same.

    TT: Just horrible, Ive given up on TT, noone wants us, so your only chance is for some people to be nice to you. Only my weapon is of TT quality, the rest molds and normal items.

    TW: Here we shine for mass destruction and 1 hits, though too bad I cant join them too often because it starts 05 in the morning my time.

    FBs: Were not sought after, your only chance is to join announced guild runs or use world chat to attract some.
    We shine @ fb59, since we can tank it, in the other FBs we are solid DD'rs, or backup healers, but dont provide a critical role so clerics/barbs/venos will allways get before you in the queue, same as in TT.

    All in all enjoying my wizard, its a tough life, not for the weak. Requires above average skill to play the correct way.
    It can be lonely at times, you will spend alot of time soloing as a wizard, but try to focus on the endgame, how much you will rock @ lvl 90.
    Its a long time investment, and you will burn alot of chamrs during your course if you choose not to meditate, so an expensive class to level.
  • Mosa - Harshlands
    Mosa - Harshlands Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Will reacent real life expierince has tought me something:

    Why go up a hill very steep and edgy when there is a road in the side of it and the distnation is the same?..

    so in other words as much as I loved being a wizard and I still do but why choose the hard path when the result is the same.

    so am not saying that wizard is a bad class am saying its hard for ppl who like it hard and I did but now I just want to have fun I dont want post-PVP anger.

    I consider my time as a wizard to be a teacher for me it tought me many things(maybe not how to spell since english is not my main :P) it tought me how to really play how to really go out there and stand out if I can get a wizard that lvl imagin what can I do with an archer..
    formerly known as mosabi-heaven's tear..

    you know that wizard that kicked your **** b:victory..

    now I just own wizards at the new servers b:victory
  • Mosa - Harshlands
    Mosa - Harshlands Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Well you stay far from them. Run around as much as you can and slow them down.

    farstrike dude b:surrender
    formerly known as mosabi-heaven's tear..

    you know that wizard that kicked your **** b:victory..

    now I just own wizards at the new servers b:victory
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