****/**** must be legalised in this game! GM read this.



  • Wrathx - Heavens Tear
    Wrathx - Heavens Tear Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    First of all what some of you don't realize is that, if something isn't in the Chinese version of this game, it's not going to be in this version. Everything I've seen and heard says that we are just getting the same game that the Chinese have with obvious exceptions like the translations. So it sounds like if you want something changed, try going to the Chinese website and complain on their forums. I'm not even sure why there is a suggestions forum on this website. I've yet to hear of any changes being put in that were brought up here.

    Here's an easy fix..........get rid of Embrace period. Then no one can complain that they can't carry someone. It's not a huge part of the game anyways. Like I said before though, this won't happen either lol. Just play the game and have fun. The marriage and embrace is just a small part of the game, and yes it is a video game so relax a bit and just try to play and have some fun. Some people get so worked up over things in video games sometimes. Games are suppose to be for having fun, if you're not having fun, perhaps you need to step back and take a break or something. (not directed at anyone in particular, just a general statement)
  • Mystyra - Lost City
    Mystyra - Lost City Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Idon't think Embrace should be removed Wrathx. It can be helpful if two people need to get somewhere and a friend can carry you (Especially when you have to go away from the keybord at times).

    I think the idea of having females embracing females is a good one and males embracing males. And if it was humanly possible I would really love that feature to be added on. But at the expense of the entire site going down for god knows how long for re-programming? I just don't think it is worth it. It is a game. something we must enjoy. We must keep in mind we don't have to actually pay for this game so we should accept its 'faults' and be thankful we have it at all
  • Wrathx - Heavens Tear
    Wrathx - Heavens Tear Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I agree with you Mystyra on all your points. The point about taking out the embrace is that it would be the easiest fix to do. And yes the game is free so it is going to have some "faults" so to speak so to and I think that's what some people need to realize. That and the fact that nothing will get changed here if it's not already in the Chinese version.
  • graider
    graider Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Ok, look. If you think you have problems, you don't.

    I'm a girl trapped in a guys body, and I'm attracted only to other girls. So I guess I'm technically somewhere between straight and **** or even bi?

    I don't give a rats-*** about not being able to embrace my girlfriend, and marriage is something that I really don't care about either.

    All I have to say to the person that started this is: Take a F-ing Pill, and get over yourself.
    If the best defense is a good offense, why did I even show up?

    If a train is going east at 50 mph and another train is going west at 90 mph, where do they...Never gonna give you up~ Never gonna let you down~Never gonna run around~and hurt you~

    If you've got this far, you've been rick-rolled.
  • Wwing - Heavens Tear
    Wwing - Heavens Tear Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    trying to save your heart-soul > announce marriage

    husband and wife are just labels.
    News Project Fox in [][]http://pwifox.blogspot.com[][] Santa Claus is a lie.
    12/17 2008 PerfectFox Index (Heavens Tear) : 1 gold = 113558.91~114972.42
  • bobzilla21
    bobzilla21 Posts: 694 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I personally think there's nothing wrong with LGBTs, but I'm sure there are many parents who don't want their kids exposed to these kinds of things, and we have to respect their wishes, too.
    I'm sure most players would prefer fixed bugs and things like that than the ability to see a guy holding another guy.
    Plus, PWI would lose money from people who don't want to be exposed to that kind of relationship between ppl.

    In short, whoever started this thread is a narrow-minded idiot.
    I figured I should do something with my sig, so I made this for fun. My very first (poorly made) animation. b:victory
    As for why Luffy is murdering Naruto, I have no idea either, but it looks cool.b:laugh
  • kensaki
    kensaki Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited December 2008

    I am feeling very furious because you won't let me embrace a woman I love....

    'Furious' is a strong word. But I can understand it being a disappointment. I have a friend in game with the same problem. She's married in RL, and just wanted to be married in the game, and I sympathize with that.
    Let me rephrase that

    I want it to be possible for you to embrace and merry a person your own sex.

    That's very clear, and it's understandable that you would wish for this, and I don't disagree that it is a fair request.
    I don't give a flying **** about what you say and your personal beliefs. I really don't care, I want you to make it possible. I don't CARE if your Christian, I don't CARE if its part of your belife, its gonna happen whether you like it or not!

    Again, I have no problem with your request, but this section of your post is where you lost your cool and, frankly, a sympathetic ear. Now maybe you'd have a case if Alan Shore and the firm of Crane Poole & Schmidt were actually in existence, but being that this is not so, I sincerely doubt you have any authorization to say, "it's gonna happen whether you like it or not!"

    And who are you to expect others to care about your feelings and rights, if you in fact state, blatantly, that you do not care about their feelings and rights? You would pretend to be the one persecuted for the way you wish to live your life, and yet you fully disregard the way they would want to live their life! If they are even Christians, which you do not know for a fact, you ought to respect their beliefs and feelings if you are to have yours respected by anyone else.

    While I too subscribe to a 'live and let live' stance commonly preached by the left, I actually try to let others live... This is a game, try to remember that not having the ability to vote for who becomes the faction leader is not as serious as who becomes the President of the United States. It's all pretend, fairy land like stuff, and should not be looked at as some big deal. Many games don't even have a marriage option for anyone.

    Look, I have nothing against you, but you would do yourself and the world around you a lot of good if you learned how to confront people better. Y'know, that old sugar and not vinegar ****...

    But to leave on a good and agreeable note, I am 100% in favor of the men and women up top choosing to listen to this request and add same sex intimacy emoticons and marriage alliances. My leveling rate will probably drop to a drastically low degree, and the streets of archo will be as the walls of Pompeii, all the same, toss it in.
  • LadyTwilight - Sanctuary
    LadyTwilight - Sanctuary Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Well put kensaki, treat others the way you'd want to be treated.

    @bobzilla- kids see stuff 900x worse when they flip on the tv, or in real life society for that matter. If people are that worried about being "exposed" to a guy on guy embrace, then they can turn on the "only show characters within 10m radius" and not go near them, problem solved. I agree and disagree with saying the thread starter is a narrow-minded idiot, sure the poster was rude and demanding, but really..it's been a controversial issue for quite some time. If he/she was an idiot, why bother posting in this thread, just to say it?
  • ZxSummoner - Sanctuary
    ZxSummoner - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    1. just changing one little script isnt going to make the game explode.
    Yes...yes it can...*shudders*

    Show me where it says this in the Bible, the Dead Sea Scrolls, or any other accepted manuscript of the life of Jesus Christ. I'm pretty sure that Jesus was God's son according to the Bible, and I'm pretty sure there was this little event in the Old Testament about Sodom and Gomorrah which involved God invoking his Holy wrath upon those two cities for homosexuality, among other indecencies.

    3. You "don't care" about other people's beliefs, especially Christians it seems, so why should I give a damn about yours?
  • Tawarwaith - Sanctuary
    Tawarwaith - Sanctuary Posts: 391 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I'm always astonished that the ****/**** marriage theme can cause so much distress. Even in a computer game!

    Well I'm ****, and it doesn't bother me at all that ingame ****-marriage isn't allowed. I just suppose that the one that was charged with the ingame marriage just didn't think of it. Lets be honest, **** and lesbians do represent a minority, so it isn't a drama that the developers didn't insert this option.

    However, to all those non-tolerant and moral crusaders, I would like to ask one thing: You guys are against ingame homosexuality, but do accept ingame zoophily? I mean if you're against two guys making out, why doesn't it bother you that a girl marries a wolf?

    I believe that we shouldn't forget that it's just a game, not a political forum!
  • Lirinala - Sanctuary
    Lirinala - Sanctuary Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    See, here's the one thing I've noticed about the whole situation. The untamed classes are gender specific. Meaning that every Venomancer has to be female, and every Barbarian has to be male. As a male who loves to play pet classes as my main, I am forced to play as a female. My fiance also likes to play a Venomancer. Which means that we will never be able to marry, or embrace. I see people all the time using the embrace function as a way to gain free chi. Since we party together most of the time, that option is not available to us unless we ask some random guy to hold us. Last time I did that, I was hit on for the next hour because this jerk would not leave me alone. Yes, I understand that same sex PDA of any sort does bother some people. I understand, as well, that others are perfectly okay with it. While I know that it's not a huge deal to some, I would really like to implement it, because, let's face it, there are quite a few people out there who are playing a gender that is not their own, and being prevented from enjoying the game to its fullest capacity because of a societal standard is quite vexing. But that's just the humble opinion of one player, and I'm sure someone up there has already said it better. (And just for anyone wondering why my avvy is female. A. It only shows a ? for my veno, and B. She's my second best, and C. I got so used to playing as a female character with my veno, I decided to give it a try with a Cleric.)b:laugh
    Proud owner of a support veno and attack cleric.
  • Sereniama - Heavens Tear
    Sereniama - Heavens Tear Posts: 211 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Guys, I am REALLY sorry on what I said... I didnt knew that comment was REALLY offencive... I just had to let it out and.... I just needed to do that... Look, to be very honest, I hate religion but the people who follow the religion is the people who I love... I didn't mean I said I dont give 2 craps about your religion... I DO give 2 craps about your religion people but not the religion itself. Its not that I hate you, it's just because I dissagree with alot of stuf in there like banning same-sex merriage.

    So what if we both have diffrent religions? It dosn't mean we are not human. We are just who we are and that is ourselves.

    Sou Sou Moutoku = The most badass **** in Anime History. Never diss Kohime Musou or die.
  • Ocane_II - Heavens Tear
    Ocane_II - Heavens Tear Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    1. just changing one little script isnt going to make the game explode.
    Yes...yes it can...*shudders*

    Show me where it says this in the Bible, the Dead Sea Scrolls, or any other accepted manuscript of the life of Jesus Christ. I'm pretty sure that Jesus was God's son according to the Bible, and I'm pretty sure there was this little event in the Old Testament about Sodom and Gomorrah which involved God invoking his Holy wrath upon those two cities for homosexuality, among other indecencies.

    3. You "don't care" about other people's beliefs, especially Christians it seems, so why should I give a damn about yours?

    yeah i really dont care if you care about my opinion, but in the end if you didnt you wouldnt have said anything would you? and you did :)

    anyhow dont believe everything you read in a book thats all i have to say

    and by the way

    jesus isnt just in christianity infact christianity is just a sub religion of jewish religion


    good night shut up and see yah later
  • Some_guy - Heavens Tear
    Some_guy - Heavens Tear Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    You know what? This argument wouldn't have happened if they didnt even include this option. They should just remove it and end all this ****. That way they won't be offending the **** or the straights.
  • Wotsmaleus - Heavens Tear
    Wotsmaleus - Heavens Tear Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Here's a suggestion.

    You want to embrace female characters?

    What stops you from playing a male character?

    This topic had been beaten to death. can you flog a dead horse any more? I really suggest you read my articles on same gendered embracing, for you apparently must not understand Chinese esoterics.
    "Everything is worth what the purchaser will pay for it." -Publius Syrius

    "If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal." - Emma Goldman

    "The Bible is a collection of honourable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish, no interpretation no matter how subtle can (for me) change this." -Albert Einstein

  • Nevdemo - Sanctuary
    Nevdemo - Sanctuary Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Here's a suggestion.

    You want to embrace female characters?

    What stops you from playing a male character?

    This topic had been beaten to death. can you flog a dead horse any more? I really suggest you read my articles on same gendered embracing, for you apparently must not understand Chinese esoterics.

    After looking this thread, I got curious and checked your post. Good research, though I must say that this game is as Chinese as JRR Tolkien... Only a joke, but hey, after reading all of Pu Songling's Tales and Joruney to the West, I can't remember the winged elves or the guys in medieval armor. Venomancers are the only class actually based on Chinese Folklore.

    Anyways, you get a point, because although this game seems to be inspired on Mid-Earth, it really follows Chinese Philosophy. The dialogs of MangMang are actual taoist lectures, the elements are accurate and the levels of Consciousness are real... at least for Buddhists and Taoists.

    Back to the topic. I really don't care for same-sex marriage or embracing in this game. It can even be an original gameplay mechanic! Imagine this: You're on a heavy TW, your Faction mate gets killed and the healers are far away so they can't be easily targeted. You can carry your dead mate to safety so he can get revived! Cool!

    However, it might not be a possibility in this game for reasons more practical than Chinese philosophy or "Moral issues". You'll see, on a game, characters are modeled on a program such as 3DStudio Max and then parented to a "skeleton". Kinda like a human skeleton, this thing enables characters to move and take various poses while looking natural. However, one wonderful thing about this skeleton thing is that, if you make a pose on it, you can use it on a different model, and this model will do the same pose! That's how MMORPG's manage to get a lot of different characters to act in the same way.

    However, there's a drawback: Skeletons aren't compatible with every model.
    1. just changing one little script isnt going to make the game explode.
    Yes...yes it can...*shudders*

    Yeah, you're right. Even a single char out of line can make a game explode or worse. In fact, it's not as simple as "changing a little script"... in order to make same-sex embraces, developers will have to do something like: Parent the skeleton pose to the female models, then change the script that controls the actions that female chars can do in order to put "Embrace" as one, then make (or copy) the "Accept embracing" system in order to let males take the decision too, replace the old system with this one and then, maybe it will work.

    Why do I say "maybe"? Because, as the pose was made using the "male" skeleton model, and some odd things may happen, like that, instead of actually having the embraced character in your arms, it would be floating above you! O_o ...Or stuck on your chest.

    Well, sorry for the game design discourse over there... I'm not against the idea, but well, it can be difficult to implement. More difficult than it seems... BTW, Sereniama, good point. I praise your edition of the first post. And yeah, there's nothing bad being catholic... or any religion. The bad things come when you're like this guy:

  • Tawarwaith - Sanctuary
    Tawarwaith - Sanctuary Posts: 391 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Some_guy you're a genius! If they could just erase the whole marriage thing ... I guess that's the best thing to do.

    But wait, wouldn't that mean that a new polemic : divorce!

    Come on people : IT IS JUST A GAME!!!
  • cherdenko
    cherdenko Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    GMs can't do anything about this. This goes back to the original programming of the game, which they cannot change.

    They CAN change it in the game, if they cant they are total noobs in programming, EVERY game can be changed, just a patch and its done

    On Topic:
    I think they should allow it, i wont use it, but if it makes ppl feel better, why wont they change it? ive been in the mmorpg world for 6 years now, and making ppl feel better, even if its a small group, has been better for every game i know.
  • Aki_boshi - Heavens Tear
    Aki_boshi - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    bronza wrote: »
    And I want cookies but you dont see me charging into a bakery yelling "I WANT COOKIES!"

    erm sumthing wrong with charging bakkery's for cookies?
    if so you just ended a hobby for me
    (i kno... of topic il stfub:shutup)

    on topic i think it really should i mean if you have 2 veno's and 1's got a fly mount it cant help the other get around,
    i mean its not a must for me to be able to hug,kis or marry ****/**** but i think it would be way more fair for em
    (but stil id love to see sum venoXveno)
  • Aki_boshi - Heavens Tear
    Aki_boshi - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Homosexuality is socially rejected

    Let your partner be the opposite sex in the game and then hug him/her,
    it's already annoying that 70% (My opinion) of the girls are guy players >_<

    b:cry im sorry but al im hearing is simple headed and almost rasitical whining,

    btw: yea im a guy ,yea i play veno cuz i like the class,
    and no even if i could i wouldnt change my veno's sex simply cuz id have to look at a male tigers ars every second i'd play PWI
  • bobzilla21
    bobzilla21 Posts: 694 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    cherdenko wrote: »
    They CAN change it in the game, if they cant they are total noobs in programming, EVERY game can be changed, just a patch and its done

    On Topic:
    I think they should allow it, i wont use it, but if it makes ppl feel better, why wont they change it? ive been in the mmorpg world for 6 years now, and making ppl feel better, even if its a small group, has been better for every game i know.

    You've obviously never written a huge computer program like a game before, so just be quiet.
    I agree with your second point, but if they wanted to change it, it would take a long time, and I think they'd rather spend their time making other things...
    I figured I should do something with my sig, so I made this for fun. My very first (poorly made) animation. b:victory
    As for why Luffy is murdering Naruto, I have no idea either, but it looks cool.b:laugh
  • bronza
    bronza Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    TRUE Christians don't do that stuff like you saw post #41 because we don't have to listen to those type of people because they are mean and rude and selfish.

    That has nothing to do with being Christian thats just being a good human being.

    Half the problem is most people who says their Christian, Jewish , Muslim, Hindu, or any other religion doesnt really know what they believe they just found a title and a basic model that they are trying to form themselves to.
    Religion is as personal as your sex life you just dont talk about it really. There will always be points in an organized "religion" that you'll agree with and disagree with.

    That aside I saw your apology Sereniama and that was might big of you to apologize like that imo. But I understand you get pissed and mouth off everyone does that eventually. But what you said should be said, just not in the manner in which you said it.With that, Apology Accepted for saying it the wrong way.
  • Some_guy - Heavens Tear
    Some_guy - Heavens Tear Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    plz dont bring religion into this game. a lot of people will get offended, including me.
  • gattsuru
    gattsuru Posts: 3,184 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    All right, I'm going to make this crystal clear :

    Do not post content with the intent of offending others. Do not post profanity. Do not insult other people on these forums, no matter how different their viewpoint is from yours. Do not flame other people or other viewpoints, religions, or moral stances.

    If the best you can come up for your viewpoint is to send accusations of idiocy or stupidity, do everyone involved a favor and post it to your Notepad application rather than the internet.
  • Sereniama - Heavens Tear
    Sereniama - Heavens Tear Posts: 211 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I epic fail... Coming from a mod...

    Sou Sou Moutoku = The most badass **** in Anime History. Never diss Kohime Musou or die.
  • MouiManako - Heavens Tear
    MouiManako - Heavens Tear Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Personally, I'm not really for Lez/**** stuff being Christian, but I still don't go around saying LEZO'S AND **** SUX! And by saying 'I'm not into it' I say I most certiantly will never be one. I find some ****/lez's are some of the nicest people I've ever met. And I'm not 100% relaxed around them, (especially Lez since I'm a girl...) but more like 90% so I'm not fully against them.

    Anyway, I'd like to be able to carry girlxgirl for the usefulness... but, it would be complicated, so I figure it'll be ages (if at all) for them to put it in. But I deal with it.
  • Enyah - Heavens Tear
    Enyah - Heavens Tear Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Yeah, I'd like to marry my friend that showed me the game, but to do that she has to go make a male character. Since we both primary use our venos it's pretty lame.

    As well...on the homosexuality issue...it just makes me sad to see some people's negative opinions. I can only be glad that as time goes by these bigoted opinions will be squashed and people will wonder "what the hell were these crazy people thinking?".
    The name's Pam~
  • diversemelody
    diversemelody Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Christian and no. If they would change it, I'm quitting the game. It's just gross and it's not right. It's the same thing to Christians playing a game allowing same sex marriage as playing a game with lots of cursing or suggestive things. It's wrong to play a game with so much sin in it like that.

    I do agree with the girl embrace girl though for the reason that it would be nice so that you could carry someone to make things easier if you are both going to the same place or if they need help with the newbie jumping quests or something. For that matter, it would be helpful if girls could carry boys too, but that would look kinda weird. xD lol
  • diversemelody
    diversemelody Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Personally, I'm not really for Lez/**** stuff being Christian, but I still don't go around saying LEZO'S AND **** SUX! And by saying 'I'm not into it' I say I most certiantly will never be one. I find some ****/lez's are some of the nicest people I've ever met. And I'm not 100% relaxed around them, (especially Lez since I'm a girl...) but more like 90% so I'm not fully against them.

    Anyway, I'd like to be able to carry girlxgirl for the usefulness... but, it would be complicated, so I figure it'll be ages (if at all) for them to put it in. But I deal with it.

    Yes. I agree. **** and lezs are supposed to be treated with kindness. The Christians that go around insulting them are not acting like real Christians. I don't have a problem with **** and lez as people, just with what they do. Some of my friends are **** or bi and I'm friends with them just the same.
  • Tawarwaith - Sanctuary
    Tawarwaith - Sanctuary Posts: 391 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Shouldn't someone close this thread?! This really asn't anything to do with PW anymore.
This discussion has been closed.