Random Acts of Kindness



  • bluewater
    bluewater Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Helping out with force and killstealing are separated with very thin line. I've seen player fighting 2 mobs (1 in front and 1 behind) quite often and done the same numerous times. And that's a bit troublesome because if Blademaster has upgraded AoE skills and def buffs like Aura and Phy Marrow-it's not really hard and I have intentionally gone into fights with multiple mobs.
    And got "rescued" from them as well couple of times. I know it looks bad when I take hits from behind by a Tauroc Centurion while fighting Tauroc Valorian and the guy does not have time to check my HP meter or equip so he just comes into aid. And I've never made fuzz about it.
    Guilty of doing the same as well. Is it possible that player has not intended this and thought I have half HP left that's plenty for one more mob before healing. and then got attacked by unexpected other? of course it is. an then he needs help. if he intentionally starts fight with 2 with full HP bar...then he does not want help.
    So I'm always puzzled when seeing this- does he need help or not?

    Usually I just run over and stun them. If he's aoeing the mob, then I just leave it at that.
  • Kyno - Heavens Tear
    Kyno - Heavens Tear Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I'm a Wizard, so I can't really buff anyone...at all! but I do use my Morning Dew skill to heal other's if I see their HP running low. It's the only way I can help, but sometimes the smallest of thing's is appreiciated =D

    I always appreiciate it when someone randomly buff's me while i'm running somewhere or fighting, or ressurect me. Always a nice act!
  • Bobncut - Sanctuary
    Bobncut - Sanctuary Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    tankhunter wrote: »
    Which is why I do it for the squishy classes, mages, venos, and priests. Barbarians and Baldemasters will do it intentionally so unless they are on really low HP, I do not intervene.

    This is good news. I would love to have a way to "pay forward" the random buffs I've enjoyed, but always assumed the squishy classes presented the same problem Old Bear was describing. I saw a mage dragging a bunch of Taurocs around yesterday and just assumed he was setting up a big AOE until he finally got away from them all. Wish I had read this post last week.
  • Hirogi - Heavens Tear
    Hirogi - Heavens Tear Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I usually help lower lvled players by assisting with attacks while they kill monsters. Party with them and you get your share of exp.
    The Shadows are watching. They will always protect you.
  • Jordanfox - Heavens Tear
    Jordanfox - Heavens Tear Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    It's really nice to see things like this happening in-game. There's another thread floating around right now, in which a Veno is offering to collect pet eggs for people! Truly unbelievable; this is not the norm in most MMO's, and it makes me very happy to see genuinely charitable qualities in players. Greed and self-preservation are so commonplace in most games that I'm actually quite wary when I see the opposite: I have to think, "What's he scheming?" Sad, but true.
    Anyways, I'll stop gushing and take the opportunity to thank all the Clerics who've ever randomly buffed me out in the field, if I didn't at the time. Same goes to the res'ing, I know how much of a pain in the **** it is to keep bailing people out like that. In turn, I try to Bramble Guard people when I feel it would be useful, or if I'm bored.
    Charity rules!