PLEASE Don't tell me PWI is like WoW instances?

nighttmare Posts: 2 Arc User
edited October 2011 in Dungeons & Tactics
Takes you forever to find certain classes like a tank and healer, and takes WAY Too long to find, people disconectting/leaving etc etc

Is PWI just like that? or much different

because id like to have a dungeon where DPS could raid and everyone could have fun instead of being a boring tank/healer
Post edited by nighttmare on


  • Dulcely - Heavens Tear
    Dulcely - Heavens Tear Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    ehhh sometimes yes sometimes you get then right away. I believe is same way in every mmo.
  • Wei - Heavens Tear
    Wei - Heavens Tear Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    No tanks, no healers, everyone could tank & heal? Then the whole game wouldve become nonchallenging and boring, instead of just some classes. Though some people sure find tanking/healing fun.
    It happens.
  • whisky
    whisky Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    OK, pro tip time!!!!!

    1 ) Make friends with tanks and healers. - this way you can call on them if you need to complete a party.

    2) NEVER kill steal a tank/healer. - yeah sure as a DPS class you can kill steal mobs off them all day, but would you honestly expect them to help you later on if you've done that? This is also critical to point 1.

    3) So you got your group....... - don't **** healers and tanks out of the drops. This should be obvious, but tanking is EXPENSIVE, tanking a dungeon damages armour. Healing is also expensive, so make sure tanks and healers aren't going to lose funds by helping you.

    TL;DR - dont be a prat, and you should be able get a good group, remember, once bitten, twice shy.
  • Drop - Lost City
    Drop - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    whisky wrote: »
    OK, pro tip time!!!!!

    1 ) Make friends with tanks and healers. - this way you can call on them if you need to complete a party.

    2) NEVER kill steal a tank/healer. - yeah sure as a DPS class you can kill steal mobs off them all day, but would you honestly expect them to help you later on if you've done that? This is also critical to point 1.

    3) So you got your group....... - don't **** healers and tanks out of the drops. This should be obvious, but tanking is EXPENSIVE, tanking a dungeon damages armour. Healing is also expensive, so make sure tanks and healers aren't going to lose funds by helping you.

    TL;DR - dont be a prat, and you should be able get a good group, remember, once bitten, twice shy.

    +1 (agreed)
  • insan1ty
    insan1ty Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I would also like to add that unlike WoW, there aren't any big raid instances in PW.. At least not that I have come across. I think the most you can be in a party is 6 or 7 so it's a lot easier to find 5-6 people than to find enough people for 20-30-man instance
  • zachary12
    zachary12 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    that very sad that this game have no raid
  • Wishfox - Lost City
    Wishfox - Lost City Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    It's actually pretty easy to find people to help with the FB dungeons, because higher level people almost always can get something out of it (good drops, etc). There is always (at least on Lost City) a chat channel for FB Help, and when I've been there to ask for help with an FB, I get a packed group in like 5 minutes. The fact that higher levels still get something from helping fb runs means that they CAN take a non-tank class to help you as well, because they'll deal enough dps to run it.

    A raid would be kinda neat, but I like that we get progressive dungeons made for the same 6-8 player size groups because it makes it a lot easier and quicker to get a full group, and people DO like to help in this game, which is awesome.
  • Caeria - Heavens Tear
    Caeria - Heavens Tear Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    well there are Wraith raids that can help w/ exp and money funds. there is at least one once everyday on a certain time.
    Siggy by Santacruz
  • unhealer
    unhealer Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    well there are Wraith raids that can help w/ exp and money funds. there is at least one once everyday on a certain time.

    This is the first time I hear of Wraith raids.
    What is it about?
    My FA Cleric just hit lvl 22, can I join the raid?
  • insan1ty
    insan1ty Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    well there are Wraith raids that can help w/ exp and money funds. there is at least one once everyday on a certain time.

    Can you provide more info on this? I don't think I've heard of this before... or is this one of those things where a server message says something like "A large troup of rancor force is outiside of such and such city, calling all heroes to battle" (or whatever the message is)?
  • insan1ty
    insan1ty Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    zachary12 wrote: »
    that very sad that this game have no raid

    I would disagree. Well.. maybe a couple of raids would be okay, but I pretty much quit WoW after wasting hours on trying to get 30 man parties together. You could never just ask for help and have a party together and ready to go within 10 minutes. In PW, you very seldom have to wait....
  • Birdie - Heavens Tear
    Birdie - Heavens Tear Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    are when the system comes over and says "rancor forces are outside of (city) all hero's are needed to defend...." I try to go to these whenever they say it and I am online. Get there fast as a lot of people head that way. it is better if you are in a party so that you can split the drops.

    I as a cleric do some decent damage but it is never enough when you have 4 people attacking the same wraith. When the mini bosses come out you get drops just like you would in an FB. (minus the molders) but once again I have never been able to do enough damage to pick anything up before the drops are released to the masses. So parties definitely help in this regard.

    The spawns are different levels. been to some that spawn level 21 mobs and some that spawn level 40 mobs.

    It is quite enjoyable running around like a chicken with your head cut off trying to find one that no one has attacked yet :) and picking up released drops. I have actually gotten a couple of decent items this way.
    and Soon... Very Soon, I will be able to do enough damage to count :)
  • Caledrian - Heavens Tear
    Caledrian - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I've personally been in two. It's a mini-event where you have wraiths attacking one of the many villages in PWI. Once you know where most of the locations are, you can get there pretty quick and enjoy several minutes of constant respawn of lvl 18-20ish MOBS. Lots of drops, lots of shared EXP, lots of fun!
  • Ence - Lost City
    Ence - Lost City Posts: 454 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    The actual info that I have concerning Wraith raids.
    Once every HOUR the Duke of Deer (He's an NPC that randomly wanders around Archosaur) basically "rolls a dice". The first is to see if there is a raid or not; the second "roll" is to see where the raid occurs.

    The location is then announced over the World Message system. (In red text)

    The levels of the mobs depend on the location. There are generally two bosses which drop anywhere from decent to good loot and there is a continuous spawn of mobs for ...I believe it was 20minutes? after the raid is announced. It's a good way to just get a lot of randoms drops that you can turn over into instant cash (They are normal mobs so they just drop DQ/Crafting items if they are of the proper type + cash + items) or else keep and use for other purposes.

    Best to be done in groups so you can kill faster and more effectively.
  • Malerium - Sanctuary
    Malerium - Sanctuary Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Had no idea it happened every hour; learn something every day. In this incarnation of PW, I've only been in one Wraith (Rancour is MY-EN's term, I believe) attack - I got lucky at level 12, and a group of level 20s attacked Bamboo Village. I leveled off of those things. ^^ Soloed it mostly, which wasn't as fun.

    And yes, lvl. 12 against lvl. 20 mobs... Even with multiple hits/hitting-and-running, I died twice. -_- Hoping to redeem myself in another one soon.
  • Yukkfoo - Sanctuary
    Yukkfoo - Sanctuary Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Make friends with the healer. someone already said that.
    Dont shat on them if you die from running out of healing range all in a panic.
    or the may not res you.
    Make friends with tanks, thank them for taking the damage that you should have got, and dont steal his agro!

    Tank and spank is the easiest way to pug it. comon gaming tactics 101 there.
    i personaly prefer a 2 or 3 tank frontline but they can be harder to heal through when thigs get messy.

    Yeas its like WoW. So take note of decent plaeyrs regardles of class and who knows? when you need one they may come!

    if you want to run a more wild and wet style, then jsut load up any player you see and enter instance, and have your "fun" while it lasts( i say about 2 minutes)
    then erupt in a big blame game and rage.
  • Nevermore - Heavens Tear
    Nevermore - Heavens Tear Posts: 438 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I see people saying those wraith'sare lvl 20-40. That's not quite true, I've fought plenty of lvl 50-80 wraith's and last night there was even a wraith invasion of lvl 90 wraith's.
  • Thorjin - Lost City
    Thorjin - Lost City Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    @Rancors: Yes. These don't exactly happen every hour, but there is a chance. Like said above, the Duke basically rolls a dice to see if there will be one. The location determines what type of mobs, what level the mobs will be, and the items they will drop. Say City of Misfortune is chosen to be attacked, you will have level 70 Wraiths dropping things like level 70 DQ items, eq, pots, etc. If Wellspring Village is attacked, you have level 20 Wraiths dropping lower stuff like.. level 20 DQ and stuff. The Wraiths continuously respawn for about.. 20-30 minutes.

    @Group problems: Find a guild. Make some friends.
  • sarisse
    sarisse Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    raid are signale by :"Duke shout: wraith are gathering somewhere with evil intention" or other thing like that and it always appear in red in the chat box.
  • Hatchetharry - Sanctuary
    Hatchetharry - Sanctuary Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    It's actually pretty easy to find people to help with the FB dungeons, because higher level people almost always can get something out of it (good drops, etc). There is always (at least on Lost City) a chat channel for FB Help, and when I've been there to ask for help with an FB, I get a packed group in like 5 minutes. The fact that higher levels still get something from helping fb runs means that they CAN take a non-tank class to help you as well, because they'll deal enough dps to run it.

    A raid would be kinda neat, but I like that we get progressive dungeons made for the same 6-8 player size groups because it makes it a lot easier and quicker to get a full group, and people DO like to help in this game, which is awesome.

    I have not been in an instance yet, but I have grouped with some higher lvls at times while completing quests. I notice that although I get exp and some coin for kills, I get no drops. This is with the distribution set at random. The other day I was looking to get into Fire Cragg Grotto and there was a group of higher lvls taking people through one at a time. They were setting the distribution at random and claiming that they were just doing the instance for the exp. However , when I asked about the drops I got no response. This led me to believe that they were going in and grabbing drops to decompose for their own crafting needs.

    Don't get me wrong, I don't want , nor do I think I deserve all the drops from an instance, but I would like to think that if there were a class specific drop for my character that I at least have a chance of picking it up.

    I don't understand how the drop distribution works in this game. Could someone explain it to me or at least point me in the direction of a comprehensive explantation?

    Thank you

  • kargor
    kargor Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    If "grotto" is the FB19 instance dungeon, then those higher levels were actually acting as a team (I've been able to solo these FB19 things for a whie now, so there's obviously no need to go in with a group of high levels).

    Think about it: with the distribution set on random (which does not affect the drops itself, it just affects who gets them), having a party of 7 high levels and 1 lowbie, chances are that 7/8 of the drops go to the high level team. They are only interested in lowbies with the "call of duty" quest, which apparently means the boss can still drop something --- "molds" in particular, which is a rare alchemy material type thing. Of course, with our 7+1 party, chances are that YOU will not be the one getting that mold, if one drops. That way they can still pretend to have random distribution, while in reality the party is set up so you don't really get anything.

    That's the sole reason to do "FB19"s with a large group of high levels. I don't know about FB29 and FB39 yet, as I can't solo them (and haven't completed them), so I don't know what's actually needed to do these.

    As for "what can drop" --- I think it's the same thing that's used in a lot of games --- once you have a high level in your party you can completely forget about drops. Not every game does this ****, but PW does...

    So far I haven't seen a mold drop in an FB19 at all, with or without "call of duty". Also, it's a pain-in-the-you-know-what to level alchemy now, since getting the materials out of low level monsters takes forever :-(
    Yindra --- Lvl 64 Venomancer (Sanctuary)
    Getting too grindy by now :-(
  • Altihnkai - Sanctuary
    Altihnkai - Sanctuary Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    whisky wrote: »
    OK, pro tip time!!!!!

    1 ) Make friends with tanks and healers. - this way you can call on them if you need to complete a party.

    2) NEVER kill steal a tank/healer. - yeah sure as a DPS class you can kill steal mobs off them all day, but would you honestly expect them to help you later on if you've done that? This is also critical to point 1.

    3) So you got your group....... - don't **** healers and tanks out of the drops. This should be obvious, but tanking is EXPENSIVE, tanking a dungeon damages armour. Healing is also expensive, so make sure tanks and healers aren't going to lose funds by helping you.

    TL;DR - dont be a prat, and you should be able get a good group, remember, once bitten, twice shy.
    good thing im dd/tank beeing a BM =p but yer ur right ksing is **** annoying -.- mage/veno comes by.. gone kill... nd then they expect you to help em? lol =p only if i need exp badly xD else.. no thnx
  • Altihnkai - Sanctuary
    Altihnkai - Sanctuary Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I have not been in an instance yet, but I have grouped with some higher lvls at times while completing quests. I notice that although I get exp and some coin for kills, I get no drops. This is with the distribution set at random. The other day I was looking to get into Fire Cragg Grotto and there was a group of higher lvls taking people through one at a time. They were setting the distribution at random and claiming that they were just doing the instance for the exp. However , when I asked about the drops I got no response. This led me to believe that they were going in and grabbing drops to decompose for their own crafting needs.

    Don't get me wrong, I don't want , nor do I think I deserve all the drops from an instance, but I would like to think that if there were a class specific drop for my character that I at least have a chance of picking it up.

    I don't understand how the drop distribution works in this game. Could someone explain it to me or at least point me in the direction of a comprehensive explantation?

    Thank you

    the section i quoted red.. i would like to say on that.. imo when a (for example) lv19/20 person needs his fb19 nd theres a drop he can use the parties i go wif always give it to that person as fb19 doesnt drop anything good for lv40's like me.. love to help so that also includes giving proper gear to a low lvl.. but a well most ppl are arrogant nd selfish these days ^^ hope ya get some nice guys to help ya out=]
  • Hatchetharry - Sanctuary
    Hatchetharry - Sanctuary Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Thanks for the tips ya'll. Guess my gut instinct about that group was correct. I do have another question. When something drops in an instance do you have the option of calling a "Need" or "Greed"? What I mean is that the game I used to play had an option when something dropped called need or greed , you clicked on need if it was class specific to you and you were going to use it. If everyone else in the group chose greed the person choosing need got it automatically. However, if there were two or more people in the group who chose need, or if everyone chose greed, then the game made a random "roll" and whoever had the highest number won the drop.

    Does perfect world perform in a similar manner ?

    Thanks again ya'll

  • mybigdick
    mybigdick Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    theres not 30 man raids in wow
  • safron
    safron Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    unhealer wrote: »
    This is the first time I hear of Wraith raids.
    What is it about?
    My FA Cleric just hit lvl 22, can I join the raid?

    Wraith raids happen randomly and anyone can participate regardless of level, at least to my knowledge. On Heaven's Tear, they attacks get announced in red text with Duke shouting: "Wraiths are amassing at *blank*! (Insert witty comment here)"

    I've managed to get to at least two Wraith raids myself. By time I've gotten there, however, players ranging from level 40 on up are already there making me feel silly -- because by time I'm spotting a Wraith to attack, three other guys are on him and the half-dead dude's deader than a doornail before I can click 'attack'.

    Forming parties for Wraith raids comes in handy. I asked if anyone was willing to toss me into their party -- and got into one pretty fast. Still felt like a third wheel on a bicycle, though... The drops are pretty good and you tend to pick up enough gold to cover travel expenses (that is, if you're fast). -shrugs-

    Welcome to a n00b moment -- saw unhealer's comment on page 1, didn't bother to read the other pages, and so this really should just be iggnored and/or deleted because it's not pertinent to the discussion.
  • Kelebek - Sanctuary
    Kelebek - Sanctuary Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    kargor wrote: »
    Think about it: with the distribution set on random (which does not affect the drops itself, it just affects who gets them), having a party of 7 high levels and 1 lowbie, chances are that 7/8 of the drops go to the high level team. They are only interested in lowbies with the "call of duty" quest, which apparently means the boss can still drop something --- "molds" in particular, which is a rare alchemy material type thing. Of course, with our 7+1 party, chances are that YOU will not be the one getting that mold, if one drops. That way they can still pretend to have random distribution, while in reality the party is set up so you don't really get anything.

    I don't think this is true. The coins and drops from fb19 aren't really worth much, and a lower level will probably vendor them anyway. The real prize, for fb19, is the glowing weapon you get as a reward.

    Personally, drops while on "random", has been very damage-based. Every time I do more than 50% damage to a mob when with someone else, I get the drop, and likewise when they do more damage. If you're in a party of 2, and both go and solo a mob, in my experience 95% of the time you will get the drops from the mob you killed, and likewise for the other guy.

    So, in higher level parties, they're doing way more damage and so they end up getting the drops. At least that's just my experience with it.
  • Ty - Heavens Tear
    Ty - Heavens Tear Posts: 604 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    kargor wrote: »

    Think about it: with the distribution set on random (which does not affect the drops itself, it just affects who gets them), having a party of 7 high levels and 1 lowbie, chances are that 7/8 of the drops go to the high level team. They are only interested in lowbies with the "call of duty" quest, which apparently means the boss can still drop something --- "molds" in particular, which is a rare alchemy material type thing. Of course, with our 7+1 party, chances are that YOU will not be the one getting that mold, if one drops. That way they can still pretend to have random distribution, while in reality the party is set up so you don't really get anything.


    Just-so-you-know the maximum party size is 6 players.

    Personally speaking I dont care for drops in FBs aside from my own Call of Duties, as the XP/SP and reputation points alone are enough for me, and you'll find a lot of people think the same way as I do. It pays to ask in before the instance is started how drops are going to be distributed especially molders and dont be afraid to speak out if you're unhappy as there are many people jumping at the chance to join FBs.

    The higher the level of helping players the lower the chance of getting any decent drops, but you're pretty much guaranteed a successful FB run with players 10 levels above or higher, which is especially important if wine is used.

    But like someone else mentioned the single most important aspect of FB19 is the 3 star weapon you'll get from the Elder as a quest reward.
    I like pie
  • Kazui - Heavens Tear
    Kazui - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    uhm easy way of avoiding griefers or ninjalooting in fb would be that you kick every highlvl out of your party after you killed the boss because as highlvl you dont see the drops (at least thats what i saw) and when they are out of party loot gets locked for them

    but then again i never needed todo that good thing having a faction ^^
  • Diagnosis - Lost City
    Diagnosis - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    In every game you're going to find tanks and healers. Your best choice with these is just befriend them because they can help you and let you play the game how you want to play it. If you turn on tanks or healers you will end up having a very cruel fate.
This discussion has been closed.