PLEASE Don't tell me PWI is like WoW instances?



  • B_O_N_D - Lost City
    B_O_N_D - Lost City Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    whisky wrote: »
    OK, pro tip time!!!!!

    1 ) Make friends with tanks and healers. - this way you can call on them if you need to complete a party.

    2) NEVER kill steal a tank/healer. - yeah sure as a DPS class you can kill steal mobs off them all day, but would you honestly expect them to help you later on if you've done that? This is also critical to point 1.

    3) So you got your group....... - don't **** healers and tanks out of the drops. This should be obvious, but tanking is EXPENSIVE, tanking a dungeon damages armour. Healing is also expensive, so make sure tanks and healers aren't going to lose funds by helping you.

    TL;DR - dont be a prat, and you should be able get a good group, remember, once bitten, twice shy.


    as a tank people except me just to tank for them make me break my armour or wep, don't get a thanks or anything
    Thanks Forsakenx
  • Coviana - Sanctuary
    Coviana - Sanctuary Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Personally, drops while on "random", has been very damage-based. Every time I do more than 50% damage to a mob when with someone else, I get the drop, and likewise when they do more damage. If you're in a party of 2, and both go and solo a mob, in my experience 95% of the time you will get the drops from the mob you killed, and likewise for the other guy.

    When i play my full healer Cleric, i've noticed the same thing. I don't do any damage because i'm healing the party, so when on Random distribution, i don't get any of the drops. Not equips, not DQ (never even seen a mold, other than in cat shops for multi-millions of coins, but i expect the same there), not crafting mats; nothing (well, i *do* get a share of the coins). If i fire off a few Plume Shots during the battles, sometimes i'll get an item or two, but mostly when we clean up the loot, it says "<DD> gets <item>" repeatedly...
  • TameThat - Sanctuary
    TameThat - Sanctuary Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Well instance gives good exp and reputation to all member helping you, so it's very easy to find people to help you. Just check for people helping for fb in world chat, go to channel named "CallToDuty", "FBHelp" or anything similar and your gonna find some help from high level in less time then your gonna believe it. Having barbarian and healer friend isn't a necessity.
    ~~~ My Guides ~~~

    Mystical Tome (h ttp://
    AOE Grinding with Venomancer (h ttp://
  • Deathsscion - Sanctuary
    Deathsscion - Sanctuary Posts: 325 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Well instance gives good exp and reputation to all member helping you, so it's very easy to find people to help you. Just check for people helping for fb in world chat, go to channel named "CallToDuty", "FBHelp" or anything similar and your gonna find some help from high level in less time then your gonna believe it. Having barbarian and healer friend isn't a necessity.

    Join a faction and make some friends. Getting a group you know nothing about from worldchat is undesirable in my opinion. Seen some of those guys before and they seem to be the first to go the second something doesn't work the way they want it to. eg the person they are helping forgot the tab. They just leave them in the middle of the FB. Get a group you have worked with before or members that people you trust can vouch for.
  • HeLium - Lost City
    HeLium - Lost City Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    whisky wrote: »
    3) So you got your group....... - don't **** healers and tanks out of the drops. This should be obvious, but tanking is EXPENSIVE, tanking a dungeon damages armour. Healing is also expensive, so make sure tanks and healers aren't going to lose funds by helping you.


    If a tank has a HP hiero and the cleric is lousy, it costs even more :/
  • ReYVynN - Heavens Tear
    ReYVynN - Heavens Tear Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    as far as the drop distribution goes, im really not sure how the "random" thing works... I do know however that as a level 64, i go on a lot of fb runs. my reasons..? close to 700k exp to level and 3 or 4 quests that in total maybe give 120k exp plus what i get from grinding through the quests. that still leaves 500k to come up with and thats over a weeks worth of crazy stone quests... I do fb runs (other than my own) to help other people (guild-mates or not) and for the exp that comes from them. as far as drops within the fb run go... the little stuff (e.g. dq items, etc.) goes to whoever gets it on pickup unless somebody specifically asks for it. any molds and 2 or 3 star equipment is automatically passed back to the tab-holder. no ifs ands or buts about it. if i wanna get rich, i'll make things with my crafting skills and vendor them, not steal from somebody that came to me for help. my reward for helping them is the relatively easy experience
  • Darksylph - Heavens Tear
    Darksylph - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,816 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    any molds and 2 or 3 star equipment is automatically passed back to the tab-holder. no ifs ands or buts about it. if i wanna get rich, i'll make things with my crafting skills and vendor them, not steal from somebody that came to me for help. my reward for helping them is the relatively easy experience

    The strange thing about this, is it seems to be Heaven's Tear server culture to do that. I am on Heaven's Tear and always go by this rule, and 99% of the server's population goes by this (unfortunately there are the 1% few who do try to steal). However, i've seen other threads on this issue, it seems in Lost City server, their culture is all drops are just "up for grabs" and tab-holder has no innate right to the drops. Molds that are known to drop get "called" and thats 1st come - 1st call - gets it. Non-called molds and gear go to whoever's bag they land in. I don't know what the drop culture for FBs in Sanctuary is like.
  • AlpineFrost - Lost City
    AlpineFrost - Lost City Posts: 362 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Umm i play in lost city and none of my guildmates or I steal molds or anything like that. If im running someone through an FB and a mold drops they get it, along with any three star items. So dont lump ALL of LC into the same basket thanks!
    Ex-Waffles Director
  • Tawarwaith - Sanctuary
    Tawarwaith - Sanctuary Posts: 391 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I'm on Sanctuary, and I've never met anyone who tried to steal anything, nor did I ever try to do that myself. Personnaly, I always have the distribution on random, and I check wether the others get something or not. I do a lot of quest with eiter an archer or mage (and sometimes a cleric) behind me, so random is the only fair option, since I'm next to the drops when they fall. I also pass the stuf I don't use like arrows and bolts, and if the other wants to have a particular drop, he can always ask.
    My experience shows me that, until now, most people do the same. When I was helped with my fb39, I ran out of mana du to a mana drain, and had no manapots. I was lucky the cleric offered me one (any idea how long it takes to regenerate with only 5 mag points :p).

    Actually, the farther you get, the nicer the people are. I always try to help when people ask, and I don't expect them to extra nice to me just because I'm a barb. I just glad when they wisper a little "thanks" when it's done. That's why I always thank the people who helped me, even when it's "just" a cleric buffing me.
  • Granrey - Sanctuary
    Granrey - Sanctuary Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I've been on squad and after a while you learn what some races needs.

    For instance barabarians like to get some particular oil that they use for something.

    So, when I'm on FB's I always pass whatever other players need. I pretty much only need potions.
  • Lytewish - Sanctuary
    Lytewish - Sanctuary Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    This game would pwn with raid someone said above. All well! Dungeons it is then
  • Xenesis - Lost City
    Xenesis - Lost City Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    you can do a raid with world quest bosses ... will take a while those 23m hp
  • Annor - Heavens Tear
    Annor - Heavens Tear Posts: 330 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    WoW and PWI instances:
    -Instances provide good XP (per mob) provided you and your group are at the appropriate level (similar to the level of the instance), and can be repeated at will for this experience
    -Instances reliably provide good drops, and can be farmed for these
    -Instances generally run by similarly levelled balanced group
    -Instances generally take 0.5 - 3hours
    -Some difficulties in finding tanks and healers, and people for your specific run.

    -Instances provide good XP for the entire group, provided one player has the tabs (which can only be acquired once, at the level appropriate for the dungeon). XP yield remains good for very high level players, so tab-holders are sought after for this reason, and there are many high level people waiting for the opportunity to run your dungeons for you.
    -Instances occasionally yield good drops, and very occasionally yield molds, which can be used to craft legendary equipment or sold for cash, due to the irregularity of drops, generally people do not farm for these (excluding the very high level dungeons)
    -Due to 'call to duty' tabs (for experience) being acquired once per person per dungeon, each instance (or FB) is usually only run once per person, and you will generally never have difficulties in finding a group.
    -Instances are generally run by inbalanced groups, of higher levels killing, and lower levels either pretending to kill, or watching.
    -Instances generally take 15 minutes - 1.5 hours
    Meek with words, abrupt with arrows.
  • vernanie
    vernanie Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I dunno about stealing being the "thing to do" on Lost City. The very first fb19 I ran a mold dropped .... and while I KNEW of molds, I didn't know one had dropped.

    I'd even said to the group "Oh yeah, I just started playing a few days ago." The guy leading the group traded me my mold, explained what it was. And then asked if he could buy it from me.

    So, he totally could have scammed me ... and I wouldn't have known. Either I'm lucky or nice people do exist on Lost City.

  • themerovingian
    themerovingian Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Yep: i call them that, too..though not many ppl propagate the jargon, since many are consumed by the idea of a guild/party/squad "raid"..
    But ever so often, "Duke Shouts" that a wraith army is gathering near some town or on the outskirts of some city, so that each warrior able to, should go and help...Good drops from the mobs and some good xp could be earned, since the invading wraiths (who really just spawn there, anyway..not really "gather") are of a higher lvl than the native mobs...Also, three times i've been to the Silver Pool raid, and there's a wraith commander who looks like Hercule Trioc.I'm not sure if he spawns each time, but he drops a heap of weapons and 2* and 3* armor..Check for the system announcements daily..
  • Fleuri - Sanctuary
    Fleuri - Sanctuary Posts: 1,763 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    WoW and PWI instances:

    I think twilight temple instances also deserve some mention (they have limited quests, but reliable crafting drops)
  • Wintrparkgrl - Heavens Tear
    Wintrparkgrl - Heavens Tear Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    b:laugh l......
    Draeconia-a pwnage guild on the heavens tear server, most oftenly underestimated and undervalued this is the best faction in perfect world history
  • Chanteus - Sanctuary
    Chanteus - Sanctuary Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I have not been in an instance yet, but I have grouped with some higher lvls at times while completing quests. I notice that although I get exp and some coin for kills, I get no drops. This is with the distribution set at random. The other day I was looking to get into Fire Cragg Grotto and there was a group of higher lvls taking people through one at a time. They were setting the distribution at random and claiming that they were just doing the instance for the exp. However , when I asked about the drops I got no response. This led me to believe that they were going in and grabbing drops to decompose for their own crafting needs.

    Don't get me wrong, I don't want , nor do I think I deserve all the drops from an instance, but I would like to think that if there were a class specific drop for my character that I at least have a chance of picking it up.

    I don't understand how the drop distribution works in this game. Could someone explain it to me or at least point me in the direction of a comprehensive explantation?

    Thank you
    Dump those jerks and come to MORBID. We give token holder all drops, kill all bosses up to lev 75+ weekly, are rank 2 and leveling fast. Contact me, Menfisto, slimthugs, FlameAngel, or Skylead most evenings to join.

    Every time a foe is killed the game rolls for drop chance: 100% down to 2 lev below you, -3 to -4 is 90%, -5 to -7 is 80%, etc. Then the game rolls for the number of drops: 0 is about 60%, 1 is about 33%, 2 is about 5%, 3 is about 2% (very roughly). Elite and bosses have multiple drop checks and are more likely to drop.

    Full details exist, a copy is on my website at
  • mariopereira1996
    mariopereira1996 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    nighttmare wrote: »
    Takes you forever to find certain classes like a tank and healer, and takes WAY Too long to find, people disconectting/leaving etc etc

    Is PWI just like that? or much different

    because id like to have a dungeon where DPS could raid and everyone could have fun instead of being a boring tank/healer

    that is called pve starategie a thing that PW don
  • SashaGray - Heavens Tear
    SashaGray - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,765 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    arise chicken, arise!

    +1 post count
  • Salasyn - Heavens Tear
    Salasyn - Heavens Tear Posts: 286 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    +1 my epeen.
  • Astraea - Raging Tide
    Astraea - Raging Tide Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    +1.5 post count just cause i can b:cute
    "Common sense isn't so common anymore." ~ Yusiong - Lost City
  • chaoticshelly
    chaoticshelly Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2011
This discussion has been closed.