Cayeon's Guide on Full Attack Clerics



  • Stonesmagi - Lost City
    Stonesmagi - Lost City Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Here's a question- any advice on how to protect yourself/handle PKers while trying to level an ATK cleric? Yesterday I was in the Heaven's Tear area and at least 3 different PKs showed up and killed me, the archer I was squadding with, and everyone else around, it seemed. This was my first encounter with PK, and I'd like to know what I can do. In Heaven's Tear, two attacked me at once, and I figure one of them was at least 10 lvs above me. I'm now a lv 31. I got killed several times. It took 2 shots to kill me.
  • cayeon
    cayeon Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Sounds like the typical PKers who roam around the map and kill everyone in their way. I hate to say this, but if several higher leveled people attack you at once, your chances of survival are extremely low, no matter what you do.

    But well, there are a few ways to improve your chances. Let me give you some general tips.

    First of all, get a HP seal. It recovers all HP as soon as it drops below 50%, and is an absolute must for PKing. Being able to take some more hits is crucial for your survival. In addition to that, you should also get very fast wings or even a mount if you can afford one. Don't be ashamed to run if you realize you can't win against someone.

    If you can see an enemy PKer coming from afar, you can adequately prepare yourself by stacking some Ironheart Blessing, but if someone sneaks up on you, you'll have to react immediately. Unfortunately though, you haven't reached the level yet where you can learn Chromatic Seal. Sleeping the enemy was almost always my first step, so I could buy some time to escape or fight back. In your situation, I would suggest that you put up Plume Shell immediately and stack some Ironheart Blessing in the hope of regenerating yourself faster than people can damage you.

    A quite useful method to avoid the pain of being attacked from behind is to always watch the green dots on the minimap - those are the players in your area. When someone is approaching you, turn your camera to see if you can find out if they're hostile. If, for example, their name is red, chances are good that they'll attack you.

    I have to admit though, despite all of these precautions you can take, it is quite impossible as a lower level cleric to win against a group of experienced high level players on a PK spree. The best option in this case would be to just ignore them and level somewhere else.
  • Stonesmagi - Lost City
    Stonesmagi - Lost City Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Thanks, cayeon, this is the kind of information I was hoping to get.

    My little adventure did motivate me to do something about my low health. I was wearing an HP seal at the time, but still got killed in 2 shots. The first must have been a stun, because it didn't break the seal. At any rate, I nearly emptied my in-game cash buying 3-star armor and equipping it with the highest lv citrine shards it would take. Also bought the fastest wings the CS offers for my lv. Glitter flaps look a little silly on a male character, but they go fast, and the only other thing I see to help this is use a widget, but I don't know what to do with that yet.

    I'm glad you're still monitoring the thread because it gives me the opportunity to thank you for making this guide available. It gave me some understanding of the type of strategy this game offers as well as inspired me to take the challenge of playing this type of character. I don't know yet whether I'll find myself proficient enough to do it justice, but I'm having fun giving it a go. I think if I can get it into the 50's, I'll start to see the potential grow.

    I took the time to make a spreadsheet of all the skills along with comments from your guide and projected skilling/leveling for the next 10 levels. I probably don't have exactly what you had in mind, but it at least gave me the opportunity to roadmap a plan in developing my character.

    I noticed a skill come up that isn't mentioned in the guide, nor does it appear in the skill tree in the game. It's called:
    Spark Eruption- discharge 1 spark to acquire 200% extra physical attack from weapons for 10 seconds & become invincible for 1 second aftger the discharge.

    I skilled it since it only cost 8 spirit (yes, 8). Since it uses one spark, I haven't tried it out, but I wondered if you or anyone else knew anything about it. Is this a new skill, or have I overlooked something?
  • demonicangell
    demonicangell Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Server: Lost City
    Guild:Starting A Guild Named ~Angellz~ All Welcome To Join
    Name: DemonicAngell
    Current Level: 13
    Profession: BlackSmith
  • Isowen - Lost City
    Isowen - Lost City Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    The description of spark eruption is wrong, it not only gives an increase in physical attack but also greatly increases your magical attack! I always use this skill on a mob with +hp or just before a wield thunder in PVP, since I dont have tempest yet and dont have any other uses for my spark.

    Your tears are so tasty and sweet! Let me taste your tears of unfathomable sadness!

    9x Cleric
  • Isowen - Lost City
    Isowen - Lost City Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Cayeon, I have a question: I'm almost lvl 59 now, which means I can get tempest. My question is: what is a better choice for pvp/pk, getting tempest right away or getting a few lvls of Chromatic Seal (I dont have this yet) and elemental seal (have this at lvl 5) and get tempest at a higher lvl.

    I think tempest might be a good choice, cause at the moment I have trouble killing blademasters and sometimes archers (let alone a barb) when they have a heiro, so having an extra high dmg attack might help with this problem. Whats your take on this?

    Your tears are so tasty and sweet! Let me taste your tears of unfathomable sadness!

    9x Cleric
  • cayeon
    cayeon Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I would say you should level Chromatic and Elemental Seal first. Chromatic Seal is one of the most important PvP spells, as it can buy you some time to heal yourself or debuff the enemy while he can't do anything about it. Combined with Elemental Seal and Spark Eruption, you can cast a massive Wield Thunder without having to worry about its casting time, since the enemy won't wake up until he's actually hit. I must say that Chromatic Seal can be quite expensive though, and it doesn't last very long in the lower levels.

    But consider this: Although Tempest level 1 deals a little more damage than Wield Thunder level 10, it requires 2 spark, which isn't always available. In duels, some people even reject the notion of using spark altogether. In addition to that, Tempest has a huge casting time, so it can be suicide to use it in PvP without sleeping the enemy first. And in the end, maxed Elemental Seal + Wield Thunder might even be stronger than a lower level Tempest.

    Personally, I would first get Chromatic Seal to level 5-6 and max Elemental Seal before touching Tempest, but of course, it's entirely your choice.
  • Elrond - Heavens Tear
    Elrond - Heavens Tear Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I am level 66 now and have been dueling most chances i can get. At this level Blade Masters are still my most difficult enemy and i still have some difficulty Defeating Barbs. A Blade master used this skill on me last night and i wonder what you would suggest is the best counter to it.

    Will of the Bodhisatva: - level 59, requires 1 spark
    Focus vigor underfoot to move as graceful as a dragon in flight. Increases movement speed by 100%, increases evasion while moving by 100%, grants immunity to stun and freeze. Lasts 15 seconds.
  • Isowen - Lost City
    Isowen - Lost City Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Thanks for your very clear answer Cayeon! I'll go with the seals!

    Your tears are so tasty and sweet! Let me taste your tears of unfathomable sadness!

    9x Cleric
  • cayeon
    cayeon Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    A Blade master used this skill on me last night and i wonder what you would suggest is the best counter to it.

    Well, this would depend on the situation, and also on the individual player you're dueling with. There isn't really any universal formula that I can give you to counter specific attacks, but let me try to imagine a little scenario.

    If a Blademaster uses Will of the Bodhisatva to approach you in duels, you should usually have enough time to put up Plume Shell and cast Ironheart Blessing before he can actually reach and stun you. Your shell will endure his physical attacks, so you should still be alive when the stun wears off. Strike back with Great Cyclone or Wield Thunder as long as Plume Shell is still up, and, once his Will of the Bodhisatva wears off, paralyze him and run away a few metes depending on how long your paralyze lasts. Then, sleep him, debuff him, and use Advanced Spark Eruption, followed by Wield Thunder. If he's not 1 hit, cast Great Cyclone again before he gets the chance to run up to you again. If this still doesn't kill him, put up Plume Shell again, cast Ironheart Blessing, and wait for your chance to strike the final blow.

    In short, the best way to counter Will of the Bodhisatva is to put up Plume Shell and paralyze the Blademaster as soon as his skill wears off. This might not always work, but actually, I found Blademasters one of the easiest opponents to defeat, especially since I mostly needed only 1-2 hits. I'm aware that at 66, your debuffs aren't at a very high level yet, which is probably the reason why you're having some trouble with them. Don't worry though, that'll change as you level up.
  • andyboi
    andyboi Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Cayeon, mostly stuck to your guide. Am up to level 64 now and it's great.
    I did notice something. When I cast chromatic seal on someone during a duel and then proceed to cast elemental seal debuff, they wake up. I thought they were suppose to stay asleep until I actually damage then? From the looks of it, they seem to wake up even if I debuff them.
  • Okami - Lost City
    Okami - Lost City Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    andyboi wrote: »
    Cayeon, mostly stuck to your guide. Am up to level 64 now and it's great.
    I did notice something. When I cast chromatic seal on someone during a duel and then proceed to cast elemental seal debuff, they wake up. I thought they were suppose to stay asleep until I actually damage then? From the looks of it, they seem to wake up even if I debuff them.

    Use the paralysis one.
  • cayeon
    cayeon Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Great to see you've stuck to the Full Attack build, andyboi, and congratulations on level 64 =)

    About your question: unless they changed it in this version, which I don't believe, Elemental Seal does not cancel Chromatic Seal. Only when actual damage is done will Chromatic Seal disappear. What happened in your case is mostly likely that your level of Chromatic Seal is still very low, and it therefore doesn't last very long by itself. Try to experiment with it a little, and you'll see that it also disappears so fast if you don't debuff or do anything at all.

    Plus, note that the skill says ''up to xx seconds'', which means that it doesn't necessarily last that long; it can actually end very spontaneously. At level 1-5 especially, it might only take a few seconds to wear off, based on your luck.
  • Elrond - Heavens Tear
    Elrond - Heavens Tear Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Elemental Seal does not wake them up. I have cast this combo many times.

    Cayeon, I find the Twilight Temple weapons to be most intimidating. Which do you suggest if i want to maximize my damage. Also i don't want to spend a long time in TT farming. Also I'm not interested in -% channeling, it seams unnecessary for clerics.
  • andyboi
    andyboi Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Thanks for the reply Cayeon. I did not realize that the debuffs can wear off before the xxx seconds. And yes, my chromatic seal is only at level 1. I'll level it up more.
  • cayeon
    cayeon Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    If you haven't already, take a look at this site:

    Although it is for the MY-EN version, it contains all the information you need to know about the stats and materials of these weapons.

    There are multiple factors to consider when it comes to choosing your weapon: Are you planning to stick to one ''path'' of weapons from 60-99, or will you opt for the golden ones? Will you buy more than 1 weapon and switch them based on your needs? How much time and money are you willing to invest?

    I could easily tell you which weapon is the absolute best for each level, but I'm not sure if your wallet would like that. Maximizing damage and not wanting to spend too much time farming the materials stand in direct conflict. But well, seeing that the m.attack of each weapon is about the same and only the stats are different, you might choose to go with a cheaper one. From the 3 choices at level 70, I would go for the Ashura Sword (MY-EN name) for a good price-quality balance.
  • gibril
    gibril Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    cayeon, I'm sorry I'm still very new here. I want to ask you. I've read in this thread that weapon type really is up to somebody's preference. but how about the requirement?
    most of the magical swords require str to go up to a certain point. is that only true to some magical sword or is that true for all magic swords?

    I saw your stats that you put everything into MAG, so how do you equip all the other equips? armor, shoes, gloves, etc need str requirement too...
    can you please give me more info about this?

    thank you very much Cayeon
  • Metraze - Sanctuary
    Metraze - Sanctuary Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    gibril wrote: »
    I saw your stats that you put everything into MAG, so how do you equip all the other equips? armor, shoes, gloves, etc need str requirement too...

    Actually, what he said was enough STR for equipment requirements, and everything else to MAG. Personally, I'm adding 1 STR every other level, which should be enough for all my equipment.

    And thanks Cayeon for the guide! Now a level 22 Attack Cleric and loving it! Great flexibility, and able to solo very well. I tried a Wizard and Archer before this, and both became very difficult to solo by level 20 or so (they could really only survive at all by living on Life Powder).

    I personally don't find HP or MP to be a problem ... I can take down around 10 mobs (using no pots or heiros) before having to rest - meditate for about 2 minutes and I'm ready to go again. It's only if a second mob goes aggro on me that I have a problem - and just by alternating Ironhearts with attacks, I can usually survive even then.
  • XX_BOW_Xx - Heavens Tear
    XX_BOW_Xx - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    This inspired me... I started making a full attack cleric. It's at level 9 at the moment. Really, great job on the guide!
  • Metraze - Sanctuary
    Metraze - Sanctuary Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Well, got my first squad wanting me to just heal ... not sure of his logic - I stopped to meditate, told him I needed MP - and his response was to tell me to just heal??? Um ... even if I were so inclined (and had leveled the appropriate skills), I'd still need MP ... anyway, we parted company, and I quite happily went back to nuking mobs on my own ... :P

    Brings up a question though: for all the other Attack Clerics on Sanctuary ... can one of you recommend a good guild to join? Be nice to join a guild that already knows about (and values!) Attack Clerics ... Thanks!
  • Cysus - Lost City
    Cysus - Lost City Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    That was REALLY inspiring... and it lead me to make this account :D
    So far I'm enjoying it, but then again, it's only level 13.... So I'll see in a bit.

    Thanks for writing this guide!!
    Proud member of Sacrifice
  • Stonesmagi - Lost City
    Stonesmagi - Lost City Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I'm not on Sanctuary, obviously, but I never got asked to heal when partying for normal mobs. I always do plenty of damage and healing is not an issue. Everybody tends to buff each other up, and I try to spread some Ironheart around at critical moments or if it means getting a squad member off his meditating duff, but that's it.

    Dungeon runs and elite bosses are a different story. The most I can do is secondary healing in this instance, and I've healed a tank on a lesser boss when it was just us two and the boss couldn't be soloed. I do so much damage that if I'm not careful, I'll aggro a boss we are partying, then it's kite around and hope someone else gets him off me before he does me in. I still haven't learned what to do with bosses that have powerful AoE. But on dungeon runs, I won't go any more if I'm the only cleric, because I did this in fb39 and the squad wiped.

    I've been thinking about how to develop my role in squads, taking into consideration what Cayeon says about it (e.g. protecting the other cleric). In fb19 and 29 I went through with upper lv players who really didn't want me doing anything, so the opportunity to develop a role in squadding is really only just beginning to present opportunities to really try things out. Getting through the next 20 or so levels is going to be interesting. It would be nice to find a regular party where I could really work on this. That's not been available in my faction because I'm within 5 levels of the highest player.
  • Isowen - Lost City
    Isowen - Lost City Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I'm a full attack cleric too, but find I can easily take on the role of support cleric when needed. I did lvl my pdef and mdef buffs to 10 and ironheart blessing to 8, which is all I need to be support.

    Off course I'd rather deal damage, but when me and my guildie's we're doing some HH60 runs I had a tank and some dmg dealers but no extra healer, but I was easily able to get my party through it.

    So this class is more flexible then I thought, people don't even complain that much about my res being lvl 1!

    Your tears are so tasty and sweet! Let me taste your tears of unfathomable sadness!

    9x Cleric
  • Stonesmagi - Lost City
    Stonesmagi - Lost City Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    You're essentially through the part that I'm finding a challenge. If you don't mind, what did you skill in the 40s, and then in the 50s? At what point did you feel like you could effectively handle the support role?
  • Isowen - Lost City
    Isowen - Lost City Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    You're essentially through the part that I'm finding a challenge. If you don't mind, what did you skill in the 40s, and then in the 50s? At what point did you feel like you could effectively handle the support role?

    In the 40s I put my main focus on the skills Cayeon advises (spirits gift, cyclone, plume shot, plume shell, metal mastery) and lvld the pdef buff and ironheart whenever I had leftover sp. I only lvld ironheart to the point at which it could effectively heal myself. Then, at lvl 49 I got a LOT of sp from the cultivation quest so I maxed the pdef, got some points into the mdef buff and got ironheart to 6 or 7 (cant remember). Then in my 50s I got ironheart to 8, maxed the mdef buff, got metal mastery to 5 and started to lvl Chromatic seal while always keeping wield thunder maxed.

    I think I have been able to take on the support role from the point I had ironheart at like lvl 5-6, since it stacks it doesnt matter much what lvl it is if you spam it, except for the range.

    Your tears are so tasty and sweet! Let me taste your tears of unfathomable sadness!

    9x Cleric
  • Metraze - Sanctuary
    Metraze - Sanctuary Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I have a question about adding soulgems to your weapon ... how does it work with skills?

    If I add a Magic Attack soulgem, will that increase the damage my skills do? They're based on the 'Base Magic Attack', which would seem to exclude soulgems ... on the other hand, not much point in even having Magic Attack soulgems if it doesn't!

    I'm also thinking about adding a Fire Attack soulgem, to help against Metal mobs ... will that add Fire damage when using skills?
  • Mistyck - Heavens Tear
    Mistyck - Heavens Tear Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    hi im a cleric and i dead much u we know some for not dead ?b:sad
  • Stonesmagi - Lost City
    Stonesmagi - Lost City Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    In the 40s I put my main focus on the skills Cayeon advises (spirits gift, cyclone, plume shot, plume shell, metal mastery) and lvld the pdef buff and ironheart whenever I had leftover sp. I only lvld ironheart to the point at which it could effectively heal myself. Then, at lvl 49 I got a LOT of sp from the cultivation quest so I maxed the pdef, got some points into the mdef buff and got ironheart to 6 or 7 (cant remember). Then in my 50s I got ironheart to 8, maxed the mdef buff, got metal mastery to 5 and started to lvl Chromatic seal while always keeping wield thunder maxed.

    I think I have been able to take on the support role from the point I had ironheart at like lvl 5-6, since it stacks it doesnt matter much what lvl it is if you spam it, except for the range.

    Many thanks, that answer is worth its weight in gold. Exactly what I wanted to know.
  • Isowen - Lost City
    Isowen - Lost City Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I forgot to say that I also got elemental seal to lvl 6 in my 50s, then got it to lvl 9 with the sp from my 59 culti, a lot of which I also used for chromatic seal. (I didnt have enough sp to keep it maxed for my lvl until lvl 59, and I got the first 2 lvls of it at like lvl 56, not right away at lvl 50).

    Your tears are so tasty and sweet! Let me taste your tears of unfathomable sadness!

    9x Cleric
  • absolutezero
    absolutezero Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Can anybody possibly link the guide to somewhere else, or perhaps upload it onto a site so i can download the guide? My3gb links dont work for me..b:cry
This discussion has been closed.