Cayeon's Guide on Full Attack Clerics



  • dushin
    dushin Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    the links are broken
  • duskwood
    duskwood Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    please someone post the guides, they dont work :(
  • Mistyck - Heavens Tear
    Mistyck - Heavens Tear Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    some cleric pro im heaven tears ???can help me to do quest ?
  • Elrond - Heavens Tear
    Elrond - Heavens Tear Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Silence Seal (7):

    Manipulate your energy to form the Seal of Silence. Suffer a 4.8 second attack damage by reduction of 50% to paralyze an enemy for up to 13.2 seconds.

    At level 10 those numbers change to 6.0 and 16.8

    I have had this skill a very short time so perhaps I'm not using it to its full potential. But when i cast this on a player it only lasts about 3 seconds - occasionally it will last as much as 6 seconds. Cayeon, you mentioned this skill several times in your guide, jet I can't see the use of it when i gain like 1-2 seconds out of it. What did you use this skill for and when/if ever does it get any good?

    On mobs it tends to last about the same.

    I have level 7 in this skill now.
  • carlito
    carlito Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Hey Cayeon I just wanna say that your guide is really in depth and so much info to take in, but real good for people who are hardcore players. I just wanna know if you know of a guide of full support or hybrid, like the one you took time to make. I like helping people out and not really big into PvP. Out of curiosity what game are you playing now?
  • Envy - Lost City
    Envy - Lost City Posts: 540 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    horrible guide.
  • cayeon
    cayeon Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    It seems my guide was down for a while, please accept my apologies for my absence. Thank you all again for your feedback, however, right now, I don't have very much time to answer all of your questions in great detail. I have quit this game long ago, and need to concentrate on my studies this year.

    Nevertheless, let me quickly address your concerns.
    What did you use this skill for and when/if ever does it get any good?

    Elrond, as I mentioned in my guide, Silence Seal has rather limited use. Personally, I had pretty much only used it in PvP and TW to prevent people from escaping or coming too close. Another way to make use of this skill is to cast it in FBs when someone took aggro off the tank, so that the mob can be eliminated before being able to reach the fragile robe classes. Just be creative. Sometimes you might need it in situations we can't even anticipate. Although Chromatic Seal is certainly much more convenient in many cases, Silence Seal can definitely have its uses.
    I just wanna know if you know of a guide of full support or hybrid, like the one you took time to make. I like helping people out and not really big into PvP. Out of curiosity what game are you playing now?

    Carlito, unfortunately, I don't know of many guides for Support Clerics that go into much detail beyond the basics. Maybe you can look up OpelxFrost's Priest Guide, it appeared to be quite famous over at MY-EN. As for the games I am playing right now, I am not really active in any. My friends invited me to quite a few, but right now, I can't afford to devote very much time to them.
    horrible guide.

    Thank you very much Envy, I appreciate your ''constructive'' criticism.
  • Trenith - Heavens Tear
    Trenith - Heavens Tear Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    After realizing that I completely sucked at the cleric class as far as support goes. Ive decided to go full attack at lvl 48 and am usin your guide now. Instead of me helping heal in parties I tend to have this "Im a Cleradin" mentality and try to tank things or fight things I shouldnt so decided to use your guide.

    Very well thought out. Will post my results soon when I get past 60, which will be by dec. 10th. lol
  • _WillFire_ - Sanctuary
    _WillFire_ - Sanctuary Posts: 563 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Guide has been excellent to me so far. It would be nice to have a short list of what skills to buy at what level in there somewhere. At 44th I've just tried to be logical about it but even still I'm SP broke. When Cayeon says "don't waste SP on stuff you don't need" you best listen up! It gets real tight.

    Mark 12:29-37
    _WillFire_ 8x Combat Medic
  • Elrond - Heavens Tear
    Elrond - Heavens Tear Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I have been playing around with some Excel spread sheets trying to find optimum DPS, my numbers are a bit off from what Cayeon used in his guide (most notably the damage contributed by 100% of weapon damage and spirits gifts additions). What errors I have in my formula are likely systimatic and would not affect the ordering of these skills.

    These values where from low 70's magic and items

    So for level 10 skills and 0% channeling gear DPS comes out as...
    Siren's Kiss
    Great Cyclone
    Wield Thunder
    Thunderball (assumes the DOT does its full amount)
    Plume Shot
    Razor Feathers

    For Damage done per mana use...
    Great Cyclone
    Thunderball (assumes the DOT does its full amount)
    Plume Shot
    Razor Feathers
    Wield Thunder
    Siren's Kiss

    On a side, Cayeon where do you suggest i try to AOE solo in for 70+. I have a hard time finding clumped poison mobs.
  • andyboi
    andyboi Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Just to clear up some confusion Elrond. For your first set of skills listed, are you comparing its channelling time with how much damage output it does? so siren kiss in this case would do the most damage per 1 second?
  • andyboi
    andyboi Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited December 2008

    I have a question regarding the base magic attack formula in your guide. Base magic attack (the magic attack damage that shows up in your character window) = (1 + MAG/100 )*(Level + equipment magic attack)

    You also noted that MAG acts as an amplifier. I fail to see how MAG is as important as equipment magic attack. If anything, judging from the formula above MAG is always divided by 100 in the calculation whereas equipment magic attack is factored in directly. Looking at that formula alone, if I were to get an additional 50 MAG or 50 equipment magic attack, 50 equipment magic attack would result in a much larger product for the base magic attack.

    Am I looking at something wrong? I know you emphasized throughout your guide that MAG is generally better at higher levels. But I don't see how the base magic attack formula supports that statement.
  • Metraze - Sanctuary
    Metraze - Sanctuary Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Stats and Equipment are two different things ... it's not an either or. Your weapon's magic attack is really irrelevant in where to put your stat points.

    Of course you want to get the best weapon you can - the point is MAG is an amplifier on it. With 100 MAG you do double damage ... with 200 MAG you do triple damage ... and so on

    If instead of 200 MAG, you put say 50 points into VIT, then you do 1.5X damage instead of 2X damage. Hence the importance of MAG.
  • Elrond - Heavens Tear
    Elrond - Heavens Tear Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    At 74, 1 point of magic ends up at about 10 Base Magic Attack, while 1 point of magic attack amounts to about 5 Base Magic Attack.

    andyboi: that is correct, but i used Channel+cast for the time it takes to use a spell.

    This is with 373 magic
  • andyboi
    andyboi Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I understand what you guys are saying. It's just that the formula seems to tell me otherwise. Let me use some numbers to illustrate my example:

    Let's say i'm a lvl 70 cleric with 700 equipment magic attack and 300 mag.
    my base magic attack damage would be: (1 + 300/100) * (70 + 700) = 3080

    I see a ring that adds 5 magic and another ring that adds 14 magic attack.
    if I were to wear the first ring, my dmg would be:
    (1 + 305/100) * (70 + 700) = 3118.5
    second ring:
    (1 + 300/100) * (70 + 714) = 3136

    so according to that, its more beneficial for me to wear the 14 magic attack one...
  • Metraze - Sanctuary
    Metraze - Sanctuary Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    andyboi wrote: »
    I see a ring that adds 5 magic and another ring that adds 14 magic attack.
    First off, why are you comparing using two different numbers? How about a choice between 5 MAG or 5 MATK:

    (1 + 305/100) * (70 + 700) = 3118.5
    (1 + 300/100) * (70 + 705) = 3100

    Now which is better?

    In fact, to get the same benefit as 5 MAG, you'd need 9.6 MATK, so MAG is almost twice as good (point for point) ... at this point.

    When he's emphasing MAG though, I believe it's in relation to the stats you pick when you level up. He actually says in the QA section that you need to evaluate equipment based on what will give you the most benefit (i.e: not just always go for +MAG) - basically what you just did in your example. And from your example, you would of course take to +14MATK.
  • Divinityy - Sanctuary
    Divinityy - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I cannot see your guide it keeps on opening and closing how do i fix this? thanks
  • Krel - Heavens Tear
    Krel - Heavens Tear Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Some of the skills like res u have to get to get to the next skill.Like thunderweild for example u have to get the thunderball to get that..just dont up thunderball.Im making my full attack cleric and i will upgrade a healspell mainly to use on myself but will lvl it second to my attack skills.OMG this class eats through magic harder than my wiz. plume shot basicly need magic kinda like archers need arrowsb:laugh also plume shell works wonders when u are at low hp as we attack clerics are but that drains the mp as well.
    I luv my luvsalotb:dirty

    Fear Me:I will and can unleash my true demon forum troll from at beware.

    Im A wizzie with godly looks and your all jealousb:bye
  • zankoku
    zankoku Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2008

    I'm a complete newb, I just started playing on Heaven's Tear. Furthermore, this is my first encounter with MMORPG whatsoever. I've just finished reading Cayeon's guide.

    Firstly, it's extremely useful. It explains a lot about the character building and game mechanics (this is meant as praise to you, Cayeon, if you ever read this). I could only hope for a more general and comprehensive player's guide written with this kind of insight. I've been reading the Beginner's Guide section, so far I haven't found anything nearly as well written. Is there anything more from Cayon or anything similar to this guide?

    Secondly, I'm really tempted to go for a Full Attack Cleric build. You see, I have picked a cleric through a set of random personal preferences:
    - I don't want to play a human (I play human every day in RL, duh)
    - I don't want to play an archer.
    - I don't want to play a girl character. This is probably the only thing that stopped me from playing venomancer (don't get me wrong, I don't look down on guys who play girly characters, I just don't want to do it myself)
    - I don't want to be a tank, or a mindless sword-basher.
    this leaves the cleric, and with the fabulous wings the choice seems clear.
    then I realised I didn't want to be a healer, a support character. What I'd really like to be is a magical damage dealer (too bad wizards are human, huh)
    My questions: does anyone actually play this build? is it really that hard in the beginning? should I avoid it as a noob?
    do other players still treat full attack clerics so badly? has there been any improvement over the time?

    sorry for making my first post so long, for those who've read this far, thank you, and thanks in advance for all your answers and advices.
  • andyboi
    andyboi Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    this build is tough in the beginning and still tough now. (lv. 7x)
    You won't have much life and your physical defense will suck. But there are always downfalls to a particular build so you learn to deal with it and try not to get hit as often. Or if killing the enemy before it reaches you is not possible, then throw on a few ironheart heals before engaging in combat. It's a little tougher in the beginning when your spells don't have its full range yet, so you'll be exposed to quite a few hits. But you'll get the hang of it eventually.

    As far as other people bugging you about a cleric should only heal, I find that telling them straight from the start that you are a DD cleric and don't have squad heal, blue ball, etc. works. There'll be a few instances where they won't realize what you are saying until you actually get to boss fights, but overall I didn't find that to be a hindrance in playing this build.

    The advantages outweight the disadvantages by a lot if you ask me. Most people don't realize that we are much more versatile than a wizard but yet we can do as much damage (in some cases, more) than them. Often, you can act as a support healer, throwing heals here and there to make the primary cleric of the party less stressed. And on tougher bosses you can heal the tank and attack at the same time. You might not be the best pvper (not until you max tempest anyway), but all in all I love seeing damage numbers in five digits.
  • _WillFire_ - Sanctuary
    _WillFire_ - Sanctuary Posts: 563 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    zankoku wrote: »
    My questions: does anyone actually play this build?

    is it really that hard in the beginning?

    No more so than a Wizard
    should I avoid it as a noob?

    Nah...don't waste time on other class/builds if you already have so much interest in this one. Regrets over lost time will haunt you.
    do other players still treat full attack clerics so badly?

    Only mildly...and then only up until the point they see that even a low level Ironheart from a DD Cleric is a good thing.
    has there been any improvement over the time?

    sorry for making my first post so long, for those who've read this far, thank you, and thanks in advance for all your answers and advices.


    Really if you come into this class and treat it as essentially a Wizard with one massive HoT then you can't go far wrong. Focus on your damage first and foremost. Second focus is personal defence ( buffs ). Third, if at all, is healing. This character build is all about throwing down the hurt. It is slow to start but definately fun...and that's what playing a game is all about right?
    Mark 12:29-37
    _WillFire_ 8x Combat Medic
  • thewordlesssignature
    thewordlesssignature Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Just wanted to say I'm just starting this Full Attack Cleric thing- and it's fun as hell!! >:D I played a blade master before, and all I had to do was run up, slash slash slash maybe a skill or a heal, slash slash and pick up whatever item is dropped.

    When I'm a FAC I have to think about my range, how should I attack, whether I need a buff and other things before I even engage in combat. And then the surprise aggro and dealing with fighting two things at once with like, 70 HP left, and figuring out what to do...! I find that so much more fun even if I starting panicking a bit. XD Battles and grinds have become so much more fun because it's no longer mindless. =D

    But what's really cool is that I can still do huge damage and I can heal myself and maybe another player if I feel generous.

    The only hard thing is facing elites that are the same lvl- it's hard to keep up with healing myself and dealing damage, but having a person to heal you takes care of that problem. =D

    If anyone here is tired of mindless battles and boring grinding that melee characters often go through, then perhaps creating a FAC might be something for you to try. I haven't regret it, and in fact, I might make my cleric my primary player.

    So, before I close this long **** post, I'd like to thank Cayeon for taking the time to share some wisdom and making this amazing guide, as well as for being kind enough to still answer questions about FAC's even though she's moved on...! Cayeon you are GOD of Perfect World. (or really freaken close to it anyway. XD)

    To everyone else, have fun exploring the possibilities of FAC's!!! =D

  • andyboi
    andyboi Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    There are certain equips that have reduce physical damage taken +x%. My question is, does this stack on to the rduce physical damage by % in your character stats window? or does it get calculated another way? I don't know the formula for taking damage. Im just debating between a belt with more base +physical resist (which increases my physical damage reduction by 2% in character stats window) or go to a belt that doesnt have as much base physical resist but also has the stats of reduce physical damage taken +2%.
  • Unfathomable - Heavens Tear
    Unfathomable - Heavens Tear Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    thanks a lot. mind if I spam this thread with more noobish questions? I'd like to know the recommended order of learning skills for the full attack cleric for the first levels - say 10 to 15. btw when can I learn a skill? every time I level up? I got to level 9 with my first character, but I didn't want to learn any skills before I knew which ones, so I kind of ignored them...
    what's this spiritual cultivation everyone keeps writing about?
    what are seals anyway?

    If I shouldn't ask questions like this, or in this thread/section, please tell me so and I will stop at once.
    EDIT: my username seems to have changed to that of my character when I set the avatar, I'm zankoku from about 5 posts back, just so you know
  • _WillFire_ - Sanctuary
    _WillFire_ - Sanctuary Posts: 563 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    thanks a lot. mind if I spam this thread with more noobish questions? I'd like to know the recommended order of learning skills for the full attack cleric for the first levels - say 10 to 15. btw when can I learn a skill? every time I level up? I got to level 9 with my first character, but I didn't want to learn any skills before I knew which ones, so I kind of ignored them...
    what's this spiritual cultivation everyone keeps writing about?
    what are seals anyway?

    If I shouldn't ask questions like this, or in this thread/section, please tell me so and I will stop at once.
    EDIT: my username seems to have changed to that of my character when I set the avatar, I'm zankoku from about 5 posts back, just so you know

    You should probably start a new thread on these questions.
    Mark 12:29-37
    _WillFire_ 8x Combat Medic
  • Envy - Lost City
    Envy - Lost City Posts: 540 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    cayeon wrote: »
    It seems my guide was down for a while, please accept my apologies for my absence. Thank you all again for your feedback, however, right now, I don't have very much time to answer all of your questions in great detail. I have quit this game long ago, and need to concentrate on my studies this year.

    Nevertheless, let me quickly address your concerns.

    Elrond, as I mentioned in my guide, Silence Seal has rather limited use. Personally, I had pretty much only used it in PvP and TW to prevent people from escaping or coming too close. Another way to make use of this skill is to cast it in FBs when someone took aggro off the tank, so that the mob can be eliminated before being able to reach the fragile robe classes. Just be creative. Sometimes you might need it in situations we can't even anticipate. Although Chromatic Seal is certainly much more convenient in many cases, Silence Seal can definitely have its uses.

    Carlito, unfortunately, I don't know of many guides for Support Clerics that go into much detail beyond the basics. Maybe you can look up OpelxFrost's Priest Guide, it appeared to be quite famous over at MY-EN. As for the games I am playing right now, I am not really active in any. My friends invited me to quite a few, but right now, I can't afford to devote very much time to them.

    Thank you very much Envy, I appreciate your ''constructive'' criticism.

    I appreciate you making the majority of low lvl clerics useless in PvE and laughable in PvP
  • _WillFire_ - Sanctuary
    _WillFire_ - Sanctuary Posts: 563 Arc User
    edited December 2008

    I appreciate you making the majority of low lvl clerics useless in PvE and laughable in PvP

    Strange...I've never had difficulties with either PvE or PvP. I think perhaps your definition of "useless" is perhaps a touch suspect.
    Mark 12:29-37
    _WillFire_ 8x Combat Medic
  • andyboi
    andyboi Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited December 2008

    I appreciate you making the majority of low lvl clerics useless in PvE and laughable in PvP

    since when were low level clerics good at pvp?
  • _WillFire_ - Sanctuary
    _WillFire_ - Sanctuary Posts: 563 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    andyboi wrote: »
    since when were low level clerics good at pvp?

    Considering the context I'd say his view of a "good" low level cleric in PvP = healing slave
    Mark 12:29-37
    _WillFire_ 8x Combat Medic
  • AliasAliana - Sanctuary
    AliasAliana - Sanctuary Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I am curious to know it is possible that you can help me i seem to have slight difficulties
This discussion has been closed.