****/**** must be legalised in this game! GM read this.

Sereniama - Heavens Tear
Sereniama - Heavens Tear Posts: 211 Arc User
edited February 2009 in Suggestion Box

I am feeling very furious because you won't let me embrace a woman I love....

Let me rephrase that

I want it to be possible for you to embrace and merry a person your own sex.

And let me apologize for the last time what I put...

Ok look sorry about that hate the last time but I just hate it when religions just have to add something stupid into there little book of there's. To be honest, I hate religions but the people who FOLLOW the religions are not that bad at all. Please, I didn't mean what I said the last time, I just want this game to be fair to EVERYONE! And yes I am Greek Orthodux.

Oops damn I ment to put "Yes! I want both!" for the first option in the poll!

Sou Sou Moutoku = The most badass **** in Anime History. Never diss Kohime Musou or die.
Post edited by Sereniama - Heavens Tear on


  • Hisui - Heavens Tear
    Hisui - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,369 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    GMs can't do anything about this. This goes back to the original programming of the game, which they cannot change.
    私の番ですよ。- Sig by Symour

    Check out ForsakenX 's sig thread O_O
    Enrage - We Eat.
  • Sereniama - Heavens Tear
    Sereniama - Heavens Tear Posts: 211 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I don't care.

    Sou Sou Moutoku = The most badass **** in Anime History. Never diss Kohime Musou or die.
  • bronza
    bronza Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I want it to be possible for you to embrace and merry a person your own sex. I don't give a flying **** about what you say and your personal beliefs. I really don't care, I want you to make it possible. I don't CARE if your Christian, I don't CARE if its part of your belife, its gonna happen whether you like it or not!

    And I want cookies but you dont see me charging into a bakery yelling "I WANT COOKIES!"

    First point Do you honestly hope for change just by running in and yelling?

    Second Point If you answered yes to the first question...

    if you wanna run in with guns blazing, use spell check or something, cause honestly you look like a fool when you spell belief as belife or marry as merry.

    Third Point

    It's nice that you dont care about the fact they would need to change the code in the game to make this possible, but be realistic. Are they honestly going to pay some one to work on that when they have other things like bugs and glitchs that are a tad more important since people brought them up way before this. Or even more so this expansion to make sure it can run as smooth as possible? It's bad enough that people keep saying boycott the cash shop but guess what they gotta bring money in some how to pay their employees. And if they can't even take care of the things that are going to keep the majority of players around with the hopes they'll buy from the cash shop I doubt their worried about your little issue.

    In closing...

    Is it unfair? I can see how it is but thats beside the point. With something as controversial as same sex marriage in society, and politics, and with peoples personal beliefs. A business like this has to make the choice keep the majority around or please the minority, and something like this could potentially stir waters in a way that could mean the down fall of the company/game.
  • sage0nemage
    sage0nemage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    what are you on about you cant marry in this game can you?
  • bronza
    bronza Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    what are you on about you cant marry in this game can you?

    you can marry other players in this game I forget how much it costs I think 30 gold per wedding pack so about 60 us dollars. But it has to be a male/female character marriage.
  • sage0nemage
    sage0nemage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    whats the point of marrage
  • Klkcahboy - Sanctuary
    Klkcahboy - Sanctuary Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    whats the point of marrage

    Marriage in MMOs are just to make them seem more realistic but like you said, apart from some minor benefits (Not sure about PWI but in most games they have the ability to teleport to their partners), they really have no purpose.
  • Tomiko - Heavens Tear
    Tomiko - Heavens Tear Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    >.> poor you. but still it won't be legalized.. XD suck3r~ =P
  • Veno_master - Sanctuary
    Veno_master - Sanctuary Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    bronza wrote: »
    And I want cookies but you dont see me charging into a bakery yelling "I WANT COOKIES!"

    i loled at this b:chuckle
  • Tara - Lost City
    Tara - Lost City Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    i'm not into **** or **** stuff at all not against it either but this attitude of such things never going to be implemented straight off the bat no other say says to me the game is flawed why cant these things be added why cant new ideas be put in why are we playing this then...i know the Expansion is on its way so we must wait to see these new changes but the attitude of never going to be added is BS and people will leave if the game becomes stale or the same..
  • Soloboy - Sanctuary
    Soloboy - Sanctuary Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    ermmm... well i have nothing agenst **** or lesbians just... one or 2 people trying to infulence a internation game...

    make a patition or somthing... never know what 1000 people can acomplish
  • tene
    tene Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I agree fully with the original poster on the point that there really should be the ability for same sex embracing and marriage.. In this day and age there is really no excuse not to have it on any ethical grounds. As far as not being able to code it there is a new expasion coming out and it would be realitively easy to do it then or with one of the many patches that come out.. just changing one little script isnt going to make the game explode. But seriously the game is supposed to be fun and enjoyable to everyone so why not this? Even if **** marriage isnt "legal" in all parts of the US it is many other places and even when its not there are domestic partnerships.
  • Hisui - Heavens Tear
    Hisui - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,369 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I don't get it... legalized? they don't ban u for being **** so it is legal. enjoy the game.

    complaining about the inability to hug same sex in this game is just as stupid as complaining about Disney not making **** fairy tales.
    私の番ですよ。- Sig by Symour

    Check out ForsakenX 's sig thread O_O
    Enrage - We Eat.
  • Evoken - Heavens Tear
    Evoken - Heavens Tear Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Homosexuality is socially rejected

    Let your partner be the opposite sex in the game and then hug him/her,
    it's already annoying that 70% (My opinion) of the girls are guy players >_<

    I don't support this idea because it's utterly stupid,
    This also happened in a game called "Dream of Mirror Online" GM's wanted to try it but the producers or whatever you call them when against this, just leave the game be... you can't marry same sex so just live with the fact
    No matter how strong, for a human to fight a monster means he has submerged his humanity and transformed himself into a greater monster - Berserk


  • rild
    rild Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I don't get it... legalized? they don't ban u for being **** so it is legal. enjoy the game.

    complaining about the inability to hug same sex in this game is just as stupid as complaining about Disney not making **** fairy tales.

    It's just a small thing, but who it would hurt if they added what people are asking for in this thread.

    They went about it the wrong way but, putting this in the game hurts no one.
    Homosexuality is socially rejected

    Let your partner be the opposite sex in the game and then hug him/her,
    it's already annoying that 70% (My opinion) of the girls are guy players >_<

    A lot of things are taboo, doesn't mean anything.
  • Evoken - Heavens Tear
    Evoken - Heavens Tear Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Not everyone is homosexual

    I will probably be annoyed of seeing guys holding guys
    the game is fine as it is, stop complaining .. nothing is going to change

    getting angry at the GM's for that is just....stupid?
    No matter how strong, for a human to fight a monster means he has submerged his humanity and transformed himself into a greater monster - Berserk


  • rild
    rild Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Not everyone is homosexual

    I will probably be annoyed of seeing guys holding guys
    the game is fine as it is, stop complaining .. nothing is going to change

    getting angry at the GM's for that is just....stupid?

    Not everyone is straight.

    Don't like? Don't look.

    And adding this to the game will not hinder the game in any way.

    I'm not angry at the GM's
  • Evoken - Heavens Tear
    Evoken - Heavens Tear Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    The Majority is =]

    I wasn't talking about you I was talking about the idiot who posted this thread

    I don't think it's going to happen
    but good luck with your ideas

    that's why they don't allow **** marriages in every state because it's just ..............
    No matter how strong, for a human to fight a monster means he has submerged his humanity and transformed himself into a greater monster - Berserk


  • rild
    rild Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    The Majority is =]

    I wasn't talking about you I was talking about the idiot who posted this thread

    I don't think it's going to happen
    but good luck with your ideas

    that's why they don't allow **** marriages in every state because it's just ..............

    The majority might be straight, or their might be a legion of closet cases in this world.

    It won't happen. Because the "straight" customers outnumber the "LGBT" ones and all the people who run Perfect World cares about is money. If the devs said they was gonna do this, a large number of the "straight" customers would threaten to quit the game and the devs would backpeddle so fast their heads would spin.

    And let's not get into why it's not legal in real life. This is not real life. It's just a game
  • Vaelissa - Heavens Tear
    Vaelissa - Heavens Tear Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Please take your attitude elsewhere, Evoken. Everyone has their preferences but there is no need to resort to name calling. For the record, there is nothing wrong with being homosexual, so grow up.

    As it has been said, it's doubtful PWI will ever see this change implemented due to several reasons. If the Chinese developers do add it, it will likely be quite a while before it gets added for us as well.
  • bronza
    bronza Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Point A
    It's Perfect World in title and the point of the game it seems is to fight to make a perfect world, why doees it have to be in game only? And to me a perfect world means everyone should be able to live, love, and play games freely without being persucuted. Guess what people the **** population is human, do we honestly need to relive all the human rights stuff like we did to prove women are equal to men and that those with african descent are still humans and have equal rights to?

    Point B
    Evoken proved my point in my first post that...
    Despite the fact it should be perfectly fine to have something like that in the game cause it is a fact of life and aint going to change. There are still people hell bent against it.

    Point C
    Thus from PWI's view point I could see why they wouldn't change to allow it, at least for a while. Like I said there are many who are strongly against this, and it seems to be the majority (or they are just more vocal). PWI is going to have to look into this from a business point and see if they are going to lose a large portion of their players thus their income or what.

    BUT I kinda hope they do allow it, it could be an interesting experiment on mankind and the worlds overall view on homosexuality, perhaps its more widely excepted then it seems.

    Come on PWI Community lets make Point A a reality and that Point C isn't going to be the deciding factor
  • Lordexion - Lost City
    Lordexion - Lost City Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    ok 2 things...that will never happen that's it that's all and second of all...there's children playing that game >.> what is gonna be ask next? live sex activities?b:shutup
  • Ocane_II - Heavens Tear
    Ocane_II - Heavens Tear Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    ok 2 things...that will never happen that's it that's all and second of all...there's children playing that game >.> what is gonna be ask next? live sex activities?b:shutup

    so what if their are christains in this game, doesnt give them the godly ability to choose wether or not people can be ****

    and let us not forget


    and if religious people accually stopped to consider the things the person they worship accually believed the world would be a better place

    BUT that wont happen, because people are, well, stupid.

    before anyone says anything dumb by the way i went to a private school and did more bible studie then anything else for the first half of my life, i know what im talking about

    and still im agnostic


    they should be able to marry and embrace people of their own sex

    because not having it so is bias and patheticly devold

    lets not talk about majority rule here either theres just a smany **** people as there is anti **** people, all you have to to do see this is turn off fox news and go outside
  • Ocane_II - Heavens Tear
    Ocane_II - Heavens Tear Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    The Majority is =]

    I wasn't talking about you I was talking about the idiot who posted this thread

    I don't think it's going to happen
    but good luck with your ideas

    that's why they don't allow **** marriages in every state because it's just ..............

    oh god... your kidding me right?????

    how immature

    one majority doesnt rule, its just that the **** people arnt jerks about being ****, but the anti **** people never shut up about their inacurate ideals, that is simply common sense.

    and from what i have seen, the people who are agaisnt homosexuality and against **** marriege

    are a bit

    well, homosexual

    anybody and i mean ANYBODY who thinks any sort of homosexuality is offensive, or " just ......... " is ganna have a hell of atime getting by in life with such a nieve, immature, and socially devolved state of mind

    i think its flat out disgusting how people can be so harsh towards homosexuality

    and i wonder how often these anti **** people cry when taking a shower forced to touch body parts of their own sex

    sad sad world we live in

    womens rights came

    colord rights came

    and **** rights WILL come

    ive met more intelligent and more grown up homosexuals out there then anti **** people out there

    the reason?

    because everyday they have to live hated, for asexual preference

    and to say ( you didnt say this but not the point ) people choose to be **** is a funny concept

    did you ( or whoever ) choose to be straight? and if so wouldnt that meen that at soem poitn you ( or whoever ) thought about being ****?

    makes you think what exactly these anti homosexuals are hiding, from themselfs, and from the media they oh oh so strogly seem to need to point out how straight they are

    the bigger the truck the smaller the &@#$ thats all i have to say...
  • blo0dyyay
    blo0dyyay Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Wont work either, this would require a source edit if im right, and editing the source of a compleeted game = asking for trubble (on the embrace)

    on the other hand, you could get married with just a patch.
  • Ocane_II - Heavens Tear
    Ocane_II - Heavens Tear Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    blo0dyyay wrote: »
    Wont work either, this would require a source edit if im right, and editing the source of a compleeted game = asking for trubble (on the embrace)

    on the other hand, you could get married with just a patch.

    personally id prefer the embrace before the marriage though im obviously for both

    i dont like how i cant get a ride somewere because im a guy :\

    but i was thinking about this and i wonder why if we cant have the housing like PW then why cant we have some added benifits that PW ( MY ) doesnt have?

    i guess its possible to be a breach of contract and i wouldnt know anything about that but all the same there are ALOT of **** or **** people playing this game, the first person i talked to in game was **** so i think it would be well sapported and stuff but idk, its a great game all the same but needs to touch its untaped potential alittle further
  • Ermosa - Heavens Tear
    Ermosa - Heavens Tear Posts: 292 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    u don't care about other ppl personal beliefs? then why others should care about yours? why would we care that u wanna run around with another girl in your hands?
  • blo0dyyay
    blo0dyyay Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    well its mostly like this

    chinees PW -> MY PW -> Int PW

    because the developers are chinees i supose, the chinees pw will give added source to MY and MY gives further to Int

    And maybe the housing will come some day, but as i said it is a big compleet new part of the code which is compleeted, it would require testing, debugging, removing of glitches.

    and have you seen the size of a male char > female char

    if a female would carry a man, it would give grafical difficulties.
  • Amiris - Sanctuary
    Amiris - Sanctuary Posts: 1,167 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    ^I'm guessing you're Dutch? Or some other similar language. General pointer : It's chinese, complete, and graphical.
    Yes, I intentionally went offtopic here. This topic is getting ridiculous. Don't bother flaming me.
    Credit to Symour for the signature.
    Amiris is my forum character. My actual main is Andralia.
    1,000 posts as of 10/01/09, which was also my birthday!
  • blo0dyyay
    blo0dyyay Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    personally id prefer the embrace before the marriage though im obviously for both

    i dont like how i cant get a ride somewere because im a guy :\

    but i was thinking about this and i wonder why if we cant have the housing like PW then why cant we have some added benifits that PW ( MY ) doesnt have?

    i guess its possible to be a breach of contract and i wouldnt know anything about that but all the same there are ALOT of **** or **** people playing this game, the first person i talked to in game was **** so i think it would be well sapported and stuff but idk, its a great game all the same but needs to touch its untaped potential alittle further
    ^I'm guessing you're Dutch? Or some other similar language. General pointer : It's chinese, complete, and graphical.
    Yes, I intentionally went offtopic here. This topic is getting ridiculous. Don't bother flaming me.

    i am dutch :P

    back to the topic, even if we would cry over this, it wouldnt get accepted unless pw shuts down and the developers will make a PW2 which is lost efford
This discussion has been closed.