Can we chose sex?



  • pirofire
    pirofire Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    There is nothing wrong with playing as a female character if you are a male, and vise versa.

    I myself have a venomancer =)
    with a huge rack I might add X)

    you shouldnt be ashamed to play as who you want.
    guys playing as venomancers dont want to admit their real gender because they are so scared of people judging them. and me? I dont care what the world thinks of me, venomancers are sexy:D
  • rednova88
    rednova88 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I honestly don't see what the fuss is about. This is an age old dispute with an age old answer. Play what you want, and if someone gets offended because you're the opposite gender it's probably because they wanted to hit on you. There. I said it.
  • sillgraan
    sillgraan Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    rednova88 wrote: »
    I honestly don't see what the fuss is about. This is an age old dispute with an age old answer. Play what you want, and if someone gets offended because you're the opposite gender it's probably because they wanted to hit on you. There. I said it.

    lol, true, when I play as a female char, people tend to hit on me a lot (I'm a guy) that's one of the reasons I prefer playing a male char :p

    But I think this thread was made cause you CAN'T play what you want, venomancer is a female only char, so people who want to play a male char, well, they either can't play this char, or they just have to play a female char :p
  • ascleph
    ascleph Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Thanks a lot for correcting me, I wish I was a little girl

    You are welcome.
  • _blackrose_ - Sanctuary
    _blackrose_ - Sanctuary Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    ascleph wrote: »
    You are welcome.

    Your an idiot, grow up.
    Fear is a mind-killer. - me
  • Truvisionary - Sanctuary
    Truvisionary - Sanctuary Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    that kinda got on my nerves a little. running around in a short skirt does not help my feeling of manliness
  • Danni - Heavens Tear
    Danni - Heavens Tear Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Your an idiot, grow up.

    You do know you're just giving the troll exactly what he wants?
    that kinda got on my nerves a little. running around in a short skirt does not help my feeling of manliness

    how about a short skirt made out of metal?
  • pirofire
    pirofire Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Im too happy to care what my venomancer is wearing =)
    I just got this SWEET new necromancy robe.

    You should enjoy playing as a girl, there isnt anything wrong with it.
  • ascleph
    ascleph Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Your an idiot, grow up

    omnomnom delicious anger
    EDIT: Nvm wrong person
    EDIT2: So after actually taking time to read the usernames(lol) I just realized that:
    Don't fake quotes, you miserable troll.
    Omg, how stupid can you be?. I wasnt trying to fake a quote, I was mocking him for the idiocy he wrote saying the exact oposite. If you can't grasp that w/o someone telling you, you are beyond help.
    Your an idiot, grow up
    While this is kind of understandable since I came out as a troll after answering for a second time w/o bothering to check the name, still: LOL E-RAGE, omnomnomnom and I don't really know what you meant with "your an idiot", my an idiot?
  • goodolbob
    goodolbob Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Although I really never make a female character(with the exception of my veno), I've got one word of advice, if you build your character around other people's expectations, you'll be dissatisfied with the result.

    In other words, play what you want and if the other guy/girl has a problem with it, he/she can QQ more.
  • Chiraz - Heavens Tear
    Chiraz - Heavens Tear Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    ascleph wrote: »

    Moron. Post count:1 ... go troll somewhere else.
  • Chiraz - Heavens Tear
    Chiraz - Heavens Tear Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    ascleph wrote: »
    Omg, how stupid can you be?. I wasnt trying to fake a quote, I was mocking him

    You're the one being stupid, off course I can see that what you're doing and it's incredibly dishonest, lame and cowardly.
  • ascleph
    ascleph Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    You're the one being stupid, off course I can see that what you're doing and it's incredibly dishonest, lame and cowardly.
    QQ more, learn2read and grow up. lolinternet
    He/she got it:
    sillgraan wrote: »
    I'm 20 year old guy (and no, I'm not ****) and play male char, and most male chars I know are over 18 guys as well.
    Seriously, I have no problem playing a female char, I just prefer a male char, but saying that the only people who play male chars are prepubescent kids is just as ignorant as saying that people who play female chars are transsexual kids (I know you were joking ascleph, just trying to make a point here ;) )

    By all means, keep feeding me omnomnomnom. you are beyond help~
  • Chiraz - Heavens Tear
    Chiraz - Heavens Tear Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Whats that illegible sequence of letters, a mantra some guru gave you? A new age variation of putting your hands on your ears and chanting 'I can't hear you'...

    It's too late for you to pretend to discuss the original issue now.
  • kokitsune
    kokitsune Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    i really think that females should be able to be more than just casters and males should be able to be casters... i find it annoying...
    there should be a choice of what class you can be for each gender and race... not just "your class is decided by gender/race" but more like " pick a race, pick your gender, now pick your class"... is that too much to ask for?
  • kargor
    kargor Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    kokitsune wrote: »
    there should be a choice of what class you can be for each gender and race... not just "your class is decided by gender/race" but more like " pick a race, pick your gender, now pick your class"... is that too much to ask for?

    Yes and no. It depends a bit on the game, but in general, any combination of race/gender/class should be possible. There is no technical reason against that.

    However, that might mean a lot of gfx. In the game I played before I came to Perfect World, you could select the gender freely, but your choice of class was limited by your race. However, this also meant that they didn't (for example) have to do "plate armor" for all races --- the race I played only had cloth and leather type armors.

    In the game that I played before that they had a lot of different armor sets and free choice of race and jobs, so they had to do the full "matrix" of gfx. However, the races weren't all that different in looks, and I doubt the armor was redone from scratch for each of them.
    Yindra --- Lvl 64 Venomancer (Sanctuary)
    Getting too grindy by now :-(
  • Erikon - Sanctuary
    Erikon - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Don't fake quotes, you miserable troll.

    ascleph was just making a joke to point out aristocrat's hypocrysy.


    I too think it's a shame you can't choose your gender with venomancer and barbarian. Perfect World has such nice character customization, but it fails when it come's to them.

    @ kargor

    Yes you can simply make a male venomancer by taking a male human and adding ears and a tail.

    I mean the only difference between a human male and an elf male is that the elf male has little wings on his head.
  • gattsuru
    gattsuru Posts: 3,184 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    All the classes have the same body mesh, although on a slightly different scale (and in the case of the Barbarians, presets include different body colors and texture). It's a different head mesh and (in venomancers) a tail mesh strapped to the back, neither of which should interfere with armor meshes and textures. That's part of why there's no hats shown in-game, for example (in addition to hat meshes making people near-identical).

    It would likely involve some non-trivial artist time. Aligning meshes is not the hardest thing, with the right tools, but it can be time-consuming to do and test. I'm not sure it'd be the best use of development time, as opposed to increasing the variation available within the existing options.

    There may also be cultural or secondary design issues underlying the concept.
  • mrsneaky
    mrsneaky Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Couldn't how the genders look stay the same just assign the opposite skills to them if they choose veno or barbarian? Because being a male veno with a tail and ears is just as "wrong" as playing a female IMO
  • swiftlikeafox
    swiftlikeafox Posts: 307 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I've found that people who are afraid to play a class they like simply because it's only available in female gender are generally kids 12 to 17, still confused and insecure, and trying to put on the whole "manly" image thing.... afraid they might bump into one of their friends from school in the game and get laughed at.

    Grow up it's just a game, if more people would treat it as a game and not a form of "online dating",..... desperate nerds trying to pick up chicks, then you wouldn't really care would you????? I can't tell ya how many times ive seen some kid walking up to any random female char and asking them to be their "gf"..... lol had one hovering around me a couple days ago, a simple "pssst, c'mere and let me tell you something......... BUZZOFF KID" sent him on his way.
  • Alana mist - Sanctuary
    Alana mist - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I've may have only played for a few days, but I have made about 5 characters. Blademaster/male, Wizard/Female, Archer/Female, Venomancer and Barbarian.
    I read alot on the forums before I even started to play (the downloading took forever), so I had a good idea on what classes I wanted. Most people did say that Venomancers are arguably the best characters to play, it's just too bad that they can only be female.
    I can't believe that no one else has thought of this, but if they are the best character, doesn't that mean that girls just ROCK!!!
  • Aisia - Sanctuary
    Aisia - Sanctuary Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    While I am semi interested in the topic, however, I was interested in trying a female barbarian. I prefer to play female characters. I do not mind playing male character, but prefer females. I was kind of hoping to see if anyone had brought up a legitimate argument to get PW to try to implement female barbarians and yes male venomancers.
  • Ravenclaw - Heavens Tear
    Ravenclaw - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    It's sad but Werefox is only female. And most of the player's with werefox are male.

    This is not true I am a female and know a few people that play WF that are females. I really wish people stop thinking female's do not play.
  • amaterasu23
    amaterasu23 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    XD Wow. I never noticed that, and only the almighty-females can tame the things that come out of the eggs. b:laugh
  • Benighted - Sanctuary
    Benighted - Sanctuary Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    The male veno could look sort of druidish, that wouldn't be too bad.
  • slicey
    slicey Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I really do hope you can play as a male venomancer sometime in the future. The reason why I say this is because I'm tired of being stalked around the world, and getting pms saying "you're sexy"....
  • Mezzy - Lost City
    Mezzy - Lost City Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I reckon a male veno would look really cute! b:victory
  • blindeyesniper
    blindeyesniper Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    While I am semi interested in the topic, however, I was interested in trying a female barbarian. I prefer to play female characters. I do not mind playing male character, but prefer females. I was kind of hoping to see if anyone had brought up a legitimate argument to get PW to try to implement female barbarians and yes male venomancers.

    That wouldn't fit in with the whole Chinese mythology about Yao Jing's as they are mostly associated with females. Fox Demons or Hu Li Jing are mostly seductive looking female demons in Chinese mythology.
  • Aesdrid - Sanctuary
    Aesdrid - Sanctuary Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Fox demons in Chinese mythology were exclusively female (and attractive ones at that) who are akin to vampires in Western mythology. They preyed on male travelers at night on lonely road and either drank their blood or ate them depending on who was telling the story. Additionally they could only reproduce by mating with a human male to produce either males who became legendary heros or females which become fox demons like their mothers. Almost all of these tales about relationships between female fox demons and male nocturnal lovers ended with some form of tradegy almost as if the story tellers were frowning on inter-specie relationships and this type of thinking is apparent even within the Perfect World universe - prime example being what happened to the venomancer NPC at the Gate of Antiquity who fell in love with a human male.

    On the otherhand in Japanese mythology fox demons are more like woodland spirits and could be of either gender. Shippo from the Inuyasha stories being a good contemporary example. The premises behind Inuyasha and Kagome's relationship is interesting in its own right as by any definition it is inter-specie ...

    PWI for the most part seems to be based on (one view) of Chinese mythology so in this context the female only venomancers makes sense. Not sure about werebeasts and their roots in Chinese mythology though, however, once again in the PWI context they make a good complement to female venomancers.

    As for people playing characters of the opposite gender there is nothing intrinsically wrong with this whatever their personal reason. It should not be an issue as seriously, these are just games. It is, however, interesting to read some of the (passionate(?)) responses posted in this discussion.

    One should not be looking for "love" within an online game - seriously - there are online dating sites and chat rooms for that sort of thing. And as for characters marrying each other ... maybe if they knew each other in real life that might arguably be a good thing, but even then it is potentially a problematic proposition.

    Take the game for what it is, a few hours a day as a fantasy diversion, nothing more.

    Every coin has three sides: head, tail and an edge ... it is the third dimension that gives us depth.
  • nancykay
    nancykay Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    i wanted to become Venomancer and im a guy, D:

    are you against being a G.I.R.L. ? b:chuckle Guy in real life =] if not, then go for it. Everybody will know that you're not necessarily REALLY a girl cause that's not an option with that class.
    Elfen Princess b:victory
    I may be cuteb:cute
    but Don't mess with me b:angry