The Empire - Heavens Tear's competitive faction



  • Dope - Heavens Tear
    Dope - Heavens Tear Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Learn to read before you make comments. You'll end up making yourself look stupid.

    Allow me to re-state;


    Did you get it that time? If your were a mature guild, you would find out who it is and handle the situation accordingly. But I doubt the officer would do so, hence proof that you all are as immature as anybody you kick out accusing just as such a name unto them.
  • Hisui - Heavens Tear
    Hisui - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,369 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    And I don't suppose your behavior on world chat and on this thread is the epitome of maturity?

    I remember when we won our first TW together you paraded Archosaur bragging like there was no tomorrow. When someone called on your bragging you simply said "UR JUST JEALOUS NOOBS!" I am pretty sure if Empire has a bad rep in a player's eye, half of it is owed to you.

    Dope, you're cool at times but you also have to change your ways.

    You see, just because a few people you did not like kicked you out now you're back lashing out on everyone in the guild, including those who supported you. You've simply been swallowed by generic guild-hate. It is quite disappointing.

    I remember you joined Elysium after that. Why did you quit? How far does your loyalty carry you? I really do hope you stay in Helios longer.

    Dude, let it go. You want to see The Empire fail? Then don't unite us further by posting stupid **** on this thread that we can use as propaganda. You were an officer when I joined The Empire. Please consider my weak passive tone as a nod to your seniority. However, if you insist on playing word games with me then I ask you to forgive my later rudeness.

    ps: It seems that I still have the 3 star item you generously gave me a day before you left the guild. It's pretty low level so I don't think you'd be interested in having it back. However, I don't think I have the honor of holding onto it anymore. I will mail you a fair amount for the item. Don't worry as you may already know, I'm the fairest merchant of the guild.

    pss: let the 10th(?) mini drama of the thread begin. I enjoy this to be honest. /popcorn.
    私の番ですよ。- Sig by Symour

    Check out ForsakenX 's sig thread O_O
    Enrage - We Eat.
  • lazor
    lazor Posts: 36
    edited October 2008
    The 2 mergers have been successful WELCOME all to THe Empire

    The Empire has 6 slots left...welcoming all lvl 40+ adults that r active. We did TW in36 mins!!! yipeeee
  • dreamknight
    dreamknight Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I being a 32 yr old mature and at times adult member of The Empire have to say that I appreciate the effort that Blazeofglory goes to in order to insure that all members are mature, even at the expence of her leveling. I for one would like to say thank you for providing us with a drama free guild, and for your swift actions in getting rid of the troublemakers.
  • Dope - Heavens Tear
    Dope - Heavens Tear Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    1. Grats on TW in 36 minutes, quite impressive. I remember Empries first TW we completed it in about 3 hours flat lol.

    2. Hisui, its fine. Keep it, it was a gift. I gave out a lot of items to people in Empire, but of course good deeds never go noticed. Like in your signature, takes forever to make a reputation and 3 seconds to ruin it.

    I dont hate Empire as a whole, i just hate that everybody sits back passively as Blaze treats so many people so unfairly. Like not letting me back in because foxxie 'didnt like my attitude' because i disagreed with a stupid idea she once had about combatting spam in guild chat with more spam.

    At least about 50 people didnt sit by nonchalantly, and they got fed up with it. and left. Never had problems with you Hisui, hence giving you free items that i could have very well sold for a small decent amount.

    And these 50 who left to join Helios were mostly friends in Empire, and i can only assume the MAJORITY of people still in Empire are weak and/or just dont care about the lack of good leadership in Empire.
    I say weal because so much has been done to cause people to leave yet Blaze doesnt care she just brushes it off and calls them unloyal/ or tags them with being 'immature' or 'drama causers'.

    Have a good one
  • Hisui - Heavens Tear
    Hisui - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,369 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Disagreement happens in the guild. The guild chat gets really chaotic and the foundation of the guild looks weak. At this time, it is incredibly easy to go with the heightened mood and to join a new guild.

    We weren't passive. The thing is... what should we be active about? Blaze never done anything bad to us. The ones who felt they were treated nicely stayed and the ones who didn't involve themselves stayed. The ones who felt who felt they were wronged left, along with the few brainless people who simply wanted to follow the high numbers.

    Just because George Bush is an idiot doesn't mean the right thing to do is to revoke your citizenship. Not to mention Blaze is much better than that b:laugh
    私の番ですよ。- Sig by Symour

    Check out ForsakenX 's sig thread O_O
    Enrage - We Eat.
  • Dope - Heavens Tear
    Dope - Heavens Tear Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Disagreement happens in the guild. The guild chat gets really chaotic and the foundation of the guild looks weak. At this time, it is incredibly easy to go with the heightened mood and to join a new guild.

    We weren't passive. The thing is... what should we be active about? Blaze never done anything bad to us. The ones who felt they were treated nicely stayed and the ones who didn't involve themselves stayed. The ones who felt who felt they were wronged left, along with the few brainless people who simply wanted to follow the high numbers.

    Just because George Bush is an idiot doesn't mean the right thing to do is to revoke your citizenship. Not to mention Blaze is much better than that b:laugh

    Also, many people complain about James in the Empire, why is he still being allowed to stay.
    And I'd still like to know who SHOPofHORROR belongs to. In helios they're saying it's Foxxie's stall char. Source from KyuX saying she pm'd him on the stall char once Identifying itself as Foxxie.
  • Hisui - Heavens Tear
    Hisui - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,369 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Foxxie hasn't been on for awhile now.
    James is cool. He is very selfless and steadfast in helping guildies with bosses.
    私の番ですよ。- Sig by Symour

    Check out ForsakenX 's sig thread O_O
    Enrage - We Eat.
  • Dope - Heavens Tear
    Dope - Heavens Tear Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    And being an a-hole so i heard.

    Swazi was saying some bad things saying James always says something negative to anything Swazi says, and james even once said an unecessary remark about swazis mother. All in guild chat, and nothing was done to reprehend James.

    Foxxie quit? Thats good news. Made my day.
  • smeckytozak
    smeckytozak Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Ive been a member of the empire for a very long time, and Blaze is none of those things. She gives away 3 star stuff, and molders she helps guildies all day, her tw pay scale is incredibly honest and posted on our forums etc. She is a genuine sincere and honest person. And i am not kissing up. I have since left The Empire due to RL issues but am going back in because there is no other guild out there that compares to the good treatment of its members like she has given.

    As for Helious, there leader has abondoned the guild and has been gone for many days and i personally no many of that guilds members. They have told me that they are leaving Helious and coming back to The Empire because of the leaders lack of concern , chaos and drama in the guild.The Empires foundation is far from weak. 200/200 strong. And as of tonite there where no slots for me. Ive been in some of the tops guilds and The Empire is the best in my book.
  • Demongod - Heavens Tear
    Demongod - Heavens Tear Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    stop the flaming guys..
  • lazor
    lazor Posts: 36
    edited October 2008
    I hesitated posting here untill i had an actual outcome. Helious is no more and those that were in Helious that were not involved in the hate against The Empire are all back home with us. I completely understand people wanting to go out and try it on their own and there is no ill feelings held. Rumors are always started about the powerful guilds..we r not the only ones that are plagued with rumors. But that is how i treat the server wide gossip as "just rumors"

    Welcome back home guys!!! and thank you to all the Empire people that stayed loyal during all this fuss.

    We can make room for 5 people lvl 60+ ACTIVE ADULTS ONLY. The veno spots are all full. We r looking for Tanks, archers and wizards.
  • Dope - Heavens Tear
    Dope - Heavens Tear Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    lazor wrote: »
    I hesitated posting here untill i had an actual outcome. Helious is no more and those that were in Helious that were not involved in the hate against The Empire are all back home with us. I completely understand people wanting to go out and try it on their own and there is no ill feelings held. Rumors are always started about the powerful guilds..we r not the only ones that are plagued with rumors. But that is how i treat the server wide gossip as "just rumors"

    Welcome back home guys!!! and thank you to all the Empire people that stayed loyal during all this fuss.

    We can make room for 5 people lvl 60+ ACTIVE ADULTS ONLY. The veno spots are all full. We r looking for Tanks, archers and wizards.

    More lies, the purpose of Helios was to get away from your bullsh*t Blaze, not "try it out on thier own".

    If Empire is so perfect how come 50 people left to begin a new smaller guild? Hmm? And no BS reason " oh theyre guild hoppers" or "theyre just unloyal" please. People actually have have real reasons for things.
  • lazor
    lazor Posts: 36
    edited October 2008
    Sorry Dope i didnt no Helious stil existed with the people all leaving and coming back to the Empire i did assume that it was over and it was my understanding that u also left Helious. The actual count was 33 left and those slots were quickly filled biggy. But the main Empire people are back, certainly not 33 as i turned most down and frankly some didnt want to come back. You are not 1 of the welcomed back, as your display on these forums shows every 1 why.

    Good luck in Elysium...and ty in advance for the bump...
  • Shana - Heavens Tear
    Shana - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    As for Helious, there leader has abondoned the guild and has been gone for many days and i personally no many of that guilds members. They have told me that they are leaving Helious and coming back to The Empire because of the leaders lack of concern , chaos and drama in the guild.The Empires foundation is far from weak. 200/200 strong. And as of tonite there where no slots for me. Ive been in some of the tops guilds and The Empire is the best in my book.

    Just to straight things up, there was never been any drama, chaos etc in Helios. We were just a group of friends who played together for fun and we felt comfortable with each other, so there was hardly any chance of any drama. Don't know where you got your news from but it's completely untrue. In the end, we just felt that it's unfair for people who would like, love, enjoy war but unable to do so just because the guild master wasn't there to do the bidding, so it might be in everyone's best interest to choose a new home (or return to their old nests). The move has also given the new members of Helios chances of being in progressive guilds, such as Empire and Elysium.

    Thank you for the warm welcome back ~

    Sorry Hisui for littering your thread with this post <3 I'll shut up now b:chuckle
  • lazor
    lazor Posts: 36
    edited October 2008
    Well now that thats cleared up..on with the recruiting.
  • lazor
    lazor Posts: 36
    edited October 2008
    The Empire is basically full atm but we can make room for a few Active mature people (gamers) if u think u could enhance The Empire. We have a few inactives that can be kicked. Contact Blazeofglory in game.
  • xylax
    xylax Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    1. How easy is it to change from empire2 to empire

    2. Does anyone use Xfire

    3. It may Be just me but iv never seen an empire2 person

    4. Im lvl 19 Havent done Call to Duty do i join?
  • Hisui - Heavens Tear
    Hisui - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,369 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    1. How easy depends on how fast you level. But we have load of ppl here from empire2.

    2. Don't know, I'll ask.

    3. It's just you. But it's not a big competitive guild. It's just a lower level guild for empire. A high priority waiting list, if you will.

    4. Whisper me or any other Empire member in game.
    私の番ですよ。- Sig by Symour

    Check out ForsakenX 's sig thread O_O
    Enrage - We Eat.
  • Tomiko - Heavens Tear
    Tomiko - Heavens Tear Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Woot~ Dope is making a big fuss

    Anyway.. before I totally get out of that guld "TheEmpire" out of my mind. I just wanna say a few things I've experienced in this guild. It might help or it wont.

    First of all, I left Radiance because of the Drama that Wargasm and others stated and also I left that guild because no one helps anyone. (this was during the early weeks of Open beta). I only get help when Zahara and her guy Metal is around.

    Enough about Radiance.

    After leaving the guild. I saw Deadlysin and talk to him if I can join TheEmpire. He told me to talk to Blazeofglory and I did. She talked to me nicely and asked a few questions and she let me in the guild. Welcomed warmly and made friends inside.. It was going well. we do FBs and Boss hunts and these Leaders even share molds to Players. I for one experienced this when Deadlysin and his party went to an FB39 with me and got a mold for an archer. I asked Deadly and Blaze that I need it and if I can have it. A few minutes later Blaze told me she got it and gave it to me "TBH I'm still using that Mold Armor". for a sec there I never thought I would leave this guild because "who the hell would leave a guild if they share equps w/ you?"

    Dragon guild merged in our guild which really HELPED us a lot during boss hunts and other stuffs.

    Then.. days have passed. No drama no problems @ all. Then, Blazz stated that he's going in the military and so he gave the lead to Blaze. and so now. Blaze became the leader.

    First time in Vent with them. Dope complained that he has not received his TW Money. He made a drama and made a big chaos in the guild. She stated that SHE FORGOT to pay Dope which I have no idea if she forgot or she tries to ignore it because she's busy with FBs "Yes I know Blaze is running FBs because I can hear them in vent." Dope's immaturity or anger caused him to blow up and talked about the situation in guild. Caused a ruckus and left the guild.

    Then when all things calmed down. Blazz created a new drama, he started blaberring things about Blaze stole Blazz's lead and she used him to make the guild. "cleary stated that blaze and deadlysin decided to make Blazz the leader because he was the first one who became lvl 20 and then after blaze received the lead and won't give it back to Blazz" is one evidence that she used him to make the guild. Well they talked about it and in that week. Mass of players started to leave the guild and joined Blazz. Some players "like me" stayed in the guild because for what I know, Blaze is the only one doing all the work in the guild.

    In that day, Drama started everyday w/ stupid reasons and immature stuffs. TBH I didn't side any of them because I don't get any merit for that. I stayed in the guild. I tried to stop unnessary drama talk and BS. I received countless rumors and bickerings about Blaze and I tried to side w/ them just to make sure I get the right facts about why she did that or what did she do now or w/e. BUT THE GUILD WAS BACK TO NORMAL.

    then.... Sagon and her Wife Serena got mad at blaze because blaze banned sagon and serena and sagon banned blaze.. >.> circle of life......... I don't know what happened but Sagon told me that she owes Sagon 750k+ coins and won't pay her back. "for me it was so stupid that Blaze can't pay sagon back because she holds the guild bank for christ sake and the guild bank has 8m (for what i've read during her chat on GC)". Due to anger, Sagon destroyed the forums and vent. Blaze announced in GC about what happened and then I saw Backstabbing, insults.. DAMN They have NO respect for the guy. Sagon HELPED THAT GUILD A LOT! Wasted his time to tank bosses and help people do their thing but after he left. All he got was backstabbers and rumors about him. I just WOWed at them thinking that are this people still my guildmates?

    After a few days. Helios started, Mass exodus of high levels on the guild. I tried to stay because..LOL? Why would I leave the guild if I receive TW money every week?. Few people asked me to talk to some people inside the guild. I talked to some people they want to get and tried to convince then and so on. Then, a few minutes later. I was AFK and after I came back. BOOM "Tomiko was banished from faction". O.o? What?.

    Blaze talked to me and said that I was recruiting people from the guild and to the Helios. I told her I just was asked "I became a messenger during those days" and then she told me that she CHECKMATED ME? LOL~ first thing that came from my mind was. "o.O? chess? I wasn't even trying to mess the guild and I was gonna in that guild but then.. :| I changed my mind. Then I learned that all that rumors were true and I learned that Blaze Doubts everyone in the guild. "she said to me in forums that she was thanking me for what I did to the guild and sorry that she can't reply on my PMs because she was busy ." >.> sweet talks to people while doubting them.. awesome isn't it?

    Well... I heard there's still drama and stuffs happening and I learned that some of your members are suspicious of the Leader's activities. but IDK :) Goodluck on those Mergers that you guys did.

    Like Blazeofglory's quote says "Why just join another guild when u can join an empire?" Nevertheless an Empire will always fall later on. Proven by all China's Empires and other empires in the world.

    Last words:

    I tried to think and did some research how the problem started and then I found out that all problems and Drama inside the guild started when Blaze became The Empire's Leader and that's a fact. Coincidence? I don't think so. All the things circled around Blaze, money scandals, drama, lies and etc all revolves on blaze even the closest person to blaze is having doubts on her.

    I didn't say names on other stuffs because I don't wanna create a D. R. A. M. A it's so eeeeewmmature... meeoww~~~

    I'm currently in the Best guild of all the guilds I've been so far and.. soo .. Just wanna say gOodluck to Empire and for those who wants to join the empire.

    make comments, defend yourself or your guild or w/e. idc cuz this is gonna be the last time I'll visit this thread anyway ^^


    PS: X_X I know my Grammar sucks.. don't insult it, English isn't my first language.
  • Xylax - Heavens Tear
    Xylax - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    1. How easy depends on how fast you level. But we have load of ppl here from empire2.

    2. Don't know, I'll ask.

    3. It's just you. But it's not a big competitive guild. It's just a lower level guild for empire. A high priority waiting list, if you will.

    4. Whisper me or any other Empire member in game.

    kk ill be on tonight.

    btw X-fire if like a free community program hav cappabitys like vent...

    * See when your friends are online, what game they're playing, and what server they're on
    * Join in on their games with one click
    * See what the friends of your friends are playing

    P.S. does empire have a logo/symbol?
    updated 10/21/08
  • Dope - Heavens Tear
    Dope - Heavens Tear Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Tomiko is an hero. No, I dont care that this snnt 4chan. She is an ****ing hero. b:dirty

    Everything she says is true. So as i said, blaze lies, cheats and steals. Many ppl suspect her of this, many people that are my friends in the Empire. Even some very high rankers believe this. I was the first to see that this was how blaze was, and one of the first to go. I didnt "stir a ruckus" to be a drama queen, i did it because i had a real problem, a serious concern and a gut feeling i was being ignored purposely and not being paid purposely for the molder issue about the wheel of fate, [ few know what i mean ].

    Now more and more are leaving, maybe not always 50 people at once.... but the amount isnt stopping. peple such as tomiko, blazz, keno, shana, Elkin, KyuX, and the list goes on and on........a lot in Empire since closed beta will still leave because of how blaze treats them. Not like friends, not like guildies, like ****ing maggots that fight her wars for territory so she can get a 50+million ****ing check in the mail and gimp tons of people out of money.

    So no Empire veterans will be left soon enough, I predict.

    Empire was a fine guild when Blazz ran it, he built it and was our leader. Blaze selfishly kept it from him, she couldn't resist to give it back to him because she wanted power. Little did she know; "With great power, comes great responsibility".

    She merged with some noob guilds, and i see Empire noobs all over the place. non-the-less more and more will see what blaze does, and leave. More noobs will be recruited. Have fun in the circle of fail guild "TheEmpire"


    P.S. Yea TOmiko drama is ewwwwwmature. thats why adults love watching soap operas. and not even just soaps, law shows, lost, heroes, basically anything not horror or comedy. [ sarcasm ]

    oh and i love the irony in Blaze gossiping with her vent clique all day, but accusing people of causing drama and insta-kicking them.
    Kick yourself from guild, Blaze.
  • Xylax - Heavens Tear
    Xylax - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    ok for any one who wants to know...arg why is IMG code off

    ps-if im just bugging everyone just say so...b:shutup
    updated 10/21/08
  • Hisui - Heavens Tear
    Hisui - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,369 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Last time I checked almost everyone in ur list came back to TheEmpire. But allow me to summarize your weekly activity, Dope.

    1) Quit Elysium for no reason.

    2) Join Helios (rah rah rah!)

    3) Flame Empire

    4) Make epic Helios recruiting thread

    5) Quit Helios 2 hours later, which was really hilarious because in one of my previous posts I had wished you a nice stay in Helios.

    6) Join Elysium (for no reason?)

    7) Flame Empire

    A nice pattern? Nobody will listen to your pitiful exaggerations. Just from this thread you can tell Blaze is much more cool headed and tolerant than you. QQ more. Hate us more. Give us the bumps we need and let everyone know Empire picks its members on their personality and not their level.

    Oh btw I'm looking forward to the next guild you're joining. According to our pattern its going to be Helios again but who knows? Surprise us.
    私の番ですよ。- Sig by Symour

    Check out ForsakenX 's sig thread O_O
    Enrage - We Eat.
  • Dope - Heavens Tear
    Dope - Heavens Tear Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Last time I checked almost everyone in ur list came back to TheEmpire. But allow me to summarize your weekly activity, Dope.

    1) Quit Elysium for no reason.

    2) Join Helios (rah rah rah!)

    3) Flame Empire

    4) Make epic Helios recruiting thread

    5) Quit Helios 2 hours later, which was really hilarious because in one of my previous posts I had wished you a nice stay in Helios.

    6) Join Elysium (for no reason?)

    7) Flame Empire

    A nice pattern? Nobody will listen to your pitiful exaggerations. Just from this thread you can tell Blaze is much more cool headed and tolerant than you. QQ more. Hate us more. Give us the bumps we need and let everyone know Empire picks its members on their personality and not their level.

    Oh btw I'm looking forward to the next guild you're joining. According to our pattern its going to be Helios again but who knows? Surprise us.

    Nice arguments. Cant argue with a person who is TRYING to argue when they dont even know what they are talking about but think they do *breath* but really have no idea. [sarcasm]

    1. I left your sh!thole guild to join Dragons where even there, was much better than Empire, people wise. But after a few days of being 20 levels higher than any other cleric, i had to leave... all day was dope help this, dope help that, omg stop taking an hour break from helping so you can help me!

    2. So I took the invitation from my good friend Fina, to join Elysium. A guild that I was perfectly happy with, a guild almost identical to Empire, except for the fact that Elysium is drama-free [really]. I also joined Elysium because.... I saw things with Blazz going nowhere, thought they stopped caring, so as did I. I was nestled in fine in Elysium and was content in staying there permanently.

    3. 2 days later. Blazz: "Bro we all left, come join the new guild."
    My jaw dropped. I had a nice long convo with Fina, who seemed to not make as big a ****ing whine fest as you are Hisui. Then so it was. I left Elysium for Helios.

    4. Helios was a sweet idea, a nice try, a good effort. But thats it. The guild was going nowhere. A mistake on my part for leaving Elysium, but I had thought more people were there, and led to beleive more would join. I kept Fina up to date on everything, told her soon after I joined that idk if i would stay.

    5. Blazz and sagon vanished from PW. Both of them. Director and Leader. Helios disbanded, guild is dead.

    6. Talked to Wargasm for a while, who was the leader of Elysium by then, and he said Fina told him a few bits of what was going on, and that he understood. he said I was great and helpful and nice for the short time i was in Elysium, and am welcome back if i so choose.

    7. So i went back to Elysium, and no im not going back to Helios, that guild is dead. why would I?

    8. Owned. Know your facts before you assume and accuse.



    a. I flamed empire since day 1 that i left, and will KOS every one of you noobs that I see. [ freinds of mine excluded from that comment ]
    b. You, Hisui, are the FIRST person to every make a comment to me about 'guild hopping' and 'exaggerations'. Youre full of **** and running low on arguments so you mildy insulting me and assuming you know more than you do.
    c. Started the thread, yeah. So what? Guild disbanded soon after, like i knew it was going to? Am i supposed to be a ****ing psychic? Youre pathetic.
  • darkassasin
    darkassasin Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    for flaming pm is the way to go b:victory
  • Dope - Heavens Tear
    Dope - Heavens Tear Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    btw, hisui, for being in public relations.... that usually means not flaming the public. And to actually have skills in public relations.

    5 bucks Hisui knows how bad i owned shim. and wont reply.
  • Hisui - Heavens Tear
    Hisui - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,369 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    This is hilarious.

    Just so everyone know, Dope spammed me in whisper almost begging me to look at his response and how he "owned." I came here expecting to find a fine written piece just short of a perfect thesis defense for psychological PhD but instead I get a typical kid rant.

    In the end, you quit guild after guild then rejoin guild after guild as soon as the current situation called for it. Every step you labeled have proved that point. Instead of sticking it up in the worse of times, in case of Dragons and Helios you just chose the easier path, which is to simply quit.

    When you made the Helios thread, I assumed you had some kind of loyalty and at least *ambition* to make the guild thrive. Don't make up the BS. Helios did not disband. Just that most high levels left. Again, you chose to be a quitter instead of being the pillar of the guild. Blaze may be all that you say, but one thing I know for sure is even if all the Empire lands are gone and all the lvl 80+ and 70+ leaves, she would still be in Empire, trying her best to rebuild the guild she looked after.

    It's a problem of spirit, which you do not seem to get.

    I wasn't about to waste time with you. But you told me you're a freshman engineer so consider this a gift from an engineering graduate. I hope my post was not only a rebuttal to your supposedly Godly response, but a pointer to your general thinking, which can be of great help to your upcoming engineering career. It's going to be tough.

    Print this out.
    Put on your wall.
    Because I rarely write this much for one person.

    Thank me later! b:chuckle
    私の番ですよ。- Sig by Symour

    Check out ForsakenX 's sig thread O_O
    Enrage - We Eat.
  • Hisui - Heavens Tear
    Hisui - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,369 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Actually Dope I admit PR isn't my thing since Engineering was my major.

    But one thing I know for sure is after the community members read our exchanges its going to be good rep for The Empire so... keep them coming.
    私の番ですよ。- Sig by Symour

    Check out ForsakenX 's sig thread O_O
    Enrage - We Eat.
  • Dope - Heavens Tear
    Dope - Heavens Tear Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    This is hilarious. Wow you likes the drama? b:shocked Blaze, turn on your drama queen alert and insta-ban hisui! s/hes enjoying drama!'

    Just so everyone know, Dope spammed me in whisper almost begging me to look at his response and how he "owned." I came here expecting to find a fine written piece just short of a perfect thesis defense for psychological PhD but instead I get a typical kid rant.

    Lol, I didnt spam you, stop lying. Ill post SS if u want, and why would you expect a phd something or another from somebody who just started college? and you know i just started college.

    In the end, you quit guild after guild then rejoin guild after guild as soon as the current situation called for it. Every step you labeled have proved that point. Instead of sticking it up in the worse of times, in case of Dragons and Helios you just chose the easier path, which is to simply quit.

    yeah see, but theres the thing. Youre trying now to give me the "you have no spirit" speech, but thats just not it. Any person with common sense would see the reason why i left. You are just blind to it because you have yet to be in situation where you were obligated to leave. Or could not stand to stay. Doesnt mean you know what it's like to be in that certain situation.

    When you made the Helios thread, I assumed you had some kind of loyalty and at least *ambition* to make the guild thrive. Don't make up the BS. Helios did not disband. Just that most high levels left. Again, you chose to be a quitter instead of being the pillar of the guild. Blaze may be all that you say, but one thing I know for sure is even if all the Empire lands are gone and all the lvl 80+ and 70+ leaves, she would still be in Empire, trying her best to rebuild the guild she looked after.

    Cool. More "Hisui knows it all" Go change your name to Clorissa.

    Helios DISBANDED. EVERYBODY LEFT. LEADERS QUIT. OMG CAN YOU GET THE PICTURE NOW? OR DO YOU STILL KNOW EVERYTHING? Anybody still THERE are either inactive and dont knwo whats going on, or dont know the leaders left, or god knows why else.

    It's a problem of spirit, which you do not seem to get.
    lol. just lol. S/hes dogging on me about my spirit? never heard a flame like that before.

    I wasn't about to waste time with you. But you told me you're a freshman engineer so consider this a gift from an engineering graduate. I hope my post was not only a rebuttal to your supposedly Godly response, but a pointer to your general thinking, which can be of great help to your upcoming engineering career. It's going to be tough.

    Oh yes of course this will be a pointer to my general thinking, because once again, Hisuis way of thinking is always right. Hisui knows everything. Gimme a break. By the way you said youre younger than me, but youre an electronics engineer? Do you know how old i am or are you assuming that too?

    Print this out.
    Put on your wall. burn it
    Because I rarely write this much for one person. lol wow wish i was as cool as you

    Thank me later! b:chuckle
