Fed up of grinding quests (rant warning)

Tarabishop - Heavens Tear
Tarabishop - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
edited November 2008 in General Discussion
I just got to lvl56 and picked up three quests. Kill 60 Rattus Snipers, Kill 60 Foxwing Supremes and collect 45 of something from Shrunchkin Flamethrowers. I still haven't finished my Kill 60 Taurox Warlock quest because I hated doing it. These are the only quests I can really do at this stage becuase all my other quests are in FB51 and I can't get a group to go in there. Seems to be a dearth of tanks and healers on our server.

The point is, I'm fed up of the apparent lack of imagination being put into the quests. I'll probably log on two or three more more times and unless I get an FB run one of those times I shall probably quit. I have better things to do with my time than grind.

I also really do not understand why as we level higher the amount of mobs we have to kill increases. Sure we are getting more powerful, but the mobs get more powerful right along with us. Basically the game is just getting more and more tedious. 30 mobs is a reasonable amount to be made to grind, 40 is getting too much, 50 and above is just gruesome. I can see most people leaving this game at round about lvl 60 - 70. It's a shame because it has so much going for it.

Perhaps I'd have a better chance if I wasnt living in England and questing at times when noone else is around. My chances of getting a party with more than two are pretty slim. A party of five might have some chance of not going mad before they finished these quests.
Post edited by Tarabishop - Heavens Tear on


  • Ren - Lost City
    Ren - Lost City Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Get to 70 and you can run around dropping books off around the world for a 100k exp quest.

    Hardly get any quests after 61, too. Like two or three per level.

    Zoe is so full of it, that he must be Karmelia.
  • Kelovar - Heavens Tear
    Kelovar - Heavens Tear Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I also really do not understand why as we level higher the amount of mobs we have to kill increases. Sure we are getting more powerful, but the mobs get more powerful right along with us. Basically the game is just getting more and more tedious. 30 mobs is a reasonable amount to be made to grind, 40 is getting too much, 50 and above is just gruesome. I can see most people leaving this game at round about lvl 60 - 70. It's a shame because it has so much going for it.
    You are pointing at what is, for me, the main problem of this game. Later, you'll get quests requiring you to kill 70, then 80 of the same mobs. Strangely enough, I'd have way more fun to have 3 different quests requiring me to kill 30 mobs than one requiring 80. Change is good. Yes it's still grinding, yet, if would already feel a bit less repetitive. But I wish they got better ideas than grinding quests >_>

    Fighting the same mob over and over again makes it really boring. Like you mentioned, rewards aren't even better for killing more quests. Near the end of the lvl70's, normal quests give about 1-1.5% of a level. I heard (and I can easily believe it), that in the 80's, you won't even get 1%.

    It's unfortunate, since this really gives the impression that the devs got lazy ingame for later quests. The exp gained is so ridiculous for the number of mobs to kill, that it's like they simply give those quests for us to kill time, instead of really having fun.

    Mw fun endgame is helping people doing bosses and FB, doing HH, and in this version, doing TW. That grinding disguised as quests is not the slightly bit interesting ^^;;
    ~ Through the darkest of nights, we shall shine brightly, revealing the path to both friendship and glory ~
    Kelovar, Radiance executor

    Thanks ForsakenX for the sig *_*
  • Seilen - Heavens Tear
    Seilen - Heavens Tear Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I was not in fb51 yet, just twice in TT, but our guild doing mostly fine there.
  • erethizon1
    erethizon1 Posts: 554 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I cannot speak for you, but I find doing the DQ quests a good way to help avoid the grind. I find trying to get 15 of an item is a little less boring than killing 70 of a creature, and sometimes you can combine the two because the quest monster you need to kill 70 of drops the DQ item you need (I always find killing monsters more satisfying when it accomplishes two quests at once).
  • Deathhowl - Heavens Tear
    Deathhowl - Heavens Tear Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    while i agree fullheartedly, my only advice is try to get a squad of people grinding the same mobs.

    when you have a squad of 6 people, each person killing 1-15 mobs feels alot faster and easier and better than you solo killing 60-80.

    i know that sometimes no one wants to squad (and i think they're silly for refusing to squad while killing the same exact things) but at least you have a chance....

    the grind fests go much faster when you have a squad... i recall finishing like 6 quests (at an earlier level, killing 30 of each mob) with a squad (that coincidently, we all needed to do the same quests) we finished all six in like 15 mins.

    so yeah, that's all the recommendation i have.
  • drtmaverick
    drtmaverick Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I was thinking on the same lines of that - thinking oh crud I have to fight 40 of this monster and nothing else to do, but then I realized with the fact that you can select multiple quests at once you can kind of space the fighting of a solo type of monster out and be able to fight and move around a bit more. Though if at higher levels there are fewer quests, I would consider that to be a problem, like you were saying, 3 quests of 30 monsters is better than 1 quest with 80, but I think it's not because 80 is too much, it's because there would be more quests that way.
  • Bean - Lost City
    Bean - Lost City Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    What you are getting at seems to be the bottom line OF ALL MMOs, the longer you have played, the longer you must play to get higher. When you played the first few days, you probably shot 1-5 levels, as you progress in most games, you will be lucky to shoot 5% in one day. Sure you are stronger, but there is advancement curve so that truly (no life/powerful/compensating for something) players are not killing 10 monsters a day and gaining 5 levels to accumulate themselves into walking as gods among mere heroes.

    Dr. Bean
    A level 100 BM trapped in a 58 Cleric Forum Pic... These Pikachus are on a hunger-strike / slap fest until the forum moderators and/or GMs fix this issue... kthxbai b:angry

    "What would Pikachu Do?"-Dr. Bean
  • Wrathx - Heavens Tear
    Wrathx - Heavens Tear Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I'm only in the 30s now but it's a little disappointing to see that when I get higher up, there is going to be less quests. I really don't understand why these games have to be like this. Especially this game when there is a ton of quests to do while you are in your lower levels. Why do the quests have to slow down at the higher levels? Like someone else posted, this seems to be the case in alot of the F2P games. Last one I really played was Rappelz and the quests got soo freakin' repetitive even in the lower levels that it got pretty tedious after a while. I was really liking that game at the beginning and I like this game even more so far but it's tough to sit here and think that it's going to wind up being a grindfest once I get higher up. The one thing I saw people do in Rappelz is just start a new character once they got up in the 50s,60s, etc. just because there was more of a variety then instead of just grinding all day. I don't want to have to start a new character just to give me something different to do.

    I know this game isn't run here by the original creators of the game so I don't expect much to happen with regards to this kind of thing but it would be nice. I know more people that don't like to grind then I do that like to grind.

    *Wish list*

    More variety of quests for higher levels...
  • kenshin913
    kenshin913 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    This is why a lot of people recommended going to the PVP server before they opened. It gives you something to interrupt the grind. Go out and kill a few people between grind parties. Grind a bit while red, its more interesting that way, because then you have to pay attention to whats going on, and who's around you.

    CB IGN: Syphilis
  • _minta_ - Heavens Tear
    _minta_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    this is a grinding game...what else u expected from this game?
  • gravalax
    gravalax Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    lol. thats nothing. try playing flyff were u can fight over a 1000 mobs 6 or 7 lvls higher than u for one lvl up.. xD
  • Wrathx - Heavens Tear
    Wrathx - Heavens Tear Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Playing this for the first time and seeing how many quests you get for the first 30+ levels, I wouldn't have guessed it was a grinding game. I guess I've never really understood the point of grinding games, just killing mobs over and over and over and over again? Where is the fun in that. At least with quests it gives somewhat of a story as to why you are killing stuff. The game is considered a mmorpg which is a role playing game. To me that's playing a role in some sort of story but I'm sure it's not that for everyone I suppose. I'd never even heard of the game before like 2 or 3 weeks ago and found it pretty much by accident. I'm still going to be playing though to see how it is for myself. I've heard some mixed opinions that either it is a total grind or not that bad really. I'll try it out for myself and see. So far the game is still fun and if it ends up being a total grindfest at least I can say I tried it and found out for myself.
  • Drtmaverick - Sanctuary
    Drtmaverick - Sanctuary Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Quick comment - I don't think that there are really 'less' quests as you get higher, I think it's that it takes so much longer to level, quest or monster killing, that you finish up your quests before you level. Example: At lvl10 it took a mission to level, ontop of that half the time I would level killing the 30-60 monsters I had to do for the mission anyway, now at a higher level I don't even come close to leveling just with the monsters I killed, and it takes more quests to level.
    If there were 3 quests per level, you'd end up only making 15% exp at a high lvl like 60 off the quests compared to 80-100% per quest at the lower levels.
  • Madcow - Heavens Tear
    Madcow - Heavens Tear Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    well im still a low lvl and already fed up with killing over and over i expected higher level quests to have more thought behind them and be more interesting to keep players interested whilst they level slower but by reading i guess its just gonna suk at high levels =/
  • Ashtad - Sanctuary
    Ashtad - Sanctuary Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    The problem is is that -most- quest in any MMO consise fo some varation of 'Go out and kil!' grindins. weather its get this items that rare drops off a mob, get this item thats in the middles of a ton of mobs, kill x many mobs or go talk to so and so in sometown...that you have to kill mobs that aggro on you while heading there, they all in some way have an aspect of grinding to them:)
  • nightsabre
    nightsabre Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I like grinding for reputation points, along the way you will pick up materials which you need. These are the right way to advance in this game, Haste makes waste.
  • serengeti
    serengeti Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    i guess my question about slowing down the amount of quests you get at higher lvls was answered,yeah they do slow down,but i'm lvl 27 and still have plenty of quests ,most of the time i got 20 of them going (i dont finish one to start another one,just do closest ones),i played Last Chaos and Shaiya and at lvl 20 you get only 1 quest there,even more annoying was the kind of quests you got in Last Chaos at about lvl 40,go deliver letter to nearby town,so killing 80 monsters for a quest at high lvl actually sounds great to me,because you need to have some kind of goal,at least me anyway ,and every single game gives you a lot less expierence at high lvls,but i've seen expierence stones around sold at about 100k,in Last Chaos they cost millions!!! anyway, so far i love this game ,it may change in a future but for now Perfect World beats all other games i tried
  • vismundcygnus
    vismundcygnus Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I'm having the same thoughts and im a lvl 26. This is my first fantasy mmorpg and i decided to try this f2p game becuase i didnt want to pay a monthly fee to find out if i like the genre or not. I've been playing this game pretty steadily for the past two weeks and i have to say that so far i dont think this genre is for me.

    I certainly wouldnt pay a monthly fee for to play a game like this where nearly every quest is really just "go kill monster x amount of times". it lacks any creativity, yet its still so addicting. And i think games like these are so addicting because you get into a mode where you think: Well maybe it will change after this quest, or the next one, or so on and so forth. At least this is how i felt. And so far i haven't really felt like the game has.

    I will continue to play this because there are still features that i havent expierenced( FB's, TW, Guilds, PVP). hopefully those features offer enough variety to keep me going.

    Also, are most MMORPGS(WOW, EQ etc) complete grindfests with terrible storyies that your character has no influence on?
  • Wishfox - Lost City
    Wishfox - Lost City Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    The PvP and TW in this game is where it's at. PvP has nice balance, and territory wars over map locations are pretty fun, almost like a mmorpg version of reverse ctf. This plus PvP in the general game definitely made the PvP server more fun, especially with that hilarious world chat drama. Definitely get in a guild with some aspirations to own land, it's pretty fun.
  • Eliatron - Lost City
    Eliatron - Lost City Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    What else do you expect from quests? I dont get it! You want to be like DQ? My god! You have DQ!!! You can do DQ one hundred times!! Its travelling trough the world, getting items (that in many cases will be harded to get since drops % lower when lvl difference is higher).
    DQ= doing them fast way you spend a lot of money, so grinding or farming is necessary to have money, so now grinding have a reason.
    DQ= need special items, so grinding has again a reason.
    You can grind while you expect to respawn that mine that you need so much to make the perfect armor.

    This game is not about grinding, is about having a goal ingame.
    And being a MMO the story line cannot be changed, its almost impossible to affect the world itself, cause there are way too many players, its not like Fallout where onde decision changes it all, but that decision is only yours.
    I think the game is fine, you just need a goal. Like grinding for money for Premium items, or mats to make wonderful weapons.

    Goal is needed, thats all I need.
  • Nevermore - Heavens Tear
    Nevermore - Heavens Tear Posts: 438 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    gravalax wrote: »
    lol. thats nothing. try playing flyff were u can fight over a 1000 mobs 6 or 7 lvls higher than u for one lvl up.. xD

    Not to mention that you get 1! quest every 2! levels in Flyff.
  • Kyou - Heavens Tear
    Kyou - Heavens Tear Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I read everything and I must say... wth?

    @The Thread Maker
    This is probably the only MMORPG that offers 3-4+ quests on EVERY level and you're still bitching about it? If you didn't know, by any chance, what PWE does is translating from Chinese to English, not remodeling the quests so they would look prettier for you. The game was designed to have quests like they currently are. You're not killing 70 mobs to finish the quest, you're killing them to GRIND on them AND earn additional experience when you're done from the quest you've just finished b:lipcurl

    I think the main problem is: Are you antisocial and can't find a party or you're just in your passivity SAC (stand-alone complex) routine and can't bear for asking for help.

    End of rant #2.
  • Vallren - Lost City
    Vallren - Lost City Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Kyou is playing this game correctly. I can tell from his post.

    Welcome to MMOs. Enjoy the fact that your exp bar even moves because most games at that level it tends to just stand still and look pretty.

    MMO's are partially here to promote sociality. Guess what a massive grind quest promotes? If you hate grinding, do what someone else said and Spam DQ's. totally worth it. It doesn't feel like grinding, you can get nice rewards from it, and it gives you short term objectives that make the grinding more friendly.

  • gravalax
    gravalax Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    yeah nevermore its bad in flyff for that :D
  • Smexxyfox - Heavens Tear
    Smexxyfox - Heavens Tear Posts: 722 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    (serious sarcasm := on)
    Hahayea I think all MMO's need to change, We should get 5% exp for everytime we use the "dance" emote. Oh and while we are at it, why dont we make it so everytime you delice a party invite you get another 2% exp. AAANDDD of course! everytime you write "*i get my wizard hat and cloak*" in a pm to a female player you gain 1337 exp!
    (sarcsm off)

    Seriousley dude, what do u want? You complain about lack of quests and boring way the quests work etc, how about you tell us how you'd make it all better?
    I dont go play quake online and then after 7mins goto their forums and have a uber rant about how ppl just killed me all the time and no one even wanted to chat or cyber.
    This is what mmo's are all about! you are supposed to grind for 400 years until u reach some ungoldy level and spent another 3 lifetimes in HH/CV or w/e and made urself some super uber equipment and then you walk around in dragon city looking like a cross between a rainbow and a battle tank on steroids with noob elf girls throwing themselves on the dirty ground so you dont need to get your shoes dirty.
  • Moander - Heavens Tear
    Moander - Heavens Tear Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I read everything and I must say... wth?

    I think the main problem is: Are you antisocial and can't find a party or you're just in your passivity SAC (stand-alone complex) routine and can't bear for asking for help.

    End of rant #2.

    Yeah, reading comprehension FTL..... he SAID he has weird hours...

    Also, those of you responding who are UNDER level 56, perhaps you haven't run into what he has yet?

    I can't comment, just hit 50..so far, so good.....
  • Twilyte - Heavens Tear
    Twilyte - Heavens Tear Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Yeah, reading comprehension FTL..... he SAID he has weird hours...

    Also, those of you responding who are UNDER level 56, perhaps you haven't run into what he has yet?

    I can't comment, just hit 50..so far, so good.....

    I have yet to be on any hour and not seen tons of people running around. I simply can not buy into the fact that the OP has suddenly become the "Omega Man" during his game time with no other living souls in sight other than monsters.

    And, fyi, yes, I am a vet from a couple other versions prior to this and have exceeded his mighty level 56 on each version by a far distance, averaging level 90 on the last two. And here's a little insight, only on the last one did I even begin to have a "social life" due to language differences (thank god for all the web sites that helped with so many of those quests!!).

    After nearly a dozen years of online gaming, I have yet to see a game that doesn't involve grinding, in some fashion. Heck go way back to UO in '97: it wasn't even level based, but skill point based and still you had to repeat the same damned skills 100's of times near the high end just to get a .1 gain.

    At least this one offers daily quests, repeatable Dragon Quests, the World Quest after level 70, and quests during each level to add bonus spirit and exp points to the grind.
  • xend
    xend Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Lol. I played an mmorpg where I had to kill 3000+ mobs to finish 1 quest, and you're sad cause you have to kill 40-50 mobs?
  • Tarabishop - Heavens Tear
    Tarabishop - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    First and foremost, for all the peeps who say I shouldn't compain. This is a beta. Isn't that the point of letting people play a game before it's complete, so that you can get their opinions and change stuff as you see fit?

    If you want to play a game where you grind 50000 mobs and you enjoy that, great. I'm just telling the designers how they can make the game better for me and possibly those that might agree with me. Obviously the game is okay as it is for some of you out there. I wouldn't want them to change it in a way that would make it worse for any of you and I'm sure adding a few less grindy quests wouldn't do that.

    I also never said that any of the quests I would like them to add would have to be easy. I'm not interested in getting xp for dancing, that would make the whole point of getting xp meaningless. I'd just like some variety. I understand why you might have gotten the impression I wanted easy xp, but really thats not what this is about. When you think about it, how difficult is killing mobs? Not hard at all really. You can even get half decent xp for killing mobs 2 lvls below you if you want. It's just boring, that's my only issue with it.

    Dragon Quests are good, I do a lot of them. I just dinged 57 off DQ41. Even DQ41s items are dropping really infequently for me now though which all boils down to....more grinding. Yay! It doesnt help that I was asked to get Dew Orbs three times during one DQ run though! Random is one thing but maybe some restriction on the randomness would be good.

    And yes, there is always the option of me leaving the game if it doesn't work out. I don't generally quit so easily though. I like to give something a chance.

    Try not to take my criticism of the game personally guys. I'm getting some very tetchy answers here. These are just opinions. Try and keep the replies civil and offer your own opinions without confrontation. Thanks.
  • one4all
    one4all Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Point nr 1:Better things to do with his time than grind.

    Quoted from OP.
    "The point is, I'm fed up of the apparent lack of imagination being put into the quests. I'll probably log on two or three more more times and unless I get an FB run one of those times I shall probably quit. I have better things to do with my time than grind."

    Point nr 2:Keeps getting harder to level.

    Quoted from OP.
    I also really do not understand why as we level higher the amount of mobs we have to kill increases. Sure we are getting more powerful, but the mobs get more powerful right along with us. Basically the game is just getting more and more tedious. 30 mobs is a reasonable amount to be made to grind, 40 is getting too much, 50 and above is just gruesome. I can see most people leaving this game at round about lvl 60 - 70. It's a shame because it has so much going for it.


    Point nr 1:I agree that there are better ways to spend your time then grinding.The exp for quests could be higher in order to avoid the tedious grind.However being this an MMO.And having Played Silkroad online(which is *10 more grind) I understand from those who presented the game to us points of view that they need to make some profit thus offering exp scrolls to levelup quiker.So having the system changed is not really an option.They provide the daily quests,the world quests,the fb's and so forth to try to balance it a little.And comparing to the MMO's out there that I know they've been generous.However they could do more events for instance to give an exp bonus so we could level temporarily quiker.If they do this often enough like every 2 months then It would certainly give more incentive to grind. :laugh

    Point nr 2:

    Pretty much same as above.Grinding is a part of every MMO,some MMO's decide to be generous and give worthwhile quests(with good exp/sp) and others don't.I think perfect world did a decent job overall with their levelingsystem.Not to say it couldn't be better.But it's not so bad we need to complain about it.Either u like grinding or u don't.If you don't no MMO is for you.If you want some advice on how to break the boring cycle sometimes just put your favorite music.Preferably a bit of fast beat music so it feels like a fast pace fun game while grinding.It sure beats the hell out of the pointless relaxed music PW provides.
