Ancient Boa purchase...

Sinthia - Lost City
Sinthia - Lost City Posts: 7 Arc User
edited October 2008 in Cash Shop Huddle
Ok, so I went and bought myself the Ancient Boa mount. I think it fit perfectly with my Venomancer character...

However, if I pay the equivalent of $50 for a virtual item, I expect that item to be PERFECT. Unfortunately, maybe I got the wrong side of the reptilian evolution, but for some reason, my Ancient Boa sounds like a galloping horse.

Come on PWI!!! If you're going to sell something for an insane amount of money, atleast make sure that EVERYTHING about it is perfect. So... for your next patch, please ensure that I get the correct slithering sound effect when I move around (and potentially have the option of switching it off in case you pick the most irritating one you can find).

Kind regards,
A Zen Purchaser
Post edited by Sinthia - Lost City on


  • esux
    esux Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    It's because of people like you that they can get away with these prices.
  • Vaelissa - Heavens Tear
    Vaelissa - Heavens Tear Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    esux wrote: »
    It's because of people like you that they can get away with these prices.

    It's a real shame some people have half decent jobs, huh? People are free to spend money as they like.
  • esux
    esux Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    It's a real shame some people have half decent jobs, huh? People are free to spend money as they like.

    You're completely missing my point, but ok.
  • Vaelissa - Heavens Tear
    Vaelissa - Heavens Tear Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    No, I grasp the point fully, but the statement still stands.
  • esux
    esux Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    No, I grasp the point fully, but the statement still stands.

    What you said is merely an assumption. You're assuming that the reason I won't spend on the cash shop is because I don't have a decent job. Even people with a lot of money want to get their moneys worth.
  • Sinthia - Lost City
    Sinthia - Lost City Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    @esux: Thanks for posting what is, effectively, a pointless piece of white noise. Secondly, I usually craft my sentences carefully, in fact, I draw your attention to the word 'equivalent' in the following quote:

    "if I pay the equivalent of $50 for a virtual item..."

    Now... that implies that I had 5000 Zen, it does not imply cash purchase.

    Anyhow, unless you have something useful to say, f.o.
  • esux
    esux Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Right, because you've made 50mil ingame without the use of the cash shop. Yeah, right.

    I'll restate my opinion for you, since you have such a hard time comprehending it. I'll make it as simple as possible for you.

    I know you wanted to be the first to have that fancy, expensive land mount, but you shouldn't have given in so easily. If you withheld your money and waited, while encouraging others to do the same. They would have had no choice but to reduce the prices in the cash shop.
  • Cat - Heavens Tear
    Cat - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,187 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    It's a real shame some people have half decent jobs, huh? People are free to spend money as they like.

    Ill agree with the second half of your statement people are free to spend money as they like.

    The first part is just ignorant. Having a job half decent or not has nothing to do with it. The rich dont stay rich by wasting their money. I used to work as a nanny about 10 years ago, and some of my employers were worth well over 1 million and they still shopped in places like the dollar store, and walmart. Simply because they wanted the best deal.

    I have a very nice job now and I also get to work from home. However I am not going to pay $50 or the equivilant for a mount in game. IMO its a waste and overpriced for pixels. If someone else wants to get one more power to them, but for most people the choice wether or not to get one has nothing to do with their employment.
    "Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"

    Didn't anyone tell you that you wanted to sleep with me?!?! I thought you knew....
  • marccc
    marccc Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    All she wants is to hear hissing instead of horse galloping when shes on her boa. If she's gonna pay $50 they can at least get the animal noise right, you can prob get a real snake for less than $50 in real life. Anyway, if she wants to spend $50 on a mount that lasts FOREVER, she's free to do so. A one time buy isn't that bad, especially when you have a job and have extra money laying around. I know the price is outrageous compared to the other mounts, but still....the real problem is the things you buy every day (charms).
  • Zress - Lost City
    Zress - Lost City Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Ill agree with the second half of your statement people are free to spend money as they like.

    The first part is just ignorant. Having a job half decent or not has nothing to do with it. The rich dont stay rich by wasting their money. I used to work as a nanny about 10 years ago, and some of my employers were worth well over 1 million and they still shopped in places like the dollar store, and walmart. Simply because they wanted the best deal.

    I have a very nice job now and I also get to work from home. However I am not going to pay $50 or the equivilant for a mount in game. IMO its a waste and overpriced for pixels. If someone else wants to get one more power to them, but for most people the choice wether or not to get one has nothing to do with their employment.

    I, like Cat, have a very nice job and am well off dears, but no way am I spending $50 U.S. on a pixel pet when soooo many other simple things needs to be addressed. Currently I am not buying anything, and I have influence alot of my friends and guildmates to stop buying anything until we see some intelligent improvement on simple things. And not just Fashion. Dont get me Wrong, the Snake is a great looking mount, just not $50.00 great, no mount will be worth that.
  • Avernus - Lost City
    Avernus - Lost City Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Seen one snaking its way through Archosaur the other day; all I heard was a hissing and slithering sound. :confused:
  • Maiya - Lost City
    Maiya - Lost City Posts: 2,686 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Seen one snaking its way through Archosaur the other day; all I heard was a hissing and slithering sound. :confused:

    I assume when the snake actually moves, the user of the mount hears galloping instead of hissing.
  • Avernus - Lost City
    Avernus - Lost City Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Indeed, but is she the only one not hearing the slithering? Any other Boa-riders stepping forward with the same complaint? Just wondering...
  • Vaelissa - Heavens Tear
    Vaelissa - Heavens Tear Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    esux wrote: »
    What you said is merely an assumption. You're assuming that the reason I won't spend on the cash shop is because I don't have a decent job. Even people with a lot of money want to get their moneys worth.

    My job comment wasn't about you having a job or not, just a general response to the usual whining blather of somebody attacking how somebody else spends their money. After all, people complain even over cheap items, it has become an annoying theme on the forums.
    Ill agree with the second half of your statement people are free to spend money as they like.

    The first part is just ignorant. Having a job half decent or not has nothing to do with it. The rich dont stay rich by wasting their money. I used to work as a nanny about 10 years ago, and some of my employers were worth well over 1 million and they still shopped in places like the dollar store, and walmart. Simply because they wanted the best deal.

    I have a very nice job now and I also get to work from home. However I am not going to pay $50 or the equivilant for a mount in game. IMO its a waste and overpriced for pixels. If someone else wants to get one more power to them, but for most people the choice wether or not to get one has nothing to do with their employment.

    I know very well how to save money, Cat, but thanks for the lecture. People seem to act like they just have to have premium or special items and don't want to pay for it. For the record, I'm not spending $50 on a snake either, but if somebody else wants to, good for them. Items are worth how much people are willing to spend, many don't feel that things are worth their current prices, so they don't buy, that's fine. I feel the same about several things, but it is the concepts that I defend.

    Apparently, enough do buy to make the company feel that the current price point is "worth it ". So long as that keeps up to meet or exceed their profit goals, the cries for lower prices won't be something to worry much about. There will be players upset that the mount prices are above their spending limit (for whatever reason), but as you have no doubt seen, mounts are all over like crazy, so they obviously sell well enough. Ignoring customer concerns is never a good business practice, but there has to be a compromise at times. The recently lowered Raptor and Kirin prices may be an example.

    It doesn't matter if an item is "real" or pixels, so long as they enjoy it, and when an item is suppose to be a limited time special thing, it's not about making it a good deal or not. This is easy to see.

    Anyway, sorry for the derail, Sinthia.
  • Axe - Heavens Tear
    Axe - Heavens Tear Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I suggest dont buy boa
  • Agranok - Heavens Tear
    Agranok - Heavens Tear Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    No kidding. Quite frankly i think this thread has turned into somthing that it wasnt intended to be. I don't see any reason to bash someone for spending money they earned themselves on anything that they so choose to buy. Talk about the topic at hand!! b:irritated. It is not unreasonable for someone to expect quality in a $50 product. bottom line.

    "There are no failures-just experiences and your reactions to them"
  • Sinthia - Lost City
    Sinthia - Lost City Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Thank you. Like a few of the other more astute people noticed, all I was querying was the quality of the purchase. Didn't realise I was opening myself up to an attack on a personal choice I made. Besides, I'm not the only one to have bought a boa... I'm just the first to complain.
  • Baifang - Heavens Tear
    Baifang - Heavens Tear Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited October 2008

    You have every right to spend your money as and how you choose. Also, I am grateful you brought up this issue to the attention of others members who might have considered purchasing this moment.

    To even anticipate that a snake mount sounding like a horse mount is not something that would usually cross anyones mind.

    Let us hope they resolve this, and at least notify in this thread that its something they will fix. Preferably, BEFORE the time frame of 19th October runs out.
  • quoll
    quoll Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Indeed, but is she the only one not hearing the slithering? Any other Boa-riders stepping forward with the same complaint? Just wondering...

    I just got one today. It has a distinct hoof hitting the ground sound effect while uh...slithering.
  • Sinthia - Lost City
    Sinthia - Lost City Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I have logged a support ticket with PWI yesterday after I made this post. Needless to say, I have had more response from the community than the company. Hopefully I get some meaningful response just letting me know that something is being done about this...
  • Zress - Lost City
    Zress - Lost City Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    "people complain"b:shocked? true they do.. but as you stated it is their money. as far as the user statement to you from esux? yeah kind of out there... yell PULL and shoot it.b:angry

    Just as the rest of us will defend our beliefs. To me, its not the money, its the fact that the items are there, its not a new game, and its very frustrating to see it take a step backwards.

    The amount of money they will make off the boa will pale in comparison to other more simple adjustments. You see that is the crux of the issue for some... its like we all want the red one, they pull it from the shelves, we know it is there, but they wont sell it, and offer only an olive drab something or other in a style fit for oh say winter, and its late spring. Its those types of decisions that make myself question. You yourself are here complaining and questioning as well. You have a nice item in the Boa, but yet you find it is defunct in one of its functions. You should complain, that was alot of work and effort on your part, either way, to obtain this limited item. The only thing I would fault anyone over would be IF you didnt complain.

    The truth. like me, i'm a fashion nut hon. so I focus on that, others like mounts, others heiro, etc so forth. Thing is, its a large assumption on your part dear on some of what was said as well, but understand everyone has an opinion.

    My views are against how some things are done, agreeing with you, not against you. I gave my personal view, just as you have done. no more, no less.
  • Salmissra - Heavens Tear
    Salmissra - Heavens Tear Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    It seems like this issue is very far into their priority;

    Isn't that a lame way to say no?
  • Pinkpeach - Lost City
    Pinkpeach - Lost City Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    It seems like this issue is very far into their priority;

    Isn't that a lame way to say no?

    Typical PW response; I really wouldn't expect anything more b:cold
  • Kimimarok - Lost City
    Kimimarok - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    can you buy items, and mounts with money found ingame? i want a ancient boa but i dont want one if it cost me any real money. Please help me
  • Ren - Lost City
    Ren - Lost City Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    can you buy items, and mounts with money found ingame? i want a ancient boa but i dont want one if it cost me any real money. Please help me

    I have fully expanded bank, +2 expanded inv, boa, 15 gold flying tool, +1 expanded pet cage, 7 heiros? in storage, and I havent spent any IRL money.

    How rich you are ingame depends on your class and marketing abilities. Most people resell stuff with 2 accounts (lame imo, hate resellers) for income, others scam by selling stuff at dumb prices like 8k for mats that cost 4.8k from cash shop.

    Personally I got rich by taking advantage of the current HH prices, but they won't last for too much longer and I'm too lazy to level to farm hh70(4).
    Also, once the inflation sinks in and people are higher gold will cost 300k coin++,and not many will buy gold to sell for ingame money due to dumb cs prices.

    Zoe is so full of it, that he must be Karmelia.
  • baunit
    baunit Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    ppl like esux ruin my days...sigh
  • gattsuru
    gattsuru Posts: 3,184 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Isn't that a lame way to say no?

    It's not a lame way to say no, it's a lame way to say they'll fix it if it doesn't require thirty man-hours of programmer time and risk breaking big parts of the client.

    The first rule of community support on an online forum is that you can either give yes-no answers, or you can tell the truth. Even simpler MMO engines are coding nightmares of complex, ill-documented and oddly-interacting parts. More complex ones are so bad that no single person around that can ever tell you how the whole thing works. It'll make a liar out of your if you're not careful.
  • Jin_nique - Heavens Tear
    Jin_nique - Heavens Tear Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    In fact, the PWI support staff are some of the most irresponsive and irresponsible people i've seen in MMOs. In one of the MMOs I played, GMs even joined parties on Dungeon Raids, just for fun and to bond with the community. I heard GMs of this game don't even wanna do what their job requires them to(I.e help players in any way they can in-game and out.). This is not to say ALL GMs do that. But I know SOME who do. To think that the devs listed the GMs' salaries as one of the reasons ZEN prices are so high! ::headdesk::
    You can take the soldier out of the fight,
    but you can't take the fight outta the soldier!

  • sheonite4000
    sheonite4000 Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    esux wrote: »
    It's because of people like you that they can get away with these prices.
    Im not surprised, PWI are the guys who charge 15USD for virtual clothes or so. o__o
  • Panzernoodle - Heavens Tear
    Panzernoodle - Heavens Tear Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    In fact, the PWI support staff are some of the most irresponsive and irresponsible people i've seen in MMOs. In one of the MMOs I played, GMs even joined parties on Dungeon Raids, just for fun and to bond with the community. I heard GMs of this game don't even wanna do what their job requires them to(I.e help players in any way they can in-game and out.). This is not to say ALL GMs do that. But I know SOME who do. To think that the devs listed the GMs' salaries as one of the reasons ZEN prices are so high! ::headdesk::

    That's ridiculous because if the GMS did that here, everyone would be crying out "FAVORITISM"!!! "CORRUPT GMS!!!", "YOU'RE JUST LIKE PW-MY BUT WORSE!!!!"

    Take a minute to think about things before you say them.