How old are you(Im I too old to play thread)?



  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I'm pretty sure this is how the conversations go leading up to my debut on To Catch a Predator.


    how do i get my avatar pls? i dont go index but i dont see any "change" button in the rop right..
  • Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    shygirl15 wrote: »

    how do i get my avatar pls? i dont go index but i dont see any "change" button in the rop right..

    Go to the main forum page ( ) and in the top right there is a button that says change.
    PSN - Asurastrike
  • Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    almost 50 here. Never too old to enjoy a well crafted game
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    50 Yo Female (51 in 7 days) LOL!!! I am a Registered Nurse. I have been playing computer games since the Vic Commodore 64 came out, bet most of you dont even know what that is! LOL Played Dark Age of Camelot for 4 years and before that the entire Diablo series till the hackers made it not fun anymore. So far, I absolutely LOVE this game, the questing and the promise of territory wars!:D
  • Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    18 gaming since 4 on the SNES. Hmmm.........Personally I don't think age matters when it comes to gaming. Anyone can have fun ^_^
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    im 13 and for me it is just another game out of the thousands i play.
  • Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    im 13 and for me it is just another game out of the thousands i play.

    Thousands? I've been playing games since before you were born, and I can't even name a thousand.
    PSN - Asurastrike
  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    30 years old and from sweden, been playing mmo's since Dark ages, and since then only game that relly been a option for me to play are mmo's, can't stand singel player games
  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Thousands? I've been playing games since before you were born, and I can't even name a thousand.

    obviously you aren't that good with numbers when you are 13 :p
  • Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Note: I am responding to the post where you chide the 18 yo who is set to start his life of slavery (Wage Slave?) When I quoted you, it pulled the first message you posted on this thread, making my post completely irrelevant, are you lost yet, I am. I need another dose of senior moment...

    I think the kid was just using hyperbole...or maybe a 40-hr a week job seems like slavery to an 18 year old....I know that it did to me. But Three cheers for you for being so positive about your life. So many people can't just be happy with trying their best to make their way in the world. It seems like you may have absorbed some of the philosophy that Terry Goodkind put into the Sword of Truth series. If you liked that series (I am assuming you have read it because of your char name) you should read the "Crown of Stars" series by Kate Elliot, I have been totally absorbed by it for a couple of months now, "King's Dragon" is book 1.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008

    I'll be to old for games whem im 90.. maybe

    lmao same here
    Found it in Deviantart by Yee[
  • Posts: 1,444 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I have been playing computer games since the Vic Commodore 64 came out, bet most of you dont even know what that is!

    I started with an Intellivision before moving to the Commodore Vic 20. :eek:
  • Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I'm 19 now....been playing mmorpg since i was a baby. ;)
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    16 year old dorky girl, right here :D

    I spend my free time doodling, or reading manga. I'm the random chick that sits with her loser friends in the back of the cafeteria. Actually, our table is known as the freak table as of last year :) I'm actually pretty darn proud of that, ha ha.

    I play this game because I've always loved MMORPGs. If I can find a free one (I have no credit card for anything else) that has good graphics, awesome character designs, and a group of friendly players, then I'm set. So far, I've got 2 out of 3. Now all I need is a guild to join, and I'll be good as gold!

    ...I feel so young! Never realized people who played these had such ranging ages! Ha ha!
  • Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I'm 19, a university student from the beautiful city of london. I love games with good graphics. but most of the time i am obsessed with musical theatre - especially Wicked and Rent. I also am a huge fan of Idina Menzel :D. So yes i have seen most of the West End Production. My wish is to conquer Broadway :)
  • Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    21 here, soon 22^^ Been playing MMO's for uh, 6 or 7 years now. Started off with Anarchy Online, and been playing numerous MMO's ever since.

    I dont think there is any age yer too old to play a mmo's, Ive had alot of friends at 50+ and theyve been playing and acting just like anyone else in the game.
    The self-proclaimed pink haired gremlin master of Starlight
  • Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    RUNESCAPE!!!! ahahahahahaha the game that introduced me and got me addicted to mmorpg's :D
  • Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    hahaha im only 16 but im turning 17 soon

    naaw, you're not old..

    The average age person who plays video games is usually 30
    How to pronounce my name part by part: Reno-who-ya-wad
  • Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I'm 32 and love all kinds of video games. I have a few different game systems but probably play more computer games then anything. Every single day when I go to work I have my Nintendo DS and PSP with me to play when I have a moment. I drive a semi truck around the city and do deliveries so when I am unloading or loading I have time to play heh. I played and still play one of the very first MMO's there was. It used to be called 10six when Sega ran it but now it's called Project Visitor and it kind of an independent game with the community having alot of input. I do some 3d modeling and help out with some artwork in Project Visitor as well as I do some modding for another game. I've tried quite a few of the free2play mmorpg's and so far this one has caught my attention more than the others.

    I think in this day and age there is no such thing as being too old to play video games. There are video games for pretty much every type of person out there now from cooking games to sports games to all out frag fests with lots of blood and guts. Video games are alot more prominent and accepted now more than ever and the video game business itself it huge. I think it's just silly to even think someone could be too old to play video games.

    I just started playing PWI last week and so far I'm liking it alot and think I'll probably be sticking around for a whlie.
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I'm 17 turning 18 this Halloween. I've been playing MMOs for the past year and a half. And i'm still addicted. I've tried many other MMOs before PWI, But so far this is one of the best i've played. I live in a small town so there isn't a whole lot to do =p
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I'm 14. I'm a guy. And I sneak out of my house whenever I can, and I kind of like this game. Also, I'm sleepy.
  • Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    31 and been gaming since the TRS-80 days, went on with the Co-Co, Timex Sinclair, C-64, Atari 2600.....and so on. Been MMOing since Graal and Ragnarok Online alpha test. Yup, never too old to game.

    I've been looking for an "old folks" guild myself, but all I've found so far is kids who are too immature or hyper for my liking. I guess that's why I'm usually soloing as a Veno instead of leveling my Wizard.
  • Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    30 :P, I think PW is pretty good for a F2P game (don't bother with the flames :p it's a pointless debate), the best F2P game I've played. Personaly I preffer skill based games but there aren't any good ones out right now... not since UO fell into the pit of itemisation :(

    I started gameing with the old D&D when I was 11 hehe, then graduated to WoD and Shadowrun in my early teens. I've been an RPer ever since.
  • Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Hi , I am a 22 yr old girl. Working in MNCb:cute
  • Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    hey im 24, married with 1 two year old son
    i love to play when my son is in bed and the housework is finished to relax before i hit my pillow and sleep instantly lol

    your never too old to play! a friend of mine is 52 and we were playing pw together last night for about 2 hours lol
    shes addicted to the game lol
  • Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Am i the old geaser of the Bunch? im 38 and find this to be a blast . its a stress relif . With all my pals in my guild . See u folks out there in Heaven's tear. gad my spelling sucks b:victoryb:bye for now

    Uncle Sam
    what ever is left on the Battle field be comes Taxable income to UncleSam.

    Look for UncleSam when playing .
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Am i the old geaser of the Bunch? im 38

    Yea nice try!

    I'm 47!............... Yea I said it!!!......... I'm 47 Y E A R S old!
    I've been playing video games since I brought my first system home (PONG!) and I haven't stopped.
    I've been in both Gulf conflicts have two kids both in college and I work full time as a computer systems engineer. I play like another poster said, to relax. I'd rather take out my aggressions in game instead of on the train home from work and end up on the front page if you know what I mean. I use to play and mod alot of FPS's and found that I just got amped up even more. The music in this game for some reason is very relaxing and most of the people I run into are pretty kool. So I'll be playing for a while.

    If you think some of us are to old to play then maybe your to old!!!
  • Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Hello People Of Perfect World.

    I'm a 26 year old male that lives in Ohio.

    I've been plaing games ever since the Atari. Once MMORPG games game out, I got involved in them, and I've had my shares of good times, and bad times. Meeting people, and still laugh, and have a good time whn I meet guys on the game who are playing girls. Its creepy, but hey, whatever floats people's boats is up to them.

    Its always a pleasure to play some MMORPG's, and your never to old to play. Its about having fun, and enjoying yourself either by yourself, or adventuring with others!

    So get out there, and enjoy!!

    I've Been Broken For A Long Time, And I'm Searching For The Light Again!

    Myspace = /darkwizard1982
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    pfft to old to play. Tell that to all those 50 and over halo pc players lol.

    If you ever think you have gotton to old to be a child, thats when the world has finally crushed your spirit! Long live being the age of 12 forever!!!

    20 btw, and for all you kiddies... get in that book bag and get them books out. I don't pay taxes for gamers!!!
  • Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Just turned 37 here, Love games, MMORPGs, tabletop etc. Online games pull down barriers of age, race, gender and so much more until we are all are merely players. I'll never be too old for games. Love the escape. Look forward to seeing any of you out there.
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