Financial Plea to the Developers

Kahlan - Heavens Tear
Kahlan - Heavens Tear Posts: 43 Arc User
edited October 2008 in Cash Shop Huddle
Please do not move this thread to the Cash Shop Forum

Dear Devlopers,

I know you have read hundreds of post regarding the cash shop pricing. You have done some things to help out, but the situation has changed.

When you set up your pricing plan you considered the higher wages and such of the USA when determining your pricing. Whether or not anyone agreed, this is your business and you have the right to price your goods any way you like. The world, however, has changed.

The USA is now undergoing the worst financial crisis since the great depression. In the past 2 days, 2 major banks have failed. Today the US stock market suffered its greatest one day loss ever. On my way home from work today, I noticed the streets eerily empty. People are afraid to spend money, and things are going to get worse before they get better.

Even in bad times people will still look to leisure, maybe they will spend more time online, but theya re going to be VERY careful of their money. My college major was in economics and that is a subject I now teach. While you can still do what you like, it would be a remarkably brilliant stroke on your part to make a very quick pricing decision that comes as close to PW-MY prices. Maybe you wont match theirs, but I would recommend an across the board 50% reduction in pricing.

Obviously you don't have to do this, but IF you did, you would probably find your client base very appreciative, and as they decide what things they are still willing to spend money on, you may find you did a good thing for yourselves as well.

This letter is not a threat in any way. I can tell you though that with the economic uncertainty, I am going to be ver VERY careful about what I spend money on. When I do spend money I will need to demand value for my dollar because I am better off saving every penny until the economy changes. Of course the economy wont get better if I don't spend money, but intangible things are not going to be high on my list unless the value is there.

I will be playing your game for some time, but I'm sure you would prefer that I avail myself of the cash shop and don't just play for free. Please consider keeping the clothing prices down as you have done, and reducing the price of everything else by half. Not only will people be more inclined to not make your game pay the price of the cloudy economy, but others who have been waiting for a price drop will start buying and you may even be better off in spite of the financial chaos.

I hope you will not only move quickly, proactively, caringly to make a change but that you will be vocal about it. Thank you for your time.


Post edited by Kahlan - Heavens Tear on


  • Kahlan - Heavens Tear
    Kahlan - Heavens Tear Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Took a whole 2 minutes to move this to the cash shop forum... guess they don't want anyone to see it.
  • lunarosa
    lunarosa Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I can say only that I do agree that the prices on the cash shop are way to high for what is being sold. I know that it is my decision to spend money or not, and I will say that I have; but it would be nice to be able to spend money and get something worth while out of what I paid for on the game that I am enjoying thus far very much. I do not think i will be buying any of the zen again; and I also doubt that I will be the only one making that decision.

    The prices are a bit ridiculous for what is being offered; and the economy is not going to allow outlandish spending for a few hours of fun for much longer. I believe that when it comes to choosing where to put their dollar, people are going to be look for quality/ value over momentary entertainment.

    With the prices lowerd I think you will get more people who will buy and support the game regualary, as well as be willing to introduce more people to the game. With the prices as high as they are . . this game might as well turn into a pay to play and you offer this stuff in game; and trust me, I doubt your players want that at all. Keep the prices high, and you are going to loose players to other games; be it different games, or just cheaper versions of this one. Then you will be stuck out with no one wanting to enjoy or support the world/community you have put all this effort into.

    Hopefully these post will not befall blind eyes.

    (ps- sorry if my english was bad. hopefully it is understandable)
  • lunarosa
    lunarosa Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    lol, it is true, but you can always just repost and put a link to it in that post in another forum. they need to be paying attention to this stuff now, while they have the opportunity to fix it, before this game gains a very short shelf life. its a competative world, and they will start falling behind other cheaper games.
  • theshazzbot
    theshazzbot Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Took a whole 2 minutes to move this to the cash shop forum... guess they don't want anyone to see it.

    there's a reason why we created a forum related to discussion on such a specific set of issues. if you actually want PWE staff to see your post the chances of them reading it in the CS Huddle is much higher then them wading through page after page of a variety of topics in the General Discussion boards.
    Remember, posting on these forums is not a right - It's a PRIVILEGE!


    Thus the ShazzBot has spoken...
  • Kahlan - Heavens Tear
    Kahlan - Heavens Tear Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    there's a reason why we created a forum related to discussion on such a specific set of issues. if you actually want PWE staff to see your post the chances of them reading it in the CS Huddle is much higher then them wading through page after page of a variety of topics in the General Discussion boards.

    Good to know and thank you forsaying that. I'm used to games that hide stuff so it doesn't get seen. Thanks for making me feel like it will get seen :-)
  • Tomiko - Heavens Tear
    Tomiko - Heavens Tear Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    there's a reason why we created a forum related to discussion on such a specific set of issues. if you actually want PWE staff to see your post the chances of them reading it in the CS Huddle is much higher then them wading through page after page of a variety of topics in the General Discussion boards.

    :| can't even grant a single request.. >.>

    These guys really want to play in your server and their pleading for some changes. Besides, this server's gonna have a competition later on~ :)

    better grab those players in and let them stay in your server~

    we can believe in

  • luminati
    luminati Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    everyone will always want cheaper prices on things. honestly i dont think the stuff is that bad. The last mmo i play i spent about 1500 on it in a year.(yeah ^^ i know it was a big joke for me too) It all worked out in the end. i met an amazing girl that i married(really corny i know x.x). From what i have seen this game is pretty good for what it offers. yeah if you want to know one that has bad pricing type in a search for nvm it was against the rules to mention it here. i will link it to the general topic forum if anyone is curious.^^ most people there that i know have spent around 4-6k and are just considered good not elite o.O. i like this mmo and i will probably keep playing it for awhile. only thing atm i think i will need though is charms ^^ but who knows :D

    ok here is the link for the curious people out there o.o
  • geegeetee
    geegeetee Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I agree with USA financial issues.

    We were cold last year, and will be colder this year, I can invision us running around the house in snow suits all winter, "in" the house.

    I agree that there is MAJOR compition now in the online gaming world.

    But I dont' necessarily agree with price changes.

    Here is why, and can we please keep this a healthy discussion, and not a flaming or bickering war.

    We played an online game for 8 years, Started with 1 account, at 6 month mark had 2, by the end of 1st year had 3. The game charged 10 dollars a month at the time to play, and now it's 13 plus tax. Far from the reason we stopped playing.

    Lack of Game support and caring about the problems and issues the players had, They flat out stopped caring about the player based players, and problems, issues we all had, and we just didn't really matter anymore.

    Ok so, figure we had our accounts on 6 month billing cycle,one a month over the 6 months, to get a discount. the 7th account we used as needed billed monthly.

    If we decide to play here, the willingness is there to spend that say 30 a month for 2 accounts.

    With spending that 30 a month to buy zen instead of paying to play, we could easy in a few short months have everything there is to have, and full inventory/bank exspansions for every character, even the veno pet sacks exspanded.

    We live pay to pay and since we stopped playing the other game, we have bought new vehicles, so our budget is about 30 a month to pay to play something. I have been looking for a year, my husband only the last few months. I think we found it, PW. But with the zen system being bonk.. my husband changed his mind about downloading, said he will when and if it's ever fixed.

    Ok... why do I disagree with price change?

    Lets say we go out once a month, to dinner and a movie.
    we have children, to go out we would need to easy pay a sitter 20-30 dollars, to baby sit. Dinner at a resturant cost us the last time we went out, $40 with tip. Movie prices are average $14 to $17.

    So just going out one night a month lesser prices, and lets skip a sit down dinner and go to McD's, value meals super sized!!. 13 dollars... LOL!!! Lets do it in the afternoon, so cheaper movie prices.

    13 for McD's, 20 for a sitter, and $20 for movie. $53 dollars, and that's no pop corn or munchies. Reality? Movie $33, munchies $15, Dinner $40, sitter $30 for easy 5 to 11 pm. That's one evening, comes and goes... say 5 or 6 hours with travel of time doing something $118, lets not forget the 4 bucks a gallon gas... so add $200 for gas.. LOL.

    So buying zen at 20 dollars a pop, I do not see as "to much" I think more people will be willing to sit at home and become game drones, and online game zombies LOL, like you know we all are. They will be at home, bored not able to afford going out.. play a free game, and not have a problem dropping 20 bucks here and there to increase the enjoyment of the game, when it was 80 or 100 a month to go out for a few hours of fun, Now? even if they drop 20 bucks a month, that'll be nothing.

    How many $20 dollars would it take to buy everything? Well I figured it out the 2 characters I play all the time would cost me $30 to hae everything I want for them. Full exspansions of banks, and inventory. so I tried to spend 30 today, and ya read that thread.

    Point is, in a month I would prob send another 20, with in 2 or 3 months, I would have full list of characters, one of everything, full exspanded banks, back packs, pet sack on my veno. Everything I "want" from the zen store. As well as with in 6 months, the same for my husbands account (if he decides to play). Plus we would probably have a ton of gold left over for anything new that came along we would want to get.

    I was actually thinking today.. I wonder if it is possible, could we have another "great" depression? and what exactly was so great about it? If we do? what does it mean? But that's not for these forums.. LOL
  • Kahlan - Heavens Tear
    Kahlan - Heavens Tear Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I understand your perspective, but wait til you are higher level to decide the value of Zen. If you use charms, you'll be going through 1 or 2 (mp and hp) per hour. you may have a different perspective on the value then.

    At low levels, below 50-60, I agree. Zen goes a long way... it changes dramatically later.
  • Kingofhearts - Heavens Tear
    Kingofhearts - Heavens Tear Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Kind of ironic, we are in a financial crisis, banks are failing, stock markets down, major unsettlement..and we're talking about the prices for virtual "stuff" in an online game.
    I want the Dam Gas Prices to be lower and food to cost less! Someone write some letters like this to the oil companies! Stuff that we really can't live without and have to pay thru the nose for. Cheaper gas and food and we could afford more zen...:)
    "there is still much to be done"
  • lunarosa
    lunarosa Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    besides, i will say maybe not change the price of zen. i dont mind the 20 dollars a month here or there. it is more the price of the cash shop items that is the killer. it would seem to make more sense to want to get people to spend more then just the 20 dollars a month by having the items lower priced so they want to (for example) by outfits for the whole family and not just 1 person, 1 month at a time. . . does that make sense?

    the zen price. . .bleh. typical for most US/ International games i have come to see now. but the prices of the items sold on the shop. . .that would be better lowered.

    and sorry, but no. 20 dollars would not be enough for you to have full expansion for you veno or the bank/ inventory for your characters. 3 dollars for each row of slots for inventory, as well as 2 dollars per pet cage and bank row. . .20 dollars wont got far.. . .you wouldnt even get to the clothes. . or a mount (if interested in one that is).

    lol, would be a few 20 dollars to get full expansion for 2 characters, plus veno pets. and the the few 20 dollars the higher lvls have to spend on things like charms and such. . .cuz potions just dont cut it too well after a while.

    and i mean sheesh. . .50 dollars. . .for a frikin mount?? that is outrageous. . .what is the point? i mean does it fly? does it give you additional exp??? personally. . for me to spend 50 dollars on any one item in a game. . that item better be able to auto lvl me, give me increased everything, do my taxes, mow my lawn, and maybe even do some house keeping too
  • lunarosa
    lunarosa Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Kind of ironic, we are in a financial crisis, banks are failing, stock markets down, major unsettlement..and we're talking about the prices for virtual "stuff" in an online game.
    I want the Dam Gas Prices to be lower and food to cost less! Someone write some letters like this to the oil companies! Stuff that we really can't live without and have to pay thru the nose for. Cheaper gas and food and we could afford more zen...:)

    lmao, tru on there too. . lets write away. . . .only problem. . as with most things. . .getting those that are getting the money in their pockets to care.

    (srry bout the double post did not see your post till i had sent the other one)
  • geegeetee
    geegeetee Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    well hun, heres to hoping I make it that far!! LOL

    *passes a wine glass of ice tea for a toast*
  • lunarosa
    lunarosa Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    oooooo, yummy.
    <<< loves tea, lol
  • Caeria - Heavens Tear
    Caeria - Heavens Tear Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I agree with you Kahlan. Im a high school student taking Economics. And so far from what I heard and learn so far, things wil take a BIG fall if something isnt done soon (Damit congress stop trying to bail out the big guys and help US out here). PWI needs to lower prices in cash shop. Lower prices = more spending = eployees being payed more = more money expenditure that will help bring up the economy, the stock market, and businesses that will help us out of this recession. With things going back up to normal less people will be fire/layoff, wages cut, houses going into foreclousure, less competition on getting jobs, more loans being issued, and etc.

    Even this is only a little bit, but it will go a long ways to help things get back into shape. If it keeps on going like this things will slowly go backt to the way it was without government intervention.
    Siggy by Santacruz
  • Tomiko - Heavens Tear
    Tomiko - Heavens Tear Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I agree with you Kahlan. Im a high school student taking Economics. And so far from what I heard and learn so far, things wil take a BIG fall if something isnt done soon (Damit congress stop trying to bail out the big guys and help US out here). PWI needs to lower prices in cash shop. Lower prices = more spending = eployees being payed more = more money expenditure that will help bring up the economy, the stock market, and businesses that will help us out of this recession. With things going back up to normal less people will be fire/layoff, wages cut, houses going into foreclousure, less competition on getting jobs, more loans being issued, and etc.

    Even this is only a little bit, but it will go a long ways to help things get back into shape. If it keeps on going like this things will slowly go backt to the way it was without government intervention.

    >.> They already know that~ but they're blind enough to ignore it~

    instead of giving us Events and stupid overpriced Shop items, they should rush solving problem with the cash shop~

    problem is, people keeps buying on cash shop even if it's overpriced~ these devs won't do anything unless Cash shop buyers stop buying~

    They won't start changing things unless there are still people buying those CS items~ period.
  • Caeria - Heavens Tear
    Caeria - Heavens Tear Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    >.> They already know that~ but they're blind enough to ignore it~

    instead of giving us Events and stupid overpriced Shop items, they should rush solving problem with the cash shop~

    problem is, people keeps buying on cash shop even if it's overpriced~ these devs won't do anything unless Cash shop buyers stop buying~

    They won't start changing things unless there are still people buying those CS items~ period.

    Well they've should've seen the profit they made during the charm sales compared to charms being sold at the regular $2.50 ea. for Silvers. Well i see what you mean but still people will still buy the expensive stuff in the shops if they can afford it like you just said. As for the snakes not many people will buy it. I know i wont buy it or the mounts with real money. Cant affored it either in game since im no good w/ buy/sell. Most of my money right now is going to upgrading to skills. instead of teleporting everywhere im using my polar bear that my friend gave to me as an early b-day present to travel.
    Siggy by Santacruz
  • lunarosa
    lunarosa Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    >.> They already know that~ but they're blind enough to ignore it~

    instead of giving us Events and stupid overpriced Shop items, they should rush solving problem with the cash shop~

    problem is, people keeps buying on cash shop even if it's overpriced~ these devs won't do anything unless Cash shop buyers stop buying~

    They won't start changing things unless there are still people buying those CS items~ period.

    i completely agree. people want a difference in the prices, then stop buying and supporting them. tell anyone who cares enough to listen. dont buy and they will have to lower the prices or loose the game. when people work together, much more gets accomplished.
  • Kahlan - Heavens Tear
    Kahlan - Heavens Tear Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I agree with you Kahlan. Im a high school student taking Economics. And so far from what I heard and learn so far, things wil take a BIG fall if something isnt done soon (Damit congress stop trying to bail out the big guys and help US out here). PWI needs to lower prices in cash shop. Lower prices = more spending = eployees being payed more = more money expenditure that will help bring up the economy, the stock market, and businesses that will help us out of this recession. With things going back up to normal less people will be fire/layoff, wages cut, houses going into foreclousure, less competition on getting jobs, more loans being issued, and etc.

    Even this is only a little bit, but it will go a long ways to help things get back into shape. If it keeps on going like this things will slowly go backt to the way it was without government intervention.

    Sadly we can't blame Congress, and worse is that we need them to bail us out. The problems were not caused by big business or corporate greed. The current US crisis is caused by consumer greed, by wanton use of credit cards, by lack of savings, and by poor economic decisions.

    People have mortgaged their lives and their futures for instant gratification. They live in homes they can't afford, buy luxuries at the expense of finanacial security, and then become mystified by the chaos caused by poor decisions. If people learned to live within their means and to save money insetad of spending $1.20 for every $1 theye arned, this crisis would not exists.

    Do corporations have some part of the guilt for offering credit too easily? Sure they do, to the same extent a crack dealer is responsible for offering you crack. Nobody forces anyone to take credit, or to use it, or to not pay their bills.

    It's easier for all political parties to blame "big business" than to point the finger at the American people. "Big business" doesn't vote in November. I'm not running for political office... yet... so I have nothing to lose by stating the truth. Consumers are to blame and big business reaps huge profits because we let them, we give it to them, we beg them to take it.

    I can look at my list of debts and then look at my balance in savings and know whose fault it is if I struggle. it's juste asier to blame someone else. If youw ere in my economics class, you'ld hear the truth.. I hope you hear it in the one you're in.
  • toshiya
    toshiya Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    lunarosa wrote: »
    i completely agree. people want a difference in the prices, then stop buying and supporting them. tell anyone who cares enough to listen. dont buy and they will have to lower the prices or loose the game. when people work together, much more gets accomplished.

    right on...POWER TO THE PEOPLE!!!! :P
    it shocks me how devs cant understand if prices lower=ALOT more ppl buy its soo simple even a little child can figure it out:eek:
  • Caeria - Heavens Tear
    Caeria - Heavens Tear Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Sadly we can't blame Congress, and worse is that we need them to bail us out. The problems were not caused by big business or corporate greed. The current US crisis is caused by consumer greed, by wanton use of credit cards, by lack of savings, and by poor economic decisions.

    People have mortgaged their lives and their futures for instant gratification. They live in homes they can't afford, buy luxuries at the expense of finanacial security, and then become mystified by the chaos caused by poor decisions. If people learned to live within their means and to save money insetad of spending $1.20 for every $1 theye arned, this crisis would not exists.

    Do corporations have some part of the guilt for offering credit too easily? Sure they do, to the same extent a crack dealer is responsible for offering you crack. Nobody forces anyone to take credit, or to use it, or to not pay their bills.

    It's easier for all political parties to blame "big business" than to point the finger at the American people. "Big business" doesn't vote in November. I'm not running for political office... yet... so I have nothing to lose by stating the truth. Consumers are to blame and big business reaps huge profits because we let them, we give it to them, we beg them to take it.

    I can look at my list of debts and then look at my balance in savings and know whose fault it is if I struggle. it's juste asier to blame someone else. If youw ere in my economics class, you'ld hear the truth.. I hope you hear it in the one you're in.

    True true. Well from what my teacher said so far, it seems that the world is always in "debt". Because our government has been borrowing money from other countries like China, India, and Japan as other countries borrow from us. To me it seems like its never ending. I always pay my debts back to whoever I borrow from no matter how long it takes. And I never forget those who borrow from me because I want to keep tabs on those who are trustworthy and those who are not.

    And here we go off topic a bit.
    Siggy by Santacruz
  • Kahlan - Heavens Tear
    Kahlan - Heavens Tear Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    True true. Well from what my teacher said so far, it seems that the world is always in "debt". Because our government has been borrowing money from other countries like China, India, and Japan as other countries borrow from us. To me it seems like its never ending. I always pay my debts back to whoever I borrow from no matter how long it takes. And I never forget those who borrow from me because I want to keep tabs on those who are trustworthy and those who are not.

    And here we go off topic a bit.

    That's ok, I made the thread, feel free to go off topic.

    Here's more truth, watch how many people violently agree or disagree.. odds are I will **** someone off in a big way.

    If our government, or any government borrows too much money... ask why. Why could we possibly need so much money? The truth is that some of it is waste.. more and more of it is waste, however, that's ot the real culprit, that's only the scapegoat.

    The real demon is that we give out too many handouts. Too many free meals and free rides to people who can, but refuse to work because they don't have to. Political parties buy votes by promising handouts and free money.

    "The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.
    Alexis de Tocqueville"

    This was forseen a long time ago and coming true now. I'm not against social programs for those who truly need it, but there are plenty of able-bodied people with their hands out because we have taught them that it's ok and because someone is willing to buy their vote.

    The USA will return to gretaness when it demands greatness of its people. When people take pride in what they do whether it's sweeping a street or curing cancer.. when people take responsibility for their own actions and for their own needs... then things will change.

    fortunately the majority of people still have a right to hold their head up high and only have their hands out to help someone else, but that majority is waning quickly.
  • Caeria - Heavens Tear
    Caeria - Heavens Tear Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    That's ok, I made the thread, feel free to go off topic.

    Here's more truth, watch how many people violently agree or disagree.. odds are I will **** someone off in a big way.

    If our government, or any government borrows too much money... ask why. Why could we possibly need so much money? The truth is that some of it is waste.. more and more of it is waste, however, that's ot the real culprit, that's only the scapegoat.

    The real demon is that we give out too many handouts. Too many free meals and free rides to people who can, but refuse to work because they don't have to. Political parties buy votes by promising handouts and free money.

    "The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.
    Alexis de Tocqueville"

    This was forseen a long time ago and coming true now. I'm not against social programs for those who truly need it, but there are plenty of able-bodied people with their hands out because we have taught them that it's ok and because someone is willing to buy their vote.

    The USA will return to gretaness when it demands greatness of its people. When people take pride in what they do whether it's sweeping a street or curing cancer.. when people take responsibility for their own actions and for their own needs... then things will change.

    fortunately the majority of people still have a right to hold their head up high and only have their hands out to help someone else, but that majority is waning quickly.

    All I'm gonna say is that we the Americans don't take things seriously enough especially with eduaction and stuff. I myself don't take things seriously enough but I do work hard for things. Every year I see people slacking off not doing theyre work getting F's since they don't care. Well that is gonna affect us all. We will be back to greatness when we stop taking things for granted.
    Siggy by Santacruz
  • Caeria - Heavens Tear
    Caeria - Heavens Tear Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    If we don't get our act back together soon, then China and probably India will take our "high and mighty" position. Probably we ourself might have to learn how to speak Chinese somewhere in the near future.
    Siggy by Santacruz
  • Kahlan - Heavens Tear
    Kahlan - Heavens Tear Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    If we don't get our act back together soon, then China and probably India will take our "high and mighty" position. Probably we ourself might have to learn how to speak Chinese somewhere in the near future.

    Funny you should say that. I am teaching myself Mandarin Chinese because I think in the next 10 years it will be a highly marketable skill.

    My class is studying ancient China now and when I told them I was learning Mandarin they wanted to know a few words, so I taught them and they were all over it, I only wish they liked history as much. Now we spend the last 5-10 minutes per day of class learning Chinese, but only if they get their work done.

    Funny, I used to have to bribe them with candy... who knew?
  • Caeria - Heavens Tear
    Caeria - Heavens Tear Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Funny you should say that. I am teaching myself Mandarin Chinese because I think in the next 10 years it will be a highly marketable skill.

    My class is studying ancient China now and when I told them I was learning Mandarin they wanted to know a few words, so I taught them and they were all over it, I only wish they liked history as much. Now we spend the last 5-10 minutes per day of class learning Chinese, but only if they get their work done.

    Funny, I used to have to bribe them with candy... who knew?
    Haha. Well I've always wanted to learn a little bit of Mandarin Chinese. Since I've always been intrested about China and all. Its a funny way to bribe your students I'd say.
    Siggy by Santacruz
  • bia
    bia Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I have another appeal to the developers of PW International.....please make purchasing Zen easier without having to have a phone number attached to the profile. While playing PW-MY it was so easy to obtain 'Zen" by going to They were fast and didn't require a lot of my personal information--all I had to do was pay them using my PayPal account (which is already secure).

    Identity theft is a real and growing problem. I'd like to purchase Zen, but I'm absolutely not comfortable with giving you any more of my personal data. PayPal has that already.

  • gattsuru
    gattsuru Posts: 3,184 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    And some people don't have phone numbers. >.> <.<
  • Caeria - Heavens Tear
    Caeria - Heavens Tear Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    bia wrote: »
    I have another appeal to the developers of PW International.....please make purchasing Zen easier without having to have a phone number attached to the profile. While playing PW-MY it was so easy to obtain 'Zen" by going to They were fast and didn't require a lot of my personal information--all I had to do was pay them using my PayPal account (which is already secure).

    Identity theft is a real and growing problem. I'd like to purchase Zen, but I'm absolutely not comfortable with giving you any more of my personal data. PayPal has that already.


    Well there is that Ultimate Gamers card where you can get at places like Rite-Aid and 7-11. All you need to go there w/ $20 and it has a pin number that you can use on the back to charge your account.
    Siggy by Santacruz
  • Jin_nique - Heavens Tear
    Jin_nique - Heavens Tear Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    WOOOT! So well written. If they DO reduce cost of ZEN by 50%, I will definitely spend money to buy ZEN. But with prices as they are now, no way they'll be making MY money! Man. The last MMO I played, you could buy 10,000 cash points with SG$10. And it wasn't like all the items costed millions of cash points. In fact, you could buy a gd few items with, say, 20,000. Thing is PWI is a lot better than that MMO, but it would become A LOT A LOT better if they were to adopt the same business plan as the aforementioned MMO. Anyone feeling me?
    You can take the soldier out of the fight,
    but you can't take the fight outta the soldier!
