Suggestion Compilation

witcher Posts: 88 Arc User
edited January 2009 in Suggestion Box
So I put together a quick list of a few things that have been suggested so far. I only went through the first 7 pages, and pulled out everything that I was able to find. Hope this helps with suggestions you may have, and limit the repeat suggestions. Please bear with me, this is a work in progress.

Cash Shop Eye Glasses
Combat Auto Targeting (Tab)
Control Rebind Keys
Control Invert Mouse Option
Control Quick 180’ Camera Spin Key Function
Control Monster Priority Over Top Windows
Control Ability To Cancel Buffs By Clicking On Them
Display Zoom Out More
Display Server Clock – Let Us Know What Time It Is On The Server
Display Mini-Map Enlarge Option
Display Higher Resolution Windowed Mode
Display Top Window Size Reduction
Display Turn Off Chat
Display More Camera Settings
Display Co-ordinates On The Map
Display Ability To See Another Characters Level When Clicking On Them
Display Visible Timers On Buffs
Display Visible Buff Level
Emotes Embrace Format / Etc
Factions Guild Bank
Factions Increase Slogan/Information Space – Don’t Have Spaces Count?
Factions Guild Level Refresh With Out Logging In/Out
Factions Owned Territory Building Options – Guilds able to create additional buildings (Perhaps using already existing buildings turning them into Guild House / Casino / etc
Forum Art Forum
Forum Chat Room
Forum Trade Forum
Forum Game Guide - Items Explained, Full Map (Interactive?)
GM Specific Report Options – Spam, Gold Selling
Items Armor Model Changes – Dyes, Looks, Etc
Items Element Powder / Element Dust Name Change
Items Recipe List For Professions While Not At The NPC
Items Mattock to Pick Axe Name Change
Items ‘Cursed’ Items – i.e. +200 MP -100 HP
Items Crafting Items Increase
Materials Resource Node Timer Increase / More Resource Nodes
Materials Fishing for Pet Food/Quests/Selling
Movement Auto Run
Movement Strafe Options
Movement Sprint At The Cost Of Chi
NPC Decompose At All NPC (All Types - Not Specific To Each NPC)
NPC Mold NPC Specific Mold Titles For All Molds
NPC Teleport NPC Reduced Teleport Costs
NPC Materials NPC Have an NPC That Sells Crafting Mats – Limited Number On A Refresh Timer
NPC Potion NPC Reduced Potion Costs
NPC Auction NPC Auction House Revamp – More User Friendly
Personal Shop Title Length Increase
Player Show Total Time Played / Time Played During This Log In / Time Used To Level Up
Player Helmets / Cloaks Visible
Player Meditate While Flying
Player Increased Regen While Meditating
Player Cross Class / Class Change Options
Player Moving Auto Attack
Player More Character Creation Options
Player Different Untamed Were Forms
Player Venomancer Taming Requirements Aside from Level – i.e. Resources Needed For Specific Mobs
Player Faster Character Delete
PlayerPVP Reputation – Gain Rep For Killing Other People
Player‘Rested’ XP – While Logged Out In Town You Gain ‘Rested’ XP = 1.5XP Per Kill
Skill Town Portal Time Reduce
Skill Skills Should Not Override High Item Buffs
Skill Ability To Carry Anyone Regardless Of Gender
Quest Puzzle / Trivia Quests – To Take Away From Classic ****/Slash/Collect Quests
Quest Detailed Quest Description / Coordinates
Quest Increased Monster Population
Territory War Time Change To Suit More People In Different Time Zones
Territory War Fix Treasure Event
World Increased Content Or Continents
World Fixed Timed Events (Corrected Times They Start Server vs. Time Zone)
World Name Changes For Cities
World Personal Houses
World More Events - Weekly / Bi-Weekly / Monthly
Lead me not into temptation... I can find that myself
Post edited by witcher on


  • gardune
    gardune Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Bravo, I'm sure the GMs will notice this. If they are working on some of the stuff we are talking about here, it would be nice to know and possibly a time table fro when it might be completed.
  • tyc
    tyc Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I second this. A few on the list is something that concerns me. Slogan title length...maybe add Guild Information...something that we can put spaces in? and guild banks!
  • witcher
    witcher Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    There we go! All set! Sorry about the lack of items all night :(

    Tried to update the list last night and it cleared the whole post, and the save file was here at work.

    If there is anything you think I should add, please send me a Priv. Message here on the forums, or send me an ingame mail to Sacrifice (Lost City)

    Lead me not into temptation... I can find that myself
  • yuchau10
    yuchau10 Posts: 7
    edited September 2008
    we should be given the option to display our helmets and capes as well.
  • witcher
    witcher Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    yuchau10 wrote: »
    we should be given the option to display our helmets and capes as well.

    It's in there :)
    Lead me not into temptation... I can find that myself
  • yuchau10
    yuchau10 Posts: 7
    edited September 2008
    wht able to meditate while ur flying?
  • Esdian - Heavens Tear
    Esdian - Heavens Tear Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I know I love this idea but most would hate it. How about an idle Time out so you can't AFK shop over night. *hates the bloody forest of stalls in West Arch* People Actually using the Trade chat + an AH thats more effect and user friendly and everything gets better. And if you can't add an idle time out at least make a setting where I can disable having to Load and render all of those stupid cats. please
  • urpem
    urpem Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    witcher wrote: »
    It's in there :)

    where is this option?
  • witcher
    witcher Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    urpem wrote: »
    where is this option?

    It's under item #38 :D
    Lead me not into temptation... I can find that myself
  • witcher
    witcher Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    yuchau10 wrote: »
    wht able to meditate while ur flying?
    And if you can't add an idle time out at least make a setting where I can disable having to Load and render all of those stupid cats. please

    Added to the list!
    Lead me not into temptation... I can find that myself
  • News - Heavens Tear
    News - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    There is one suggestion I made in a thread you might've missed... Since the GMs are not exactly showing us that they're reading all of these, maybe they should high Community Reps as a "go between" that troll these threads finding GOOD suggestions and communicating with the GMs about them and then responding on their behalf. Alot of other MMO's do this in various ways and this would sortof help let the GMs/Devs do what they need to do.
  • michuzen
    michuzen Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Nice job done, it helps to get all the suggested changes in 1 thread and in a simplified version.

    Gratz on the patience to do it :P
  • witcher
    witcher Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    michuzen wrote: »
    Nice job done, it helps to get all the suggested changes in 1 thread and in a simplified version.

    Gratz on the patience to do it :P

    Work + Free Time = Compilation :):D
    Lead me not into temptation... I can find that myself
  • witcher
    witcher Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I'm still adding to the list - keep em coming guys!
    Lead me not into temptation... I can find that myself
  • witcher
    witcher Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    As we've already reached 75+ Suggestions, can we get a 'Sticky'
    Lead me not into temptation... I can find that myself
  • dvorak
    dvorak Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    witcher wrote: »
    As we've already reached 75+ Suggestions, can we get a 'Sticky'

    sure thing.

    looks good. very nice list.

    If for whatever reason you decide to stop updating for a week or two this thread will most likely be unstickied so please keep us updated is you're going to be AFK for an extended period.

    Follow me on twitter:
  • witcher
    witcher Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    dvorak wrote: »
    sure thing.

    looks good. very nice list.

    If for whatever reason you decide to stop updating for a week or two this thread will most likely be unstickied so please keep us updated is you're going to be AFK for an extended period.

    Will do, ty Dvorak:D
    Lead me not into temptation... I can find that myself
  • Zeke_wolf - Heavens Tear
    Zeke_wolf - Heavens Tear Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    witcher you copy cat :P

    Regardless I would like to see some things added to the list.
    Player Non Gender Based Classes for the untamed
    Player The ability for Male to Carry Males
    Player Pet Naming
    Player More Customization options for the male untamed
    Player Shields for tanks (add to armor and resistances)
    Player Untamed races have transformations of their own race (wolf to wolf tiger to tiger ect (maybe even for the females))
    Player Auto run
    Guild Some form of guild tagging that would not be a copy write infringement(tabards or some such)
    Guild More available letters for naming of guilds
    System Add in-game "Report a bug" option
    Forum List of changes made, systems implemented, and up coming changes

    Ty if ya can and if you don
  • Dannlyn - Lost City
    Dannlyn - Lost City Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    witcher you copy cat :P

    Regardless I would like to see some things added to the list.
    Player Non Gender Based Classes for the untamed
    Player The ability for Male to Carry Males
    Player Pet Naming
    Player More Customization options for the male untamed
    Player Shields for tanks (add to armor and resistances)
    Player Untamed races have transformations of their own race (wolf to wolf tiger to tiger ect (maybe even for the females))
    Player Auto run
    Guild Some form of guild tagging that would not be a copy write infringement(tabards or some such)
    Guild More available letters for naming of guilds
    System Add in-game "Report a bug" option
    Forum List of changes made, systems implemented, and up coming changes

    Ty if ya can and if you don

    and maybe females to carry females too?? ^_^
    // Dannlyn, Wizard of Lost City Server //
    // Night_Tenjo, Blademaster of Lost City Server //

    "I will move Heaven just to be with you... because I promised you."
  • cesco
    cesco Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Can be added a little feature on character attributes to specify the modified attributes by the equipment as the link below:

    What do u think about it?
    Look for this feature to add to the compilation
  • Dannlyn - Lost City
    Dannlyn - Lost City Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    very good. this should definitely be implemented :>
    // Dannlyn, Wizard of Lost City Server //
    // Night_Tenjo, Blademaster of Lost City Server //

    "I will move Heaven just to be with you... because I promised you."
  • necroreaver
    necroreaver Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I know I love this idea but most would hate it. How about an idle Time out so you can't AFK shop over night. *hates the bloody forest of stalls in West Arch* People Actually using the Trade chat + an AH thats more effect and user friendly and everything gets better. And if you can't add an idle time out at least make a setting where I can disable having to Load and render all of those stupid cats. please

    idk or care about what the other ppl think on this topic but the whole reason for an AH is so ppl dont sit and spam about them selling things, but there is a chat channel for that i believe, the shops cause lag especially on older computers and bad connections, but some shops are way outside of town by quest givers that need items, tho its nice to have themi would say the sea of shops makes it not worth it, plus the AH is dry u mite as well take it out, so ill aggre put an idle SHOP time out cuz idle players dont bother me and it would cause a hassle for afk peeps
  • pesta
    pesta Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    missing one of the biggest/most suggested ones. Allowing same-gender character interaction, if only being able to carry another individual of the same gender... why does carrying always have to be "romantic" it is useful too.
  • woshicar
    woshicar Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    how about the gold drop rates and skill reset ? the mobs dropped a low amount of gold for us. we have pots and other stuffs to buy.
  • smirk
    smirk Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    One thing that annoys me most about the game is when I go to open auction house or mailbox and if you do not open you backpack first, then you have to close it all out open pack then go back to auction house or mailbox.

    I like to send things to my hubby and I always forget to open my backpack before opening the mailbox.
  • Zeke_wolf - Heavens Tear
    Zeke_wolf - Heavens Tear Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    plus the AH is dry u mite as well take it out, so ill aggre put an idle SHOP time out cuz idle players dont bother me and it would cause a hassle for afk peeps

    I think that if the AH was fixed up a bit you would see a drop in the AFK shops. I think the shops are nice because they do allow people to target an audience and is a wildly recognized way to shop in a f2pmmo, but I think if the AH did get some changes like a better search (or items in categories that make sense). Either way I would like to see the AH used more often it would allow for economy to really become part of the game. Also i don't feel that a afk timer on shops should be implemented that would just hurt the economy over all.
  • Raveneye - Heavens Tear
    Raveneye - Heavens Tear Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Not sure if someone posted this or not but I'd love to see npc locations map (M key and then zoomed in version) especially in Archosaur! That would be fab!
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]"'Tis better to be silent and to be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt." - Abraham Lincoln
  • bron
    bron Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I've got some.

    Make Quick Edit not return an error. The edit works, but it doesn't automatically refresh your post like other forums with this feature.
    Make character portraits "steal" looks from your character to actually update like they do with levels. Doesn't sound too complicated to program.
    Themes for the forum other than black and orange.
    Changing your nickname.
    Allow editing posts made with a another name without switching to that name.

    Allow tracking floor resources on the minimap. You can already see monsters and players, so why not resources?
    Allow minimap to have tooltips for players, monsters, and resources when moused over the dot.
    Allow clicking on tracked player, monster, or resource to go to that location. Player would either be attacked (PK Sword mode if both have it on) or you'd just go to where they are if not.

    All I got for now.

    Btw, Raven, you can track NPCs using the Coordinate Assistant, or didn't you know that? It's they only way I get around Archo ADC, actually.
    Proud Pre-Launch CO and Pre-Launch STO Lifetime Subscriber.
  • wicksta
    wicksta Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Perfect World needs antidote potions,

    or items that make you resist poison

    or immune to poison.

    a spirit skill reset item needs to become available in the boutique

    Also a quest requires you to visit Blacksmith Tang in Archosaur, the person to turn the quest into is Blacksmith Teng.

    Also, theres is a quest that is called Pld Soldier but the npc is Old Soldier. I
    believe that is a typo as well.

    A few quests also lack coordinates to use on the coordinate system.

    In the anglers village there is a soldier feng i believe you have to talk to but a quest refers to him as General Feng
  • wicksta
    wicksta Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    When i was beginning to manufacture items all went well at first. But then i tried to smith level 2 items. I didn't get experience. I tied making materials. I did not realize that It needs to say the item requires blacksmith level 2 to advance.

    After much item waste and aggravation i realized to gain level 2 xp i need to smith Blacksmith Level two ites which may or may not be an equipment level or 2. If we could get that all clarified so new players and other players that want to craft that would be great.
This discussion has been closed.