Suggestion Compilation



  • ashfirestrawn
    ashfirestrawn Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    i think there should aso be a Writers Forum, somthing were you can build storys related to yoru character and what not

    I second that one! That would be great!

    Well, thye say that the Wraiths may be able to possess someone, but they corrupt everything around them. So, what happens to corrupted members of either race? The models wouldn't need that much of a difference and maybe a series of quests to 'purify' the corruption and join the 'pure' races, and maybe a series of quests to become corrupted and join the wraith side.

    Sort of like the same thing SOE did with EQ2. The city you belonged too had an Alignment, and your class could change based on what alignment you were. For example:

    Paladin for good
    Shadowknight(necromancer/warrior) for evil.

    It's a very good system(and the quests involved very little combat, there was a lot of 'go here, do this, talk to that guy, go there, talk to that girl...etc...etc)

    But...thats just my two cents.
  • Dyehachi - Heavens Tear
    Dyehachi - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I would like to see an option to turn on my cloths/armor peace by peace, such as i might have a shirt i like but want to show off the boots of my armor, and i didnt see female barbs/male veno options on the list
  • wayne1337
    wayne1337 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I would love to see all of the list added to the game it would make it so much better especially the re keying the keyboard and the npc on zoomed in map.
    Not sure if someone posted this or not but I'd love to see npc locations map (M key and then zoomed in version) especially in Archosaur! That would be fab!
  • fiann
    fiann Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    priv stash 4 xferring between chars > account stash items etc ??
  • Sereniama - Heavens Tear
    Sereniama - Heavens Tear Posts: 211 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Add Highscores to the list.

    Sou Sou Moutoku = The most badass **** in Anime History. Never diss Kohime Musou or die.
  • Frostbyte - Heavens Tear
    Frostbyte - Heavens Tear Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I gotta agree with the male/female thing for barb/veno. Both should be available for both.

    And come on.. is no one else wanting to push marriage benefits?? Its kind of a rip off that so many people have gotten married hoping for marriage benefits, when we've gotten zero.

    PW malaysia has'em, let us have'em.
  • enricodandolo
    enricodandolo Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    All the other classes have wonderful character creation options, including the venomancer, but the UB is really suffering. Now I'm not shooting for a full revamp as that would take a lot of time and effort, but I do have a suggestion for a fix that would be relatively simple. A skin color like template in singular for the wolf and tiger forms to change their fur color and in dual for both the lion (skin and hair) and the panda (one each for the starting black and white fur color). Now if you wanted to add something more complicated also, I would like to say maybe an option for inclusion of scars in the CC for the UB with the hair/eye color template and maybe a tattoo option using the skin color template; but tattoo and scar options are much less important to me.

    I think the simple color changing options would really contribute to the enjoyment of a nice tank class, as well as obviously giving more of a variety to them.

    As far as Auction House goes, beyond the already stated and popular search by cate, rareity, and price range options, it would be great to have an Auction button in the Invitory to allow posting of items in the field as well as being able to check on the status of your current postings.
  • blo0dyyay
    blo0dyyay Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    How about making a link to the thread where you took the idea's from for further information on the subject
  • Rroa - Sanctuary
    Rroa - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Well done witcher. The GM's have definitely taken notice of your efforts, as when I emailed them about the targeting (tab) complaint, they directed me to your post. So for anyone else reading this, no need to pester the GM's with something on witcher's list, cause they've read it.
  • Roto - Heavens Tear
    Roto - Heavens Tear Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I would love it if venos and barbs could choose the animal they changed give the veno the option of maybe a cat or deer, and the barb a panda and wolf.
    "Hey, I don't make the rules, I just twist them to my purpose." -Celia (Order Of The Stick)
  • ssupermatch
    ssupermatch Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Has there been any news about the upgrades listed? Such as inverting the mouse, and making the powers on the number keys instead the function keys?
    Still don't mind useing the F1-F12 for hot key uses.
  • DEATHGODZ - Sanctuary
    DEATHGODZ - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    just wish other classes could at least have 1 or 2 pet..besides the horse
  • iceiehot
    iceiehot Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    there aslo needs to be auto follow that will not stop when u cast a spell on ur friend as u follow up above them...<Flying>
  • Zaraki_Kun - Heavens Tear
    Zaraki_Kun - Heavens Tear Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Check out my threads on Multi-Classing please,I think its a good Idea ^^
  • Kniraven - Lost City
    Kniraven - Lost City Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Please add that lava should hurt people at least (if not instantly kill them) when stepped on... >_< ty.
  • Amiris - Sanctuary
    Amiris - Sanctuary Posts: 1,167 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Last Activity: 09-13-2008 01:41 PM

    Don't expect him to update that list.
    If I ever have the time and patience to do so, I'll see if I can compile a new list.
    Credit to Symour for the signature.
    Amiris is my forum character. My actual main is Andralia.
    1,000 posts as of 10/01/09, which was also my birthday!
  • Klath - Sanctuary
    Klath - Sanctuary Posts: 437 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Has there been any news about the upgrades listed? Such as inverting the mouse, and making the powers on the number keys instead the function keys?
    Still don't mind useing the F1-F12 for hot key uses.
    You can use 1-6 as hotkeys too, and it got 3 more sub-tabs (24 keys total).
    just wish other classes could at least have 1 or 2 pet..besides the horse
    Do the pet manager quests.

    Quest 1: 20 hay or 1 cage
    Quest 2: 50 fruit or 1 cage
    Quest 3: 100 fungus or 1 cage
  • Najila - Sanctuary
    Najila - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Do the pet manager quests.

    Quest 1: 20 hay or 1 cage
    Quest 2: 50 fruit or 1 cage
    Quest 3: 100 fungus or 1 cage

    He means be able to USE a pet as a non-venomancer I assume.

    My own two cents- it would be awesome if they expanded the minimap monster toggle option- meaning, have a toggle for air, land and water monsters. I can't tell you how annoying it is trying to keep track of land spawns when the air monsters nearby keep moving around.
  • miago
    miago Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    just wish other classes could at least have 1 or 2 pet..besides the horse

    you can have more then one pet

    everyone has a pet have to upgrade you cage to hold more

    I do like the auto targetting tab idea

    but would that fix the problem of healing your oponent?

    generally it happens like this...they attack portrait pops up ....I heal them escape heal myself...try to click them and we start fighting or I'm dead other skills like plume shell and stuff happen but generally I either heal them OR I don't have them targeted any more and heal myself.

    as for TW. maybe there could be times that are up for grabs as well as the bidding.

    for example

    TW is btw 8-12pm server time
    maybe when you bid you can also pick a time best for your faction

    it would also make it harder for 1 faction to hold alot of TWs

    unless the ultimate goal is to have a WARLORDS kinda thing which could be the case I'm sure any faction would love to own the whole map.

    so yeah I'm not suggesting to change the times...just let the factions pick the best day times for them. if they win the bid...or let the defenders pick the times...either way the person picking the times would have the advantage.

    thanks for reading this :-)
  • kope
    kope Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    At least read the Highlighted part please thanks,

    Hmm...well I put in a ticket for some of this stuff as well.
    They refered me to these forums.

    I usually don't get to involved with forums unless I'm in Beta, then I go to the forums a lot.
    There is a lot of stuff that I could add to this conversation. However, I'm sure that if I did. It might be too long of a post that no one would read.

    There are some things that I see that you have listed like invert mouse that is already in the game. Such as:

    Movement Strafe Options

    Control Invert Mouse Option (well I'm not to sure about this one I may be getting it confused with being able to invert the zoom)

    Furthermore, as you have mentioned some other things that I was thinking, and some that I really did not think about. Maybe we need to specify what really needs to be put in first. Rather than give a list of things that really can be done without...although we would really like to have them. Such as:

    Player Housing - Sure I would love to have this, this would be great! But, I can do without it. It's not something that is driving me crazy every time I log on to play.

    Same with Guild Banks- You can always make a dummy character for the guild and have people mail all the items to him/her. This can be worked around...But yes I agree at some point it should be added. Just not first.

    I'd say the most pressing thing for me at the moment is:

    Either a Tab Targeting needs to be added...
    Or, at the very least the ability to turn off click to move and an Auto-Run feature put in to off-set the benefit of click to move.

    Cause really, the only benefit I get out of click to the fact that it can be used as an "Auto-Run" feature.

    I have a real issue with click to move. Reason being, is because if I'm trying to click on an NPC or a MOB to target it, and I miss click, I take off running in a direction that I do not want to be running in. Possibly into another MOB.

    I know that some people like click to move, so that's why I say leave it in for those. But Please give others the option to disable it.

    The best course of action would be to:
    1.) add an "Auto-Targeting/Tab Targeting" Feature.
    2.) add the ability to disable "Click-to-Move".
    3.) add an "Auto-Run" feature.

    If I had my choice of what I wanted them to put in the game first. This would by far be it.

    Moving on,

    Second in line is The ability to Bind Hot Keys to functions that do not currently have Hot keys...such as the other hot bars. I'd be happy if I could at least hold down the Alt or Shift key and press the same key in conjunction with it to produce the HotKey Effect. It would be even better if I could individually map each key to what I want it to be.

    What I'm asking for here is Key Bindings...We don't has them. b:chuckle

    Thus far I know that I'm not asking anything out of context that can't be expected to be done. Most of the other games that I've played has them. This should be some pretty easy add-ons.

    Moving on,

    The chat system. I'm used to using / commands. No big deal I can get used to using the symbols...its awkward but I can manage. But if it is at all possible to change this format up to common /commands such as /time, /servertime, /who [player name], /f [for faction chat], /t for [trade chat], /dance, /bow, /cry, so on and so forth.

    Yes I know, this is actually two things but they are really linked together as the command to execute the emotes has always been done through typing a slash command in most games that I've played.

    But the biggest "Pet-Peeve" of mine by far with the chatting system. Is the fact that I can't hit a key to reply to the last person that I talked to. I usually map this key to the [backspace] key. Example: you send me a tell. I can hit the backspace to reply back to you. What it does is automatically enter the /[your name] into the chat box to where all I have to do is start typing. Also the server time command is usually part of the /commands that I'm talking about.

    These are really the biggest things that are bothering me while playing the game. Making it somewhat uncomfortable to enjoy a smooth gaming experience, like I have in most other games.

    I really believe these features should be added first...along with some others that might be of more importance to others. Like the Max Resolution level and such.

    What I'm saying is we should prioritize what should be worked on first. Other wise listing a long list of things are just going to focus their attention on too many different things at once.

    And possibly adding things like new emotes...before adding the things that would really be more desirable.

    Aside from that, there are a few bugs that are bothering me too.
    At least I assume they are bugs. When I open up a window like say the Quest Log Window. If I don't click on anything like Track All Quests, then I can close that window back out by pressing [ESC]. But if I click on something such as Track All Quests, I can not close the window out by pressing the [ESC] Button anymore.

    But yes, I did see a lot of things in this list that I would like to see. Kudos to the list maker!

    Player Houses would be really nice

    At least one or two more forms for Untamed would be really cool too.

    I have also seen some really cool looking pets that I'd like to tame, but can't.
    Like the flying dragons around Heavens Tear, and the really cool looking Black and Red Spiders around Hidden Orchid. I'm sure there are more.

    Sprinting at the cost of Chi would be nice...but it might not jive real good with the fact that some classes were not meant to sprint unless buffed by a group member or something. The reason I'm saying this is because some classes have the sprint buff. I don't know if there is a class that can actually put it on someone else...but there are also charms that can be made from the herbs gathered in the essentially this is really already in the game. I would suggest taking up the Apothecary skill and making you some sprint pots. Or you could buy them from someone. I really don't mean to shoot this idea down. But when the devs see it that's probably what they will say.

    The character limit is a little short in a lot of areas. I can see it being limited in open channels such as World to make you spend more Telecoustic's, or in the normal or guild chat even as to reduce spamming. But really this just promotes spamming. As it will look like spam if someone has a lot to say. They will have to make a lot of transmissions to get it all out. And the character limit on the shops, guilds, may be too short as well. This brings to mind that possibly a character Bios window could be made too.

    About the seeing the level thing. I'm good with that. But it would be nice to see levels. I can come up with a really logical reason why we can't though. In another game that I played that I won't mention, you could not see the opposite factions level either, unless you were within a certain level of them. A mod came out to get around this and it upset the Game Developer. Because that was something they intended ...because of PVP purposes. Being as how there is really no faction such as GOOD and BAD that you can Swear Allegiance to that I know of, in this game virtually everyone can be your enemy. Unless they are guildmates, which you can't see your guild mates level either. This game sort of has the GuildWars PVP feel to it.

    Which brings me to another point. The guild pane. I would like to be able to see where in the gaming world (What Zone) the guild member is in. Also, think if someone is in your guild that maybe you should be able to see their level. If I'm not mistaken you can in the guild pane. But you can't if you click on their name.

    Like I said I could ramble on all night probably, but then no one will read long posts. This one is probably already too long.

    So I'll just touch on one more.

    The Teleport cost and the Auctioneer Cost I think both of these are too high. The Teleport cost really needs to be nerfed. While the Auctioneer cost may just be me. But say a new player wants to put something on the AH. New players don't have a lot of money. 500 is just a little steep for them I think. Maybe this could be scaled by level?

    Ok I'll shut up for now...b:shutup
  • aryannamage
    aryannamage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    This suggestion thread is an old one which has not been added to in a long time as the OP has not been online since September. I have made a new one which can be found here.

This discussion has been closed.