Cleric Builds

healzor Posts: 1 Arc User
edited December 2011 in Cleric
Table of Contents

1) Stats
2) Equipment
3) Skills
4) Leveling Spot - Not done yet
5) PvP - Not done yet
6) Reference
7) Useful Links (Non-English)
8) Useful Links (English)

An Overview of Stats

In PW there is a total of 4 stats, strength, dexterity, vitality and magic.

- increase attack power for melee weapon
- increase physical defense

- increase attack power for range weapon
- increase dodge
- increase accuracy
- increase critical rating (NOTE: every 20 dex give you 1% more critical rating)

- increase physical defense
- increase magical defense
- increase hp
- increase hp regeneration rate (NOTE: hp regeneration is reduced by 75% when in combat mode)

- increase magical attack power
- increase magical defense
- increase maximum mana
- increase mana regeneration rate (NOTE: Mana regeneration is reduced by 75% when in combat mode)

NOTE: There is no stats that increase attack speed/movement speed

The Build

Though there are tons of different build for a character, they are mainly classified into 3 areas - Damage Type, Tanking Type and Hybrid Type.

Damage Type

MAG STR Priest - pump your strength according to the minimum requirement for magical armor and rest of stats into magic. Leave your vit and dex at 5.

This style of priest is sort of a mimic of mage. It has extremely high nuking power. It's main weakness is hp and low def. Hence magic priest works better in party as compared to solo-ing. If a party is not present, such priest can always turn towards kiting for solo. But in PvP, players are not dumb enuff to aim the tanker instead of a MAG Priest which can be killed in 2 to 3 hits. Hence you will require equipment that adds hp (unless you are such a hardcore fan of nuking power, than go for more nuking power for ur equipment) to offset ur weakness.

PROS: High nuking power and healing power.
CONS: Low hp

Tank Type

VIT MAG STR Priest - pump your strength and intelligence according to the minimum requirement for magical armor, rest of points into vitality. leave your dex at 5.

This type of priest has the highest tanking power but at the same time has the lowest nuking/healing power. But the tanking capability is only limited to magical skill since your physical def is still extremely low, it is highly recommended to use light armor instead of magical armor for this build if archer is more common than warrior. But please note that magical armor give you bonus to moving speed (20% if not wrong) which can prove to be really effective when running from mage/warrior/beast/fox (but has no effect against archer since they run... real fast it also has no effect on a warrior that activated his sprint skill and start dashing to u like some insane guy).

PROS: High hp pool and higher physical def
CONS: low nuking power and healing power

Hybrid Type - Recommended Build

MAG VIT STR Priest - pump your strength according to the minimum requirement for magical armor, pump your magic according to the minimum requirement for magical weapon, rest of points into vitality. Leave your dex at 5.

This build grants the priest about 30 to 40% more hp pool as compared to a MAG Priest. But it also cause priest to lose about 20% nuking/healing power. But in a guild fight or PvP what is important is not ur nuking or healing power, it is to survive as long as possible and aid in the combat.

PROS and CONS: it has no pros and no cons since it is a hybrid.

Out of the 3 build, i strongly recommend the hybrid build. Reason is simply because damage is reduced by 75% when in PvP hence having a pure dmg build isn't really that wise. Considering the 2nd fact that most priest main job is not to kill in a PvP/guild war which thus reduce the advantage for having a pure dmg build.

The chart below is for the hybrid type I recommended:

how to use the chart; pump your stats to the value shown at specific levels, the levels that are displayed is the level when u can buy new equipments. obviously the icon displayed beside the levels show the equipment that can be bought. for e.g. at lvl 8, u must get ur str to 7, int to 16 and con to 27. u will be able to equip ur pants/skirt at level 8 and a weapon for level 8 too (lvl 1, 8 and 14 are quest weapon, lvl 20 also has a quest weapon which is not shown in the chart, that weapon can be used till level 30 or so).




Skill Description - this section is basically a translated version of the detailed chinese archer guide with some added information by myself

Reference,1.html?time=1186917928 (This chinese guide provide a general information of each class possible build, brief skill description and leveling spot.) (A Chinese guide with Priest skill for demon/god) (A Chinese guide with some priest information) (A chinese guide on Priest) (Japanese wiki site, great information) (Another Japanese wiki site, has lesser information compared to kanbisekai)

Useful Links (Non-English) (A french site with compilation of various information),1.html?time=1186917239 (Chinese forum topic with information abt territory war),1.html?time=1140650684 (Same as above),1.html?time=1186917708 (A guide on lvl 26 quest by Xiao Qing, quite a long and tedious quest with great rewards, give u a misc item with 1% experience bonus) (Upgrade chart on PW chinese site, shows how much dmg is increase when u upgrade certain equipment.),1.html?time=1186916991 (A post of various useful topic on forum 17173),1.html?time=1186917492 (A chinese guide on demon/god quest change)

Useful Links (English) (Perhaps the best english wiki site for PW) (The forum for the above english wiki site)

**credit goes to opelfrost
**editted status names to match PW International
Post edited by healzor on


  • healzor
    healzor Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    reserved thread
  • fissure1
    fissure1 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    healzor wrote: »
    reserved thread

    I've played on the MY version that has Int and Con and such, but i'm not sure which is Int and which is con. I know the bottom two are str and dex, But i'm not sure which is con and which is Int on the top, PWI changed it to Vit and Magic
  • cochu
    cochu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    fissure1 wrote: »
    I've played on the MY version that has Int and Con and such, but i'm not sure which is Int and which is con. I know the bottom two are str and dex, But i'm not sure which is con and which is Int on the top, PWI changed it to Vit and Magic
    Vit = Con
    Magic = INT
  • alekyene
    alekyene Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Hey, love the charts, they come in as a great help. One question though, I'm as new as it gets to this game. And having browsed the forums it seems that most guides focus on either good PVP builds or good full healing builds. I'm desperately looking for a middle road, and i think that this hybrid build is the closest I've gotten. But... my focus is 100% PVE. Does that make a differance? My dreamscenario would be that I'm able to solo the game (im not afraid of neither accepting challanges nor failing them occasionally), but I would also like to be able to join groups and not let anyone down by beeing a weak-**** healer. Hmm... any input would be greatly appreciated.
  • healzor
    healzor Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    alekyene wrote: »
    Hey, love the charts, they come in as a great help. One question though, I'm as new as it gets to this game. And having browsed the forums it seems that most guides focus on either good PVP builds or good full healing builds. I'm desperately looking for a middle road, and i think that this hybrid build is the closest I've gotten. But... my focus is 100% PVE. Does that make a differance? My dreamscenario would be that I'm able to solo the game (im not afraid of neither accepting challanges nor failing them occasionally), but I would also like to be able to join groups and not let anyone down by beeing a weak-**** healer. Hmm... any input would be greatly appreciated.

    Hybrid Build is good for that, it give you more HP to tank monster and not die at the same time it give you magic to kill and heal your self for that soloing. I solo myself with hybrid build, and it's worked out great.
  • alekyene
    alekyene Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    appreciated, ill go for that. And ill get you something nice for christmas
  • crimezone
    crimezone Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    very helpfull..thanks a lot
  • happytime
    happytime Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    ok i didnt understand much but i know enuff to get started now lol
  • bbqmassacre
    bbqmassacre Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    for the hybrid build, each level you get 5 points, what stats should i put the 5 points into each level?
  • xlovex
    xlovex Posts: 152 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    for his hybrid build, i would think, robe wearers need: 1 str 6 mag every 2 levels

    so, 1 str 6 mag 3 vit is what he wants.

    i would suggest 3 mag 2 vit on odd levels

    and 3 mag 1 str 1 vit on even levels.

    that way you're guaranteed to be able to use the best mag weapon, and the best robes.

    the main flaw with the "hybrid" build is, not only does mag affect dps, it also affects mp regen rates (though negligible in combat), max mp pool (which is a factor, full mag builds will get a few more spells in), how often your heiro ticks, how much your heiro does, and most importantly

    how much you heal.

    its my opinion that you can get enough hp from gear and hp stone socketed items, that you can spare the points into mag and go a full 1 str 9 mag build.

    its much easier to get like, +high hp, than it is to get +high mag. and clerics have one of the worst hp/vits too, i think maybe 1 vit = 10 hp?

    so by 100, you will have 150ish con, which is only 1500 more hp, while a full mag will have 150% (yes thats right, %) more damage (well bonus from equip matk).

    it all depends on what you prefer i guess. I suppose you could get a ton of vit and a ton of +hp stones, and have a buttload of hp. but i prefer a better heal.
  • laosickness
    laosickness Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    umm i don't really understand that hybrid chart...does it mean that i wont always be using the same weapon type? like lvl 1 i use sword lvl 9 or so i use wand later on a glaive like that? and btw i'm a male cleric but armour requirement is the same for male and female right?
  • Psynopsis - Heavens Tear
    Psynopsis - Heavens Tear Posts: 115 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Keep in mind that the kind of cleric most people will be searching for are magic-built clerics. If you don't like the low health, use an hp charm. Numerous players sell them in West Archosaur.
  • laosickness
    laosickness Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    hey Psynopsis how much do hp charms cost? and at what lvl do you really start to need them?
  • Jolana_Mae - Heavens Tear
    Jolana_Mae - Heavens Tear Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Out of the 3 build, i strongly recommend the hybrid build. Reason is simply because damage is reduced by 75% when in PvP hence having a pure dmg build isn't really that wise. Considering the 2nd fact that most priest main job is not to kill in a PvP/guild war which thus reduce the advantage for having a pure dmg build.
    ok healzor, u recomned this for PvP, but what out of the 3 guides u spoke of woulld u recomend for Pve
  • Psynopsis - Heavens Tear
    Psynopsis - Heavens Tear Posts: 115 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    hey Psynopsis how much do hp charms cost? and at what lvl do you really start to need them?

    Depends. On HT, Bronze is around 120k, silver around 250k, and gold 380-420k.
  • Dtone - Sanctuary
    Dtone - Sanctuary Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Personally, I would recommend a Light Armor Assault (Attack Primary, Healing Secondary, Phys Def + Mag Atk Buffs) Cleric.

    Mag +3, Str +1, Dex +1 per level.

    The philosophy behind the build is take less damage so that the HP regen/heal is more efficient rather than having more base HP. Take minimum damage with Light Armor, Plume Shell and Phys Def buff against Phys Damage, then robes and MDef Buff to minimize magic damage taken.

    Basically, this build is focused more on being able to handle 1 on 1 fights in both PvE and PvP while being able to handle multiple mobs longer with fewer heals needed.

    Recommended for advanced users.
  • Mrshifty - Sanctuary
    Mrshifty - Sanctuary Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Being a cleric that goes any way but full INT sucks period.

    HA- You take less damage from mobs. Woohoo, Because you spent points in STR and DEX that you shouldn't have you need to take less damage. And you cant heal very well besides.

    LA- Same as above, only reason you need it is the wasted stats on STR and DEX.

    Either way if you don't go "Pure" you are going to suck at healing, Pvp and Pve.
  • Dtone - Sanctuary
    Dtone - Sanctuary Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Oh, but there is a need, in fact a dire need.

    Truth of the matter is, I have absolutely no need to kite if struck by archer or mage mobs alike. I've solo'd every single boss Pre-Gouf the moment they were available with the exception of FB19 and FB29. This list includes Farng, Yansheng, Krixxix, Qingzi, Dismal Shade, Shade Eido, and many more. Unlike Full Int, I can actually take a few punches. I've survived six level 52 Tauroxes simply because I felt up to the challenge of seeing how far I can go and came out as the victor.

    As far as heals go, having full INT for only healing is a complete waste. The only EVER time I had to Ironheart Bless anyone 8 times consecutively was when we reached Jewelscalen, otherwise 3~4 Ironheart Blessings will more than do. Healing is cheap too, it takes 2 extra seconds to heal 7 times and get the same result as a full INT healing 6. That's right, at level 70 there's only a 15% difference in healing power. Of course, this is only assuming the monster hits more than 800 per second.

    And if you've read the "Full Attack Cleric" guide, even that points out Light Armor Clerics having an easier time than all of the other Clerics.

    Difference is, Light Armor Cleric doesn't have any weak points, therefore are able to do a lot more things the Full Int.

    Full Int is strong, but has some really obscene weaknesses that actually slows down and hinders progress since they might have to seek out extra help to accomplish something. They can do less things than a Light Armor Cleric, but what they can do they will do better.

    That and this is a sad but true fact. In later levels, Full INT get one shotted pretty often.

    Besides, starting at level 60, a LA Cleric can solo TT for CheinTein Swords and etc; FA Cleric has to duo until past the 100s range from what I hear and see.
  • Razon - Sanctuary
    Razon - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Should I restart if I did the hybrid build up to lvl 10?

    I like the +3 Magic +1 Str +1 Dex build

    Can I change it now at lvl 10 and not problems because of switching?

    Right now my stats are at Vit 28, Magic 25, Str 7, Dex 5
  • Nelae - Heavens Tear
    Nelae - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,490 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Read a topic from a lv80 cleric, and youll see that its best to go robe then after restat and go LA.
  • Nora - Lost City
    Nora - Lost City Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Keep in mind that the kind of cleric most people will be searching for are magic-built clerics. If you don't like the low health, use an hp charm. Numerous players sell them in West Archosaur.

    Hp charms do help esp. in HH. I do not think that most people search for magic-built clerics though.
  • masarusato
    masarusato Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    my 1st char is gonna be a hybrid cleric i guessb:victory
  • Sylvae - Sanctuary
    Sylvae - Sanctuary Posts: 1,018 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Besides, starting at level 60, a LA Cleric can solo TT for CheinTein Swords and etc; FA Cleric has to duo until past the 100s range from what I hear and see.

    Full mag can solo TT 1-1 and 1-2 in the 60s. I did it to farm mirage after I initially duoed for my weapon. Sold the drops and funded my charms. Worked out pretty profitable all in all.
  • xxxdsmer
    xxxdsmer Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    And if you've read the "Full Attack Cleric" guide, even that points out Light Armor Clerics having an easier time than all of the other Clerics.

    Difference is, Light Armor Cleric doesn't have any weak points, therefore are able to do a lot more things the Full Int.

    Full Int is strong, but has some really obscene weaknesses that actually slows down and hinders progress since they might have to seek out extra help to accomplish something. They can do less things than a Light Armor Cleric, but what they can do they will do better.


    on part 1 here: i have read and am somewhat following that guide.

    on part 2 here: light armor cleric does have a weak point or downside, and it lies in less magic damage, less healing, and less available mana.

    and my cleric may only be lv27, but i've killed things well above my level and have never had any problem accomplishing quests alone (aside from fb19 which i'd love to see anyone that can do that solo at 19 lol). i have nothing against archers, but i've seen some that couldnt do quests solo that i easily did solo. and btw, i'm robe and full mag. (and was even doin this before 22 when i could use a mirage sword)

    i have no idea why there's so much debate about this n that... regardless of what character u play or the bit of difference in how you build it, play style also matters. someone light armor cleric goes to play someone else's robe cleric, they'll die because they think they have all that great pdef. someone who knows how to play a robe cleric goes to play a LA cleric, they're gona be wondering why the mob made it to them and where the hey all the damage is lol.
    i'm pro all classes, and against none in particular..
    but the age old QQ about venos is just that. OLD.
    QQ'd about a nix lately? check out this thread n tell me who's "OP" lol..
    (copy and paste this to address bar):
  • rachdono
    rachdono Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2009
    i play as pure cleric and i do just fine. ofcource im worried bout being 1-3hit because of my low hp. thats why pure should be resourceful (hp hiero, hp pots, hp shards, etc) to compensate for it. like ironheart urself before combat or use sleep/plume shell when ur in trouble or hit and run using ur slow down skills (check out whirlwind skill from genie >>> aoe slow down skill). if youre healing just cast 2-3 ironheart on pt member (or spread it to different members) and worry bout urself. dont wry bout attacks since u can 1-3hit almost any1 near ur lvl with powerful skills (just watch out for archers)

    i prefer pure over LA or VIT built cause i dont want to lose any power or healing potential just to survive. i can easily compensate low hp/def with what pwi alrdy has to offer. only thing that makes things difficult is reaction time. i dont always see things coming and die before i can counter attack. is why i have a macro that casts plume and ironheart as combo along with some attack skills and sleep separate rite next to it just incase. i tend to get paranoid sometimes and keep my finger/mouse on the macro when near some1, like RQ members >.<

    I recommend pure. After a while ull figure out ur own macros/routine to stay alive.
  • grimrot
    grimrot Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    sry, but i have to say a few things about this guide...

    it might be a good help for starters that have never played the game before and it sure works for the beginning... but it includes many many many many aspects that will definetly ruin your char in the end-game...

    the worst part of this guide are the skill-charts, which depict which skill you should max and which not... of course it would be useful to max every skill, but that is simply insane... a good guide should introduce the skills that are really needed and it should describe the skills that shouldn't be lvled... and THESE skills (the ones that you don't max!) are a lot (around 30-40%) ... the guide should refer to these skills as useful, but one needs to avoid maxing them because they are too expensive in terms of spirit and coins... of course it is possible to max the skill you like if you have enough points left, but i think that is clear, and it definetly won't happen that you have points left as a cleric...

    to make a long story short, i think that the skill-charts in this guide are nearly completely useless, sry =( ... there are some other guides that you can find easy with 'google' that are much better...
    (this includes several other parts of the guide, like the recommended build... that should definetly NOT be the hybrid build!)

    don't get me wrong, i don't want to criticize the author itsself and i do believe that he/she knows how to play this game... this is just an aid for newbies that they might have a look in other guides to assure their choice how to skill a cleric and to gain more expierence with builds...
  • Lenyel - Harshlands
    Lenyel - Harshlands Posts: 384 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    PROS and CONS: it has no pros and no cons since it is a hybrid.

    I'd rather say it has both pros and cons of pure mag and full vit.
  • Black_lce - Heavens Tear
    Black_lce - Heavens Tear Posts: 320 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    you should put more detail into the builds, like stat points distribution. also u should put all the builds of a cleric down, ur missing LA(yes ppl do use it and it's not bad, u should try something before u knock it down), Heavy and Heavy/robes(yes, it's out there, and it's the same as veno heavy/robes, outstanding deff. and minimal power).
  • BeingHope - Harshlands
    BeingHope - Harshlands Posts: 5,013 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Mhmmm, not that bad as a guide I should say.... However....

    That chart doesn't go past I think 44?

    And I don't recommend Hybrid in my opinion. Yeah, lots of contraversy about it but I personally don't like it. Like yeah, lots of HP so you might die less. But I only recommend Hybrid for the lower levels, I don't recommend it after level 50-60.

    Two, less MP means you use more pots and stuff.

    So yeah.... I don't think you mentioned Arcane in this guide?
    I forgot!!! Thanks forsaken for the signature b:cute
    b:chuckle I love huge catshops LOL b:laugh
  • Lenyel - Harshlands
    Lenyel - Harshlands Posts: 384 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Mhmmm, not that bad as a guide I should say.... However....

    That chart doesn't go past I think 44?

    And I don't recommend Hybrid in my opinion. Yeah, lots of contraversy about it but I personally don't like it. Like yeah, lots of HP so you might die less. But I only recommend Hybrid for the lower levels, I don't recommend it after level 50-60.

    Two, less MP means you use more pots and stuff.

    So yeah.... I don't think you mentioned Arcane in this guide?


    Hybrid is good till 60-70. Then on endgame with a chosen VIT cap. And... VIT is a lot of HP, Hybrid is still very squishy, it just gives you the chance to don't be 1hit b:victory