Guild Radiance ---- PvE server



  • toddish2
    toddish2 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Hey there, just thought I'd add a post here as well. Signed up on the forums and waiting for authorization. I'm interested in joining up when you guys have room. Currently a level 12 pure wizard and loving it. Will get on vent once I get access to that info.

    IGN: FaeFae

  • acecard
    acecard Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    hey i'm interested in joining your guild if u guys got room.

    my in game name is Shean and i am curently a lvl 18 blademaster.

    also i know one of your guild members (Rivulet, i'm pretty sure he's one of your more well known members) and he is on my friend list, don't know if that really means anything but thought i'd just let u know.

    hope u accepot me into your guild.
  • kittykat
    kittykat Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    hi there,

    as mentioned on the first post of this thread, our room is very limited at the moment. if you're patient enough to wait until possibly next week when our guild is expanded to join in guild, you're more than welcome to register on our guild forum and hang out with us on vent, IRC, or chatrooms.
  • wavemaster
    wavemaster Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    seems we will have to rob Archosur AH to get money fast for expansion :) any volenters?
    RADIANCE Guild Marshal ---> only the best ;)
    Wave - Barbarian lvl 3x
  • acecard
    acecard Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    ok that's cool but one question which fourm is it that we would have to register, i've been derected back and forth between 2 different links and i'm not sure which 1 is the 1 i have to regester on
  • danubus37
    danubus37 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
  • nad
    nad Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    im new to Perfect World and dont quite know how the whole guild thing works but if its like a corperation on EVE Online then i pretty much know what to do. Anyhow, currently i am a level 10 winged elf archer. (if that helps) and i would like to join this guild. PM me with response if you will my charictor's name is cleros.

    In good faith,
    -Cleros, Freelancer
  • kittykat
    kittykat Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    We have expanded Radiance to level 2! However, it is already full. We will be opening up Radiance2 shortly for those who still wish to join Radiance once it is expanded to level 3. However, it may take more than a week, if not longer, to expand the guild to level 3, so please be patient.

    Here are the guidelines:

    1) Those with their main character in Radiance can park all their alts in Radiance2 if they want. Due to the limited capacity of the main guild, there is absolutely no room for alts at this time. We might consider alts in the main guild after we expand to level 3 on a case-by-case basis.

    2) All the people who wish to join Radiance, but were not able to get into the Radiance, can join Radiance2. When Radiance becomes level 3, all members of Radiance2 are guaranteed a spot in Radiance. There are two exceptions: alts and inactives.

    WARNING: It may take a bit of time to expand Radiance to level 3, so it is up to you if you want to join Radiance2. However, joining Radiance2 is the ONLY way of making sure you get a spot in Radiance, once it is expanded. You don't have to join Radiance2, but then there will be no guarantee that you will be able to join Radiance later.
  • surrok
    surrok Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Hey~ I'd like to join your guild.

    I made an account on your forums or you can contact me on Mishuki.
  • danubus37
    danubus37 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    You should really tell folks your wanting the guild to only be a hardcore TW guild and that social players need not apply. Lots of good folks in this guild, but they want to be hardcore and got many of us in the guild when we said we wanted to be casual players. I gave 70k to the guild to help rank it up and just left because their talking about kicking people who dont keep up in levels in the future. Was really disappointed. Some good folks there, but there are a number of little cliques already and now their pushing the hardcore TW stuff.
  • kittykat
    kittykat Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    danubus37 wrote: »
    You should really tell folks your wanting the guild to only be a hardcore TW guild and that social players need not apply. Lots of good folks in this guild, but they want to be hardcore and got many of us in the guild when we said we wanted to be casual players. I gave 70k to the guild to help rank it up and just left because their talking about kicking people who dont keep up in levels in the future. Was really disappointed. Some good folks there, but there are a number of little cliques already and now their pushing the hardcore TW stuff.

    This wasn't a purely social guild to begin with. There will be level requirements in the future, just like any aspiring big guilds. That's how it's always going to be. BTW, having leveling requirements doesn't mean a guild is hardcore. Even if you're not hardcore, you can still level at a decent pace.
  • june
    june Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Danubus's post is misinformed. We do not want members only to be hardcore PVP/TW players.

    The only level limitation discussed is regarding account inactivity. For example, people who are inactive for a month, without letting anyone in the Radiance community know their status may be kicked to free up room for more active members. However, they will still have forum accounts and be able to be reinstated by asking any guild officer.

    Making level 10 in by like one month, is the only level limitation I have heard discussed and being seriously considered.

    Clarification will follow in my next post.
  • june
    june Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008

    Imagine being part of a guild of 150 members. When you login, there is no one else online. That is because all the members are inactive, or are only able to log in to play once or twice a month. There were nice people you had met in the guild, but more often than not, you find that you have to ask for help outside the guild to complete quests, and finish bosses, and to enter the more difficult dungeons. Soon, you may become disenchanted, and want to leave for a more active guild.

    Radiance will try to be an active guild with active members. Activity, means being able to be in game, and part of the Radiance community.

    1. A faction in Perfect World can only consist of 200 members.
    2. Only 80 players are allowed to enter Territory War at a time. It's not possible for all 200 members to participate in a single territory war.

    We expect there are also to be social members who wish to not engage in the Territory War aspect at all. We also expect that there will be players who enjoy Territory War. As a balanced guild, we except members with diverse reasons for playing. Only one of the aspects of the endgame content in Perfect World is Territory War. On Perfect World China, there is also a lot of content and special events and quest for players with the minimum level 70, as well as there being faction quests have been in the works. At the same time, they also have some events for players under level 50. Events, and endgame content are purely voluntary in Radiance as it is in Perfect World.

    In addition, recruiting level requirements will be implemented at some point. This requirement will also to be fair to new players. For example, if the majority of members in a guild are someday 40+, joining a level 1 member may be a disservice to them, because he or she will not find many people to party with to complete quests within the guild, even though Radiance will always be willing to help him and her, as well as others outside the guild to defeat bosses, and raid dungeons. Recruiting level requirements will follow in a future post.

    A further addendum is that we will not ever kick active members who wish to be part of the Radiance community. If someone needs to be inactive for a month or more, then she or he may be asked to place there character in a holding faction Radiance2 (which is quite active nowadays with members until we up our guild level to 3), in order to allow more active players to be able to easily communicate within the guild to find squads, receive help, assist others, etc. Please understand, this is as a courtesy to the friends made in the guild, and not one I would ever exempt myself from either. If an emergency occurred, and someone is unable to notify anyone in the game or on the forums, we hope that that person can understand that only after much discussion and after much time of inactivity, would we kick someone in game. The process will be transparent to all members. An inactive player will continue to have membership in the forums., to be able to keep up with the guild's activity, and may be reinstated at any time when he or she is able to become an active part of Perfect World again.

    Thank you for understanding! ;)

    Please feel free to ask, if there any more questions.

    Now I feel like a robot. =[o.o]= I would much rather be talking about how awesome the graphics are, and how many of the npcs have detailed customization and the amazing environments, that really immerse oneself in Perfect World!

    Remember, it is a game. The most important thing is to have fun! :)
  • june
    june Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Okay. I wanted to check if I was out of line or irrational to want to be able to have active members in the guild. I checked all the active PVE guild threads that have posted on the forums. It seems the consensus, is that members should be either active, or want to be friends with people in the guild.

    Forgotten is Recruiting. PVE; Heaven's Tear
    "-Current members are active; we only want active member."
    "-We plan to do many things as a faction; we all want faction events, right?"
    "-Be part of what we do, don't just be another member in some faction who don't even talk."
    "-Talk! We like talking...questing together...fb runs....boss battles...territory wars...and much more!"

    The Empire Moving To PvE Server/Recruiting/Mature
    "11.we r matching peoples personalities..we r not just throwing any 1 into this guild. Id rather have 40 online people all talking. interacting, and helping one another then 140 in a guild that dont do any of that."

    [Guild Recruiting] EmberGlades : Social Guild
    "Requirements: There is no requirements as long as your friendly and wants to be friends with everyone. There is no obligation, you can be a casual or hardcore player."

    Guild:WindCloud Will be East PVE OB
    "Anyway if you interest want to join my guild in EAST PVE server here is the requirement : Loyalty,Active player at lest 12hr a week,helpful to other,and respect yourself and other people."

    Guild Cyanide Recruiting
    "Any active members 20+ will be considered."

    "Well I thought it over b4 I made my last decision and saw that PvE won't be so bad we will be a PvP oriented guild there and we will have fun. Besides Territory wars is always there and we will join every single territory wars from the 2nd week of OB. As the first week will be a waste. Also we intend to be one of the top guilds there. I also promise that we will have tons of pvp events weekly and also winner will get rewards."

    "- Nevertheless, if we do understand that you might not have enough time to play 24/7, if in the time you ARE playing you will be just hanging around and goofying and messing up, without leveling or contributing to the guild's events, if another player who is higher level and shows more committment to being in the guild, do not feel offended if we will prefer them in the guild instead of you. If you play just for messing around, you don't really need a guild."
    "- This is not the military. So there are no strict orders and commands. Nevertheless, please follow the directions that are set by the Guild Leader and Commanders when it comes to instances and TW. If by your behaviour you cause repeatedly the death of your guildies or losing a TW, you might get kicked out."

    Sentinel Guild Recruiting PvE Heaven's Tear
    "Looking for ppl to play with us and have fun and friendship together while questing. The ideals of the guild are simple, you show respect and help others and you will receive help in return."
    "You don't have to be the greatest leveller in the world though it helps as we have some lvling nutz here but we do welcome others too, as long as you show a willingness to participate in guild events etc."
    "We do not condone PK but we arent afraid to kick **** if required. Eventually we will compete for territories and will give salaries to ACTIVE members."

    Again, this post was to see if being an active, friendly part of a guild was one of the sought after qualities of a guild member. It seems like that this is true after all, and that I am not the only one who wants to be in a guild where I can be social and find there are other members of the guild online.

    Even purely social guilds, would like to have their members be online and an active part of the community, to make friends, have conversations, and enjoy the gameplay together! And even "Empire" a TW focused Faction on the PVE server, wish to have members who are going to socialize within the guild. Guilds don't need to be polarized in the way that a purely social guild can't own territory, or that members of a TW focused guild can't be social! That is the trap of thinking called the "Fallacy of Undistributed Middle".

    And here at Radiance we are a social guild that will enjoy all facets of Perfect World experience, including and not limited to quests together, bosses, dungeon raiding, guild instances, and guild events! People are encourage to talk with each other and make friends and help each other inside and outside of the Radiance community. We not exclusive, and only wish our members to respect each other's wants or needs, and to be there for each other in times of need! To be radiant in all ways, and allow our inner Radiance to shine through! ;)
  • l0ki
    l0ki Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    danubus37 wrote: »
    You should really tell folks your wanting the guild to only be a hardcore TW guild and that social players need not apply. Lots of good folks in this guild, but they want to be hardcore and got many of us in the guild when we said we wanted to be casual players. I gave 70k to the guild to help rank it up and just left because their talking about kicking people who dont keep up in levels in the future. Was really disappointed. Some good folks there, but there are a number of little cliques already and now their pushing the hardcore TW stuff.

    Who said that you have to be hardcore? It's just coincidence that th epercentage of hardcore gamers in Radiance Guild is high. I think you made that post because KittyKat's rushing our guild to be lvl 3 so we can TW.... Right~?
  • danubus37
    danubus37 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    A lot of members are rushing to gain levels to do the TW thing. A majority of little cliques seem to be sprouting up already. There has been drama already about kicking members who dont stay within a certain level range of the high end members. I, as a busy father and business owner do not have the time to play this game all day. I dont have a problem if Radiance keeps folks if they gain a few levels a week, but once they make the decision you have to be X level every so many weeks to stay in the guild then I dont want to be there.

    I've spoken with a number of members in guild (wont say their names cause their still in the guild) and they dont like the fact the guild is making a hard push to get members to higher levels to do the TW. They wanted to just play and enjoy themselves without being so hardcore. I want to just play and have fun and be more of a social gamer myself. I am not going to spend days without sleep or 10 hrs a day to try and keep up with the no lifers. If they wish to do that then thats their perrogative. I have a life.

    I dont have issues with anyone in the guild. I thought the majority of folks in the guild were nice and good players. I just didnt want to be in the guild if I was going to be forced to play catchup to the ones who dont work, bath, or get out and get sun once in awhile. It wasnt clear when I quit the guild that that was the intention. They were discussing being more of a TW guild and the social/casual player seemed to be getting the shaft. If they have revised their rules and will actually keep folks around who dont care about TW and just want to play more power to them.

    Im just going to play and enjoy myself when I have the time to play. I said to them and I say here I wish the guild well, but Kittykat was pushing for more of a hardcore/leveling approach to the guild and wasnt ever clear about it the past number of days. I wasnt going to stay in a guild where it was implied I had to keep up with the joneses when I could or would only play a few times a week.

    Anyway, its good for future guildies that they clarify their intentions.
  • sikozu
    sikozu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Sorry that I have not been on to get a guild invite yet guys :( been having some bad problems with my computer but as soon as I get back to the game I will surely send a message to one of you commanders and get an invite asap!
    ★ :Sikozu :: Venomancer: ★ :Nebira :: Cleric: ★
  • june
    june Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    sikozu wrote: »
    Sorry that I have not been on to get a guild invite yet guys :( been having some bad problems with my computer but as soon as I get back to the game I will surely send a message to one of you commanders and get an invite asap!

    Hope you are able to fix your computer problems soon!
  • sikozu
    sikozu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    june wrote: »
    Hope you are able to fix your computer problems soon!

    Thank you so much! Hopefully my husband brings home a present (what I need to fix compy) and I can start playing again today! :D

    ★ :Sikozu :: Venomancer: ★ :Nebira :: Cleric: ★
  • june
    june Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    danubus37 wrote: »
    I just didnt want to be in the guild if I was going to be forced to play catchup to the ones who dont work, bath, or get out and get sun once in awhile. It wasnt clear when I quit the guild that that was the intention. They were discussing being more of a TW guild and the social/casual player seemed to be getting the shaft. If they have revised their rules and will actually keep folks around who dont care about TW and just want to play more power to them.

    Danubus37, if you had read our rules and charter, then you would see that the intent was never to give the social player the "shaft". As you say in your post, you "quit" before the intention was clear to you. No one is being "forced to play catchup to the ones who dont work, bath, or get out and get sun once in awhile."

    As you are a father with children, I ask that you please do not generalize the guild, without having full information as you have admitted in your post. I, myself, am out of town this weekend, visiting friends who are living over 200 miles away in another state. As co-founder of the guild and Vice Guild Master/Director from now on, maybe I should be kicked for being inactive then.

    I will admit that I have some fault for being out of town during a critical initial phase of the guild when it needs strong leadership. I had thought that the guild was running itself well, and that I could leave for the weekend, and maybe check up only once or twice. I will also admit that some of our officers were not reviewed to abide by our guild's mission statement to ensure mutual coexistence and support of all players who respected each other, and to be friendly, active participants in the Radiance community and beyond on Heaven's Tear. Members have been assumed to have read the guild's charter and rules before they decided to join. Executors and Marshals may have to go another step in the future, to show they understand the guidelines of the guild.

    I will also admit, that I had hoped to fade into the background after helping to create the guild with KittyKat. Basically, enjoy the fruits of the guild, without all the headaches of leadership. We even had wanted to create a rotating Guild Master system, to allow others the sharing of the responsibility of Guild Master. KittyKat realized first that it was not possible, and that she had to be Guild Master. After the first 5 days, I realized with the help of Karmelia, who is a frequent poster here, and another friend, that no one can understand the intent of the guild as the ones who created it, so I had no choice but to ask KittyKat for me to take the position of Vice Guild Master/Director as I should done in the first place.


    Danubus37, the drama that you brought up as a third party, was between three members on Saturday and climaxed in the space of a few hours. It is an internal guild affair, and I am disappointed that you would continue to bring it up without knowledge the finer details, such as knowing how the situation was fully resolved, because you had already quit.

    The subject which was on guild forums that can only be read by members and not forum guests, and on guild channel chat in game by members of Radiance, and I do not further wish to infringe on rights of those members, by describing it in gory detail, or by being a drama queen and dramatizing it even more to everyone on the official forums who happen by this post.

    Instead, I will say that I did not learn of the situation until the early morning of the next day, and hours later, I personally talked to all parties involved, and apologized to the offended parties for not being there to mediate the situation, and allowing it to have escalated. All three members involved, have already come to an understanding of each other. The two who had left the guild voluntarily, will be welcomed back with open arms, whenever they would like to return.


    Cherish and I, and others members who have taken up the task, will together, try to always have a mediator online at all times, to prevent such a situation from escalating in the few hours like it did, from happening again.

    As a closing word, I would like to add that not only has open beta just started, but that Radiance is also a new guild, and that we are exploring Perfect World together. Mistakes, or lapses will be made, but those errors will be addressed as expeditiously as possible.

    Thank you for reading Danubus37. I wish you and your family all the best.

    I also thank everyone else for the patience of reading this post.


    In other guild affairs, we are still raising funds to reach the 10,000,000 necessary for level 3. As soon as we gain the funds, we will join members from Radiance2 into Radiance, and Radiance2 will become an alt/holding guild which will not be used specifically to conduct guild related events after that point.

    Remember, a Perfect World, is only perfect, when everyone can be happy and have fun! ^_~
  • danubus37
    danubus37 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    You have been changing that charter on a daily basis since we the guild began. You were tweaking it still the day I left. Dont tell me it was set in stone when it wasnt. It had been revised a number of times especially after others had issues with parts of it.

    June, stop trying to pick apart my posts. If folks are happy there now so be it. Im glad for them and Im trying to move on. It just wasnt for me. I wasnt real happy with the way the guild was being ran and the direction it was heading. You had been on maybe a few times since Open Beta began. You have what you have now and hopefully your members will be happy with it. Im happy to just move on.
  • xr8ed
    xr8ed Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Hi guys, thanks for the invite to the guild. Its been fun and everyone has been real helpful.

    In regard to the incident I have been reading about, it seems one player had one idea about the guild and June did a very good job of explaining things. I understand that active members are important to any guild if it is to have a bright future or even to continue to run at all.. but it seems we are only looking at one extreme or the other. The comments about players not bathing was one extreme, while taking months to even log in and telling no one of your absence is the other.

    Its a game called Gray Area ;) I had a week off work last week and in the 3 days I played I had gone from lvl 1 to 16 with one character and I have another on Lost City server hitting lvl 8. Most people playing 3 days a month could probably accomplish that sort of lvling requirement up to lvl 20 or so...

    The way I understand it, is that members today that are active at least occasionally will not be kicked unless they show inactivity for a month straight with no notice. This Forum is a great way to inform other members of your absence.

    I really dont think it is too much to ask of a player to be active. However, if it is, then joining a guild is not something you should do. I feel that if I could not give enough time to a game to be in a guild, then I would not join and stay freelance... The Perfect World community has been very helpful and while being in a guild has its benefits, staying freelance can be just as fun.

    Anyway, I probably shouldnt have even commented, but I really wanted to know if I understood things right :confused::p
  • danubus37
    danubus37 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    The drama or incident has nothing to do with me. I wasnt even around when it happened. I played every day since the beginning of Open beta. There were issues with others. Me leaving had nothing to do with any of that it was just a choice i made. I wasnt happy with the direction the guild "seemed" to be heading in and there are others there currently who also werent happy with it, but they have stayed so far.
  • kelo
    kelo Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    danubus37 wrote: »
    You have been changing that charter on a daily basis since we the guild began. You were tweaking it still the day I left. Dont tell me it was set in stone when it wasnt. It had been revised a number of times especially after others had issues with parts of it.
    The charter was never set in stone o.o Heck, the topic where you can find the charter is "Guild Charter Discussion * Discuss forming a new guild charter!!"; on the portal, it says: "Guild Charter: Help write the charter!".

    There is no way to come up with a perfect charter the day after creation, and I think that tweaking it from our experiences, as a guild, and from members feedback is a good thing. People learn from experience and mistakes, and in a guild, this learning can be shared between members. Every member can contribute in its own way. ^^

    That being said, levels requirements will exist to ensure players are active. They will be minimum levels that any active player can achieve. Let's say we ask everyone to be lvl 10+ in the next days (that's the only one that has been officially talked about). Is that really an unreasonable request? Even someone with 2 jobs, 7 children, a wife and a mistress could be active enough to get there. Right now, 97/100 members of Radiance main are 10+... So having requirements doesn't force you to nolife through the game, it barely requires you a (low) minimum playing time, that only someone inactive can fail to get. If we would want people to level up fast, we could have a level requirement of 20 about now. But honestly, if we were that concerned about levels rather than the quality of people, I would've left already, and June and many others too.

    Anyways, you seem to have made your decision whatever it was based on facts or misinterpreted posts. Should you wish to come back, I'm pretty sure there would still be a place for you. If not, then until we meet again!

    EDIT: I wrote so slowly that 2 new posts appeared xD xr8ed got it right about the levels requirements ^^
    ~ Through the darkest of night, we shall shine brightly, revealing the path to both friendship and glory ~
    Kelovar, Radiance executor
  • xr8ed
    xr8ed Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Well like I said, I only wanted to clear things up on my own understanding of the guild. So I am glad I got it right, and I dont think it is unreasonable, nor did I want to point fingers at anyone. All I know is what I have read here so far, which has clarified what is expected of me. I play lots of MMO's and taking part in these virtual worlds has become a hobby of mine. I dont think anyone, even a guild leader, should put down life to live virtually. Remember the "Sword of a thousand truths" incident?
  • karmelia
    karmelia Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    The main problem was when one of the officers proposed to "kick everyone under 20 right now" to invite higher levels to be competitive with the other guilds, and because he had 2 level 30 ready to join the guild and there was no room left. All that at the point where 1/3 of the guild members were still under 20...

    The other problem was when that same player was beign very rude two days in a row vs another player and that this player left after that, which is quite understandable.

    I guess things will straighten up a bit after the bad apples will have been removed from the bag.
    Frankieraye said : "we can promise that we will work to improve all facets of community, engineering, and customer service to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again."

    (We are still waiting to see any improvements or changes beign implemented. More empty promises from PWI?)
  • xr8ed
    xr8ed Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Yeah, this does seem like a situation that will or has already sorted itself out. IMO that problem sounds as if one player lacked the understanding of what a guild is as a whole. Anyone in a guild needs to maintain the team mindset and attempting to force a guild in an unreasonable direction for any circumstance will only result in a bitter end. A guild is a community of players who all need to be able to comprimise, whats good for one player may not be good for others, and asking to kick an entire category of players for 2 is definately an unreasonable request. T

    There is however, the competitive factor. If Radiance hopes to succeed in TW and hold on to what areas we claim, we need firepower. So that calls upon the harsh reality that low lvl players might be considered for removal to be replaced by high lvl players. Then, in turn, lvl requirements will go up and any recruit will not be less than lvl 20. Does that mean all low lvls should be kicked??? Of course not, it will have to be a pick and choose plan of action. Everyone knows that the strong survive, so that should be incentive to meet your lvl requirements and do as much as possible without sacrificing your life outside PW....
  • hxx
    hxx Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I've been skimming through these arguments ( Hate reading walls of text) and it seems the argument is about whether this guild is "hardcore" or not.

    All I can say is that this guild is far from "hardcore." I know what hardcore is considering I've been in one when I use to play WoW. Hardcore is getting to the maximum level in 2-3 weeks. Hardcore is the requirement to playing a minimum of 5 hours per day, 6 days a week because 39 others depends on your presence when it comes to raiding. Now those 5 hours is the bare minimum. What you also have to do is spend your own time outside of those 5 hours to farm materials required for the raid. So you are looking at playing roughly 6 to 7 hours or more per day.

    If Radiance was a "hardcore" guild, the requirement wouldn't be getting to level 20 in so or so days. It would be "get to lvl 40-50+ in so or so days." A monkey with only 1 arm could probably get to lvl 20.

    And to people who like to start drama, follow these 2 helpful rules:
    1) Assume every ingame female character is a male unless "she" proves it on ventrilo.
    2) Don't take things said ingame so seriously. IT'S A GAME.
  • june
    june Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    karmelia wrote: »
    The main problem was when one of the officers proposed to "kick everyone under 20 right now" to invite higher levels to be competitive with the other guilds, and because he had 2 level 30 ready to join the guild and there was no room left. All that at the point where 1/3 of the guild members were still under 20...

    The other problem was when that same player was beign very rude two days in a row vs another player and that this player left after that, which is quite understandable.

    I guess things will straighten up a bit after the bad apples will have been removed from the bag.

    To everyone concerned, the player in question was no longer an officer since Saturday, the exact same day when the incident occurred. Proposing to "kick everyone under 20 right now" was never a decision approved by the guild leadership. Though it was his right of freedom of speech to state his opinion, leadership must also sacrifice and be able to see all positions, and be able to communicate diplomatically with the community.

    His proposal was a matter of individual personal opinion, and not representative of the direction or mission of the Radiance Community.

    Being rude to other players is also completely unacceptable. The offended player has communicated and resolved the incident with the ex-officer, and asked me personally to not kick him from the guild for the offense. Such kindness, is very rare and appreciated. Thank you.


    Open beta had only been for five days, when the interpersonal incident had occurred. Unfortunately, open beta could not have come at a busier time for me, and I had left guild leadership and command, in what I thought were the most capable, and committed people who had wanted to make the guild work.

    Again, I reiterate, that it was my failing for not helping the guild pursue the vision that we had set, by being too busy this past first week of open beta. And after five days since the start of open beta, I have taken the Vice Guild Leader position, in order to lead a guild that will works for its members and responds to its community, towards mutual cooperation, benefit, fairness, activity, friendship, the original vision of Radiance.

  • angelina
    angelina Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I believe interpersonal issues are bound to happen, and inevitably, a resolution is sure to follow. I believe it is just a natural phenomenon for conflict to occur, and these conflicts must be effectively resolved in a timely manner. I perceive the full vision of the guild to attempt to appeal to all playing styles, and it has never been a goal of the guild to exclude anyone for any reason (reasonably of course), and so I'm hoping through these recent events our guild vision can be fully illuminated, and we can learn from the experience, and have contingencies in place in the event it recurs.

    I plan on being in this guild through thick and thin, and will strive to make it as positive an experience as I can.

    Cherish - Radiance Marshal (recently appointed)
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