The Name quality thread



  • espionis
    espionis Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Dragons are lizard-ish in nature. WHAT YOU GOT SAY NOW?!?!
  • ragingwind
    ragingwind Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    haiz wrote: »
    This thread fails because I already did it long ago, with a better rant.

    And to the people who say Archosaur is an appropriate name. LEARN YOUR PLACE FOO! This game is about Chinese mythology, not a damned Greek word for lizards. Lizard isn't even on the Chinese Zodiac. Hell a rat would be better, at least its on there.

    Dragons = Chinese
    Lizards = fail
    LOL. There were other name quality threads before yours. They've been around for a long time. Calm down.
  • manorchid
    manorchid Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    tinkus wrote: »
    I played ... sticking the name "Archosaur" in the world is the same as slapping an MTV sticker on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

    beautifully said.
  • haiz
    haiz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    espionis wrote: »
    Dragons are lizard-ish in nature. WHAT YOU GOT SAY NOW?!?!

    Dragons are reptile-ish, not lizard-ish. It's a huge insult to dragons all over the world you saying they're like lizards. I hope a dragon comes by your house at night and commits arson upon your ****.

    And about other naming threads, find one where the complaint was put into better poetry than mine, and I shall calm down. At least I put mine in the right section, ohhhhh.
  • kitfox
    kitfox Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Smith Hu, Tailor Hu, Guard Hu, Banker Hu... Too Many Hu's. I'm not goming up with names for every Hu unless they hire me onto the team and pay me though. My writing makes me too much money to give away too much effort for free.
  • rev
    rev Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Yes well unlike most treads on the topic, this one isn't just a bunch of complaining (or at least I'm trying to keep it away from that). This one is to make suggestions, and do it respectively, in hopes we can get the devs to listen to the players/customers so that the overall quality of the product is higher. The overall translation is better than MY-EN, but it still needs some work before it's at the right quality note, and that's what we want to help with. And to the guy who mentioned giving credit for an ideal name, I never saw that post so yeah, sorry, either way the suggestions are here, and hopefully we are at least being listened to.
    "Either you die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." Harvey Dent - The Dark Knight

    Phase 1 Dungeon Design Contest Winner!
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  • f4ding
    f4ding Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I respect the fact that they wanted to be original and may not like some names but deal with them this one i cant handle i will always call it adc when i talk about it in game they archosaur really surprised me when i got there in this version please rename this one city for us does not need to be ancient dragon city but can it atleast involve the word dragon.
  • golden0galaxy
    golden0galaxy Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    f4ding wrote: »
    I respect the fact that they wanted to be original and may not like some names but deal with them this one i cant handle i will always call it adc when i talk about it in game they archosaur really surprised me when i got there in this version please rename this one city for us does not need to be ancient dragon city but can it atleast involve the word dragon.

    which is why i suggested

    Archaic Dragon City


    Arcane Dragon City

    i think they are good names, if they are completely against Ancient Dragon City. anyone else like them?
  • yoafro
    yoafro Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    haiz wrote: »
    Dragons are reptile-ish, not lizard-ish. It's a huge insult to dragons all over the world you saying they're like lizards. I hope a dragon comes by your house at night and commits arson upon your ****.

    Now, THAT, is what I call flaming. ;)

    On-topic: It could be better, but it could have been left completely as it was in MY-EN. That said, my vote would be a revision of some of the names. ADC should be kept, in my opinion, but there are definitely some names that should have a looking-over.
  • rev
    rev Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    It's mostly the names yes, but there is the slight quality drop due to quite a few npc's text not being as natural sounding and flowing as it could be, most of it gets the point across, but some feels like... they rehearsed their lines for a play, this isn't as big of a deal to me, but it would be nice to see it improved, but the names are definatly the biggest quality drop gameside.
    "Either you die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." Harvey Dent - The Dark Knight

    Phase 1 Dungeon Design Contest Winner!
    Entry: Hall of Forsaken Souls, Twas fun to design.
  • nub1cake
    nub1cake Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    i know that the team was trying to localize the names ( by localize i think they really mean individualize). the names they use in this version could set it apart from the other versions. i do think that some name changing is needed because some things just dont make sense. i liked the suggestion that the vipents and such be called what they are. maybe "insert individualizing name" snakes for low level ones, "insert name" vipers for mid level, and "insert name" wyverns (or whatever) for high level ones. it seems like some of the mobs were just kinda slapped with a few extra letters and called good. like the grassland tarantulax. as for the city names i haven't looked too harshly on them. i think we all have said our peice about archosaur. i think that the starter city names are much better and more fitting. but one i was looking at today was angler village. in MY-EN it was fishing village. what about something like fishermans retreat. something a little more artistic with a better flow. to me it seems like the developers were a little rushed to get this version out...

    i dont think they did a bad job at all. they made sense of the quests which before were just words thrown into a text box in random order. so far i have encountered no serious bugs with game play. its still the game that i love to play. but i do think that the beauty of the game is not reflected in some of the names given.
  • kiddo
    kiddo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I'm a new player to the perfect world game. I just started only when the closed beta started. My opinon about the game names are they yeah, maybe Archsaur should be changed because when I took chinese language classes..something like Archosaur would have made the teacher stare at you like a fool. Not only that. but the name Venomancer does not even come close to something oriental at all. the names I can deal whether or not they change it, but my niggest annoyance is the fact that small towns and villages other than the City of the Lost, Etherblade, City of Plume, and Archosaur, are not all that specified, and I find it annoying to have to zoom in on the map to see where they are only to be shown that the town name does on exist. Maybe labeling the all the places in a game would help players when they look at the map.
    (ok I'm going to shut up now, for fear of sounding too nooby. :() Oh and another thing would be nice if some of the quests were more specific than just telling us to go get something and not telling us where and from what.
  • nub1cake
    nub1cake Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Oh and another thing would be nice if some of the quests were more specific than just telling us to go get something and not telling us where and from what.

    that is something i have issues with in the MY-EN version too.. some of the quests are very VAGUE on where or what you are looking for.
  • rev
    rev Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Like I said, doesn't feel natural at times, most people I would talk to when trying to help them would at least tell me the details necessary to help (like location and what it is).
    "Either you die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." Harvey Dent - The Dark Knight

    Phase 1 Dungeon Design Contest Winner!
    Entry: Hall of Forsaken Souls, Twas fun to design.
  • blueparrot
    blueparrot Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    nub1cake wrote: »
    i liked the suggestion that the vipents and such be called what they are. maybe "insert individualizing name" snakes for low level ones, "insert name" vipers for mid level, and "insert name" wyverns (or whatever) for high level ones.

    I have no problem with vipents and taurocs and pyrogoths. If we went around calling a spade a spade and a snake a snake, PW would feel like an animal safari rather than a fantasy game :eek: Putting a twist on English words adds originality while still giving you some idea of what the mob is supposed to look like (vipents -> vipers, taurocs -> taurus/ox, pyro -> fire).
  • usagichan
    usagichan Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    ren wrote: »
    You don't need to play another version to know "Barbarian" "Venomancer" and "Archosaur" are completely **** sounding and not very appropriate.

    Do away with these stupid names already.

    I don't have problems with any of these names. Venomancer sounds great for me. Mancer definition: A Mancer is one who has a talent for the Secret Art and has been trained to use it. There are many people who have latent talents for the Art, but never even know it, though these talents are usually very minor. These people are not mancers. Mancers are sometimes referred to as: mages or sorcerers. So it suits Werefoxes - Venom + mancer :]

    Anyway, the best names everr (from all the servers I have played) were on Japanese server. :) Okay, not including Beast names: Werefox was Fairy. ;) And, why werefox only, when there are were bunnies, etc.? :P

    ragingwind wrote: »
    You don't understand the history behind Perfect World English. Everyone was really happy to get an English version of the game when PW-MY came out. Then, we were all disappointed when the version generally sucked a**. The biggest problem of all was the text. For an example of how bad it was, look here. Now we finally have a good, English version of the game being run by the developers, that has a rather good translation of text... and the names suck. It's like a slap in the face to the fans. Sadly, many of the names in PW-MY actually were better. We don't say that out of a fondness of PW-MY. It's very much the opposite. So, new people, please do not talk down on us for complaining about the names. You honestly have no idea what's going on.

    I waited for MY_EN, and don't agree with you...
  • magnusnordir
    magnusnordir Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Who the **** cares about chinese mythology? This is the international version, so I don't see the need to preserve that ****. For all I care replace all the names with English ones, it'd be easier to remember and use in communication. If I wanted to learn chinese I'd get my eyes slit and starve on one rice bowl a day for ****s sake, this is redicolus. Why do all the NPCs need to have ****ing chinese names in the INTERNATIONAL version?
  • ren
    ren Posts: 662 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    usagichan wrote: »
    Okay, not including Beast names: Werefox was Fairy. ;)

    Actually, that's not a bad translation, because I'm fairly sure that's what yao jing means...
    Official PWI irc: (mirc command, opens in a new window and won't interfere with any servers you're already on) /server -m -j #pwint
  • rev
    rev Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Ok magnusnordir, that can be viewed as very offending by some. Anyway if you don't like the idea of Chinese type names in a world of Chinese mythology, with Chinese archetecture for the buildings, don't play the game. Having fully english names like "Fred" would ruin the flow of this game.
    "Either you die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." Harvey Dent - The Dark Knight

    Phase 1 Dungeon Design Contest Winner!
    Entry: Hall of Forsaken Souls, Twas fun to design.
  • ragingwind
    ragingwind Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    blueparrot wrote: »
    I have no problem with vipents and taurocs and pyrogoths. If we went around calling a spade a spade and a snake a snake, PW would feel like an animal safari rather than a fantasy game :eek: Putting a twist on English words adds originality while still giving you some idea of what the mob is supposed to look like (vipents -> vipers, taurocs -> taurus/ox, pyro -> fire).
    The problem is that they just borrowed the names from PW-MY for many (if not most) of the mobs and just changed minor things to make them sound different. I'm not seeing any real work being invested into the names.

    As for those who like the names that most people in this thread dislike... There's no way to debate against bad taste that goes beyond what we have already posted over these 9 pages. Just for the sake of argument, though, I'll say even more about it.

    Veno- sounds too much like the name Vinny, as in the movie "My Cousin Vinny." It's a freakin' hillarious movie, but I don't want PW to remind me of it when it's supposed to be about Chinese mythology. Barbarion is too vague for a name. They should have chosen one that hints to the tiger-changing aspect of the class or the fact that they are Beast-men. Blademaster is too specific because they excell at more types of weapons than just blades. (Of course, now I'm just repeating stuff that we've already said before. >_>)
    usagichan wrote: »
    I waited for MY_EN, and don't agree with you...
    In which ways? Back up your statement with logic or go away.
  • usagichan
    usagichan Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    ren wrote: »
    Actually, that's not a bad translation, because I'm fairly sure that's what yao jing means...

    For Europeans fairy doesn't resemble werefoxes.
    ragingwind wrote: »
    The problem is that they just borrowed the names from PW-MY for many (if not most) of the mobs and just changed minor things to make them sound different. I'm not seeing any real work being invested into the names.

    As for those who like the names that most people in this thread dislike... There's no way to debate against bad taste that goes beyond what we have already posted over these 9 pages.

    But you know, that on this forum there are no every player playing, and moreover, maybe the ones that like it (who know, maybe that's majority) didn't even check this thread. You can't say that most players don't like the names. You can only say that most of the players discussing in this thread, don't like it, nothing more.
    Veno- sounds too much like the name Vinny, as in the movie "My Cousin Vinny." It's a freakin' hillarious movie, but I don't want PW to remind me of it when it's supposed to be about Chinese mythology.

    But it's not our problem that for you it sounds like this. Don't play Venomancer then, problem solved.
    In which ways? Back up your statement with logic or go away.

    Oh yes, that's really an adult way of discussing ;)
    You don't understand the history behind Perfect World English. Everyone was really happy to get an English version of the game when PW-MY came out. Then, we were all disappointed when the version generally sucked a**. The biggest problem of all was the text. For an example of how bad it was, look here. Now we finally have a good, English version of the game being run by the developers, that has a rather good translation of text... and the names suck. It's like a slap in the face to the fans. Sadly, many of the names in PW-MY actually were better. We don't say that out of a fondness of PW-MY. It's very much the opposite. So, new people, please do not talk down on us for complaining about the names. You honestly have no idea what's going on.

    Yes, MY-EN was a disappointment in English, I agree. I disagree it's a slap to the fans. The names probably could be better, but now I don't remember that good PW-JP version to make a real fuss about it. Anyway, I prefer having better text ingame that better names. I think the problem is you got used to MY-EN. You also have no right to say to the new players to shut up, cause they haven't played MY-EN. This is PWI, and they don't give a damn about other publishers.

    Making a suggestion is okay, the thread already did this, now shut up and don't trash people who don't have the same opinion as you.
  • ragingwind
    ragingwind Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    usagichan, It's obvious that your only goal is to start a fight and flame. You ignore the good points I make and over-exaggerate my statements to make me seem to be a horrible person. You're the one flaming. There is already a lot of good info that I provided and many others have provided that you ignore. I'm done talking to you unless you want a serious, meaningful debate. Don't bring a bunch of trash in here.
  • blueparrot
    blueparrot Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    usagichan wrote: »
    ragingwind wrote: »
    Veno- sounds too much like the name Vinny, as in the movie "My Cousin Vinny." It's a freakin' hillarious movie, but I don't want PW to remind me of it when it's supposed to be about Chinese mythology.

    But it's not our problem that for you it sounds like this. Don't play Venomancer then, problem solved.

    Lol, that's not the point. What Ragingwind is doing is making a suggestion, which is what we (as customers) are supposed to do. How can a customer's concerns be "not a problem" for the game's publishers? (Well, it can "not be a problem", but a game where players are not happy won't last very long...)

    *Your* suggestion is a bad idea for everyone - the people in charge of PWI lose a (potentially paying) customer, and people like Ragingwind lose what is otherwise a good game.
  • tenkei
    tenkei Posts: 63
    edited August 2008
    Well, one thing I could say. Is Archosaur is an interesting name, but for a more city like sounding name I would say they change it to "Archosauria" still a similar definition meaning just better sounding for a city.

    Even fits the scheme calling the civilians Archosaurians.
  • cheianah
    cheianah Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Some of the game names do need to have more of a realistic sound to them yes, but the game titles/names are not the only ones that need to be rethought over. I have seen some of the most **** character names in my life playing this game.........
  • pxragez0r
    pxragez0r Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    ffs ppl this is a Chinese made game. if u don't like translations made from Chinese names, go play a different game, Archosaur IS the correct translation from the chinese -> 祖 龙 城

    broaden your vocabularies, use a dictionary/ google sometimes. you might learn something everyday from t3h internet.
    ~ hungry for c00kies ~
  • magnusnordir
    magnusnordir Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    pxragez0r wrote: »
    ffs ppl this is a Chinese made game. if u don't like translations made from Chinese names, go play a different game, Archosaur IS the correct translation from the chinese -> 祖 龙 城

    broaden your vocabularies, use a dictionary/ google sometimes. you might learn something everyday from t3h internet.

    Actually, babelfish says 祖 龙 城 is "Zu Long city ", whatever the **** that's supposed to mean.

    Again, this is the ****ing international version, we don't need the ******** chinese names and mythology.
  • karmelia
    karmelia Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    祖 = Zu = ancestor / forefather / grandparents

    龙 = long = dragon / imperial / dinosaur

    城 = cheng = city walls / city / town

    Ancient Dragon City make some sense. I would prefer "Ancient Imperial City", it would have a nice ring to it and is probably the meaning the dev wanted to give it.. And would also emphasize the importance of the city in the game as the central point of the land.

    Archosaur relates to "dinosaur", but is more limited in scope.
    Frankieraye said : "we can promise that we will work to improve all facets of community, engineering, and customer service to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again."

    (We are still waiting to see any improvements or changes beign implemented. More empty promises from PWI?)
  • ragingwind
    ragingwind Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    karmelia wrote: »
    祖 = Zu = ancestor / forefather / grandparents

    龙 = long = dragon / imperial / dinosaur

    城 = cheng = city walls / city / town

    Ancient Dragon City make some sense.

    Archosaur relates to "dinosaur", but is more limited in scope.
    Hmm... Wow... Why would they name it anything else? >_>
  • junk
    junk Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    ragingwind wrote: »
    Hmm... Wow... Why would they name it anything else? >_>

    Well, as someone pointed out, Archosaur is the name from Pw-Ph. They took mob names from Pw-My which had atrocious translations compared to Pw-Ph, and the one thing they translated right, ADC, was taken from Pw-Ph instead. It's like they cross-referenced the two versions to find the worst possible translations and copy those. I'm not even going to complain anymore, mind = blown.
This discussion has been closed.