Dungeon Drop Rates for the Next Update



  • Posts: 43 Arc User
    The Update will be a big help for the Game, aswell for the People with less Gear. You're personal drop can be a Moonlight Crystal from your 2 Chests daily from TTR2 for example. The Chance is pretty good and you can hold the MC for your own, can sell it and buy other Mats with it. For now, you think this Update is stupid and bad for the Playerbase, but no - it will help a lot more then the current State of the Game. No Keys needed anymore to enter, so you can always get help from other People, if they are no Idiots. This Update is, to make Pay2Win more hard, not easier. So people who farm have still a Advantage. :)
  • Posts: 25 Arc User
    I feel sorry that you're slow to understand, but if you did basic math, you would see that from one run, you can get an average of 2 smokes. Alternatively, if you take 2 chests for 3 keys, you would get an average of 4 smokes, making it much faster to farm armor :)


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