fededomino Posts: 255 Arc User
how to open Super Perfect Attendance box , it use to be at Archosaur Veteran Officer
in north east Archosaur , but the NPC have no flag up ?????????????????????????


  • hokker#1570
    hokker#1570 Posts: 457 Arc User
    It changed in 2021, since then Veteram Officer is useless, we get this item that should open automatically... In PWRU they got some issue too(people who opened it last year are unable to open it this year) the staff said the item is outdated and they will try to fix this, in pwi someone posted a ticket response in the discord
    "Thank you for your report about the year end rewards. We do apologize for any problems that may have occurred. This is a mass response to address the issue of users being unable to open the Super Perfect Attendance item. Unfortunately there are no immediate changes planned to the status of the item, but we'll be checking with the developers if this is intended to be made in the Arc Games version of PWI. The main reward from past years have since been repeated, primarily for the year end Tiger Vendor item. However those Tiger Vendors are currently expired with a 2022 date, so no recent year end rewards can be provided through support at the moment. We hope to have some details in the near future on what will be available for eligibile users. Once further information is ready, we'll keep the users updated on how rewards will be distributed for this year. If you have any further questions in the meanwhile, please let us know." image.png
  • hokker#1570
    hokker#1570 Posts: 457 Arc User
    edited February 2023
    I got a response from my ticket


    I understand that you are having difficulties opening the Super Perfect Attendance on PWI.

    I can confirm that we have received similar reports regarding this from other players. Please be advised that a Senior GM has already coordinated this issue with the developers to see if the Super Perfect Attendance is intended to be in the Arc games version of PWI. Once further information is ready, we'll keep the users updated about the rewards for this year.
    Post edited by heerohex#3018 on
  • hpw2408h#9962
    hpw2408h#9962 Posts: 27 Arc User
    to see if the Super Perfect Attendance is intended to be in the Arc games version of PWI
    Lol, funny. Would be great if customer service did something like ITIL so they don't need to think about Arc versions again.

  • yoda3160
    yoda3160 Posts: 132 Arc User
    Yay, another thing to add to the massive list of we'll look into it but don't get your hopes up. Seems like their default response lately is there are no plans to fix this but we'll check with the devs to see if it's planned to be added in the future.
  • falyciarose1
    falyciarose1 Posts: 20 Arc User
    Anyone ever receive reply on the perfect attendance rewards?
  • hokker#1570
    hokker#1570 Posts: 457 Arc User
    PWRU just announced they will send the Super Perfect Attendance rewards to the mail of players who couldn't open it
  • worldofwonder
    worldofwonder Posts: 3 Arc User
    Do we have send ticket Super Perfect Attendance for the rewards or will they know who can't because i didn't send a ticket and have Super Perfect Attendance
  • falyciarose1
    falyciarose1 Posts: 20 Arc User

    hokker#1570 And how will they determine who has the unopened broken perfect attendance box?
  • hokker#1570
    hokker#1570 Posts: 457 Arc User
    hokker#1570 And how will they determine who has the unopened broken perfect attendance box?

    They said people must let the chest in inventory or bank, so these people will get the reward by mail
  • falyciarose1
    falyciarose1 Posts: 20 Arc User
    Well, still waiting for something with perfect attendance awards. 18 days later lol. Maybe they should have designed a key to open it, Those who have the box can then open the broken box
  • mankiller
    mankiller Posts: 30 Arc User
    Did anyone even get their award? Been almost a month...
  • fededomino
    fededomino Posts: 255 Arc User
    At the moment the Chinese Develope have Chinese Happy new year
  • lori#1073
    lori#1073 Posts: 1 Arc User
    still no perfect attendance awards
  • falyciarose1
    falyciarose1 Posts: 20 Arc User
    guess the perfect attendance awards wont happen by the looks of it
  • me8again
    me8again Posts: 4 Arc User
    Funny is that the reward might expire now on 31jan.If u look on the pack it say that expire if not opened/redeem until 31jan. :)))
  • plushie666
    plushie666 Posts: 201 Arc User
    Dont count on it that this will be fixed.
    They got 0 development control over this game, if china doesnt give a fix, we dont get it fixed.

    Im guessing we will get a code soon.

    With probably 5x 100event gold, some A chests and S packs.

    No lvl7 glyph im sure of it.

    Keep the item in your bank storage and NPC it on 31/12/2023 .
    Who knows they gonna suprise us ;) (dont count on it :) ).
  • aerosmythe
    aerosmythe Posts: 1 Arc User
    I talked to the gm through the ticket system and today was informed they have no plans as of now to honor the rewards for perfect attendence, I am very disappointed as this required a whole year of dedication making sure you log in every day. They are now saying they are not sure if it was supposed to be in the ARC version of the game...very lame i can only hope they reconsider but at this point its very doubtful
  • newcommer#8979
    newcommer#8979 Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited February 2023
    ...they have no plans as of now to honor the rewards for perfect attendence

    I'm happy with it: no more daily log in, no more daily wasting my time in this game. lol.

  • plushie666
    plushie666 Posts: 201 Arc User
    Its like i said before, they got zero ( 0 ) control over this game.
  • vin24
    vin24 Posts: 6 Arc User
    Guess no point logging in every days now. Time to take a half year break then
  • funnymanha
    funnymanha Posts: 10 Arc User
    Since they not going fix perfect attendance....Are we getting updated for base soon at least? Since pwru already got their update
  • falyciarose1
    falyciarose1 Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited February 2023
    Thank you for your patience. For an update to the Super Perfect Attendance item status, it seems that this is a newer yearly reward item unavailable for opening in the current game version. Once the next expansion is ready, these items should then be able to open for the characters. Regretfully we don't have specific dates yet, but further information will be posted on the news page when we get closer to release. Hopefully this can be done earlier in the year, so that users will be able to collect their rewards in the near future. Until then, please have these items saved and stored away in the meanwhile. If you have any other concerns, please let us know.
    Post edited by heerohex#3018 on
  • falyciarose1
    falyciarose1 Posts: 20 Arc User
    So not sure how true this may be, from what others have been hearing the expansion will have lvl 18 gear. Not sure if that is true or Rumor. However probably good thing I didn't get no lvl 17 gear if that's the case lmafo be big waste or money if that is so.
  • plushie666
    plushie666 Posts: 201 Arc User
    So not sure how true this may be, from what others have been hearing the expansion will have lvl 18 gear. Not sure if that is true or Rumor. However probably good thing I didn't get no lvl 17 gear if that's the case lmafo be big waste or money if that is so.

    You need the G17 gear in order to make the new G18 gear we will get in new expansion.
  • delayedsignal
    delayedsignal Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2023
    Here is the response I received

    To start, are you referring to the 'Super Perfect Attendance' pack? If you are, we do apologize for the inconvenience this has caused. According to our Senior GM, there are no immediate changes planned to the status of the item, but we'll be checking with the developers if this is intended to be made in the Arc Games version of PWI. The main reward from past years has since been repeated, primarily for the year-end Tiger Vendor item. However, those Tiger Vendors are currently expired with a 2022 date, so no recent year-end rewards can be provided through support at the moment.

    We hope to have some details in the near future on what will be available for eligible users. Once further information is ready, we'll keep the users updated on how rewards will be distributed for this year through our official news page (
    Post edited by heerohex#3018 on
  • heerohex#3018
    heerohex#3018 Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator
    You know I have to deal with this every year.

    Please keep Names out of this thread.

    Its importnat to share information I understand with the lack and absence from my self im not going to deal with the thread to a point.

  • kael44#6293
    kael44#6293 Posts: 2 Arc User
    No event chinese new year this year, support are not in hurry to fix bugs, they just are good to sendt every month charge/spendt promo to take every euros they can, i'm not the kind of guy who will yell for anything, but as far i see, pwi don't care about what players feels.
    So please, fix bugs, too much players need that.
    Super perfect attendance + Codex collection box are bugged, i hope pwi will do something for valentines day..
  • yoda3160
    yoda3160 Posts: 132 Arc User
    I'm starting to think it's more likely they just don't know what is supposed to be in our version, and might not have access to the code to fix it themselves, so therefore they assume anything that breaks or is missing isn't supposed to be there, just pushing the patches through as they get them from china then when people say something, they ask china about it, which unfortunately unless it's something completely server breaking, might not get answered or fixed till the next major patch 6-12 months later, if at all.
    With the shortened christmas events that we got that were severely delayed, and I almost didn't notice the post among all the store update posts, noticed with the delay it was also severely shortened, like think it was maybe 1 day each for the 3 or 4 events (also no snow or snowmen this year), instead of the usual 1-2 weeks that events have run for in past. There is a Valentines event that has occured past 2-3 years as well as some kind of white day event I've seen before, although those are fairly short so if they break I would be surprised if it was fixed in time or run later.
  • hokker#1570
    hokker#1570 Posts: 457 Arc User
    Someone dropped this code in the discord A0F1Taef
    seems like it's for the Super perfect attendance box rewards

  • fededomino
    fededomino Posts: 255 Arc User
    its to CHEAP of PWI , i have 6 other toon / Character who have ( Super Perfect Attendance Box ) but cant open it , so they need to put out a Code that can be Reedem 8 Times of same Accounts to satifiede every player , so the CODE ( A0F1Taef ) aint enough for crying out loud