PWCN New Expansion coming 11/18/20

hokker#1570 Posts: 457 Arc User
edited November 2020 in General Discussion
Hello dudes, a new expansion was announced so I'll add here new info PWCN releases

-There will be a new skill adjustment, one new glyphed skill to all classes and a new level to the Ultimate Skill (there is already a thread more detailed here )















G18 Weapons

Here the translation of a heavy class weapon
* the last attribute ''Create The World = Ultimate Skill''

-New Boundary Level and 2 New Defensive Passive Skills

-Blademaster and Wizard models got reworked then we'll be able to use their HD Mode, now they share the human character screen with Technician.

-New Balanced Dungeon

Important points
*Balanced Attributes
*Guardian Charm disabled
*Potions limited
*Ressurrections limited
*Team Work to succeed


It was said we will have a new map and a text that says ''the story now advances to the final battle against the changelings.''

For now it's all we got, when they relase more info I'll add it here.

Post edited by hokker#1570 on


  • hokker#1570
    hokker#1570 Posts: 457 Arc User
    A Forum CM is releasing these notes


  • asterelle
    asterelle Posts: 861 Arc User
    edited November 2020
    @hokker You uploaded a thumbnail version of the skill changes. The image is too low res.

    Thanks for the update.
  • hokker#1570
    hokker#1570 Posts: 457 Arc User
    edited November 2020
    asterelle wrote: »
    @hokker You uploaded a thumbnail version of the skill changes. The image is too low res.

    Thanks for the update.
    Found a better res. here



    Post edited by hokker#1570 on
  • hokker#1570
    hokker#1570 Posts: 457 Arc User

  • hokker#1570
    hokker#1570 Posts: 457 Arc User
    Update about the new dungeon

    Important points
    *Balanced Attributes
    *Guardian Charm disabled
    *Potions limited
    *Ressurrections limited
    *Team Work to succeed


  • hokker#1570
    hokker#1570 Posts: 457 Arc User
  • redfast#1771
    redfast#1771 Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2020
    asterelle wrote: »
    @hokker You uploaded a thumbnail version of the skill changes. The image is too low res.

    Thanks for the update.

    Asterelle, can u find the RAW text of the skils for us?
  • liljka
    liljka Posts: 6 Arc User
    Why do you guys have to keep updating our skills etc just remove books quit nuking our current skills and give us better armor and occasionally a new dungeon you guys are making this way more complicated than it needs to be on the sence when i started in 2011 i knew what my class was what it did and why i chose it now though i come back after a short break and every single thing is more sucky veno mystic sin hell you guys cant even conp for the massive damage difference between assasin and the others yet you make interval per hit useless is newer dungeons kinda stupid thwy get the shaft on yalls glyph system and hp system aswell veno was meant to have a pet to tank lol pets last like 5 seconds now on a boss if you havent spent rl cash on a legendary pet mystic etc you guys make so much money off of us yet you guys dont understand we're investing our time and money into this game we dont get that back bro. We get pixels and me personally i want what invest in i dont want what u guys at support want who dont even play this game or invest your money into you guys make money off of us i feel like our opinions shouldnt be ignored hell we cant even sell our accounts to make some of them money back we invested cause yall will ban the account.... Simple fix current dungeons give us new gears and weapons quit messing with the skills we got unless its in a good way and occasionally give us an expansion with a new dungeon and quest chain no reason r9 should have been the endgame gear for as long as it has been yet here we are doverting our attention from our current problems with this update have to say its trash you guys make so much money off of our us servers and eu servera yet we get an update after china.... We cant even get our own gm to fix our dungeons >.> ive had into the fray on 4 accounts so far because the instance has been busted for sooo long yet no fixes.... No adjustment to make the essences outside to harvest or something to just end the quest... If you dont like the feedback im sorry all companies recieve negative feedback from theyre consumers of thier product they just aparently handle it better by taking the negitive criticism and changing what people dont like..maybe if it didnt require so much money and time to endgame (over a year average) we wouldnt have a reason to complain about still wanting progress as a long term game if yall are just trying to kill off the game just let us know so we as a community can quit investing and take our money somewhere else like world of warcraft least they keep updating gears as they go and you know its a p2p game before youve spent 6-8months leveling a character to play it
  • eter#6429
    eter#6429 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2020
    @liljka You seem to be complaining about some things that's already changed.
    Veno pets are OP now (yes non-legendary ones are good too)
    R9 is NOT the best endgame gear anymore.
    We did get new dungeons, and we are getting new ones soon again (with fairy sht)
  • asterelle
    asterelle Posts: 861 Arc User
    edited November 2020
    Asterelle, can u find the RAW text of the skils for us?

    The patch is not out yet as far as I can tell. When it is I'll take out the skill changes.

    Here's my translation of the Archer skill changes from @hokker's post. (I do this using the camera mode of the Google Translate app on my phone and pointing it at the image on my screen, zooming in when necessary)


    ΔBlackwing Arrow Lv 3 -> Combines follow up skills ∆Quickshot, ∆Lightning Strike, ∆Take Aim into one skill ∆"Thunder Soul Arrow"
    ∆"Thunder Soul Arrow" = Deals twice base physical damage plus 400% weapon attack plus 17506 of mixed physical and metal damage. Stuns target for 3seconds and increases attack rate by 60% for 10 seconds.

    ΨGalvanic Aura (no glyph) = Always increases crit rate by 50% for 9 hits (instead of 5 - 9 hits)
    Gold = Increases damage by 20%/30%/40%/50% of weapon attack for the 30s duration
    Green = Increases critical strike rate by 50% for the next 10/11/12/13 hits
    Blue= No longer increases critial strike rate but increases +6m range duration to 60s/100s/140s/180s
    Red = increases returned chi from 100 to 140/160/180/200
    White = increases crit rate from 50% to 55%/60%/65%/70%

    Flight Mastery Passive -> Increases flight speed for all wings by 0.4m/s

    ΨKnockback Arrow
    Gold = Increases damage by 75%/100%/125%/150% attack (up from 20%/30%/40%/50%)
    Green = Increases damage up to 200%/250%/300%/350% attack depending on range (up from 50%/75%/100%/125%)
    Blue = Damage increased by 50% (up from 25%)
    Red = Works on players but increases cooldown to 120s/110s/100s/90s, repel time of 1s
    Argent = Charge for up to 1.5s to deal up to 50%/70%/90%/110% damage (up from 30%/45%/60%/75%)

    ΨStormrage Eagleon
    Blue = lowers channel time to 0.8s/0.7s/0.6s/0.5s (same) and lowers physical and magical defense by 60%/65%/70%/75% (up from 50%)

    ΨWings of Grace
    Argent = Increases damage against players by 20%/30%/40%/50% (same)... increases damage against non-player targets by 40%/60%/80%/100%

    Overall I don't see anything too surprising over what we saw in the other thread. The super long duration of Blue glyph Galvanic is intriguing but it's weird there is no glyph to increase the range. Also it's pretty stupid for a lvl 10 argent glyph Galvanic to increase crit rate by 70%. Who are these Chinese archers with Lvl 10 Argent glyphs and 30% base crit?
  • liljka
    liljka Posts: 6 Arc User
    eter#6429 wrote: »
    @liljka You seem to be complaining about some things that's already changed.
    Veno pets are OP now (yes non-legendary ones are good too)
    R9 is NOT the best endgame gear anymore.
    We did get new dungeons, and we are getting new ones soon again (with fairy sht)[/quote

    dude that revisited tt armor is too expensive and rquires 105 for wear imo **** useless so yeah definitley we need different armors venos are only useful for debuffs being a veno from the start to end with the heal pet is the way it is pound for pound was the dumbest thing I've seen this game do it made solo play hard asf . assasins damage is is such bs when you swap from a regular dungeon to fsp or dup the mainly ran instances because some **** didnt like the aps factor it isnt for them to like we are the ones playing the game and investing into it saying that dude they should have leveled out the damage field i really only focous on my veno and sin mainly my sin we cant even get equal survivabilty chances with the vit/hp ratio 13 hp lol barbs etc get 15 phys res for glyphs and damage even reduced like this is a frigging glyph why can they not be the same for all classes cause a barb gets way tf more phys res and hp than a sin so does a bm why its a glyph not armor games going to ****
  • liljka
    liljka Posts: 6 Arc User
    Non legendary pets suck 😂😂😂 just straight trash. Heal pet at least compensated for that with no cooldowns to save the squishy venos newbpeople will jot have any solo play its a dumb idea. Ttr armors are not anything past g16 qnd g17 or r8 to r9 do im genuinely saying how theres shadow ashura g15 s2armor yeah around 770 phys res? Well g16 warsong gives like 986? Thats one grade up in armor mk then to r9 for wayyyy too much is around the same phys res then we get into the ttr and its almost the same phys res its like come on people i dont want to spend this much money getting the game shi over again if we need new armors point blank period thwy also do not need to be forced to be class oriented as what if i want to emdgame with a ha veno or wiz cant really into ranked gears etc it starts class orienting your gears forcing you to choose arcane further you go to dags g15s2 caps dmg with no refines at i think 1k dude g16 is 1100 then r9 is 1300 😒 so uninpressive and just honestly if we didnt need the gof for damage wed rather have something else no one likes dieing to phys immune creatures cause your hp is getting sucked away by dags give it holy or something yalls ideas have been getting really trashy for aome of us players who have to suffer when u just install them and when you do happen to ask us what issues wed like addressed you ignore us bruh some people even lost posting privledges 😂 and instead we get this kinda garbage as a response to what we wantedbor wanted fixed i couldve lived with a simple fixed aeu however i didnt want any of this trash its not even useful its a new skill if you had new weapons guess what more damage to do with your current wayy toomany skills 🤦this is what we pay for people remember that and im starting not to like it i didnt want to post this with my main account ive spent roughly 4k usd i think into pwi this year idk how much total i know you guys arnt getting anymore till i can see this as a game i want to continue playing
  • hokker#1570
    hokker#1570 Posts: 457 Arc User

  • hokker#1570
    hokker#1570 Posts: 457 Arc User
    edited November 2020
    ∆Psionic Infusion:
    Soulforce is increased in 10%(buff)

    Black Voodoo
    Sage: Attack Level increased to 69(it was 25) Defense Level decreased to 33(it was 11) Can be used when inflicted with control effects
    Demon: Attack Level increased to 66(it was 22) Defense Level decreased to 30(it was 8) Can be used when inflicted with control effects

    White Voodoo
    Sage: Defense Level increased to 104(it was 71) Attack Level decreased to 99(same) Can be used when inflicted with control effects
    Demon: Defense Level increased to 99(it was 66) Attack Level decreased to 99(same)Can be used when inflicted with control effects. Reduces your channeling time by 3%(same)

    New Glyphed skill
    ΨTide Spirit
    Instant Channeling. Increases your Magic Attack by 100% for 15 seconds. Increases channeling speed for 9 seconds. increases your Critical Rate by 20% for 15 seconds.
    Sanguine: Magic Attack Increased to 120%/130%/140%/150%
    Ethereal: Channeling Speed duration increased to 10/11/12/13 seconds
    Verdant: Recover chi spent 50/100/150/200 chi
    Golden: Cooldown decreased to 55/50/45/40 seconds
    Argent: Critical Rate increased to 25%/30%/35%/40%

    ΨSandburst Blast
    (Verdant): Guaranteed to reduce Earth Resistance by 40%/50%/60%/70%(it was 15%/20%/25%/30%)

    ΨRed Tide
    (Ethereal): No longer cause physical damage
    Deals an additional 180%/270%/360%/450% of weapon damage as water damage(it was 120%/180%/240%/300% mixed Water and Physical damage)

    ΨEarth Vector
    (all glyphs): Weapon damage increased to 200%(it was 100%)

    ΨAqua Impact
    (Golden): Weapon damage increased to 40%/60%/80%/100%(it was 20%/30%/40%/50%)

    Empowered Vigor
    Instant Channeling. Immediately resets the guardian charm cooldown. Can only use on yourself.
    Cooldown 90 seconds
    Sage: Cooldown reduced to 85 seconds
    Demon: Gains 10 chi

    Diminished Vigor
    Instant Channeling. Immediately put the enemy guardian charm in cooldown
    Cooldown 90 seconds
    Sage Cooldown reduced to 85 seconds
    Demon: Gains 10 chi
    Post edited by hokker#1570 on
  • bakujirou
    bakujirou Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited November 2020

    Why do they keep taking support options away from us?
    Couldn't cast SoV/SoSi on others, which was understandable because of the alt problem....cant cast Spirit Phalanx on others when they lowered its cost, and now you cant even Empower Vigor anyone else but ourselves?
    And why take the physical damage aspect out of Red Tide? It was small but at least that glyph gave some access to that damage spectrum in exchange for the stupid bleed. Just turning up the values while keeping the option for some form of physical damage wasn't too much to ask for.its not like there's an on-land water res debuff (beyond undine) to make use of the pure water damage compared to just using Sandburst's debuff and Stone Smasher now...oh well.
    [Etherblade] Euthymius
    Galefang [PWpedia]

  • vampirao2012
    vampirao2012 Posts: 12 Arc User
    guys about psychic ultimate skill, don't mention about no soulforce reduction.. (using google translate)
    don't be fools like last time when we're arguing about sk's earning 1billion atk speed, when it was a dumb accuracy buff
  • hokker#1570
    hokker#1570 Posts: 457 Arc User
    guys about psychic ultimate skill, don't mention about no soulforce reduction.. (using google translate)
    don't be fools like last time when we're arguing about sk's earning 1billion atk speed, when it was a dumb accuracy buff
    You're right, I received the translation from a friend and he just told me it was wrong, I just fixed.
  • vampirao2012
    vampirao2012 Posts: 12 Arc User
    guys about psychic ultimate skill, don't mention about no soulforce reduction.. (using google translate)
    don't be fools like last time when we're arguing about sk's earning 1billion atk speed, when it was a dumb accuracy buff
    You're right, I received the translation from a friend and he just told me it was wrong, I just fixed.
    ty... I love you man
  • hokker#1570
    hokker#1570 Posts: 457 Arc User

  • hokker#1570
    hokker#1570 Posts: 457 Arc User

  • heerohex#3018
    heerohex#3018 Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator
    @hokker#1570 Thank you again for these updates.

    Ill be paying close attention to them.

  • hokker#1570
    hokker#1570 Posts: 457 Arc User
    edited November 2020


    Post edited by hokker#1570 on
  • This content has been removed.
  • heerohex#3018
    heerohex#3018 Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator
    teabagg wrote: »
    dear PW..rework the damn main some massive event..make purgatory mountain blow the hell up..make a damn story of that...this other stuff you make just caters to the cashers.

    Interesting Ideas...

    Will pass on.

  • hokker#1570
    hokker#1570 Posts: 457 Arc User
    edited November 2020
  • aapke
    aapke Posts: 3 Arc User
    So when can we expect this expansion to arrive?
  • seeker4glory
    seeker4glory Posts: 4 Arc User
    Are these homestead weapon upgrades? Or rank 10?
  • cruxshadow
    cruxshadow Posts: 3 Arc User
    Are these homestead weapon upgrades? Or rank 10?

    asking the real questions.
  • hokker#1570
    hokker#1570 Posts: 457 Arc User
    aapke wrote: »
    So when can we expect this expansion to arrive?

    PWRU announced its new update this month that brings the Ilustrated Book and the Fairies content, usually pwi launches the expansion some weeks before/after PWRU, so after the Illustrated Book/Fairies update this one here is the next in line
  • hokker#1570
    hokker#1570 Posts: 457 Arc User
    Create The World = Ultimate skill