Northern reaches - Tuesday event

foxxel1980 Posts: 30 Arc User
Just curious as to the thoughts of the playerbase on this event, personally i'm not a fan for the reasons I'll post below though always open to new viewpoints.

Hopefully other servers have this better that tideswell, but here there are around 350 active divine defenders versus 35 imperial vanquishers. This is total, not in the actual Tuesday event, in the event I would be lucky to see 5 enemies.

I bring this up not as an issue of the Tuesday event (I believe the imbalance to be an issue with the northern reaches expansion in general) but to highlight this. Even with no competition - We still did not end the event. After the first week where it was new and shiny there have been 3 weeks in a row where the event literally dragged on the full time and didn't finish
  • You go down one of the lanes, pallasades easy archer towers bit rough on lower defences but manageable, barracks have staggering huge hp but okay
  • you reach the base and get 2 shot. Oh and there's 3 of them, the entire time of which 4 people with their chariots can hit you 40K every 2s (More on chariots below) all the while comfy in their literal tanks.
  • You persevere, reach the final boss, who does 95% of your hp and pushes you back. Good bye charm,good luck anyone without a healer nice knowing you.
The final boss has 1.5 billion hp, and while i dont have the exact numbers I believe damage is nerfed to ~5% normal attack. Making this a beast to chew through. With 25 minutes left of the event people decided to just not bother as we wouldnt end. Sounds defeatist but its still true.

Chariots - their importance and their plinkiness
So chariots are pretty cool overall, I like sitting in one for most of event if I can, but here's some issues
  • Damage is creditted to the chariot not to owner - You CANNOT get stacks while in chariot
  • Chariots deal stupid damage to players. I 2 shot a r9rr barb like he was madeof damp tissue
  • Chariots take pathetic damage from players - im not convinced players can kill chariots, not saying it should be a player win in 1v1, but with the chariot being so bulky and dealing so much damage to players, 20v1 might still be a loss.
  • Chariots do pathetic damage to other chariots - Highlight of the last nr event for me was the 4 minutes i pressed down and held the 1 key to kill the enemy chariot. Nothing else, i did <1% damage a hit to it, they did <1% damage to me, but I hit first so I won. Yeay me
  • Chariots do okay damage to bosses - This will be partly due to the sheer hp of bosses, while chariots do some good damage, they dont seem to benefit from any amplification. Your chariot will do 170-175K damage per hit. Enjoy. Please hit the boss 9000 times
  • Chariots kind of meh - Counter to how i introduced this. theres really not much to do on them you can Attack, Very slowly aoe attack, move 4m/s faster, or suicide and do the same damage as 1 attack. to maximise damage you can just jam down your 1 key and afk.

The reward
The reward for the event if you have a complete 1 sided fight is the same as 2 regular days if you get mediocre hourlies... meh
And it is set up in such a way that as soon as you get your 10 stacks, you are set,why not AFK and let others carry you. Should I turn up for 5 minutes for 9000+ points, or work my **** off 2h, for 9500+ points.

The actual event
maybe other people Enjoy this more than me, but I just feel the same is a bad version of lots of previous events, Walk down late beat on building until you win/time ends. Is basically TW but with poorly functioning catapults.

So to summarise,
  • Bosses too tanky
  • Damage too little
  • Chariots too good pvp, too mediocre on buildings/bosses
  • Overall kind of just bland event with a bland (same as daily) reward

What are your opinions on it, and what could be improved?


  • cheesespread#3490
    cheesespread#3490 Posts: 22 Arc User
    Yes, it's ridiculous.

    Since we like PVE so much, just make it a fake PK region. Let everyone join one side, and for every player on one side, add a mob of the same class on the other side (like class mobs in Abbadon and Uncharted Paradise) e_e

    More seriously though, the easiest fix would be to double the rewards amount so at least people have a reason to go there and try.

    The difficult fix would be paying for better servers so that it can actually be a cross-server region and introduce multiple time slots for Arctic Scramble and Tundra Campaign. :D:D:D

    Nerfing the bosses' HP would be nice. Nobody wants to spend 2h on a PVE event.
  • shineni#2821
    shineni#2821 Posts: 70 Arc User
    This event is 1 of the best designed events in terms of PvP and PvE at same time, but for our delightment, it will not work for pwi, as it was basically made minding their own server that has a massive amount of player base difference compared to us, not to mention that NR was supposed to allow all servers in the game to compete between them as it is in China, but i don't know what's the problem here, maybe infrastructure, but heroo said multiple times its not possible for us as it would bring more problems than benefits.

    On NR npc you have an item if i'm not mistake its the 4th tier, that once used give you arena gear buff for about 1h or 2h, not sure. This would make everyone on an even gear that would allow us to actually had some fun as long both side had the same amount of players, but big surprise, factions actually wanted to be on same side to make everything PvE Related, the only factions on opposite side are alts of the big factions to allow other mains to come to their side, since difference between each side cannot go above 500, you need 1 alt for each main that wants go on the other side, etc.

    Personally the event is pretty good till you reach the last boss that ticks your charm with 1 aoe, tbh i just afk there and if they kill it, that's nice, if they don't, oh well.
  • copy2#9637
    copy2#9637 Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited July 2020
    350 vs 35? Dude, I would join Imperial all by myself with that type of multiplier.
    Our server wasnt even that bad in difference but this were my GBT one week and I dont even attend all events, lots of people easily got the cap reward. (which is 100k)

    Also I'm not sure if the event was designed to be "finished" before the 2h mark? I actually havent been there (RIP timezones), perhaps if you use all your war supplies it would be possible but I dont really know.
    Your server should spread out more between the 2 sides thats for sure - and that would probably also give that event more life.
  • lax
    lax Posts: 96 Arc User
    edited July 2020
    Yes, it's ridiculous.

    Since we like PVE so much, just make it a fake PK region. Let everyone join one side, and for every player on one side, add a mob of the same class on the other side (like class mobs in Abbadon and Uncharted Paradise) e_e

    More seriously though, the easiest fix would be to double the rewards amount so at least people have a reason to go there and try.

    The difficult fix would be paying for better servers so that it can actually be a cross-server region and introduce multiple time slots for Arctic Scramble and Tundra Campaign. :D:D:D

    Nerfing the bosses' HP would be nice. Nobody wants to spend 2h on a PVE event.

    Dawnglory event is dead too, I asked them to merge all the NR realms, make it like the new dailies, if you picked up the quest/completed it in that 24 hour period it is unavailable to take again and make it three times a day on each servers timeslot. It's clearly possible to make quests like this as they are already in the game (new Legends of Treasure doesn't stack). Except as you already know this is a dead game for PWI and development of something like that is too difficult for the devs to wrap their brain around so it will never happen. Hell it took these devs 6 months to fix NW on a server, you think we'll get anything extra created to improve our gameplay experience? Fat **** chance.

    "but heroo said multiple times its not possible for us as it would bring more problems than benefits." It is possible for us, it is very possible, THEY LITERALLY HAVE XNW WHERE ALL 3 SERVERS GO ONTO 1 SERVER AND FIGHT EVERY SUNDAY. for NR you literally make 1 cross server like xnw and have the event at 3 different times. They've also got arena which is all servers. Their excuse for this one is "well it's not open 24/7 so it's different." It's not any different they are just too lazy to customize the map for them self.
    Have you played on all servers across pwi? It literally feels like ALL their servers are in the same datacenter and just have timezones changed to reflect the "International timezones". Every server has the same lag and ping whether I'm on EU,NAE or NAW

    He's a community moderator, aka a GM puppet, he gets told what he can and can't say and has to abide by it.

    Post edited by lax on
  • heerohex#3018
    heerohex#3018 Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator
    To be fair I wont debate the fact its possible. I know the team is working on ways to get this working and have been for some time now. Some point Im sure it will be possible. However as things stand and the system limitations its simply not.

    When people ask a question and I try to get an answer im doing it for the community and to try and negate the silence we have from the PWI team. I understand everyone may not like the answers that we get and long term they may change. I was really hoping something would be better than nothing.

    Im fair and open If I can answer a question and or help a situation I will. I hope this helps.

  • lax
    lax Posts: 96 Arc User
    edited August 2020
    heero200 wrote: »
    To be fair I wont debate the fact its possible. I know the team is working on ways to get this working and have been for some time now. Some point Im sure it will be possible. However as things stand and the system limitations its simply not.

    When people ask a question and I try to get an answer im doing it for the community and to try and negate the silence we have from the PWI team. I understand everyone may not like the answers that we get and long term they may change. I was really hoping something would be better than nothing.

    Im fair and open If I can answer a question and or help a situation I will. I hope this helps.


    It's not you, you just take the **** as the public face (which is sad because at least 1 GM should be active on the forum to show any care for this game), it's the way the GM's give responses and never do anything about it. Just based on other versions of this game if the GM's really really cared about this game and fixing anything they could get it done within a few weeks.

    It's not that hard to realize that the systems and quest checks are already in game, this new update confirmed it. Legends of Treasure cannot be taken and turned in twice on the same day even if you stack it. That mechanic can easily be transferred over and implemented to all the NR quests in probably 8 hours of coding since the coding is already there for the other quest.

    The excuse they gave you of not having the systems to implement xserver across all servers is a blatant lie that they shouldn't be telling you. XNW and XTW have existed since before I quit years ago. Arena is open for like 24 Hours. It just seems like they don't have any programmers who are capable/working on this game to get it done.

    To anybody that's been around for years it just seems like they don't want to go through the effort of customizing this version of their game anymore. Our r9 doesn't exist anywhere else, same can be made for NW to make it work for the different markets.

    The part that's a slap in the face to their playerbase is that Etherblade and Twilight Temple have their cross server setup in NR where they can compete against each other. That alone goes to show that PWI doesn't even code their own stuff for this game, and they haven't been pushing China to code the 4 servers to be xserver just like XNW XTW and Arena, because if they can do it for those 2 they would be able to do it for all 4.

    If PWRU is under the same contract as PWI (whereas they have to get permission from China to change contents of the game/fix things, then china fixes them and send the patch) then there really is no excuse for PWI.

    PWRU fixed the Veno doll glitch within 1 month of it coming out, how long has it been here now? 2-3 months probably will never get fixed until the next update we get (who knows when that will be). Arena was reverted on PWRU at the request of the GM's and players there. That just shows if other versions can get stuff done we should be able to as well.

    Dawnglory feels like it's been slowly bleeding out all longtime players ever since this update dropped partially because of this NR not being Xserver and this update is what a lot of players were hoping for and were given the short straw with it not working as intended. Even though all my tickets are "NR is working as intended across all servers" lul.