PWI Wings of Rebirth Expansion - The Good The Bad and The Broken / Bugs. (R9 issue!)

heerohex#3018 Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator
edited May 2019 in Quality Corner
Hi all,

So with every update comes the above, Having your feedback on the Bugs and things that you like and didn't like has always helped in the past so lets see what we have this time.

I will try and get to every post. Please remember sometimes this can be hard when time is limited so please go with me as much as possible.


- The Edgerunner's Combat emote does not function.
- The Edgerunner's Fall Down emote does not function correctly and can have strange consequences when used before or after other emotes.
- Some players may crash when trying to load the game. (More Details would be good on this.)
- Their has been noted a lot of point where the client will randomly crash out / Black screen. ***
- A problem has been found with R9 for the new classes. This does not appear to use the R9S2 in making R9S3 ETC. ( Be advised to read the thread first )

- A bug has been Fixed in UP that caused errors.

- Jone's Blessings currently cannot be equipped by Technicians and Edgerunners.
- Currently the game does not auto-detect whether your computer is running a 32-bit or 64-bit operating system. To load your client to the 64-bit version you must adjust this manually.
- It appears some of the Drops in WC for the molds are different to the normal setup. (Not game breaking but different)#
- Their is no G16 Gears for the new classes? Edgerunner and Technician. ( Likely this was missed as this is G16 is PWI exclusive)

- NEW CLASSES! - Discussion HERE

Ill update as and when I can.

Post edited by heerohex#3018 on


  • heerohex#3018
    heerohex#3018 Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator
    obielle wrote: »
    heero200 wrote: »
    PS, I'll get a bugs thread going at some point. Please just hang on tight... In the mean time please post what u find and I'll merge it. Or copy it over.


    I've only got a few that I'm sitting on at the moment for the patch notes page on the wiki.
    • Jone's Blessings currently cannot be equipped by Technicians and Edgerunners.
    • The Edgerunner's Combat emote does not function.
    • The Edgerunner's Fall Down emote does not function correctly and can have strange consequences when used before or after other emotes.

    Honestly, try out the 3rd one if you have an Edgerunner. My friend did "Defend" and then "Fall Down" and it's pretty amusing :D
  • nunuator
    nunuator Posts: 455 Arc User
    Just a quick heads up so more players don’t have to have this issue.....
    When making rank 9 for new classes the 1st cast armors are used to make 3rd cast R9 not the 2nd cast for whatever reason they put 1st cast in forges for Chest,bracers,legs and boots.... while belt is 2nd cast (can confirm) and wep appears to need 2nd cast but I’d double check with trying to upgrade from 1st cast b4 doing so.

    Just a notice in case someone else makes the same mistake I did... now to w8 for the mercy of GMs to replace my R9 Edge Runner chest
  • tek1nig
    tek1nig Posts: 793 Arc User
    edited May 2019
    Homestead Virtuoso Construction Quest - Bug

    I've noticed since the expansion the homestead and quest log does not show the completion of the targeted monster goal of the day but I can properly turn in the quest as it is still recognized by the system as a completed quest once the targeted monster is killed.

    Assassin - SyntherosX - 105, 105, 105 Calc :
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  • nunuator
    nunuator Posts: 455 Arc User
    Rank 9 2nd cast is not utilized in making 3rd cast armors for technician and edge runner specifically Chest,legs,boots and arms instead they use 1st cast R9
  • nunuator
    nunuator Posts: 455 Arc User
    Also for whatever reason the R9 belt mold for edge is dropping from wood while we had the chest drop from earth kinda strange but might just be a 1 time bug... I’ll be running more ws frenzy later 2day and try to figure out for certain it just means if u need belt/chest mold might have to kill earth or wood for it
  • leilanix#7650
    leilanix#7650 Posts: 2 Arc User
    never ending picture freezing on different maps/places (like base, UP entrance, some places around 1K, Etherblade, porting from Momaganon out or porting to Western Steppes. But in NF it works after relogging untill I change the camera angle/ angle of view.) and during this freezing the game is still going on when I move my char or jump ppl ig can see that but my ig scr. is frozen or sometimes black.
    The only way out of it is to log my char from different PC and put it somewhere safe where this doesnt happen (Archosaur, or Kirin.. )

    Will see about the TW and xTW tomorrow.
  • nunuator
    nunuator Posts: 455 Arc User
    R9 Mold drops for new classes are as follows for whatever reason...
    Chest: earth (supposed to be in wood)
    Legs: metal (supposed to be in water)
    Boots: water (supposed to be in metal)
    Arms:fire (only one that's normal)
    Belt: wood (supposed to be in earth)
  • wishes6
    wishes6 Posts: 5 Arc User
    There's no G16 and G15 weps or TT versions of the new classes
  • splendideyes
    splendideyes Posts: 328 Arc User
    -big notes finally stack above 1000s
    -master/apprentice daily boss kill (100 points) in FSP doesnt count
    -quest tracker STILL cancerous
  • gunnerfun#3653
    gunnerfun#3653 Posts: 7 Arc User
    -master/apprentice daily boss kill (100 points) in FSP doesnt count

    Yes it does
  • psychochris#0922
    psychochris#0922 Posts: 4 Arc User
    Maybe not so important, but will we get customization for the new classes so we all don't look exactly the same? This is one of the best things about PWI. Also, when will fashion and gear show up? Right now, only the free timed fashion shows up and no gear shows up at all.
  • gunnerfun#3653
    gunnerfun#3653 Posts: 7 Arc User
    Maybe not so important, but will we get customization for the new classes so we all don't look exactly the same? This is one of the best things about PWI. Also, when will fashion and gear show up? Right now, only the free timed fashion shows up and no gear shows up at all.
    Uncheck the ''Detailed'' option in your settings. Thats what makes your class look different, it's not a completed feature yet in this patch.
  • dwveno
    dwveno Posts: 8 Arc User
    When you do the master/apperntice instance and you for example have a charater in a transfomrated state when you hit start, the transfomred charater get's ported to the starter area, while the rest get ported into the task.

    When all the people that failed the task that got ported in, it won't reset.

    Fix - Relog on the charater which was transformed

    Please add a reset quest maybe on the npc, thanks
  • technoplume3
    technoplume3 Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited May 2019
    So far I found if you open the "perfect world anecdote" using the bottom right white book icon, you get the diamond menu. Then click and option you get inside the menu to see quest and chains, the back button does not work. It does work when going in the quest.
    Not really a bug, but .............
    What is the point of that Diamond window.... you get the same menu and info on the next one, it's useless.

    Well Other then the new NPC 1st person window, I have to say this look like the 1st update PW has done that will require low maintenance or change. I went trough all the quest that where broken from 8 year past, and other then finishing updating my HS and RS Level. Everything work fine so far.

    Well done... but pls pass to the dev team if you can't ... PC player here, hate the new MOBILE npc window.... make it optional PLS
  • pasarinho
    pasarinho Posts: 22 Arc User
    Belt and Weapon is 2nd recast for sure, i made mine.
    About the rest i need to wait for them to fix the problem, saddly they wont help through ticket.
  • splendideyes
    splendideyes Posts: 328 Arc User
    yawnyawn wrote: »
    -master/apprentice daily boss kill (100 points) in FSP doesnt count

    Yes it does

    not for me in JFSP, explain?
  • antonio0590
    antonio0590 Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited May 2019
    Various things I noticed while playing good and bad

    In Swords to Plowshares daily, the aerial fertilizer bugs out sometimes if you press wasd while in the vehicle. at least for me it did.

    RB1 chain gives you the item to rb2 (no longer need to craft it in primal) You can rb2 as soon as you hit 100 again.
    RB1 chain also doesnt start until lvl 50.

    Gain entrance to primal world at lvl 80

    Dailies around 1k streams that were added a few expansions ago for lvls 83-95 are no longer there. (Not missed really)

    Crazy stone doesnt appear in find a quest daily slot even after you unlock it at lvl 30 (still active)

    Speed buff you get at lvl 1 seems to be for lvl 1-99 rb and non rb

    The Harbringer daily also doesn't show in daily find a quest after you hit lvl 80. (still active)

    Post edited by antonio0590 on
  • magusdark
    magusdark Posts: 19 Arc User
    So where do you get your first glyph slot open? It used to be at the starter area (Celestial Vale) aaaannnnddd now it's not... ???
  • obielle
    obielle Posts: 1,214 Community Moderator
    Crazy stone doesnt appear in find a quest daily slot even after you unlock it at lvl 30 (still active)

    PWCN fixed this issue in their next patch from the looks of it, so it's definitely a bug.
    magusdark wrote: »
    So where do you get your first glyph slot open? It used to be at the starter area (Celestial Vale) aaaannnnddd now it's not... ???

    It looks like the level requirement was changed up to Reawakening II Level 100+ and you can do it in Neverfall - the Glyph Master of Mercy and the little rabbits are still there. I didn't personally check if you can still technically do it in the Celestial Vale but I do recall having an alt that hasn't done the quest, so I can check.
    Roxxannae - Twilight Temple
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  • heerohex#3018
    heerohex#3018 Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator
    Ill update this tomz.

    - Ive had a lot of people say about the client closing to me.

    is everyone having issues with this?

  • cbanananf
    cbanananf Posts: 34 Arc User
    my game randomly just closes no error no dc just closes... seems to happen when i trade more. It happened 4 times in 30 mins :/
  • tibli
    tibli Posts: 8 Arc User
    heero200 wrote: »
    Ill update this tomz.

    - Ive had a lot of people say about the client closing to me.

    is everyone having issues with this?


    Yes, the game crashes several times per day (with a windows bug report).
    Most of the time it happens while teleporting.
    Other actions causing the crash : open the bank, reload a registered skill bar, reload a registered gear set in character simulator + some others i didn't identify yet
  • zentfamily
    zentfamily Posts: 234 Arc User
    So far I've crashed while teleporting, changing/combining glyps, and opening/closing windows. Think once I crashed just by swapping back to the client.
    At least it completely disconnects instead of locking you out for 15 minutes.
    ZentVedr - Retired at last. Or am I?
  • cosmosia1989
    cosmosia1989 Posts: 165 Arc User
    edited May 2019
    You get the first glyph slot as it was back in the Day: In Neverfall. I am Twilight Sky I now and close to be done with Chaotic Soul culti. They have revamped the regular culti and you find all culti bosses outside of the dungeons, except for the Chrono-Culti, this is the same it was before. Nice that you also dont have to do a full rebirth delta anymore. The 3 bosses needed can be found in the backrooms of the instance - Very nice! There have been no other progression issues aside from not being able to enter Sky Levels until RB1 lv80 (but you can Squad sign in there to get your chart after RB instantly).

    Also, what many ppl will be happy about: Demon/Sage Books are available in EU for the new classes..thats a major relief..I dunno if its all skills, but quite a few of them.

    Another thing to point out is: Dont fall for the morai trap. There are no specific Morai skills for the new classes. All those skills can be had at the Skills forge in Thousand Streams with using Apo and Chrono Pages (lv79 and lv100 skills).

    Gunner = Demon, Paladin = Sage. Thank me later. Don't ask me why, use your brain and read the skills or simply try it. I have enough experience to be 100% sure those roles are superior (tho, you can make an argument that Demon Pala might be nice too for pure DD purposes, but meh, sage is more versatile).

    The thing I really love is that they bumped up the EXP rewards from all Quests really massively. I basically leveled to 102/100/100 just with a few FCs and then quests. Also..the amount of EXP gained from the Sky Level chain quests is ridiculous xD LEVEL UP LEVEL UP LEVEL UP all the time when I did that from lv80 on in 1st rb. Gotta say, after already being through all this stuff with roughly 23 chars so never was more fun and easy as it is now. Kudos! Just the amount of bloods you get from those chains is a bit meh, but the new classes dont have that many skills anyways.

    Oh, and you can enter Homestead already at lv80 (might be earlier but thats when I noticed) when you are done with the 79 culti. You also dont need Reputation anymore. So get your buttocks moving and keep doing the dailies for ulti and stuff!

    PS: I went back to the 32-Bit Client as the 64-Bit client seems to have weird issues, even going as far as freezing up my entire PC. I need to be fast to close clients that Hang via task manager and even then they remain as zombies until I restart. Not good. We will have to wait for improvements on that but the 32-Bit performance isnt far off anyways.
  • aradriel
    aradriel Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited May 2019
    heero200 wrote: »
    Ill update this tomz.

    - Ive had a lot of people say about the client closing to me.

    is everyone having issues with this?


    Can confirm this is a major issue among a lot of my faction. I've had it happen a couple of times - only when teleporting or once when respawning after a death in xserver tw. It either closes with a bug report, or the window just freezes and goes non-responsive.

    edit: this seems to be an issue regardless of whether or not someone's running the 32-bit or 64-bit client.
    Raging Tides/Tideswell
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  • tek1nig
    tek1nig Posts: 793 Arc User
    aradriel wrote: »
    heero200 wrote: »
    Ill update this tomz.

    - Ive had a lot of people say about the client closing to me.

    is everyone having issues with this?


    Can confirm this is a major issue among a lot of my faction. I've had it happen a couple of times - only when teleporting or once when respawning after a death in xserver tw. It either closes with a bug report, or the window just freezes and goes non-responsive.

    I have a few people who quit the game and told me to inform them when this "Black screen" client unresponsiveness if fixed. . . If ever. . .
    Assassin - SyntherosX - 105, 105, 105 Calc :
    Loyal Perfect World Player 9 Year Vet.
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  • zoube
    zoube Posts: 179 Arc User
    Lof of crash during changing maps too and during Haspoon.
  • mysticblue#1834
    mysticblue#1834 Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited May 2019
    My gamewindow seems to mysteriously disappear as black screen lol..
    I can't even locate it via task manager.

    I wonder if it is only happening with me or others as well.
    Nevermind found a temporary fix via processes in task manager.
  • dawnsilver10
    dawnsilver10 Posts: 52 Arc User
    Also the sparks from the edgerunner seem to do not as they say. It say's it should recover HP but recovers MP instead. That screen freeze I had in Archosaur, when i was riding close behind that bamboo plants close to faction base NPC. Seems likely to happen, in crowded areas. But yes, that had me concerned also. It's not a regular issue for me, but it is concerning, as I remember that I used to play another certain game from PWE, which had Bug Report, when talking to most NPCs which got fixed with another expansion later. Hope it won't be that long. But so far I like the new cultivation changes. Still discovering how far it goes, as my Technician is 89 I suppose. Wonder if new fashion will have feature low quality and high quality models, which would be great. Also I would like to see the Mercenary, Darklord and some more fashions with new high quality mode.

    Ah and it feels way more laggy even if there is only 3 people around. Don't think it's related to my PC, since i got like 16gb RAM and client only uses 33% of CPU when rendering in game. So, maybe it has to do that I use 32-bit version still, but when I read all the issues here, I rather wait for fix, instead of changing to 64-bit manually. And I use to lagg on my old character, she has no high quality model yet, while the Technician seems fine, which actually uses the high quality model. Anyone else having more lags? Could be just Dawnglory, since Twilight Temple runs just fine, aside from the higher ping due to server being farther away.
  • zentfamily
    zentfamily Posts: 234 Arc User
    I'm feeling a lot less lag using the 64bit client, but since I'm no longer joining massive events like DC and xNW I can't really state the improvement. PvE-wise it feels a lot smoother now.
    ZentVedr - Retired at last. Or am I?