About BM's wombo combo

Posts: 4 Arc User
in Blademaster
1st of all i have a bm r9set +10 only. i stopped playing for 2years. i started playing again lastweek and still working on my nf skills.
yesterday i ran with random people on dhd and theres another bm on squad which is "G16" set only and she has +12 boundless axe. shes ranting about her damage on last boss for "18m only" i was like wtf?
i cant event manage to hit the last boss for more than 2m with ult.
and theres a thing. i think last week when my 1st day going back to play, i saw the rankings #1 is a bm wooping a 43m damage?? where the hell bm's damage came from?
was just curious and i want to learn whats that combo and how to DD well specially on DHD last boss..
any pro bm gimme advice about this combo?
-1st rb morai set
-R9rr set +10 with +11weapon
-half JoSD / half +10 vit shards
-G16 cape and helmet ony
yesterday i ran with random people on dhd and theres another bm on squad which is "G16" set only and she has +12 boundless axe. shes ranting about her damage on last boss for "18m only" i was like wtf?
i cant event manage to hit the last boss for more than 2m with ult.
and theres a thing. i think last week when my 1st day going back to play, i saw the rankings #1 is a bm wooping a 43m damage?? where the hell bm's damage came from?
was just curious and i want to learn whats that combo and how to DD well specially on DHD last boss..
any pro bm gimme advice about this combo?
-1st rb morai set
-R9rr set +10 with +11weapon
-half JoSD / half +10 vit shards
-G16 cape and helmet ony
It’s mostly utilizing ultimate and using a genie to build up the charges extremely quick
Let me find the video of it for you
On the last boss you can see him spam clicking celestial sword each hit of said skill builds a charge on the bm ultimatehttps://youtu.be/QvzzygfNfpI
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The trick is in the chi management and the red glyph on most of BMs skills (tho I advise to use it on River Avalanche, since it has the biggest damage, best utility without sacrificing Bonus or other skills, mainly for PvP tho, in PvE you could use the red glyph on most skills, still River deals the most damage).
This will basically make the skill deal 4x base damage of the regular skill (since it adds 150% of base damage to the skill per 100 chi consumed, so on full chi that is 300% on top of the regular base damage of the skill aka 400%, if you use a level 5-7 red glyph). It's perfect if you run with another bm so you don't have to use HF yourself, but even that hardly matters since with the golden Glyph on HF and mostly Chi Glyphs on the spamable skills (Ferocious Leap, Army Crusher, Drake's ray) you can rebuilt your chi to max until your ulti is fully stacked to use your Red-Glyphed River Avalanche for insane damage.
If you trip spark instead of HF and use a chi pot (cause another BM HFs) you can deal even way more damage than that since it's based of your base damage and trip spark massively increases that.
PS: 43m on damage test mob is pretty low. A full devil stone BM, 65k base damage and a level 8 glyph should easily be able to hit 200m+ with all means possible, tho if you have so much damage, not insta-killing the mob to HF it is hard. It's basically Trip spark, ulti (built stacks on someone in a duel + rebuilt your chi to 3.2 sparks before using HF), HF (most likely have to unequip your whole gear, having 60 dex only helps, just unequip your tome (emp) and use a lvl1 weap for hf), chi pot, then reequip stuff + zerk weap, extreme poison and Frenzy genie skills and hope for a ZC on red river.
So the gist of it is use all the blue glyphs you can muster on the spamable skills and a red glyph on River (oceans Edge works too tho) so you can rebuilt chi as fast as possible and push out all this extra chi as insane damage in PvE and PvP.0 -
PS: 43m on damage test mob is pretty low. A full devil stone BM, 65k base damage and a level 8 glyph should easily be able to hit 200m+ with all means possible, tho if you have so much damage, not insta-killing the mob to HF it is hard. It's basically Trip spark, ulti (built stacks on someone in a duel + rebuilt your chi to 3.2 sparks before using HF), HF (most likely have to unequip your whole gear, having 60 dex only helps, just unequip your tome (emp) and use a lvl1 weap for hf), chi pot, then reequip stuff + zerk weap, extreme poison and Frenzy genie skills and hope for a ZC on red river.
can u make a video about your calculations? since u have bm full r9rr "43m is pretty low" tnx in advance.
and tnx chico for creating this thread. i always ask lots of bms too. specially the top one. yet no reply on them.0 -
baambaammm wrote: »
PS: 43m on damage test mob is pretty low. A full devil stone BM, 65k base damage and a level 8 glyph should easily be able to hit 200m+ with all means possible, tho if you have so much damage, not insta-killing the mob to HF it is hard. It's basically Trip spark, ulti (built stacks on someone in a duel + rebuilt your chi to 3.2 sparks before using HF), HF (most likely have to unequip your whole gear, having 60 dex only helps, just unequip your tome (emp) and use a lvl1 weap for hf), chi pot, then reequip stuff + zerk weap, extreme poison and Frenzy genie skills and hope for a ZC on red river.
can u make a video about your calculations? since u have bm full r9rr "43m is pretty low" tnx in advance.
and tnx chico for creating this thread. i always ask lots of bms too. specially the top one. yet no reply on them.
Joe and math? Good one!
Breaking 200m on dmg test dummy takes literally a build I have never seen on PWI. Its theoretically possible with lvl 8 glyph(s) and devil stones and 65k p.att(Not really possible w/o NP/weird build). And even that barely breaks the 200m(~205m) assuming you land high end(65k) of your attack range. Well assuming you cant triple spark, which would get you easily over 65k range and if you are tryhard enough there is way to triple spark I suppose.0 -
hurrdurrurr wrote: »baambaammm wrote: »
PS: 43m on damage test mob is pretty low. A full devil stone BM, 65k base damage and a level 8 glyph should easily be able to hit 200m+ with all means possible, tho if you have so much damage, not insta-killing the mob to HF it is hard. It's basically Trip spark, ulti (built stacks on someone in a duel + rebuilt your chi to 3.2 sparks before using HF), HF (most likely have to unequip your whole gear, having 60 dex only helps, just unequip your tome (emp) and use a lvl1 weap for hf), chi pot, then reequip stuff + zerk weap, extreme poison and Frenzy genie skills and hope for a ZC on red river.
can u make a video about your calculations? since u have bm full r9rr "43m is pretty low" tnx in advance.
and tnx chico for creating this thread. i always ask lots of bms too. specially the top one. yet no reply on them.
Joe and math? Good one!
Breaking 200m on dmg test dummy takes literally a build I have never seen on PWI. Its theoretically possible with lvl 8 glyph(s) and devil stones and 65k p.att(Not really possible w/o NP/weird build). And even that barely breaks the 200m(~205m) assuming you land high end(65k) of your attack range. Well assuming you cant triple spark, which would get you easily over 65k range and if you are tryhard enough there is way to triple spark I suppose.
As I said, ofc you can trip spark, you can also fully stack your ulti. Just put a tanky barb in invoke into a duel, ulti, trip spark, use all your main chi skills, use HF on the mob (without gear), equip gear again, EP, Frenzy, chi pot, red glyphed River. If that ZC it's easily 200m+ for an endgame BM. But no, NP wouldn't be needed as you can reach 65k base damage and roughly 280 att lvl even without NP, "just" need max att lvl shards, decent engraves and a nice chart. If you have trouble during the combo with chi, welp, ask 3 venos to give you chi at the right timing and all chi trouble is gone.
https://mypers.pw/13/#807341 - This is nearly the maximum damage you can have as a BM, doesn't get much higher. Gear on the level of people like Genesesia, so it is possible, just costs you a bit of moneyzzz. If you add the new PvE damage increase pot, Duskblade buffs, Mystic buffs and use the combo I have told you above, heck, I don't doubt that even 500m damage will be possible if perfectly executed with a ZC. My BM managed to hit roughly 50m with a ZC with 47k base damage and 150 att lvl, 1778 spirit back in the day and Level 5 Red glyph on River.
Since everything stacks multiplicatively + the Level 10 glyph, welp... According to mypers and the damage test on a mob with 0 def, level 1 (like the test mob) my old BM deals 990,8k upper, crit only and the max gear BM deals 3,686m upper, crit only. That is 3,72x the damage (assuming same buffs). https://mypers.pw/13/#807343/807341 - This is the comparison and note, here my BM is already stronger than she was when I did the damage test on the mob.
Now, red River on Level 5 basically adds 300% base damage, so if the old BM was to use that he would end up at 3,963m upper with just a crit, the max BM with a level 10 glyph however would get 400% additional base damage and would thus hit 18,43m upper, crit only. That's now 4.65x the damage of the other BM. Now go and slap on all the damage multipliers on there like HF (2x), Zerk (2x), EP (1.2x), Buff pot (1.5x), Myst buff (1.2x), Dusk Buff (1.15x), Frenzy (+20 att lvl, according to mypers results in the damage going up by 4.7%, so 1.047x) and ulti (2x) which would bring us to a whopping 383,454m damage with that max geared BM.
Since we got mypers you don't even need to do the math yourselfI also tested the damage on the damage test mob myself (basic stats, no buffs, just regular attack) and compared it to the stat-exact copy on mypers. The damage is absolutely identical so you can kinda take the values from mypers serious. PWI ingame I hit the mob for 67367 (weaponless, for equal damage) and on mypers I hit the mob for 67383. That was my mistake because I gave the mob on mypers 0 pdef which is incorrect, it's 1 pdef actually..but the difference is completely negligible. Just use mire as well to be save
PS: If you ultra-tryhard to 60 STR base you will roughly end up at 402,62m.
PSS: In case if you are wondering why I didnt hit higher with my BM back then, it wasn't just the gear, it was also because I didn't use everything that I mentioned here. If I did, I would've already hit the mob for 80m roughly.Post edited by jsxshadow on0 -
hurrdurrurr wrote: »baambaammm wrote: »
PS: 43m on damage test mob is pretty low. A full devil stone BM, 65k base damage and a level 8 glyph should easily be able to hit 200m+ with all means possible, tho if you have so much damage, not insta-killing the mob to HF it is hard. It's basically Trip spark, ulti (built stacks on someone in a duel + rebuilt your chi to 3.2 sparks before using HF), HF (most likely have to unequip your whole gear, having 60 dex only helps, just unequip your tome (emp) and use a lvl1 weap for hf), chi pot, then reequip stuff + zerk weap, extreme poison and Frenzy genie skills and hope for a ZC on red river.
can u make a video about your calculations? since u have bm full r9rr "43m is pretty low" tnx in advance.
and tnx chico for creating this thread. i always ask lots of bms too. specially the top one. yet no reply on them.
Joe and math? Good one!
Breaking 200m on dmg test dummy takes literally a build I have never seen on PWI. Its theoretically possible with lvl 8 glyph(s) and devil stones and 65k p.att(Not really possible w/o NP/weird build). And even that barely breaks the 200m(~205m) assuming you land high end(65k) of your attack range. Well assuming you cant triple spark, which would get you easily over 65k range and if you are tryhard enough there is way to triple spark I suppose.
As I said, ofc you can trip spark, you can also fully stack your ulti. Just put a tanky barb in invoke into a duel, ulti, trip spark, use all your main chi skills, use HF on the mob (without gear), equip gear again, EP, Frenzy, chi pot, red glyphed River. If that ZC it's easily 200m+ for an endgame BM. But no, NP wouldn't be needed as you can reach 65k base damage and roughly 280 att lvl even without NP, "just" need max att lvl shards, decent engraves and a nice chart. If you have trouble during the combo with chi, welp, ask 3 venos to give you chi at the right timing and all chi trouble is gone.
https://mypers.pw/13/#807341 - This is nearly the maximum damage you can have as a BM, doesn't get much higher. Gear on the level of people like Genesesia, so it is possible, just costs you a bit of moneyzzz. If you add the new PvE damage increase pot, Duskblade buffs, Mystic buffs and use the combo I have told you above, heck, I don't doubt that even 500m damage will be possible if perfectly executed with a ZC. My BM managed to hit roughly 50m with a ZC with 47k base damage and 150 att lvl, 1778 spirit back in the day and Level 5 Red glyph on River.
Since everything stacks multiplicatively + the Level 10 glyph, welp... According to mypers and the damage test on a mob with 0 def, level 1 (like the test mob) my old BM deals 990,8k upper, crit only and the max gear BM deals 3,686m upper, crit only. That is 3,72x the damage (assuming same buffs). https://mypers.pw/13/#807343/807341 - This is the comparison and note, here my BM is already stronger than she was when I did the damage test on the mob.
Now, red River on Level 5 basically adds 300% base damage, so if the old BM was to use that he would end up at 3,963m upper with just a crit, the max BM with a level 10 glyph however would get 400% additional base damage and would thus hit 18,43m upper, crit only. That's now 4.65x the damage of the other BM. Now go and slap on all the damage multipliers on there like HF (2x), Zerk (2x), EP (1.2x), Buff pot (1.5x), Myst buff (1.2x), Dusk Buff (1.15x), Frenzy (+20 att lvl, according to mypers results in the damage going up by 4.7%, so 1.047x) and ulti (2x) which would bring us to a whopping 383,454m damage with that max geared BM.
Since we got mypers you don't even need to do the math yourselfI also tested the damage on the damage test mob myself (basic stats, no buffs, just regular attack) and compared it to the stat-exact copy on mypers. The damage is absolutely identical so you can kinda take the values from mypers serious. PWI ingame I hit the mob for 67367 (weaponless, for equal damage) and on mypers I hit the mob for 67383. That was my mistake because I gave the mob on mypers 0 pdef which is incorrect, it's 1 pdef actually..but the difference is completely negligible. Just use mire as well to be save
PS: If you ultra-tryhard to 60 STR base you will roughly end up at 402,62m.
I dont play BM so I wasnt sure how the chi worked, did mention tryharding aka venos spamming chi. I didnt think of skill dmg buffs, I admit that much. But what I dont understand is what does it matter what some devil stone BM with max gear can do? Is there actually anybody remotely on that gear level on a similar build?0 -
i see. thats why humans are being real humans. they keep quite so the class will never get nerfed
but seriously share the video of knowledge out there eyyy!
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hurrdurrurr wrote: »hurrdurrurr wrote: »baambaammm wrote: »
PS: 43m on damage test mob is pretty low. A full devil stone BM, 65k base damage and a level 8 glyph should easily be able to hit 200m+ with all means possible, tho if you have so much damage, not insta-killing the mob to HF it is hard. It's basically Trip spark, ulti (built stacks on someone in a duel + rebuilt your chi to 3.2 sparks before using HF), HF (most likely have to unequip your whole gear, having 60 dex only helps, just unequip your tome (emp) and use a lvl1 weap for hf), chi pot, then reequip stuff + zerk weap, extreme poison and Frenzy genie skills and hope for a ZC on red river.
can u make a video about your calculations? since u have bm full r9rr "43m is pretty low" tnx in advance.
and tnx chico for creating this thread. i always ask lots of bms too. specially the top one. yet no reply on them.
Joe and math? Good one!
Breaking 200m on dmg test dummy takes literally a build I have never seen on PWI. Its theoretically possible with lvl 8 glyph(s) and devil stones and 65k p.att(Not really possible w/o NP/weird build). And even that barely breaks the 200m(~205m) assuming you land high end(65k) of your attack range. Well assuming you cant triple spark, which would get you easily over 65k range and if you are tryhard enough there is way to triple spark I suppose.
As I said, ofc you can trip spark, you can also fully stack your ulti. Just put a tanky barb in invoke into a duel, ulti, trip spark, use all your main chi skills, use HF on the mob (without gear), equip gear again, EP, Frenzy, chi pot, red glyphed River. If that ZC it's easily 200m+ for an endgame BM. But no, NP wouldn't be needed as you can reach 65k base damage and roughly 280 att lvl even without NP, "just" need max att lvl shards, decent engraves and a nice chart. If you have trouble during the combo with chi, welp, ask 3 venos to give you chi at the right timing and all chi trouble is gone.
https://mypers.pw/13/#807341 - This is nearly the maximum damage you can have as a BM, doesn't get much higher. Gear on the level of people like Genesesia, so it is possible, just costs you a bit of moneyzzz. If you add the new PvE damage increase pot, Duskblade buffs, Mystic buffs and use the combo I have told you above, heck, I don't doubt that even 500m damage will be possible if perfectly executed with a ZC. My BM managed to hit roughly 50m with a ZC with 47k base damage and 150 att lvl, 1778 spirit back in the day and Level 5 Red glyph on River.
Since everything stacks multiplicatively + the Level 10 glyph, welp... According to mypers and the damage test on a mob with 0 def, level 1 (like the test mob) my old BM deals 990,8k upper, crit only and the max gear BM deals 3,686m upper, crit only. That is 3,72x the damage (assuming same buffs). https://mypers.pw/13/#807343/807341 - This is the comparison and note, here my BM is already stronger than she was when I did the damage test on the mob.
Now, red River on Level 5 basically adds 300% base damage, so if the old BM was to use that he would end up at 3,963m upper with just a crit, the max BM with a level 10 glyph however would get 400% additional base damage and would thus hit 18,43m upper, crit only. That's now 4.65x the damage of the other BM. Now go and slap on all the damage multipliers on there like HF (2x), Zerk (2x), EP (1.2x), Buff pot (1.5x), Myst buff (1.2x), Dusk Buff (1.15x), Frenzy (+20 att lvl, according to mypers results in the damage going up by 4.7%, so 1.047x) and ulti (2x) which would bring us to a whopping 383,454m damage with that max geared BM.
Since we got mypers you don't even need to do the math yourselfI also tested the damage on the damage test mob myself (basic stats, no buffs, just regular attack) and compared it to the stat-exact copy on mypers. The damage is absolutely identical so you can kinda take the values from mypers serious. PWI ingame I hit the mob for 67367 (weaponless, for equal damage) and on mypers I hit the mob for 67383. That was my mistake because I gave the mob on mypers 0 pdef which is incorrect, it's 1 pdef actually..but the difference is completely negligible. Just use mire as well to be save
PS: If you ultra-tryhard to 60 STR base you will roughly end up at 402,62m.
I dont play BM so I wasnt sure how the chi worked, did mention tryharding aka venos spamming chi. I didnt think of skill dmg buffs, I admit that much. But what I dont understand is what does it matter what some devil stone BM with max gear can do? Is there actually anybody remotely on that gear level on a similar build?
There is one decently geared Devil BM out there, forgot the name tho and well, BMs with nearly that gear exist, they would just need to switch all their serenities to Devil stones and there you go. The thing is, BM is the class that can reach the highest damage in the damage rankings by a long shot. With my own BM I could prolly hit 100m on the mob if I go ultra-tryhard mode and restat to 60 str and such but I seriously can't be bothered cause yeah, in the end it's a massive waste of time since no rewards are to be had from this. Sometimes it's just nice to try whats possible I guess.
To anyone wanting to try this. GL with ZC, cause waiting 5 minutes for all CDs, every single time, having to not mess up a single thing, perfect timing AND relying on helpers AND praying for a ZERK and CRIT can end up in hours of frustration. Exactly the reason why I won't attempt it again myself0 -
its today.. like this one? GG0
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