So PWI, do you care to explain what happened with the XTW rewards?



  • valdisman
    valdisman Posts: 573 Arc User
    This is still the only MMORPG I know of that fudges up on a monumental scale consistently, such as this. The game has been around almost 10 years and they still don't know how to run it or avoid the simple errors.

    They can data pull the members, like they did with Echo for cross server fight, and individually mail the helm to prevent any being put on alts or sold etc in reference to the comment further up about apparent happenings in Vindi.

    The fact they have changed their own minds after the season is over and trying to make out if out of their hands is ridiculous. They said about hypers in FF/FC was a CN decision to not allow it but then Kaly said when she asked CN devs about it, they claimed to have never said it wasn't allowed and if the player base wanted it back on to put it back on, so she did.

    It's things like this that makes you wonder how this game is still going. The constant false advertising on charge and spend, event rewards, bugs, promo mess ups, lack of communication, the list goes on..

    PWI won't care though as give it a few weeks people will carry on xTW as if nothing happened and keep paying PWI.
    Moonshine drinker
    In a world of 10s, be an 11.
  • blazerboy
    blazerboy Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    I cant think of a more fitting reward for a guild who blocked entry to new and old members alike, kicked alts that helped the guild get their win, sold off places to their best friends and generally dissolved into a cesspool of cliquey greed and hostility.
    Maybe when they quit they'll take walk outside and get some fresh air.

    Lmfao the hostility here
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • shag1991
    shag1991 Posts: 31 Arc User
    Look at all of you debating about this and think PWI will change or do anything for you. I bet majority of the people who here charged gold since this whole xtw issue. PWI can do whatever they want to, whenever they want to, because they know you will all come back and spend more money.
  • bookkeeper#6784
    bookkeeper#6784 Posts: 25 Arc User
    for all the nubs talking about my dumb r9+12 sb alt on vindi ...i exchanged it with my main so i don't take up spaces on faction.... i give out emperor last time i had surplus...we vindi help other loyal members who stay on faction.. we up their gears...if you are still tt99 vindi member tell me.. i will provide you with g16+5 ..

    i deserve reward coz im the one playing there... i am present in tw .. xtw ... which is on very awkward time instead of sleeping.. i spend money to keep this game alive ...
    is it my fault.....
    if you are jealous..
    my bad if you are a gearless nub in vindi. who guild hops like crazy every season...
    we help you if you deserve helping....if not gtfo.
    compensate me pwi ! i think i deserve that.
  • zombiemaster123
    zombiemaster123 Posts: 109 Arc User
    @bookkeeper If you can dish out several G16 +5 sets and provide gears for other people then just cash another CoM or CoMs for your faction. #EzFix
  • wettstyle
    wettstyle Posts: 236 Arc User
    Yeah, I should of left the thought in my skull:).

  • camoodii
    camoodii Posts: 51 Arc User
    Anyone hear WHEN we will get our rewards?
  • dasb#8274
    dasb#8274 Posts: 9 Arc User
    Still nothing on their side, how hard can it be to post a "We're sorry this happened"?

    If they don't care, why should we? I wonder if this **** would happen in China and if it did if it would be handled this way...

    This game is awesome in my opinion, really enjoy everything about it, except for the company behind it, PWE, trust me that when this game dies I will never play any other game they have. They fail at the easiest things, PR, just talk to people -.-'

    Also, can't post on the other thread, says my comments there need approval lol
  • filipenogueras
    filipenogueras Posts: 134 Arc User
    Lets be honest here, you won't quit pwi because you are too addicted.
  • dbfarmer1#6868
    dbfarmer1#6868 Posts: 92 Arc User
    @zombiemaster123 .. lol its very easy to get g16+5... bound gears.. and cheap ... 5b com..... lol ... different. specially with whales in tw...
  • jadasia
    jadasia Posts: 520 Arc User
    camoodii wrote: »
    Anyone hear WHEN we will get our rewards?

    Reading the NEWS thread might answer your question:**update**
  • hurrdurrurr
    hurrdurrurr Posts: 54 Arc User
    valdisman wrote: »
    This is still the only MMORPG I know of that fudges up on a monumental scale consistently, such as this. The game has been around almost 10 years and they still don't know how to run it or avoid the simple errors.

    They can data pull the members, like they did with Echo for cross server fight, and individually mail the helm to prevent any being put on alts or sold etc in reference to the comment further up about apparent happenings in Vindi.

    The fact they have changed their own minds after the season is over and trying to make out if out of their hands is ridiculous. They said about hypers in FF/FC was a CN decision to not allow it but then Kaly said when she asked CN devs about it, they claimed to have never said it wasn't allowed and if the player base wanted it back on to put it back on, so she did.

    It's things like this that makes you wonder how this game is still going. The constant false advertising on charge and spend, event rewards, bugs, promo mess ups, lack of communication, the list goes on..

    PWI won't care though as give it a few weeks people will carry on xTW as if nothing happened and keep paying PWI.

    Actually Kalyst did say datapulling faction members takes too much resources to do consistently. How I dont know but thats what she said in one of the threads where ppl were complaining bout having to send their members individual codes. Chances are it was BS but knowing she did try I gave her the benefit of the doubt.

    Ps. Classic Joe, says he never talks trash only to trashtalk ppl in said post. Then again anybody who has seen his YT comments on pretty much any video he has commented knows what kind fo lie it was in the first place.
  • blazerboy
    blazerboy Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    dasb#8274 wrote: »
    Still nothing on their side, how hard can it be to post a "We're sorry this happened"?

    If they don't care, why should we? I wonder if this **** would happen in China and if it did if it would be handled this way...

    This game is awesome in my opinion, really enjoy everything about it, except for the company behind it, PWE, trust me that when this game dies I will never play any other game they have. They fail at the easiest things, PR, just talk to people -.-'

    Also, can't post on the other thread, says my comments there need approval lol

    Curious why ppl want a apology so bad? They did say their hands are tied by China, what will saying sorry do? Pretty sure nobody cares about a apology but the members of Vindicate want some compensation of equal value or similar. May aswell give ppl jadens since that’s farmable on china.

    Lets be honest here, you won't quit pwi because you are too addicted.

    I keep saying this lol
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • eriseddesang1
    eriseddesang1 Posts: 9 Arc User
    valdisman wrote: »
    This is still the only MMORPG I know of that fudges up on a monumental scale consistently, such as this. The game has been around almost 10 years and they still don't know how to run it or avoid the simple errors.

    They can data pull the members, like they did with Echo for cross server fight, and individually mail the helm to prevent any being put on alts or sold etc in reference to the comment further up about apparent happenings in Vindi.

    The fact they have changed their own minds after the season is over and trying to make out if out of their hands is ridiculous. They said about hypers in FF/FC was a CN decision to not allow it but then Kaly said when she asked CN devs about it, they claimed to have never said it wasn't allowed and if the player base wanted it back on to put it back on, so she did.

    It's things like this that makes you wonder how this game is still going. The constant false advertising on charge and spend, event rewards, bugs, promo mess ups, lack of communication, the list goes on..

    PWI won't care though as give it a few weeks people will carry on xTW as if nothing happened and keep paying PWI.

    Actually Kalyst did say datapulling faction members takes too much resources to do consistently. How I dont know but thats what she said in one of the threads where ppl were complaining bout having to send their members individual codes. Chances are it was BS but knowing she did try I gave her the benefit of the doubt.

    Ps. Classic Joe, says he never talks trash only to trashtalk ppl in said post. Then again anybody who has seen his YT comments on pretty much any video he has commented knows what kind fo lie it was in the first place.

    TBH I kinda feel sorry for Joe. It's sad when you have to have extra youtube accounts to like your youtube videos.
  • weapon762
    weapon762 Posts: 187 Arc User
    + 100000000000 lol's
    Vae Victis.
  • dbfarmer1#6868
    dbfarmer1#6868 Posts: 92 Arc User
    guys i got my xtw reward in my alt..... i npc'ed it... hahaha
  • aensidhe
    aensidhe Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited September 2018
    PWE, not only do you reduce the value of the rewards to 2.5% of the original advertised sum (6 months AFTER), but you would deem the 'compensation' to be compensation... It is remarkable a contemporary company (within the United States) can engage in such fradulent practice.