R.I.P. Dragon Conquest - Please PWI fix it!



  • tabaloul
    tabaloul Posts: 159 Arc User
    what gear do kaizuko wary and sneakyzoe have? which factions were them before join crisis?
    and those are just the portals, want me to list also the other non portal endgame players?
    blowing smoke right? 3:1 am i dreaming? how many sign ups Crisis has? 130? how many people u have in tnf? 60-70? infa is down exactly one third of those numbers

    but this is not the main problem....

    the problem were the game breaking rewards given out to DC winners, and then the Dragon glitch came, who has the best DoT+debuff squads to glitch dragon easy wins, crisis\vindi\tempest had the best glitch, everyone that could joined those factions for a chance at rewards, other factions got **** and server balance got destroyed, now that there is just 1 powerhouse for each server and cross server is not competitive anymore, intra server is not competitive anymore aswell because the powerhouse has 80% of the endgame players, we all are going to quit very soon.
    what is left to do in this game if you are not in one of those powerhouses? tell me, enlighten me
    what is left for a faction of 130 endgame players if there is nothing to do on your own server, and cross server it's a 2 minutes dragon rush? please again enlighten me

    well, who likes PvE is going to stay :) guess you are one of those Sparafucile, since i never saw you pvping and never saw you involved in anything that can be called competitive, actually i wonder why you are being crisis voice right now when you have no say in the matter.

    You would be surprised to know how many players, and which historical players you would never believe, this week told me they just quit, you and your faction are the only ones to not realize, blinded by this 200 CoM prize....

    but after that? you know it's over right ;)


    Ok after this is done leggo.
    Since you are just shooting against Crisis/Vindi/Tempest we can be sure that you are from Infamous.

    Let us take a look on Infamous.. A close look.. And then enlighten us why u loose ppl instead of gaining?? Ahh let me give you a hint.
    - People get insulted in Infamous and the Officers aint do anything about it. Same goes for the Leader.
    - Not clear xTW tactic. Some of the members dont understand fights against Vindicate.
    - Many ppl dont understand the trialmatt splitting system.
    - Inactivity from the Leadership in general.
    - Ppl who got disappointed left so yes their friends want to play with them and leaving also.
    (This are arguments i saw from leaving ppl and some of my own experience)

    I also dislike to write names from some players in here who btw can buy a crown from the market or got alrdy one or two.

    And YES for sure there is the opportunity to achive the xTW crown which is also a factor but its not ONLY because of that. I know that it's hard to find the mistake in yourself thats why ppl always want to search them in other factions or at other ppl.
    I also can totaly understand the frustration in that post i also dislike the current situation and the I hate Infamous i hate Crisis thing is totaly braindead bc i have friends in nearly every faction and i have also ppl i dont like in every faction.

    A faction does not change a Player.

    About xTW in general i want to say. You are all right who is loosing the fun and complaining (I would love to Fight again too and maybe also loose to learn from it) BUT its NOT a Dragon glitch. The Dragon is ment to be killd by players and if u cant find a way how to push first or how to defend then you are basically F***d. Yes gears are playing a great role also the right debuffs but not the numbers. I have to agree with you that the prices are kinda **** for the others who cant get the second or first place at the moment but still... Work hard Play hard.. Try to make the best out of how it is atm and set up a working effective tactic.


    Yes some ppl come and some ppl go with the wins and looses of a faction but there is always a healthy core and if you care about your faction and about the climate in your faction then u can keep it working. Complaining, QQing, Raging, Insulting are not the good and healthy way. make the right decisions is the key to create a working core and with that you can create a
    You make your own luck!


    About that Yes the "powerhouses" are strong but strong doenst mean unbeatable. Aliances are the verry usefull even if they are hard to forge at the moment but Infamous had many chances to build aliances with other strong factions like Reign, Requiem when they were strong. Also its a bad idea to Atk an adversary faction, win the fight and after that letting them regenerate and figure out a way how to strike back and win. keep the pressure up on them to demotivate them. But Infamous made the mistakes to let Crisis regenerate and strike back with Storms and Dusks and all them Vortexes. Also the Aliance with Reign went down because of some wrong decisions from the leadership.

    (Its the Past, but the Past always forges the Future)


    Blinded by the CoM prize ? Yeh maybe some, but i have a CoM. To enlighten you i play because i have friends in here. I can play casual, chillin, doin instances and havn a good time. If u cant do anything else than being agressive then the game isnt made for you anymore. Go and take ur brake or quit or just wait what will happen and chill. I guess no one is forcing you to play every day and stay.

    And if the Game is Over... There is still PUBG, LoL etc.. And the Oktoberfest where all the friends meet eachother if Infamous or Crisis or whatever.. Its just a Game at the end and more important they are just Factions at the end of this and all the other Days..

    Peace !

    guess i triggered some Crisis guy :dizzy:

    an fyi i don't even play the game, just lurking on the forums sometimes chatting with friends and then i get to know all this kind of ****, when u think things are gonna get better or fixed and instead i see the killing blow at the only competitive thing on PWI, which is not competitive anymore.

    i don't need to see anything in myself when i speak with people and get told by a NP player "i am upset about trial mats split", or when i get told "i go crisis to balance pvp" when crisis has 130 sign ups prolly more since u had 2 and a half maps full in xTW.

    i do not hate crisis, i hate that xTW had those rewards, Crisis had those seeker+sb teams, 1+1= jump ship

    if it's not an exploit find me a video of PWCH where you see a dragon nuked in sub2 mins, it is not intended to be like that again, there are a shitton of objectives, what is the purpose of the whole map if you can just go straight, ignore everything even opponents and nuke the dragon?

    It's like if you play LoL without towers and without inhibitor, first one who touches enemy nexus wins.
    again it's not supposed to be like that.

    work hard play hard? 2minutes dragon nuke? #hard

    reign requiem what you talking about the members of those factions are in crisis right now XD

    the past forges the future this is the most LMFAO sentence i could read, Crisis with kamin sylph wicked ravey krissi, the people that didn't make Crisis be the faction they were supposed to be (Reign) because of a takeover, and now you are as one, #nothypocriticalatall

    Crisis is just cheap nowadays, they just got in faction everyone they could to overpower any opponent in any event, without realize that without opponents, without challenge, there is no game.
    And from what i've seen, from the people i've spoken to last week, man there is no going back from the quits i've seen.
    Mark my words next legit opponent crisis will ever have in future, no idea how long it will take but it will be templer.

    Despite having 80% of the endgame playerbase in the roster, you still need to exploit DC dragon to win,

    Yea you deftly deserve this 1.4trillion prize

    off to league i goes :)

  • threetimesmorex
    threetimesmorex Posts: 4 Arc User
    #triggered xD
  • fury85
    fury85 Posts: 277 Arc User
    edited May 2018
    Guys... wait a moment, take a breath...

    1) I only say MY OPINIION, ONLY MY OPINION about XTW, 5 mins pve for me is not fun. 2h of PvP i love much more (also hp charm is free so wtf).
    2) I'm not attacking Crisis. I talk in general.
    3) I don't talk about strategy to use in XTW.
    4) I looking for other opinions and/or suggestions on how to improve this event.
    5) I'm not interested to any kind of reward.
    6) As I said, I wont participate to Dragon Rush since for me, is not fun.
    7) I'm not QQing about Vindicate lost to Crisis.

    This post will be my last one, I won't lose time again to try to help to "improve" currently events to have more fun possible because every time end in the same way... oh Roar you just QQ.... oh Roar you say that only because you lose.... etc etc

    From now, I will only take what PWI give to us. I will play for myself, come on what I find fun and skip what I find boring....

    So... peace and bye ^^
    Post edited by fury85 on
    Level 105 Barbarian with Deity Stone
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  • tabaloul
    tabaloul Posts: 159 Arc User
    everyone wants that, because what else is there to do?
    thus we need a fix for this
  • happyhail
    happyhail Posts: 129 Arc User
    The fix is *gasp* not to order your guild to rush the dragon in the first thirty seconds.


    But. . . lul. All these people pounding their chest for good fights can't even show up to PK without screaming and shouting, making phone calls and sending text messages until they outnumber their opponents--yet, even then, they still manage to cradle the safe-zone line, rushing out so quickly after each death they their genie hasn't regened so much as ten points of energy or their charm left cool down.

    These are the same people who shout loudest about wanting good fights and then brag about outnumbering their opponents by sign-ups alone at a 3:1 margin in the same breath.

    What irony. What hypocrites.

  • csquared5
    csquared5 Posts: 156 Arc User
    dingo488 wrote: »
    fury85 wrote: »

    Problem is... is impossible to defend the Dragon. Sure we didn't read it correctly and after 1st push was late. I'm not blaming Crisis for doing that or Vindicate to be slow to react.

    Problem is that only way to react is, run to their Dragon and race damage.

    This is the point and the reason why i'm not interested to participate on this event. And here, is where PWI fail. They give too much power to any class, but they didn't upgrade their events.

    I'm not taking any excuse and never used that to say vindicate is better than X.

    Ye the x being better was a response to Wadzio's high quality analysis.

    But you seem to miss the point here. It's like comparing xTW to a game of chess. All factions are just thoughtlessly throwing their pieces forward expected the enemy to trade their pieces into yours and then the ''better'' faction wins. In this xTW Crisis ignored your pieces and put your king in checkmate and now you come to complain that it's too easy to checkmate a king, that the king needs to be buffed and that you lost even though Crisis didn't take down your pieces. If you were to say this to someone that can play chess they'd laugh at you. There's no rule that dictates you have to fight the other pieces, the rule is that you have to checkmate the other parties king. That's why the majority of the moves in chess are made to create a proper defense so that the other players can't simply ignore your pieces and checkmate your king. If you want a longer xTW, just start your xTW off defensively, you won't lose an xTW against a weaker faction if you have 5 squads dealing with defense at the start until the situation is stable.

    My argument is that it isn't too easy to nuke the dragon. My argument is that you made it too easy. If you're stronger than Crisis why not hold back multiple squads to set up a defensive perimeter so this can't happen. If you meet Crisis everywhere they make a move then they won't suddenly show up in your base, why not wait for them to make their move if you're stronger anyway.

    You can't really defend against mount speed + igs to get through the lines. You might stop a few people, kill some of them before they get to dragon, but odds are even if you pull off a perfect defense at least half their players get through. Modern PWI dmg being what it is, 30 players starting a nuke on dragon is enough to get it to at least half. Then, lets say you kill those players out in a great show of defense, and you start to press forward... well, both your team and the enemy team are starting from their base. The points don't matter though, what matters is that your dragon is at half hp and theirs is still full. Well then, their team will rush your dragon again, and again, you can't stop it, so you lose. YOU CAN'T STOP THEM. So, how do you counter this? One way. Just one. You rush their dragon while they rush yours. Start of match. All PvE each other dragon. And then, you hope that you can outdps the other team. No pvp. No clever strategies splitting of forces, etc, etc. You rush with everything you have, the enemy rushes with everything that have, that is IT. This is as far from chess as you can get. If chess had a rule where you could take your queen and jump several enemy places and put it square in line with King within the first move... then it would be like chess. Bah. I agree with OP, this situation is stupid, and dragon should be buffed.

    *Alternate idea*: lower the points from 2000 to 1000; reduce # of points towers give a bit; if you do a full defense and kill many enemy players over and over again as they attempt to pve your dragon, you have a better chance of their points hitting 0 before they kill your dragon. Atm, starting from 2000 points, you'll basically never get enemy points to 0 before they kill your dragon.
    »Go back to sleep...« PWI Youtube Channel

  • csquared5
    csquared5 Posts: 156 Arc User
    Well the basic problem is the desire to win is very high for the top factions (since the reward is so extravagantly good and people like to win in general) and DESPITE the fact that most people probably do prefer the PVP, to WIN, you MUST utilize a PvE strategy, or the risk of losing is too great.

    This is a problem that is partly PWI (not making dragon tanky enough) and partly player's (general greediness and larger desire to 'win' then to have fun).

    So we have a situation where winning and having fun are not one and the same. And that is a problem. The process of winning should be a fun event, not a 2 minute contest of which faction has more deity build dmg dealers combined with sbs and seekers. People who say they prefer to win with a 2 minute dragon nuke are flat out lying to you and possibly to themselves, blinded by greed by the rewards being offered to the top 3 factions.

    Shame on PWI for making the rewards only for the top 3 factions and way too good in particular for the top faction. They led to this situation of super factions with the majority of the geared players on the servers all clustering into a single faction, reducing competition and reducing pvp fun.

    Shame on the players who so easily give into their human greed and leave behind the fun this game has to offer in pursuit of material goods.

    Anyways. This situation can be corrected but as it is now, xTW has lost a lot of the appeal it once had, that is for sure. So this should be a real wakeup call for the GMs to start harassing the developers in China for a fix.
    »Go back to sleep...« PWI Youtube Channel

  • booker27
    booker27 Posts: 167 Arc User
    @brofisters Tempest dragon rushed Echo in first 5 minutes of battle completely ignoring PvP so don't pretend that Tempest was using last resorts or whatever they are just as guilty as Crisis and every other faction that attempted to do this for guarantee win.

    Also people need to stop pretending that players left factions for drama or dissatisfaction. 80-90% of players leave because they want to win but they don't want to be called bandwagoners so they make a believeable excuse "there was drama" etc very few people leave a #1 faction because of drama or issues. People will ignore drama if their faction is able to win #1 juicy rewards but ofc people will jump ship immediately when their faction starts loses and as soon as drama arises they leave because they have the perfect excuse lol.

    xTW rewards other than #1 place is garbage in comparison to what #1 gets so of course people want to join the faction with the best chances to win now. Idk what happens on Twideswell or Etherblade but I expect more Echos to join Vindiand more Infamous to join Crisis.

    BTW there are good geared Echo players that got rejected by Vindi prolly cause Vindi wants to start focusing on recruiting seekers, barbs etc. for dragon rush.

    This is a problem caused by PWE rewards players AND game issues brought by China (1min faith barb enables this behaviour + our gear is too strong while dragon was never buffed).

    But most immediate fix lies on PWE hands by cancelling the season and removing the ridiculous rewards until 1 minute faith barbs are nerfed and the xTW dragon is buffed or changed to prevent dragon rush.
  • tabaloul
    tabaloul Posts: 159 Arc User
    booker27 wrote: »
    @brofisters Tempest dragon rushed Echo in first 5 minutes of battle completely ignoring PvP so don't pretend that Tempest was using last resorts or whatever they are just as guilty as Crisis and every other faction that attempted to do this for guarantee win.

    Also people need to stop pretending that players left factions for drama or dissatisfaction. 80-90% of players leave because they want to win but they don't want to be called bandwagoners so they make a believeable excuse "there was drama" etc very few people leave a #1 faction because of drama or issues. People will ignore drama if their faction is able to win #1 juicy rewards but ofc people will jump ship immediately when their faction starts loses and as soon as drama arises they leave because they have the perfect excuse lol.

    xTW rewards other than #1 place is garbage in comparison to what #1 gets so of course people want to join the faction with the best chances to win now. Idk what happens on Twideswell or Etherblade but I expect more Echos to join Vindiand more Infamous to join Crisis.

    BTW there are good geared Echo players that got rejected by Vindi prolly cause Vindi wants to start focusing on recruiting seekers, barbs etc. for dragon rush.

    This is a problem caused by PWE rewards players AND game issues brought by China (1min faith barb enables this behaviour + our gear is too strong while dragon was never buffed).

    But most immediate fix lies on PWE hands by cancelling the season and removing the ridiculous rewards until 1 minute faith barbs are nerfed and the xTW dragon is buffed or changed to prevent dragon rush.

    +1 basically this.

    do we even have QA reading or a way to make someone from PWE staff read this? @heero200 @phantomforce#4598​​
  • valdisman
    valdisman Posts: 573 Arc User
    All this Crisis / Infa drama.

    If only PWI were smart enough to not have TW times on Da run into xTW time so they could bid each other and resolve some of their conflicts...
    Moonshine drinker
    In a world of 10s, be an 11.
  • niimzy74
    niimzy74 Posts: 2 Arc User
    PWI's problem (which has always been the main problem in this game) is that they increase our gear & passives, but they don't increase instances, PvP nor PvE... That why everything becomes nukeable at some point and lost of his interest. But that's absolutly not new...
    booker27 wrote:
    + our gear is too strong while dragon was never buffed
  • tabaloul
    tabaloul Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited May 2018
    valdisman wrote: »
    All this Crisis / Infa drama.

    If only PWI were smart enough to not have TW times on Da run into xTW time so they could bid each other and resolve some of their conflicts...

    it already happened, crisis seeker squad was taking down towers and crystal with sb ult and edged blur a lapse of an IG was enough to take down a tower from full hp to zero with no catapults being pulled egg-2.gif

    this exploit was also reported, and TWs died right after that happened egg-1.gif

    also infamous doesnt have 80 for TW prolly not even 50 egg-5.gif​​
  • wingdeath6
    wingdeath6 Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited May 2018
    booker27 wrote: »

    BTW there are good geared Echo players that got rejected by Vindi prolly cause Vindi wants to start focusing on recruiting seekers, barbs etc. for dragon rush.

    I wish that was the reason sadly it looks more like they are all paranoid people are bandwagoning for the helm and they believe theyve enough members and strength already to take anyone they need to down and are refusing to recruit these players merely out of paranoia and so thats another stupid consequence brought on by handing out 200 helms.....faction paranoia interrupting the natural order of recruitment. There used to be a time where these factions loved to recruit wayward members from opposing factions after drama happens to shift the balance of power but now applications to a fac after leaving an enemy faction must just mean they are bandwagoning and looking for a free helm
  • phantomforce#4598
    phantomforce#4598 Posts: 397 Community Moderator
    tabaloul wrote: »
    +1 basically this.

    do we even have QA reading or a way to make someone from PWE staff read this? @heero200 @phantomforce#4598

    I don't have the connections of SylenThunder or Heero. They might be able to get someone infolved.​​
  • nunuator
    nunuator Posts: 455 Arc User
    You know instead of making stuff up about Echo getting rejected by helm paranoia is a complete and utter lie this is the official post on the vindi forums by the faction leader the people denied by vindi got too many devouch just cause they are toxic players or are known to cause drama....

    Vindi is not desperate for players like some of these bum rushing dragon rushers are... From my understanding most members just want a fair and balanced season but, if certain factions want to turn this into a dragon rushing fiasco welp don’t QQ when your fight with vindi is only 2 minutes

    “Hello everyone, starting on May 3rd (Exactly two months until the season ends) we will be closing applications for all classes except BMs, Clerics, and Mystics, until the end of the season. “
  • wingdeath6
    wingdeath6 Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited May 2018
    Please dont act like it was for that toxic nonsense there are just as many toxic people already in vindi i saw the applications too most of the devouches happend as a result of "Oh they could be just coming for the helm" PARANOIA! The fact the leader made a post after people got hyped by everyones paranoia posts on apps still doesnt justify the iggnorance and greed
  • destiny#5514
    destiny#5514 Posts: 6 Arc User
    sontzu wrote: »
    First things first,

    tabaloul's first list has 13 names, a bit short of the 20-30 s/he initially claimed, indeed closer to my initial estimate of 8-10. I would also point out they didn't all join en-masse, but over a period of time, and some of them are also no longer here.
    I also note he points to 3 NP toons, which is not quite "many" in my lexicon, more like "a few".


    I didn't see anyone saying dragon rush is just like in chess. The point was made that in chess, as in many other games and sports, strategy and tactics are important. If you ignore what your opponent does, and lose, you only have yourself to blame.


    Someone else already pointed out Tempest's dragon rush in one battle was in first 5 minutes. I can add to that, they rushed dragon last season against Zulu, a fac they could easily have beaten in the "traditional" manner (I know this, because I was there, I am not repeating some rumour).


    tabaloul's second list is just ridiculously stupid. How long since half those players were in Infamous? Years ffs
    Some of them are very good friends of mine, and I've been in other guilds with them for well over a year, well before this seasons xTW rewards became a factor in anyone's thinking.

    Fifth and last,

    I don't do open world pvp for the reasons already mentioned by others in this thread; it all too often degenerates into gank and drama, and I can live without that nonsense, tyvm.
    Also it's a pain to roll with SL or pay for guardian scrolls, though I am binding gears and adjusting my invy to start helping guild when necessary.

    You must be pretty dumb. The list of names produced by myself AND tabaloul are the names of players that left Infamous to Crisis despite Crisis already being on a significant power gap. In addition, kaizuko, wary, sneakyzoe and nayak are all Nuema Portal DAMAGE DEALERS. 4NP gains are considered quite a lot especially when the interference of 1NP in regular mass pk can shift the balance. In addition, it is not only Crisis gains these 4NP and more, it's also Infamous losing 4NP and more. The effects are compounded when "A" gains members and "B" loses members.

    Secondly, Someone did say it is like chess. - And what you said right after that is nothing short of braindead. It is not possible to 'react' or 'adapt' to a dragon rush against 60 members of a top tier faction that can kill a dragon in less than 5minutes. The moment one faction touches the enemy faction's dragon, the XTW has been decided because the time it takes for either faction to take down a dragon is similar (since it's top tier and 60v60). Even if Vindicate had send 60 people to defend and did amazingly, it would be impossible to prevent crisis from taking out at least 40% of the dragon in the duration of all the barb's faith, IG / pots etc etc. And at that point, Vindicate won't be able to damage race to counter that no matter what and Crisis can just repeat dragon rush until the dragon dies out completely. So to save yourself from looking more stupid, cut the bullsh*t with "adapt" or "get good" mentality because clearly you can't fathom the strength of 60 end game players spamming Combat Platoon Potions.

    Thirdly, you seem to have missed why dragon rush is deemed cheap and frowned upon. When it's two top tier factions, you want to determine who's stronger. "Stronger" includes not only who has more end game players / classes, but also which faction has a better team of leader / communicators to coordinate and take control of objectives. Using dragon rush TO AVOID PvP in a PvP event when a faction's power is deemed relatively equal (both factions have a good to fair chance of winning) is what makes it frustrating. No one would complain if a faction is unarguably superior (for example, can full show 60 vs a enemy that can only show 20 or 40) to dragon rush because that would save time. HOWEVER, even in such scenario, most factions would still take control of teleporters and destroy towers (in turn experience some sort of PvP / resistance) to make the dragon more manageable / easier to kill.

    Fourthly, a lot of those members in tabaloul's still count because they switched sides during Crisis' dominance over Dawnglory ( which has been ongoing for more than a year ) it isn't just a recent thing so don't be so blind.

    Finally, this would go to support my 4th point since you don't pk and you don't interact with active pvpers about PvP, you have practically no idea why Crisis isn't liked by many across ALL SERVERS especially Dawnglory. For someone who can't even be considered an active PvP participant, you sure seem devout to Crisis's cheap strategy. **Please note strategy to be SINGULAR which is to OUTGEAR, OUTNUMBER and EXPLOIT**
  • tabaloul
    tabaloul Posts: 159 Arc User
    man when vindi vs crisis happened,
    he got sent as cannon fodder in the other infamous war, this is how valuable this Sparafucile is for Crisis egg-2.gif
    was funny to see the other 60 crisis that had no idea what to do in xTW egg-2.gif

    idk why is he talking about numbers again, when crisis always had more than a hundred signups consistently for past year, then they really needed those 20-30 more, taken away from the only contender, to "balance" it out egg-1.gif
    right egg-2.gif​​
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  • happyhail
    happyhail Posts: 129 Arc User
    Strategy and tactics: Out-gear, out-number and out-rush your opponents . . . then complain about the lack of PVP, competition, and fun, all while denying that you're responsible for the cesspool that you created and bathe in daily.
  • wadzio
    wadzio Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited May 2018
    dingo488 wrote: »
    fury85 wrote: »

    Problem is... is impossible to defend the Dragon. Sure we didn't read it correctly and after 1st push was late. I'm not blaming Crisis for doing that or Vindicate to be slow to react.

    Problem is that only way to react is, run to their Dragon and race damage.

    This is the point and the reason why i'm not interested to participate on this event. And here, is where PWI fail. They give too much power to any class, but they didn't upgrade their events.

    I'm not taking any excuse and never used that to say vindicate is better than X.

    Ye the x being better was a response to Wadzio's high quality analysis.

    But you seem to miss the point here. It's like comparing xTW to a game of chess. All factions are just thoughtlessly throwing their pieces forward expected the enemy to trade their pieces into yours and then the ''better'' faction wins. In this xTW Crisis ignored your pieces and put your king in checkmate and now you come to complain that it's too easy to checkmate a king, that the king needs to be buffed and that you lost even though Crisis didn't take down your pieces. If you were to say this to someone that can play chess they'd laugh at you. There's no rule that dictates you have to fight the other pieces, the rule is that you have to checkmate the other parties king. That's why the majority of the moves in chess are made to create a proper defense so that the other players can't simply ignore your pieces and checkmate your king. If you want a longer xTW, just start your xTW off defensively, you won't lose an xTW against a weaker faction if you have 5 squads dealing with defense at the start until the situation is stable.

    My argument is that it isn't too easy to nuke the dragon. My argument is that you made it too easy. If you're stronger than Crisis why not hold back multiple squads to set up a defensive perimeter so this can't happen. If you meet Crisis everywhere they make a move then they won't suddenly show up in your base, why not wait for them to make their move if you're stronger anyway.
    Even in a game of chess the fastest u can kill the king is in 3 moves - and that is if some1 is rly stupid - so really bad example as u cant check matt in 1 move. Killing pawns and other figures make it easier to reach the goal (so basically how xTW should look like). Same in xTW it shouldnt be about killing the dragon and winning a war in 9 minutes.

    As I also mentioned several times - why I call it cheap win and why in all comments I'm dissapointed on Crisis (as much as u wanna call that nuking a smart move, which I can agree to that extend) is that it was the fight between 2 top guilds and they didnt even wanna actually to fight and then the talk how good u are (if u were that good u would fight us). SO if u dont get it still then I'm sorry. I'm not calling it a glitch, cuz yes none really glitched anything during those rushes, but to me whats bothering its that u guys are absolutely ok with how xTW is looking now. Again it might happen that other guilds will rush u like this and u will lose wars. While for now it went in your favor, it might not always go that way and are u still gonna say its ok the way it is? is that how u want the most epic (in theory) event during the week in PWI to look like? Is that why u get gear, farm stuff, make ur pvp videos etc? To now get to the point we gonna make every xTW recording 2-3 min on how well ppl rushed dragon? I do understand u guys are happy u won. Gz to u. but is this is what u guys want from a game? This is the point RoarKing is making on what kind of fun is that? Right now sadly most likely any fight between Vindicate and Crisis (or other quite equal guilds) wont actually show who is better, have better strategy, etc, but who is more lucky nuking. Sadly Crisis u led to that.

    Also if u think about it. Yes, a lot of guilds used the dragon rush, that includes Vindicate, but in none xTW till now any guild send full 60 directly to kill dragon from the scratch. IN NONE. Usually was like trying to send 1-3 squads to nuke or take base teleport and continuosly run to dragon. So yes, sure such coward move surprised us, but well again its gonna make xTW look as only dragon nuke rush event. Its gonna be a lot about luck now. No skills, no strategy, nothing involved.

    If some1 remember we went thru this years ago in regular TW. HQ used to be 12M, towers used to do no dmg. PWI changed the towers power and abilities and doubled HQ hp (since then its 24M). And it would be nice our xTW get revamped a bit too - again not because Vindicate won or lost. I mean next week we might win in same way and some1 else will feel disgusted and I will totally get it. The point is that xTW should be an event that last a bit of time and bring some fun - should work how its designated.

    As for some suggestions that were appearing on forums and youtube that in my eyes sound good to bring xTW some fun:
    1. Toughen buff on dragon and probably increasing its def lvls.
    2. Must kill all 4 towers to be able to attack dragon
    3. Putting NPCs on the path to dragon that will seal / stun / freeze ppl (alike the ones in xNW on Bridge Battles and Crystal Contests by spawn point in base) unless some goals arent achieved.

    As for ppl from Echo who joined Vindi - we literally in past 4 months got only those : RectalTrauma, Asparaguzz,NosferatuZodd, Sugarmist, kafaen. Thru past x months we rejected over 20 echo applications to join Vindicate. I do love reading those comments about how echo merged into Vindicate - plz point out the names. Vindicate have built up to this stage by slow work and with other ppl than Echo ppl. Since the start of this season we were having around 120 ppl weekly on the field for xTW when Echo was still a thing (actually Echo was bringing over 100 till then too) till they started losing TWs and xTW vs Vindi and QQontrol happened
  • tabaloul
    tabaloul Posts: 159 Arc User
    well one thing to appreciate, Echo tried to merge like what 25 people into Vindi and Vindi was clever enough to reject them,
    the same thing didn't happen with Crisis, the greed and the lack of common sense made them get those 20-30 more and cancel any sort of challenge there was on Da.

    yet they still struggle in cross and they have to resort to cheap glitches to live up to their expectations​​
  • splendideyes
    splendideyes Posts: 328 Arc User
    man and people say im rude :D qontrol is a legend. hypersensitive dawnglory would faint to read that :D
  • karaburma
    karaburma Posts: 1 Arc User
    tabaloul wrote: »
    well one thing to appreciate, Echo tried to merge like what 25 people into Vindi and Vindi was clever enough to reject them,
    the same thing didn't happen with Crisis, the greed and the lack of common sense made them get those 20-30 more and cancel any sort of challenge there was on Da.

    yet they still struggle in cross and they have to resort to cheap glitches to live up to their expectations​​

    But the ridiculous part is, you blame Crisis for accepting good people(and when I say good I mean the personality, not gear). It is mind blowing how dense you must be, not to realize that maybe the problem isn't Crisis, but the toxicity in Infa. We all play this game for fun and please explain to me how is it fun to be in an environment that is completely wrong on so many levels, with the officers not doing anything about it, even though they are right there! No amount pvp balance is worth that psychological torture, so any self-respecting person would leave that place in an instant. Even when Crisis lost the 1st spot on the xTW rankings, people were still applying, so that "joining for helm" theory is just bs. And yes I am sure that people that have NP sets joined only for helm because they cant afford to buy one XD ROFL. And thank you for mentioning some of those people that joined Crisis, because I died laughing seeing some of those names XD. Some of them joined even before they announced that helm is the prize for the winners and some changed a few factions before deciding to apply to Crisis.
  • blazerboy
    blazerboy Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    happyhail wrote: »
    Strategy and tactics: Out-gear, out-number and out-rush your opponents . . . then complain about the lack of PVP, competition, and fun, all while denying that you're responsible for the cesspool that you created and bathe in daily.

    And the memelord happyhail continues to be ignored.

    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • tabaloul
    tabaloul Posts: 159 Arc User
    karaburma wrote: »
    tabaloul wrote: »
    well one thing to appreciate, Echo tried to merge like what 25 people into Vindi and Vindi was clever enough to reject them,
    the same thing didn't happen with Crisis, the greed and the lack of common sense made them get those 20-30 more and cancel any sort of challenge there was on Da.

    yet they still struggle in cross and they have to resort to cheap glitches to live up to their expectations

    But the ridiculous part is, you blame Crisis for accepting good people(and when I say good I mean the personality, not gear). It is mind blowing how dense you must be, not to realize that maybe the problem isn't Crisis, but the toxicity in Infa. We all play this game for fun and please explain to me how is it fun to be in an environment that is completely wrong on so many levels, with the officers not doing anything about it, even though they are right there! No amount pvp balance is worth that psychological torture, so any self-respecting person would leave that place in an instant. Even when Crisis lost the 1st spot on the xTW rankings, people were still applying, so that "joining for helm" theory is just bs. And yes I am sure that people that have NP sets joined only for helm because they cant afford to buy one XD ROFL. And thank you for mentioning some of those people that joined Crisis, because I died laughing seeing some of those names XD. Some of them joined even before they announced that helm is the prize for the winners and some changed a few factions before deciding to apply to Crisis.

    back to the "i didn't join crisis for the helm" square egg-2.gif

    7billions are still 7 billions worth of upgraded CoM, quite sure some of them don't even have the upgraded CoM

    and their reason for leaving was like "bad split of trial mats" or "balance pvp"
    yea a NP mad about r8 mats and C-packs, and mad cause pvp 2:1 is bad, needs to be 3:1

    we all play this game for fun -> 2 mins dragon rushes with 130 sign ups
    toxicity in infa -> starboy evenis ethriel never trashtalk right
    lost 2st spot but infa ppl still applying -> when did infa have a shot at the 1,4 trillion coins prize?

    you died laughing and the server died with you, anyways not to worry about, they just closed jade dinasty and swordsman, guess what's the next title :)​​
  • baseaddress
    baseaddress Posts: 202 Arc User
    Kick toxic R9 from your guild and ppl will stop quitting from Infa maybe?
  • This content has been removed.
  • splendideyes
    splendideyes Posts: 328 Arc User
    Kick toxic R9 from your guild and ppl will stop quitting from Infa maybe?

    im sure a drunk elderly dutch woman that nobody ever saw in pvp and a semi active distance shrink spaming hypersensitive fruit made the difference here, my lovely friend.