10th Anni Mount Competition Discussion Thread



  • Posts: 56 Arc User
    swimtoo wrote: »
    And now the votes on a few of the polls flipped from 70%-30% to 30%-70% in the last few hours of the competition.... Proxy voting much? I guess that the proxy voters must really want a few to win and are willing to mess up the actual process... What a joke, PWI. Why host a vote through a third party instead of on your forums (Like you have done before) so that it's not rigged... Again... What a joke. Nobody vote on these brackets, your votes won't be reflected anyway.

    yeah I noticed a lot of those votes completely flipped on a bunch of them the last day haha

  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    My name is also under someone else's entry. Why don't you rng winner next time to save everyone's time - would make more sense than the usual PWI contest mess.
  • Posts: 13 Arc User
    this contest actually sucks. poor guidelines, 0 enforcement, and 100% screwups. So much for celebrating the 10th anniversary spirit.
  • Posts: 283 Arc User
    Some of the invalid entries have knocked out legit entries. The voting method is questionable; there's no way to limit the amount of times someone can vote. PWI staff should just vote internally like they did for the logo event.

  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    My entry was missed in the 1st and extra round. Still not in and seems it has no sense to ask why :/
  • Posts: 27 Arc User
    I'd like to point out that the Round 2 bracket picture showing the contestants isnt clear enough to see the entry numbers. *click to enlarge* it says under the bracket picture but it's not working. I dont know what the mount numbers are, I cant vote.
  • Posts: 758 Arc User
    edited March 2018
    I really dont like this voting system. Its like its getting worse and worse for every event we get.
  • Posts: 27 Arc User
    Has anyone actually been able to enlarge the bracket picture to see the voting numbers? I've tried 3 browsers and none let me enlarge the picture without making it super pixelated.
  • Posts: 27 Arc User
    klotriptyl wrote: »
    Has anyone actually been able to enlarge the bracket picture to see the voting numbers? I've tried 3 browsers and none let me enlarge the picture without making it super pixelated.

    Okay nevermind I found it. In case someone else is experiencing difficulties with this like I was, the bracket for Round 2 can be found when clicking on the Survey and following the bit.ly url at the start of the voting.

    I'm dumb.
  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited March 2018
    I do not think you are dumb, I didn't figure it out either, maybe we both are dumb, or maybe not. When i finally had voted, I got an error message, seems my vote didnt go though. I hope the rest of you are able to vote. Good luck :-)
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2018
    someone better message me from PWI or whoever is in-charge of the mount competition and creating the brackets in google docs because you need to fix the name on my entry its supposed to be Star_FireX not intentionaliy so someone pleas comment thats in charge of it because im going to give you all a few days and then im going to invoke copy write infringement

    2ikr5go.jpg Pleas fix
  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited March 2018
    Send message to PWI on Facebook page. During day, they should reply (European timezone). It worked for me 1 week ago.
    During weekends (Easter holidays) there should be a delay in replying.
    P.S. Write ticket too, but they will probably reply on Monday.
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    klotriptyl wrote: »

    Okay nevermind I found it. In case someone else is experiencing difficulties with this like I was, the bracket for Round 2 can be found when clicking on the Survey and following the bit.ly url at the start of the voting.

    I'm dumb.

    I was having the same issue. no link to enlarge the picture, and when I tried to manually type in the bit.ly url, it took me to a campaign page for TELAH BERAKHIR, on a site called kitabisa. However, copying and pasting the bit.ly url worked...go figure.
  • Posts: 455 Arc User
    So again why is this being done through a site that people can use proxy voting to spam vote for their mount....

    Seems highly unfair for players and I highly doubt that some of these designs such as a transparent horse which we have roughly 8 of already In game is going to beat a highly original duck mount...

    Daily players for this game are at an all time low and honestly if you think more players are going to spend 5mins voting for a mount vs playing your game I think you are highly mistaken...

    Wouldn’t be surprised if the end game votes come down to Asterelle and Yvllis 2 players which appear to have a stupid number of votes each round
  • Posts: 321 Arc User
    Whoever is abusing the voting system keeps voting up the bottom entries from each pair. With the exception of 2 people, literally all winning entries were B's. And this has been an obvious pattern ever since the beginning of the round 1 votings. I don't understand why they are keeping up with this joke when it's been obviously going wrong since day 1. I feel bad for the artistic dev team, they will have to waste their time and create a mount that the community probably doesn't even want fox-9.gif​​
    ☆ Pixel ♥ Heart ☆ Etherblade ☆
  • Posts: 7 Arc User
    Yeah I sure won't enter in another contest like this again, it's waste of time and effort just to have the voting be unfair with people changing IP and voting B mounts. They really should just cancel the current voting system and find a way to do it more fairly, and also easier. Probably at least half the real votes that weren't proxy abuse were still voted randomly due to laziness to check the spreadsheet. The images should've been on the survey itself at each question so everyone would at least easily see what they were voting for.
  • Posts: 455 Arc User
    edited April 2018
    Tbh it should of been handled like the last mount competition where the developer team decided who was the final winner and we instead gave a guidelines of how it should be designed, that way people could not abuse the voting system, which is obviously broken
    but, hey last I checked they could care less since G17 5th cast arena gears are still on the players who abused arena 6v6 alt farming so GG

    If they seriously wanted to not punish them and instead give all players enough coins for 5th cast arena gears at least it would be balanced unlike the Candleflame/Warsong set peeps that have em and hit as hard as nuema portal due to the spirit gap
  • Posts: 13 Arc User
    Aww...now all the good entries (imo) have been "proxy-d" out. =( There's been way more effort in cheating around the contest than actually designing the entries. Next time, you guys should just draw a crayon line with a stick figure on it and spend the rest of your time voting it up.
  • Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited April 2018
    *click to enlarge which does not work!!!
    and the voting system is a mess what Mount exactly am I Voting for?
    this system sucks I don't even care anymore I worked hard on my entry and the whole thing just isn't fair to anyone, people copied mounts offline off other games they didn't follow rules

    but the voting systems is worse then anything I have ever seen
    this is the 10th anniversary Why have they not Tried harder to make it exciting

    Post edited by ronnie4boys on

  • Posts: 21 Arc User
    I swear most of these mounts are being voted for ironically. Then again this is pwi fanbase

    Cringes at edgy black wolves.

    This is the 10th year anni, come on guys, it should be a big deal.
  • Posts: 68 Arc User
    another voting event fiasco!?!?! this can't be, they would never repeat a mistake.
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  • Posts: 21 Arc User
    Aww...now all the good entries (imo) have been "proxy-d" out. =( There's been way more effort in cheating around the contest than actually designing the entries. Next time, you guys should just draw a crayon line with a stick figure on it and spend the rest of your time voting it up.
    That's how terrible most of the designs were lmfao
  • Posts: 32 Arc User
    @heavenlyawsome You cant invoke copyright infringement on something you havent registered under copyright laws. Quit making false threats over a stupid competition.
  • Posts: 27 Arc User
    Lmfao what the hell is with these mounts that made it this far compared to the actual good ones?
  • Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited April 2018
    So finally I'm lose in this round... Thank you for the humble vote for me this far! TBH there is some good mount like the crystal dragonfly which is I really think it will be like a cosmos unicorn on pwi or the wolf which used copic and color it professionaly... I also like the fire vulpine and the vespa also the damned throne things! Not forgetting about the colorful winged wolf (or dragon?) as long as I remember... Maybe we must have more 'effort' next time... ^^ cheers! You guys also the winner for me!

    P.S: I would like to know your deviantart/artstation/any art portal you were using!
  • Posts: 1,190 Arc User
    So every actually decent mount has been voted off, nice competition. This competition was run in a way everybody knew from the start there would be abuse and actual quality of the mount would have little to no impact. What I dont understand is why PWE keeps running itself head first on this same mine time after time again - Everybody but them seem to have seen it coming.

    Ps. A sincere wish, please run the voting in house as community will just abuse any voting system you create,
    BlackList vs Frenzied 3/17

  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited April 2018
    I hope this would remind everyone to stop participating in voting based events because PWI is not transparent and very very unprofessional, these words are not enough to describe them tho. THEY ARE SLOPPY SH*TLESS DEVILS, HANDMAID OF SATAN & WORK OF EVIL! THEY NEVER CARED ABOUT THE FEELINGS OF THOSE WHO PUT GREAT EFFORT ON THEIR WORKS EVEN IF IT IS OBVIOUS THAT THE UGLY MOUNTS USES VPN TO VOTE THEIR WORKS, THEY ALSO LET COPYRIGHTED MOUNTS IN THE BRACKETS, PUT BEAUTIFUL MOUNT VS ANOTHER BEAUTIFUL MOUNT IN FIRST ROUND (so stupid, even a kinder can do a better survey than them), CUT OFF THE VOTING OF 3RD ROUND 2 DAYS EARLIER THAN THE DEADLINE POSTED IN THE NEWS. This issue happened a lot of times now. People should really stop, STOP JOINING THESE EVENTS. I felt really bad for those beautiful mounts and just got beaten by drawing that can be done in 5 seconds.

    Idc if you ban me, this account is just made to say this tho and Ijs 100% fact. #RocketMountforPWIDecadeAnniversary #CopyrightMountsWins #PWISucksAndWillAlwaysBe #UnprofessionalityAtItsBest

    Don't forget to vote the rocket mount! well-deserving!
  • Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited April 2018
    So finally I'm lose in this round... Thank you for the humble vote for me this far! TBH there is some good mount like the crystal dragonfly which is I really think it will be like a cosmos unicorn on pwi or the wolf which used copic and color it professionaly... I also like the fire vulpine and the vespa also the damned throne things! Not forgetting about the colorful winged wolf (or dragon?) as long as I remember... Maybe we must have more 'effort' next time... ^^ cheers! You guys also the winner for me!

    P.S: I would like to know your deviantart/artstation/any art portal you were using!

    I completely agree with you luiilafete#3472, although I did not participate in the design phase myself, I did participate in each voting phase and am so shocked about the results after each round.

    I would like to request PWI to review the voting process and results. I was somewhat disappointed as we moved through the earlier rounds and the ones I felt were really nicer got cut very early on. Now I'm just shocked to see that in Round 4, most design finalists are just a joke. I do not see how ridiculous designs got in through to this stage, when really brilliant designs didnt make it through.

    This is an outage and the people request a full investigate!

    To all the voters who voted as trolls, Happy 10th Anniversary enjoy riding around on a lame mount which 90% of the population will dump into the trashcan.

    Also, why are we viewing the design entries in some spreadsheet separately? I'm sure the PWI is capable enough to make a survey that includes professional images instead of something slapped into a spreadsheet that voters have to cross-reference.

    Wasted the effort of all the nice designers.
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    I may aswell have drawn a circle and still gotten to this stage. I've been one of the lucky few to get through BECAUSE the proxy voters seem to go for B the majority of the time I'm assuming? Believe it or not I haven't had to spam any votes just sit back and watch the crazy numbers appear on the graphs. However I'm really sad that so many of the good entries got booted out early on because of this. Would have much preferred it to be fair and have the GM's vote. If that rocket wins I might shoot myself.


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