Dear Pwi and all pwi Employees



  • jacobsrevenge
    jacobsrevenge Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited February 2018
    Reward your loyal Player base factions lift restrictions save our community
    thesquee1 wrote: »
    laiwaisan wrote: »
    thesquee1 wrote: »
    Let's just get this out there...

    If your faction is not strong enough to have a faction base then what would you be doing with anythinig inside the base? Most things are locked behind trials now and you have to be able to clear those, too. More importantly, what were you doing with the base before this update? Letting people get free Pan Gu's? Outdated and irrelevant with NF Daily. Base helm? r8r helm is cheaper and TNF helm (at least on tideswell) actually has a decent chance for you to buy for LESS THAN THE BASE HELM before this update. Arrows? Well, I'll give you that one, archers suffer there. Trials for r8r? Hah, right, like you need that anymore.

    Yes, you paid money to get your base, but you also got what you paid for. In the end there is nothing you were doing with that old out-dated dusty base that wasn't already available somewhere else and if you can't open the base now it just means you don't have the strength/activity to handle anything that's inside it anyway.

    You think you're all entitled to some free **** now just because you paid for something that came out SEVEN YEARS AGO that didn't even promise you anything other than a new set of tedious dailies and some pots that were good at the time but are now dated with a helmet that now has more affordable alternatives that can be obtained without a base. That's why they changed it, the faction base meant nothing and that was not good. Yes, you can be upset that you lost your money when the base went away, but you should also be excited that now at least the base has a purpose.

    And just an FYI if you can unlock the base and do trials, the base helm is cheaper now, nearly half the cost if you get the mats for it.

    The tl;dr is your base was useless and outdated so they made something new that was actually useful and the power it takes to get into was scaled up with the power it provides while not providing anything that shatters the games balance any further. Deal with it, you aren't entitled to anything, and welcome to the new age, and accept that PWI didn't steal **** from you, you're just crying because you think you deserve something you already got.

    I think in many countries there should be a test for breeding and certain people should not be allowed to procreate that being said i think if someone cough took the time to read these post like i took the time to read this one you would know what it is we do with the bases we purchased uhmmmmm

    oh tho this is not real life and there was some real money spent I only pray that one day you get locked out of your home with no way in or your keys locked in your car while its raining out in the middle of nowhere 100 miles from anywhere and while your shuttering from the cold water i hope your remember your post.

    Lets just give that time to settle in and stew in that head.

    Clearly never hug or loved and alone and bitter or just sick even i have some compassion who hurt you bro ill give u hug in real life bro jesus u need one damn.

    I'll take you seriously when you can give me an argument that isn't a childish attempt at an insult and something you would have spent 5 seconds thinking about. You didn't have anything to say about my points.

    You really feel that way getting locked out of a base you were doing nothing with? GO outside, take a walk, go to the park and pet a strangers puppy on a beautiful summer day. You might find it relaxing.
    thesquee1 wrote: »
    Let's just get this out there...

    If your faction is not strong enough to have a faction base then what would you be doing with anythinig inside the base? Most things are locked behind trials now and you have to be able to clear those, too. More importantly, what were you doing with the base before this update? Letting people get free Pan Gu's? Outdated and irrelevant with NF Daily. Base helm? r8r helm is cheaper and TNF helm (at least on tideswell) actually has a decent chance for you to buy for LESS THAN THE BASE HELM before this update. Arrows? Well, I'll give you that one, archers suffer there. Trials for r8r? Hah, right, like you need that anymore.

    Yes, you paid money to get your base, but you also got what you paid for. In the end there is nothing you were doing with that old out-dated dusty base that wasn't already available somewhere else and if you can't open the base now it just means you don't have the strength/activity to handle anything that's inside it anyway.

    You think you're all entitled to some free **** now just because you paid for something that came out SEVEN YEARS AGO that didn't even promise you anything other than a new set of tedious dailies and some pots that were good at the time but are now dated with a helmet that now has more affordable alternatives that can be obtained without a base. That's why they changed it, the faction base meant nothing and that was not good. Yes, you can be upset that you lost your money when the base went away, but you should also be excited that now at least the base has a purpose.

    And just an FYI if you can unlock the base and do trials, the base helm is cheaper now, nearly half the cost if you get the mats for it.

    The tl;dr is your base was useless and outdated so they made something new that was actually useful and the power it takes to get into was scaled up with the power it provides while not providing anything that shatters the games balance any further. Deal with it, you aren't entitled to anything, and welcome to the new age, and accept that PWI didn't steal **** from you, you're just crying because you think you deserve something you already got.

    are u smoking pot while writing these? the community is crying bcuz they love the game. and the player base is dying even more and more. you dont even care for the future big casher here.. are u out of your mind or drunk? seriously? :/

    And you, too.

    If you can't argue with any sense of logic or analyzing the opposing sides view, you shouldn't be arguing.

    im not arguing.. look at the mirror and try to understand what u talking about.. seriously. stop sniffing your own ****... you're too far of raging about the old base content.. meanwhile people just want to open it. seriously dude dont be a nerdy keyboard warrior while u dont knw what u talking about. :/

  • terryf1968
    terryf1968 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2018
    PWI you thifes you took all my merits i was save for a GUILD base helmet you scammers. You never told any one you wipe the merit pionts out.
  • thesquee1
    thesquee1 Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited February 2018
    vertgod wrote: »
    thesquee1 wrote: »
    Why are so many people relating a faction base to a physical house? When it was snowing in arch did you feel snow landing on you as you sat in your chair? Doubt it. It was an outdated slop of leftover and outdated ideas that only had one relevant factor, the helmet, which is now not required for endgame gear, and even then we're talking edgame because you ain't getting that helmet without r9 already.

    I would agree the restrictions are a bit harshly implimented, perhaps more points for DHJ but still get points from DHD and DH, same with UP, but people are acting like they lost something that was part of their identity.

    When bases came out I was just a wee little psychic main (didn't even reroll my BM yet) and I charged actual money to help my leader afford a base because he couldn't and we struggled in attendance. My faction currently has yet to unlock the base as well, but that's fine. I'm in a faction currently that is TW capable but not exactly an OP faction. we're 4th with our best attendance that we'll never realistically achieve. I am ok with having a more relevant base at the cost of less time in it, because at least I wull actually use this one.

    Real talk though if you really feel like your faction base is the same as your apartment, we have homesteads now and you should also consider a walk on the beach. Where I live there's this nice break wall (as in breaking the tide from the lake) that you can walk along, some parts are eroded and make for fun climbing. The water makes the air smell fresh and the plant life along the shore is goregeous since it goes by a massive park, flowers everywhere and people smiling from their fishing boats. I highly recommend it.

    I think you're misunderstanding the point of a metaphor, they're not meant to be literal. You also seem to be missing the point entirely as you keep mentioning that the old bases were outdated, which I haven't seen anyone disputing. People are having issues with the requirements to ENTER the base, not with the upgrades TO the base. Which you yourself just said you agree are harsh.

    As to the beach, I prefer the mountains. Though I am glad to hear you get outside occasionally.

    Mountain hiking is one of my favorites.

    Yes, I agree the requirements are a bit harsh but I can also see the reason being the rewards in it are no longer for the lower geared players so those people don't need to get into it. That's the point, if you can't get into it then even if you could there'd be nothing for you to do in there.
    laiwaisan wrote: »
    thesquee1 wrote: »
    vertgod wrote: »
    thesquee1 wrote: »
    Deal with it, you aren't entitled to anything, and welcome to the new age, and accept that PWI didn't steal **** from you, you're just crying because you think you deserve something you already got.

    You're correct, the terms of service clearly state that you're basically entitled to nothing in game. But let's say you sign a 2 year lease agreement for an apartment, 1 year into that agreement the landlord locks you out of your place because they upgraded the building with central heating and a/c and unless you agree to the new terms and policies you wont be allowed into your place again. Technically it's not stealing but I bet you'd still feel robbed.

    I don't disagree that the faction bases direly needed an upgrade. It's been a long time coming. But being locked out and having requirements to enter something that people spent time, money and effort into building wasn't the way to go about it. And maybe some of you have been playing so long that you don't remember how much it took to not only acquire but to level the faction base (and maybe some of you don't even know all that went into it) but to completely write it off is a slap in the face really especially when newly created bases don't have such restrictions.

    The only real issue I have with the upgrade is that you have to have loyalty points just to enter the base when they should work the same as merit points did previously. But okay, fine, it's the new system and it's probably not going to change. That being the case atleast, as previously mentioned, lower level dungeons should be added to the list.

    Why are so many people relating a faction base to a physical house? When it was snowing in arch did you feel snow landing on you as you sat in your chair? Doubt it. It was an outdated slop of leftover and outdated ideas that only had one relevant factor, the helmet, which is now not required for endgame gear, and even then we're talking edgame because you ain't getting that helmet without r9 already.

    I would agree the restrictions are a bit harshly implimented, perhaps more points for DHJ but still get points from DHD and DH, same with UP, but people are acting like they lost something that was part of their identity.

    When bases came out I was just a wee little psychic main (didn't even reroll my BM yet) and I charged actual money to help my leader afford a base because he couldn't and we struggled in attendance. My faction currently has yet to unlock the base as well, but that's fine. I'm in a faction currently that is TW capable but not exactly an OP faction. we're 4th with our best attendance that we'll never realistically achieve. I am ok with having a more relevant base at the cost of less time in it, because at least I wull actually use this one.

    Real talk though if you really feel like your faction base is the same as your apartment, we have homesteads now and you should also consider a walk on the beach. Where I live there's this nice break wall (as in breaking the tide from the lake) that you can walk along, some parts are eroded and make for fun climbing. The water makes the air smell fresh and the plant life along the shore is goregeous since it goes by a massive park, flowers everywhere and people smiling from their fishing boats. I highly recommend it.

    LOL must be this guy lol

    I think we're getting off track here i made this poll mainly to let PWI know they F **** up by alienating & annihilating THE MAJORITY of debit card holders that create a player base community and not the few minor sociopaths that have no sympathy and would want to watch PWI burn to the ground because either They never were loved or loved anything in there life.

    This poll is mainly about people that charge spend create build and forge a community to let PWI and its Employees know hey were not the enemy here Please fix the Game.

    Everyone has a right to an opinion even you do,as much as i respect it I think I speak for the majority of us here it has 0.00 value in this poll like you thinking we have zero value to pwi and its community by us spending and creating bonds with people and strengthen an online community that's helpful.

    I could go on and on about the list of things a faction base does for new comers like the 1 hour buffs items from what you call an outdated base and if you even had taken the time to even read some of these shrugs shoulders yeah bottom line is PWI u scre up Fix it

    People say this exact thing literally every expansion. All of them. All I'm saying is you aren't entitled to anything and all that. While I'm sure many leave because of PWI decisions, this game is old and there's more competition for it. People are leaving because they're done, even I was one of them, The only people still left are the people that hate PWI Decisions ironically. If the decisions being made were really the reason people were leaving then surely everyone complaining about it would be gone, including yourself?
    meglepke wrote: »
    An example for the people who can't understand what is the base problem: imagine if you loose your emperor with an expansion what you paid for many years ago. You can get it again but have to complete instances with 8 members the same class as you, and only 4-5 classes can tank the bosses inside but you are not one of them. Play the game and accept the changes!

    That would be a good thing because it means everyone else can get their empoeror, your anology doesn't really fit here.
    thesquee1 wrote: »
    laiwaisan wrote: »
    thesquee1 wrote: »
    Let's just get this out there...

    If your faction is not strong enough to have a faction base then what would you be doing with anythinig inside the base? Most things are locked behind trials now and you have to be able to clear those, too. More importantly, what were you doing with the base before this update? Letting people get free Pan Gu's? Outdated and irrelevant with NF Daily. Base helm? r8r helm is cheaper and TNF helm (at least on tideswell) actually has a decent chance for you to buy for LESS THAN THE BASE HELM before this update. Arrows? Well, I'll give you that one, archers suffer there. Trials for r8r? Hah, right, like you need that anymore.

    Yes, you paid money to get your base, but you also got what you paid for. In the end there is nothing you were doing with that old out-dated dusty base that wasn't already available somewhere else and if you can't open the base now it just means you don't have the strength/activity to handle anything that's inside it anyway.

    You think you're all entitled to some free **** now just because you paid for something that came out SEVEN YEARS AGO that didn't even promise you anything other than a new set of tedious dailies and some pots that were good at the time but are now dated with a helmet that now has more affordable alternatives that can be obtained without a base. That's why they changed it, the faction base meant nothing and that was not good. Yes, you can be upset that you lost your money when the base went away, but you should also be excited that now at least the base has a purpose.

    And just an FYI if you can unlock the base and do trials, the base helm is cheaper now, nearly half the cost if you get the mats for it.

    The tl;dr is your base was useless and outdated so they made something new that was actually useful and the power it takes to get into was scaled up with the power it provides while not providing anything that shatters the games balance any further. Deal with it, you aren't entitled to anything, and welcome to the new age, and accept that PWI didn't steal **** from you, you're just crying because you think you deserve something you already got.

    I think in many countries there should be a test for breeding and certain people should not be allowed to procreate that being said i think if someone cough took the time to read these post like i took the time to read this one you would know what it is we do with the bases we purchased uhmmmmm

    oh tho this is not real life and there was some real money spent I only pray that one day you get locked out of your home with no way in or your keys locked in your car while its raining out in the middle of nowhere 100 miles from anywhere and while your shuttering from the cold water i hope your remember your post.

    Lets just give that time to settle in and stew in that head.

    Clearly never hug or loved and alone and bitter or just sick even i have some compassion who hurt you bro ill give u hug in real life bro jesus u need one damn.

    I'll take you seriously when you can give me an argument that isn't a childish attempt at an insult and something you would have spent 5 seconds thinking about. You didn't have anything to say about my points.

    You really feel that way getting locked out of a base you were doing nothing with? GO outside, take a walk, go to the park and pet a strangers puppy on a beautiful summer day. You might find it relaxing.
    thesquee1 wrote: »
    Let's just get this out there...

    If your faction is not strong enough to have a faction base then what would you be doing with anythinig inside the base? Most things are locked behind trials now and you have to be able to clear those, too. More importantly, what were you doing with the base before this update? Letting people get free Pan Gu's? Outdated and irrelevant with NF Daily. Base helm? r8r helm is cheaper and TNF helm (at least on tideswell) actually has a decent chance for you to buy for LESS THAN THE BASE HELM before this update. Arrows? Well, I'll give you that one, archers suffer there. Trials for r8r? Hah, right, like you need that anymore.

    Yes, you paid money to get your base, but you also got what you paid for. In the end there is nothing you were doing with that old out-dated dusty base that wasn't already available somewhere else and if you can't open the base now it just means you don't have the strength/activity to handle anything that's inside it anyway.

    You think you're all entitled to some free **** now just because you paid for something that came out SEVEN YEARS AGO that didn't even promise you anything other than a new set of tedious dailies and some pots that were good at the time but are now dated with a helmet that now has more affordable alternatives that can be obtained without a base. That's why they changed it, the faction base meant nothing and that was not good. Yes, you can be upset that you lost your money when the base went away, but you should also be excited that now at least the base has a purpose.

    And just an FYI if you can unlock the base and do trials, the base helm is cheaper now, nearly half the cost if you get the mats for it.

    The tl;dr is your base was useless and outdated so they made something new that was actually useful and the power it takes to get into was scaled up with the power it provides while not providing anything that shatters the games balance any further. Deal with it, you aren't entitled to anything, and welcome to the new age, and accept that PWI didn't steal **** from you, you're just crying because you think you deserve something you already got.

    are u smoking pot while writing these? the community is crying bcuz they love the game. and the player base is dying even more and more. you dont even care for the future big casher here.. are u out of your mind or drunk? seriously? :/

    And you, too.

    If you can't argue with any sense of logic or analyzing the opposing sides view, you shouldn't be arguing.

    im not arguing.. look at the mirror and try to understand what u talking about.. seriously. stop sniffing your own ****... you're too far of raging about the old base content.. meanwhile people just want to open it. seriously dude dont be a nerdy keyboard warrior while u dont knw what u talking about. :/


    See my previous statement, then come back after you've thought about it for like idk 5 seconds.
  • jacobsrevenge
    jacobsrevenge Posts: 61 Arc User
    Reward your loyal Player base factions lift restrictions save our community
    thesquee1 wrote: »

    See my previous statement, then come back after you've thought about it for like idk 5 seconds.

    i saw it. did u look at your 1st rage? then come back after you've thought about it for like idk 5 seconds.

  • thesquee1
    thesquee1 Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited February 2018
    thesquee1 wrote: »

    See my previous statement, then come back after you've thought about it for like idk 5 seconds.

    i saw it. did u look at your 1st rage? then come back after you've thought about it for like idk 5 seconds.

    You're cute. Let's go out to dinner sometime.
  • This content has been removed.
  • baysidebutterfly
    baysidebutterfly Posts: 25 Arc User
    Reward your loyal Player base factions lift restrictions save our community
    So here is another thought from me, PWI do an update bringing back all old faction bases with no restrictions.
    And for those who think it is outdated and can keep up thier loyalty let thier faction and faction onwers buy the new base.It is a win win if and when my faction can do the new base then maybe we upgrade sounds fair to me so little factions get thier bases back and if Big factions/end game gear want the changes let them buy a new base instead of taking all the bases,this was a very unfair move for alot of us and only all helps a few,seperating the masses with the who haves and the who have nots.

    Discuss go!!! :)
  • laiwaisan
    laiwaisan Posts: 1,123 Arc User
    Reward your loyal Player base factions lift restrictions save our community
    So here is another thought from me, PWI do an update bringing back all old faction bases with no restrictions.
    And for those who think it is outdated and can keep up thier loyalty let thier faction and faction onwers buy the new base.It is a win win if and when my faction can do the new base then maybe we upgrade sounds fair to me so little factions get thier bases back and if Big factions/end game gear want the changes let them buy a new base instead of taking all the bases,this was a very unfair move for alot of us and only all helps a few,seperating the masses with the who haves and the who have nots.

    Discuss go!!! :)

    Actually thats a real good ideal at least i also think so that's actually really simple jesus i'm not a programer but would it be that hard to do this the content is already there?

    Not really much new coding?

    Plus it gives us time to save up and buy enough coin to upgrade one day and id like to see it as an upgrade not have to start with a new faction logo and name.

    Also i wonder why they haven't implemented faction logo or icon in base with gm review to see if logo is appropriate?
  • wettstyle
    wettstyle Posts: 236 Arc User
    Why oh Why, could they not of opened up the new faction base with no Lock out for the first week, Yeah only the first week@. Let the community get a feel for the new system, time to soak in, plan for the lockout to come in the following week, two weeks....this whole suprise party fiasco would mostly of been avoided IMO..good luck everyone
  • laiwaisan
    laiwaisan Posts: 1,123 Arc User
    Reward your loyal Player base factions lift restrictions save our community
    wettstyle wrote: »
    Why oh Why, could they not of opened up the new faction base with no Lock out for the first week, Yeah only the first week@. Let the community get a feel for the new system, time to soak in, plan for the lockout to come in the following week, two weeks....this whole suprise party fiasco would mostly of been avoided IMO..good luck everyone

    And yet another happy customer ty PWI i know u cant see it but im doing the shame shame finger and look your parents use to give u what were u thinking
  • heerohex#3018
    heerohex#3018 Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator
    I'll leave this open for now but it's on the hot list.

    Please stay in the rules and topic. Drowning a thread in insults back n forth is not required.

    I'm also not in a place to overly comment or vote. But this was something I was a little upset about. Really could have used this info a few weeks ago.

  • laiwaisan
    laiwaisan Posts: 1,123 Arc User
    Reward your loyal Player base factions lift restrictions save our community
    heero200 wrote: »
    I'll leave this open for now but it's on the hot list.

    Please stay in the rules and topic. Drowning a thread in insults back n forth is not required.

    I'm also not in a place to overly comment or vote. But this was something I was a little upset about. Really could have used this info a few weeks ago.


    Ok ill play nice
  • galvas
    galvas Posts: 2 Arc User
    It is simple. The faction paid their cost already materials plus 200mil coin to unlock base. What else will you do strip rep away make us rebuy that so our rank gears will work. Or take way our sky levels so we got to retrian. Fact is that its not right. You know it is not right and to do it is beyond disgusting.
  • laiwaisan
    laiwaisan Posts: 1,123 Arc User
    Reward your loyal Player base factions lift restrictions save our community
    galvas wrote: »
    It is simple. The faction paid their cost already materials plus 200mil coin to unlock base. What else will you do strip rep away make us rebuy that so our rank gears will work. Or take way our sky levels so we got to retrian. Fact is that its not right. You know it is not right and to do it is beyond disgusting.
    OMG dont give them any ideals jesus's no but yeah our fac chats look like my RL work planning working etc its not fun and a lot of us are confused how it works.

    Old base 1000 Lp every week resets sunday repeat rinse wash

    New bought faction 1000lp to open but stays unlock for 4 weeks to lp drains and then it will re lock

    Honestly we are so confused right now also for old base a loyalty stone would be useless if there even is one because every week old base resets on sunday?

    shouldn't there just be a 1 time unlock stone this feels like a monthly subscription and a weekly one for old customers which to me seems backwards shouldn't it be other way around new factions get base restrictions and old ones get grandfathered in?

    There should be a faction Grandfathered Land Stone mailed to faction directors and their main officers just in case the main leader is mia or dead it happens

  • rieihdius
    rieihdius Posts: 468 Arc User
    Reward your loyal Player base factions lift restrictions save our community
    Honestly something they could have done, and it would have save them a lot of problems and rage from their playerbase is:

    Keep the new base and new points system but remove the entrance restriction. On the same new base put a new npc that gives daily quest based on your level (just like the old base), maybe this quest can give something that help the base but not points for the OP items, instead it could give points to trade for the old base stuff (pots, arrows, etc). This way the strong people do the high level dungeons, they get points for the new OP stuff and if they want to do the dailies for the old items, they are free to do so. At the same time people who have bad gear or not enough level can still get some stuff while helping the base.

    Of course changes could be made, but the main idea of this is to not turn the base into something only for the top geared people. As I see it, they drew another line between the really strong players and the average or weak ones. I don't have anything against giving rewards to those who run end game dungeons, in fact I think is a great motivation, but why neglect all other people that don't want or that can't do it , that is what it bother me.

  • goldfinch47
    goldfinch47 Posts: 182 Arc User
    edited February 2018
    Reward your loyal Player base factions lift restrictions save our community
    I agree, rieihdius. The work of running dungeons gets shared, and there's more opportunity to help members with their cultivation. Putting all the work on top players will lead to burn out. And it's no fun to feel you're being carried.
  • baysidebutterfly
    baysidebutterfly Posts: 25 Arc User
    Reward your loyal Player base factions lift restrictions save our community
    So amke the bases upgrable if you want the new base pay for . but give me and my mates our base back!!!!!
  • andyauditore
    andyauditore Posts: 52 Arc User
    Recall Patch
    This is my opinion, as a more PvE inclined player who doesn't charge Gold. You don't have to agree with me:

    -I feel like up until the Eclipse expansion, everything they added was good and meaningful. Primal area, Reawakening, Flowsilver Palace, War Avatar cards, Nightshade race, Celestial Vale, Quicksand Maze.

    -But starting with Elysium: Homestead, g17, Uncharted Paradise. Then Neverfall: Glyphs, the Western Steppes, Dawnlight Halls. And now Wonderland. I feel like all of these updates are useless and that they add meaningless stuff, many of them breaking the game or making it less enjoyable. The game would be better without them.

    -I made a simple Homestead just to get the skills I needed. I don't make g17, so the other quests are useless to me. Therefore, Uncharted Paradise is useless too. Anyone got the Tier 5 g17 yet? Or whatever the maximum was...
    I don't use glyphs, I think they add very little perks compared to how much they cost or how much you have to farm for the higher levels. Unless you're heavy PvP player, I don't see the point.

    -I can't imagine how faction leaders feel now. After they spend so much money and so much time into their Base. Now it's gone, poof. Smaller factions, poof...

    Again, you don't have to agree with me, this is just my opinion.

    Anyone else would like to revert to the Eclipse expansion? Or at least Elysium? I know there are people who love the Homestead. But I think we can live without Glyphs, Dawnlight Halls, Colosseum.

    I don't know how PWCN takes all these, maybe for them it works. But sometimes, leaving the game as it is, is better than changing it. How to keep the game alive? Fix the older things and make them better, not worse.
  • laiwaisan
    laiwaisan Posts: 1,123 Arc User
    edited February 2018
    Reward your loyal Player base factions lift restrictions save our community
    This is my opinion, as a more PvE inclined player who doesn't charge Gold. You don't have to agree with me:

    -I feel like up until the Eclipse expansion, everything they added was good and meaningful. Primal area, Reawakening, Flowsilver Palace, War Avatar cards, Nightshade race, Celestial Vale, Quicksand Maze.

    -But starting with Elysium: Homestead, g17, Uncharted Paradise. Then Neverfall: Glyphs, the Western Steppes, Dawnlight Halls. And now Wonderland. I feel like all of these updates are useless and that they add meaningless stuff, many of them breaking the game or making it less enjoyable. The game would be better without them.

    -I made a simple Homestead just to get the skills I needed. I don't make g17, so the other quests are useless to me. Therefore, Uncharted Paradise is useless too. Anyone got the Tier 5 g17 yet? Or whatever the maximum was...
    I don't use glyphs, I think they add very little perks compared to how much they cost or how much you have to farm for the higher levels. Unless you're heavy PvP player, I don't see the point.

    -I can't imagine how faction leaders feel now. After they spend so much money and so much time into their Base. Now it's gone, poof. Smaller factions, poof...

    Again, you don't have to agree with me, this is just my opinion.

    Anyone else would like to revert to the Eclipse expansion? Or at least Elysium? I know there are people who love the Homestead. But I think we can live without Glyphs, Dawnlight Halls, Colosseum.

    I don't know how PWCN takes all these, maybe for them it works. But sometimes, leaving the game as it is, is better than changing it. How to keep the game alive? Fix the older things and make them better, not worse.
    sad to say most of what he said is true except for glyphs skills agreed to disagree except they took even that away with no more neverfall badges and replace it with tokens a cash shop item ur not fooling anyone lol.

    when i see stuff like this at this level of greed

    i think ceo gambling issues or worst your trying to bleed out a turnip that you suck so much out off that even a beat veggie would turn white you guys over bleed it

  • eeepsilon
    eeepsilon Posts: 294 Arc User
    Reward your loyal Player base factions lift restrictions save our community
    This is my opinion, as a more PvE inclined player who doesn't charge Gold. You don't have to agree with me:

    -I feel like up until the Eclipse expansion, everything they added was good and meaningful. Primal area, Reawakening, Flowsilver Palace, War Avatar cards, Nightshade race, Celestial Vale, Quicksand Maze.

    -But starting with Elysium: Homestead, g17, Uncharted Paradise. Then Neverfall: Glyphs, the Western Steppes, Dawnlight Halls. And now Wonderland. I feel like all of these updates are useless and that they add meaningless stuff, many of them breaking the game or making it less enjoyable. The game would be better without them.

    -I made a simple Homestead just to get the skills I needed. I don't make g17, so the other quests are useless to me. Therefore, Uncharted Paradise is useless too. Anyone got the Tier 5 g17 yet? Or whatever the maximum was...
    I don't use glyphs, I think they add very little perks compared to how much they cost or how much you have to farm for the higher levels. Unless you're heavy PvP player, I don't see the point.

    -I can't imagine how faction leaders feel now. After they spend so much money and so much time into their Base. Now it's gone, poof. Smaller factions, poof...

    Again, you don't have to agree with me, this is just my opinion.

    Anyone else would like to revert to the Eclipse expansion? Or at least Elysium? I know there are people who love the Homestead. But I think we can live without Glyphs, Dawnlight Halls, Colosseum.

    I don't know how PWCN takes all these, maybe for them it works. But sometimes, leaving the game as it is, is better than changing it. How to keep the game alive? Fix the older things and make them better, not worse.

    Even though I am more pvp than pve I have to agree with you. For me the Elysium update and all the nonsence they start doing with those foils in keys and packs during and after that time + the nerfing on pretty much anything that a player can farm is what really started to destroy this game.
    Many people said in the past that the game was dead or that its been dying since 2009, 2010, 2012, etc. However in my opinion during 2017 is when I saw the most of my friends and faction mates leave, it was also the year when I saw most people leave in general on the server I play, Sadly, update after update they keep trying to push this changes that the only thing they achieve is to make more people rage and quit.
  • kwyl
    kwyl Posts: 118 Arc User
    Give old factions bases new bases equal to what they lost lv etc mats coin
    As a casual PVE player, most of the things that have changed don't really affect me and what does doesn't really matter for actual game play so i won't mention them here as I'm sure they are insignificant and will never be fixed. The problem I have was caused by my own doing. I wanted a base for me and my alts to mess with so I gathered the items I thought I needed at a bit of an expense and waited for the update as I only wanted to learn the new base interface. I was so excited when I logged in that I rushed right over to open my base. The reqs had been changed without notice but I bit the bullet and paid my 30 big notes. I bought the faction storage stone from cs and, only after that, learned I would never be able to use it or my base. EVER. All that coin wasted unless this thing gets revamped to make it low-level friendly. The base is beautiful but the only thing I can do there is fish and play with my pet. Fishing for 300M coin. That's about 60 bucks. And 10 for a useless storage stone. 2000 subs 500 medals. I know I can sell those items back but if I don't want to take a further loss that will take time. If I had just waited a day or two before I did any of this I would have changed my mind and kept my money. In my opinion, the patch notes were incomplete and misleading to say the least. Whether this was by design it's hard to say. This section is particularly disappointing to me.


    System Specific Items
    Loyalty Stone
    Faction Safe Unlock Stone
    Cross-Server Battle Invitation
    New Fashion
    Cloud Fox Set
    Summer’s Casual Set
    Sparkly Knitted Set
    Fairy Queen Set
    Floral Fox Set
    Astrid’s Casual Set
    New Mounts
    Astral Nightmare
    Auspicious Fortune Beast
    Brightmoon Hare
    Celestial Lion
    Darkfire Kirin
    Frigid Tundra Wolf
    Horror of the Depths
    Imperial Dragon Tortoise
    Jade Kunlun Carriage
    Radiant Donkey
    Rageflame Kirin
    Revered Dragon
    Snowfield Lionlord
    Sunflare Lion
    Venomous Sand Lord
    Wonderland Goldfish
    New Pets
    Micro Battlebot
    Ginger Tiger Groundskeeper
    Irresistible Cuteness
    Yoyo Ball
    Bun Kid
    Glaze Rabbit
    New Flyers
    Violet Shears (Human)
    Flying Squirrel (Untamed)
    Rippling Butterfly (Winged Elf)
    Cascading Leaves (Tideborn)
    Autumn Chill (Earthguard)
    Shosan’s Cloud Ferry (Nightshade)

    It seemed to me these things would be in the cs. Only 2 are. Only 1 mount and 1 fashion on the list can be obtained but only by opening packs that are 88 gold for 100. Out of 300 packs I got like 264 lucky coins and no mount or fashion. That's just crappy. It wasn't mentioned that these items would all be pack items or event items obtained from packs and events that are not available at this time. The calendar lists events that cannot yet be done. If the loyalty stone was a cs item as I had assumed it would be (yes I know) the new items issue wouldn't bother me so much because I WOULD BE PLAYING WITH MY NEW BASE! I know many players are having worse problems with this update and I am in no way meaning to disregard their plight. The wholesale wipe of merit is the most soulless move of all I think. Many worked hard for many years from what I gather and now their efforts are in vain. I know we signed the thing and this is only a game but that doesn't make the actions of this company right. Hell, they don't even make sense. It would seem from just this bit that we do not matter to them and they are woefully out of touch with this player base. And after all I've said here, I still haven't mentioned those many, many little things.
  • jonahsgirl
    jonahsgirl Posts: 4 Arc User
    sontzu wrote: »
    You know the most insulting part?

    "Newly created Faction Bases don't have this restriction."

    To me this says, they knew this would be hugely unpopular, as including this restriction on new bases would mean less bases getting made and therefore less cash for pwi, as who in their right mind would pay for something they couldn't use?

    Those commenting that they think the game would be better without smaller guilds are either trolling, or epically stupid. Smaller guilds are where new people (yes they exist, despite many opinions to the contrary) learn to play their class, learn to play in a squad, and generally learn how the server community works.

    The game has been slowly dying for quite a few years now, with little respites here and there from actual worthwhile content updates, but this will speed up the end.

    I'm in the top TW guild on Da, so I'll have access to our base easily enough, but I paid real money for the base for the guild I park my alts in, and I'm furious to have this taken away, and before anyone says again "base quests irrelevant", it's exp for non-105 toons + 20 active points on some days, that's lost too.

    Those saying games should be fun are hitting the nail on the head; pwi has increasingly become a second job, even for those that cash rather than farm their stuff, with endless dailies just to keep from falling too far behind. Fun is becoming increasingly
    conspicuously absent.
    sontzu wrote: »
    You know the most insulting part?

    "Newly created Faction Bases don't have this restriction."

    To me this says, they knew this would be hugely unpopular, as including this restriction on new bases would mean less bases getting made and therefore less cash for pwi, as who in their right mind would pay for something they couldn't use?

    Those commenting that they think the game would be better without smaller guilds are either trolling, or epically stupid. Smaller guilds are where new people (yes they exist, despite many opinions to the contrary) learn to play their class, learn to play in a squad, and generally learn how the server community works.

    The game has been slowly dying for quite a few years now, with little respites here and there from actual worthwhile content updates, but this will speed up the end.

    I'm in the top TW guild on Da, so I'll have access to our base easily enough, but I paid real money for the base for the guild I park my alts in, and I'm furious to have this taken away, and before anyone says again "base quests irrelevant", it's exp for non-105 toons + 20 active points on some days, that's lost too.

    Those saying games should be fun are hitting the nail on the head; pwi has increasingly become a second job, even for those that cash rather than farm their stuff, with endless dailies just to keep from falling too far behind. Fun is becoming increasingly
    conspicuously absent.

  • jonahsgirl
    jonahsgirl Posts: 4 Arc User
    OOPs. messed that up. I have to say that I agree with sontzu. We'll be sticking around for a while longer, just in case things improve, but after spending the money our members have on the base, to have to suffer difficulties in accessing it while many are away for awhile, it doesn't make many of us terribly interested in investing more. More time, more money, etc. :(
  • dingo488
    dingo488 Posts: 936 Arc User
    PWI I know this is an MMO, but I want only want to play the game with my little sister and my dog, can you please change the experience for every single person playing the game so I can do that?
  • wettstyle
    wettstyle Posts: 236 Arc User
    My Grandfathers dog, which was my first dog to be around, awesome dog actually:). was named Dingo. I think of it and the good times as a child. Thank's for the memories Dingo.....P.S was a cute australian shepherd:)
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  • dingo488
    dingo488 Posts: 936 Arc User
    sontzu wrote: »

    Please explain how removing/lowering base unlock requirements would affect your gameplay in any way

    It turns fun group content into solo-able alt army content, like everything else in this game. Because once you're done crying about the base opening, you'll start crying about being able to do the fractals too. And next thing you know I'm uploading videos to youtube about how to solo all the trials using 10 alts and all feeling of group-bonding and group-effort is gone. I think its ridiculous for people to demand an MMO to cater to people that want to play by themselves, why dont you just play a singleplayer game.
  • clyknight
    clyknight Posts: 128 Arc User
    Reward your loyal Player base factions lift restrictions save our community
    nbreaking wrote: »
    ballenato wrote: »
    Im loving this new feature for multiple reasons.

    1) considering our low population on servers, im loving that this feature will bring more people to run dup/jdh. Not just endgame core players that have been doing it for long. But also those r9 geared players that havent run those instances cause "lacking of motivation".

    2) It will regroup people on servers on bigger factions, displacing the scattered population into real/active guilds. Which will improve everybody's game experience. Not just twing aspect.

    3) Pulling people together with weekly-faction goals is priceless. Most factions are tw orientednoe family oriented. But we lacked some pve milestones to we have them!

    This decision should not be taken back, nor restriction lifted.

    This is the most correct thing here.

    And I Paid for my base 4 years ago had people getting enough Merit to get base helm that is how some get op gear and now it is trashed they have no merit will you step up and help them to do it again??? I even spent 30 gold to reset faction base points so my members can get what they have worked for all gone is disgusting,My own toon is r9rr and I love the people in my faction it is what makes us so speacail we can enjoy Tw and they don't have to be R9rr just saying>they use to able to equire pots arrows for Archers +140 attack is what I offfered them now they have nothing and are staying like family even though thier Mom was robbed. Sad :(

    MidEvil Leader

    Let's explain some things, the arrows are still at the base once you unlock it AND people can now get any amount of arrows they want without needing to do faction quests and using their points, wanna buy 500M? Got space and coin? Then buy 500M arrows... also, it's easy to unlock the base, some factions can unlock it in 1 day, some can't, but over the week, unless your faction is seriously dead, you can unlock the base.

    I will be honest however about the base helm, not sure if it's still possible to get it, i'm assuming not though since it comes from TNF, there's other things that were lost too, buffs and pots for example, however (and this is UNCONFIRMED so far, so, take it with a grain of salt), from what I know once we activate talents our merchants in the base also sell better things and if that's the case maybe the pots are still there (doubt the helm will be however).

    You see it as a positive because you have r9/thinking of the r9 players. But what about those of us who are stuck at g16 because we can't afford to upgrade to r9? From what I've seen, players will only take someone whos r9 into UP/Dh and on the very rare occasion, someone whos high refined g16. But for those of us who don't have the ability to upgrade to that where does it leave us?

    If you don't have ok refines is legit because you simply don't want to, PWI gives away event gold, and even if it didn't, do Heavenfall, you'll get 3*, 4* and 5* orbs there, combine that with a few tishas from the event boutique and you can at least get +6, that's more than alright if you are up to date with passives and stuff to do any instance in T3 (aka g16)
    Having problems with shards? Do Neverfall, do weekly Aba and SoT, you can get shards for cheap that way, 75hp shards which are pretty decent.
    If you have all I said above and people still won't take you, then you're just around the wrong people, most people in Tideswell will take you with what I mentioned above.

    You're either clueless or and idiot - you choose
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  • csquared5
    csquared5 Posts: 156 Arc User
    And now, ladies and gentleman, observe that panic mode has started to relax as, oh, things aren't as bad as they had supposed!---you have 4 weeks to get 1000 loyalty points, it can theoretically be done with as few as 4 ppl doing FSJ together every day. So yeah even the tiny alt factions can access their faction base if they really want to. GG.
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