PWI Terrible homestead BUG

badprop02 Posts: 7 Arc User
I have sent multi tickets and not 1 Gm can help me. It has almost been i year and this still has not been fixed.

I did not receive my basic homestead recipes when I started my homestead these recipes come in the form of a pack call Geneeric desing pack:Rookie. MY BM never receive this items.

I tried resetting my homestead at the Vedas NPC in heaven but the quest is grayed out and does not allow me to pick it up or click it.

Here are the links for my screen shot of this problem.

If you need any additional info please contact me. really cant take this Issue anymore


  • badprop02
    badprop02 Posts: 7 Arc User
    BUMP - has anyone encountered the same problem? its very frustrating that i cannot make/craft basic items for the daily homestead quest.

    please PWI support i need a solution - all my other alt characters are fine except my BM on Etherblade Server.

    My ticket ref number is:171215-000995

  • iskelei
    iskelei Posts: 12 Arc User
    Isn't it a HS quest that requires having 10 mil coins in your inventory?
  • badprop02
    badprop02 Posts: 7 Arc User
    No i use an alt character to do the HS start and did net need and coin to start or get my basic recipes.
    I have also ask my guild and none els has this problem only me so must be a bug.
    Even had friend log on my account a check
  • werewolves#6809
    werewolves#6809 Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited January 2018
    You need quite a few free rows clear in your inventory to get all the items.

    Got so far hs on 7 chars, this sometimes is an issue I encounter.
  • badprop02
    badprop02 Posts: 7 Arc User
    I have empty out my hole inventory into my bank but still nothing.
    My HS is all ready lvl 15 i played like this for over a year 6 mouth now.
    It has to be reset but the reset quest it grayed out.
    If a Gm could just help me but all he can say is make a post of forums
  • werewolves#6809
    werewolves#6809 Posts: 137 Arc User
    Only thing can think of it for them to mail the item to you then.
  • implode
    implode Posts: 106 Arc User
    My friend had this problem and we eventually did manage to get it sorted for her by visting every NPC along the quest chain (the one for opening the HS with the 5 planets screen). Check all the NPC coordinates on pwdatabase and just go walk around near each one. There's some autosuccess point that is supposed to give these items.

    She doesn't know exactly where/when, but in travelling to all those NPC locations, the items just suddenly popped into her inv. We don't know why she didn't get them first time around (when doing the quest chain) other than maybe bag was full at the time?

    I don't think "resetting" your HS would help even if you could do it. I think that is more for resetting all your buildings back to level 1, it isn't going to magically produce a bunch of scrolls for learning basic crafting items.

    GMs don't play the game and so they don't understand about specific quests, items, what's supposed to happen when and so on. Afraid we're usually on our own to resolve our own problems like that.
  • badprop02
    badprop02 Posts: 7 Arc User
    implode wrote: »
    My friend had this problem and we eventually did manage to get it sorted for her by visting every NPC along the quest chain (the one for opening the HS with the 5 planets screen). Check all the NPC coordinates on pwdatabase and just go walk around near each one. There's some autosuccess point that is supposed to give these items.

    She doesn't know exactly where/when, but in travelling to all those NPC locations, the items just suddenly popped into her inv. We don't know why she didn't get them first time around (when doing the quest chain) other than maybe bag was full at the time?

    I don't think "resetting" your HS would help even if you could do it. I think that is more for resetting all your buildings back to level 1, it isn't going to magically produce a bunch of scrolls for learning basic crafting items.

    GMs don't play the game and so they don't understand about specific quests, items, what's supposed to happen when and so on. Afraid we're usually on our own to resolve our own problems like that.

    I just did that and unfortunately did not get anything really dont understand how this works. This is quit annoying.
    thank you for the advise tho. :D
  • badprop02
    badprop02 Posts: 7 Arc User
    I just dont understand why a gm can spawn be the items into the game? I mean we hall have confirmed that these items should be giving to the player as he start HS quest.
  • heerohex#3018
    heerohex#3018 Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator
    Ill see If I can get Kalyst to look at this.

    Thanks for being persistent. Im not making 100% promise but Ill raise the query.

  • laiwaisan
    laiwaisan Posts: 1,123 Arc User
    i know on my barb if im in pandah form on quests fail same with clicking on items not allowed in shape form lol
  • badprop02
    badprop02 Posts: 7 Arc User
    heero200 wrote: »
    Ill see If I can get Kalyst to look at this.

    Thanks for being persistent. Im not making 100% promise but Ill raise the query.


    Thank you so much :D
  • laiwaisan
    laiwaisan Posts: 1,123 Arc User
    implode wrote: »
    My friend had this problem and we eventually did manage to get it sorted for her by visting every NPC along the quest chain (the one for opening the HS with the 5 planets screen). Check all the NPC coordinates on pwdatabase and just go walk around near each one. There's some autosuccess point that is supposed to give these items.

    She doesn't know exactly where/when, but in travelling to all those NPC locations, the items just suddenly popped into her inv. We don't know why she didn't get them first time around (when doing the quest chain) other than maybe bag was full at the time?

    I don't think "resetting" your HS would help even if you could do it. I think that is more for resetting all your buildings back to level 1, it isn't going to magically produce a bunch of scrolls for learning basic crafting items.

    GMs don't play the game and so they don't understand about specific quests, items, what's supposed to happen when and so on. Afraid we're usually on our own to resolve our own problems like that.

    Ty so much i had to quit quest and repeat somewhere i missed something so by dropping it and doing what you said fix it ty