So How Much Do YOU Hate or Love This New Expansion and The Changes Made?
Here is the problem with removing star chart items from the dalies is newer players are always playing catch up. As ne content is added older content should be made easier to acquire not harder. Older players had years to acquire star chart items. By removing the items from the daily you have deceased the suply not expanded it.
Newer Players? There are new players in PWI? Really I don't see them. But yes I agree with you, if new players or players that are returning can't play catch up they will just quit.
Besides PWI why do quest if you get nothing for it?
EXP is nice, if you are still leveling your toon. Vita is nice if you are still leveling your toon. But what if you are done leveling? What if you are 105x3 with sky level 10. Why should we bother now? Before I was still doing the quest for the star chart stuff now I have no reason to bother with it. PWI you just killed another part of the game for long time players. Duh much?0 -
Just last week i was giving a short tutorial for a new player on the best use of coins and gear and how they could make it.
There are new players i just don't know what pwi's retention rate is for said new players. These changes certainly don't make it easier for them.0 -
I have no grass, no( how do I fix this?0
error404#5149 wrote: »I have no grass, no( how do I fix this?0
Here is the problem with removing star chart items from the dalies is newer players are always playing catch up. As ne content is added older content should be made easier to acquire not harder. Older players had years to acquire star chart items. By removing the items from the daily you have deceased the suply not expanded it.
All it takes is a lil research and boom transmutation is your answer. all the useless bloods u dont need can be turned into chart items as well as a **** ton of other useless sht be transmuted. so yea there was a reason it was removed, its easier then ever to get starchart items now. and best thing its not limited to new players.
not sure why there is so much btching other then u cant spam a million alts for gazillion coins. best thing to happen to this game.
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Transmutation cost a LOT of coin and you just end up getting more of the stuff you want to get ride of in the first place, so no this is not a fix for them messing up the Primal dailies. Transmutation is a coin sink and when you have very little coin it is not a useful tool where as if you had coin or not you could do your Primal dailies and get something useful. PWI is making this a rich aka cash players game only. Free to play is over and them calling this game that is a joke!
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sensualsoul wrote: »Transmutation cost a LOT of coin and you just end up getting more of the stuff you want to get ride of in the first place, so no this is not a fix for them messing up the Primal dailies. Transmutation is a coin sink and when you have very little coin it is not a useful tool where as if you had coin or not you could do your Primal dailies and get something useful. PWI is making this a rich aka cash players game only. Free to play is over and them calling this game that is a joke!
There are still ways to make a good amount of money without fsp , you only need to look around a bit.
Transmutation is actually really usefull to lvl chart or get a good amount of nuemas and C packs for new players and really cheap.
New players also can farm blood easier in uch , and i saw ppl complain about fsp , but new f2p ppl will have easier time in fsp with getting more reward they choose.
New rewards in eu/aeu are also really good.
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Honestly I was loving the new update until I realized that a bug preventing cultivation to celestial saint occurred which now renders a majority of new toons useless.
Due to this bug it deletes progress upon previous cultivation and submitting a ticket sadly just gets you linked to a wiki page...
I can no longer claim dawnlight feathers and every area I unlocked previously are now locked.0 -
Honestly I was loving the new update until I realized that a bug preventing cultivation to celestial saint occurred which now renders a majority of new toons useless.
Due to this bug it deletes progress upon previous cultivation and submitting a ticket sadly just gets you linked to a wiki page...
I can no longer claim dawnlight feathers and every area I unlocked previously are now locked.
Can you say more about this bug , how did u get it etc?0 -
Can't confirm how I got it all i know is gm's are doing nothing 2 fix it and instead link you to a wiki page and then tell you "you haven't entered neverfall yet"0
well im part of the new/returning.salmonchowder wrote: »Here is the problem with removing star chart items from the dalies is newer players are always playing catch up. As ne content is added older content should be made easier to acquire not harder. Older players had years to acquire star chart items. By removing the items from the daily you have deceased the suply not expanded it.
All it takes is a lil research and boom transmutation is your answer. all the useless bloods u dont need can be turned into chart items as well as a **** ton of other useless sht be transmuted. so yea there was a reason it was removed, its easier then ever to get starchart items now. and best thing its not limited to new players.
not sure why there is so much btching other then u cant spam a million alts for gazillion coins. best thing to happen to this game.
oh yeah. did u forget that we still have passives left. lol.
u are assuming we have thousands of blood from playing. lmao.
Transmutation is not even CONSISTENT wtf is this dude saying. may i remind u that starchart items have almost 0.0___%
u get 3 for 2 daily = transmutation needed 5
NOBODY does uch coz 99% of the server doesnt need to do it they are finish with their ****.
neverfall badge =1:1 you want to exchange badges for blood? that's counter productive if your aiming for lvl 4 glpyhs.
Transmutation is a 1 time thing . trash can't exist into ur inventory longer than spending 1 spirit charm (this is a comparison of how long trash stay in ur inventory after this update)
Basically this happened to me
Transmuted all my trash
Cost: 750,000k
6 months worth of trash
starchart level 24
after transmutation starchart lvl 27.
aptitude stayed @ 10.20 coz astropira is even less the chance of astrobana. i got 3 astrobana pearl level 4 and plenty of astrobana lvl 1 and lvl 2 and only got astropira pearl lvl 2 x1 thats how rare the aptitude pearls are.
and a bunch of useless pots i dont use coz i dont pk.
this thing will not be upgraded anymore. i have no trash no more.
and people say transmutation is the answer wtf.... transmutation is far too unreliable for gazilion levels of starchart.
i still haven't finished my def levels passive and corrosive cold passive basically i need 700 primordial and 300 barbaric blood. and ur telling me to choose transmutation over to level my passive.
i just login to see what's change
wc. ...
random dude: bh eu 2 spots left
random dude B: FSJ 4 spots DD+ pm weap
random dude C: noone for FSD?
*copy paste that above message 20 more times. for about 1 hr.
log off a min
log back in
*copy paste that above message
that's wc now. hahaha.
gl with this game.
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As a longtime player, and toon addict with one of each class in G16/T3 gear, I have never been able to make much coin by merching or anything like that. I've survived off the rewards from BH and farming for myself. My refines are meager, gear is meh and I have been in no way able to compete with R9RR's. I have been happy though, just playing the PVE quests and events. PWE is obviously pushing R9, and I will continue to play. The C Card packs are now available in greater bulk to anyone who can complete Flowsilver Palace without dying or leaving. And giving us 35+ C packs, AND FS Coins to buy even more C cards or whatever needed from NPC afterwards, means that those of us who found it INCREDIBLY tedious and time consuming to get our War Avatar Cards leveled or get our reputation up, are now getting there faster. Also, with everything else that has come about in PWI the last however many years, it's SOOOO time consuming to try to keep even ONE toon up to date, due to the overwhelming amount of dailies. Like this: In order to use and farm glyphs, you have to level up from Arcane Sky to Shifting Sky I, and to do that you have to do the quest chain for that AND the dailies in Primal. All of that equals slow. The introduction of the Transmutation NPC allows us to transform junk that clutters our banks into useful things like C packs and Primordial/Barbaric Bloods, Astrobana pearls and all of those good star chart items, etc, etc, which means we get to boost our progress and get somewhere. So, I love this update. It is helping to make my toons stronger.0
fc is back, (frostcovered city, thats why i call it fc) its a free class lvl up, and ive played all of the classes, the only ones i hate playing are the barb, veno, and wizard, ive made a barb doubt ill make the other 2, but because fc is back i might actually lvl it past 50 this time
transmutation, GOODBAiii ATTENDANCE SHEETS hello, lvl 6 nuemas
fsp, i didnt know how bad this was since yesterday was my first fsp on the new server,
random skill from eu and aeu, not truely random, because you can choose demon or sage, thank god, knowing my luck if it was truely random even the d/s part, i would of gotten the sage books of what i already have, and demon books of what i need as sage0 -
The nerf to chart items for new players is a bigger impact than the quality of life benefits this update gave, I dread the idea of leveling my alt's star charts now; or even getting the aptitude to 10, not even thinking about 15. It will be even worse for a new player. Yes, you can get a small handful from transmutation and temple.
For temple, the item boost doesn't come close to making up for a weeks worth of dailies. Not to mention it isn't going to be easy or even possible for weaker/newer characters to do it with any real hope of higher floors.
Transmutation; okay you can exchange items that take a long time to gather for a chance at getting a small handful of chart items. If the dailies were left as is, they'd allow you to level your chart far faster than it would take to do so from transmuting items.
Other changes like skills, events, dungeons are all fine and wonderful. Yet this is major issue which I hope will be addressed.0 -
The nerf to chart items for new players is a bigger impact than the quality of life benefits this update gave, I dread the idea of leveling my alt's star charts now; or even getting the aptitude to 10, not even thinking about 15. It will be even worse for a new player. Yes, you can get a small handful from transmutation and temple.
For temple, the item boost doesn't come close to making up for a weeks worth of dailies. Not to mention it isn't going to be easy or even possible for weaker/newer characters to do it with any real hope of higher floors.
Transmutation; okay you can exchange items that take a long time to gather for a chance at getting a small handful of chart items. If the dailies were left as is, they'd allow you to level your chart far faster than it would take to do so from transmuting items.
Other changes like skills, events, dungeons are all fine and wonderful. Yet this is major issue which I hope will be addressed.
+1 to miruna555. everything u said is on point.
TO KALYST who ignores people in the forum.
just cos 95% of players are finish with their primal doesnt mean other people dont need it.
i am still part of the minority of new players still playing pwi. my voice isnt heard. i will give pwi 1 week to bring back my daily starchart items and flowsilver coins. if those two wont come back i will quit for sure. i will just play minecraft and enjoy worry free life. btw i started playing feb 2017. by august i finally have g16. i m still missing a cape though . that's how worst the economy was. and i was able to pull thru it. basically what u did is destroy the only source of income for new players like me and destroy the chance of me being able to atleast get my aptitude to 15. ... oh yeah thank you i levelled up my starchart 3x coz of the junk, now i can't do stuff with it anymore. coz i have no junk to exchange. i only have junk pots that i will never use coz i dont pk people .
pwi is really good for new players. its like they are allergic to us that they want us not to go to their game. hahaha
everything thing else on this update is good. except removal of freakin starchart items on daily and flowsilver coin nerf .
even the mount code fails.0 -
sensualsoul wrote: »Transmutation cost a LOT of coin and you just end up getting more of the stuff you want to get ride of in the first place, so no this is not a fix for them messing up the Primal dailies. Transmutation is a coin sink and when you have very little coin it is not a useful tool where as if you had coin or not you could do your Primal dailies and get something useful. PWI is making this a rich aka cash players game only. Free to play is over and them calling this game that is a joke!
There are still ways to make a good amount of money without fsp , you only need to look around a bit.
Transmutation is actually really usefull to lvl chart or get a good amount of nuemas and C packs for new players and really cheap.
New players also can farm blood easier in uch , and i saw ppl complain about fsp , but new f2p ppl will have easier time in fsp with getting more reward they choose.
New rewards in eu/aeu are also really good.
new players can farm blood in uch
= that is if people even form uch in the first place. it will prolly continue to be a dead dungeon that nobody wants to do.
= not really. hahaha. new people can't even complete a darn set even if they drop a packs thats not even 100% a packs.
= they can't equip cards coz cards require leadership which cost a lot of money. war avatar catalyst
i can says u need a total of 3 leadership which is about 60 war avatar catalyst. current price is 1.5m per catalyst = 60m
so where do noobs get 60m? even with troll bh rewards they wont come up with that money. coz i tried lol i played for 6 months. by the time i got 10m its already my 4th month. that says everything about money making.
jolly toons with x3 u can make 1 jolly toons per 1.5 hr level 21. 36k 'this is not playing the game'
if u say make fcc jolly toons its so tedious that u need to be r9 for it to be fast. g16 sin will have a hard time with the boss that disables any kind of movement prolly 2nd boss or something. just to get to the heads npc.
fSD is a decent dungeon that u do everyday and surely u will get 1m per day coz people buys c packs everyday.
THERE"S not really any money making in this game that you can spam. If your r9 u can just do freakin ws badge run by yourself and get 1m every 15 mins. but what if your a normal person like me who doesnt have r9?
u stuck with ur g16 gear . u can't solo ws badge run. if u run it with full squad all u get is most likely around 50k to 100k per run coz people dont split eoo.
lunar run is not really g16 material . r9 people can solo this. this is not profitable now than before coz the lack of players buying lunar armor mats.
people dont buy TT. the moment that trolls realize this.. u cant earn money from this anymore
nw = weekly ... its not a decent money making. this will depend mostly how well geared u are.
a normal g16 person with about 1.5k spirit will get most likely around 50 (lost nation) - 300 tokens, coz they can't really kill people with josd r9+12. normal r9 people get around 200 (lost nation) - 400++ here coz they kill people much faster
so what money making? i decided to stop playing my main now and just do jolly toons all day with the hope that one day i can play my main toon and enjoy the darn game.
jolly toons is not really efficient daily. coz you will spend mostly of your time running around and killing mobs. wheres the fun in that?
atleast in fsd just takes about 30mins -1 hr and guaranteed you have 1m per day. which is about 10m per 10 days. which is alot. you can buy 1 gst per 10 days. ...
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sensualsoul wrote: »Transmutation cost a LOT of coin and you just end up getting more of the stuff you want to get ride of in the first place, so no this is not a fix for them messing up the Primal dailies. Transmutation is a coin sink and when you have very little coin it is not a useful tool where as if you had coin or not you could do your Primal dailies and get something useful. PWI is making this a rich aka cash players game only. Free to play is over and them calling this game that is a joke!
Transmutation is cheap. Stop lying. I spent 6m coins the first day it was released and got a freaking ton of useful stuff. My chart leveled from 48 to 50. That just about 1,000 exp for my chart, not to mention all the other stuff I got. Low lv transmutation is FREE. Yes it is FREE. My alts using advice boxes and attendance sheets got lots of nice pots and went from 0 to tier 5 neumas.
When it gives you stuff you don't want put it back in.0 -
sensualsoul wrote: »Transmutation cost a LOT of coin and you just end up getting more of the stuff you want to get ride of in the first place, so no this is not a fix for them messing up the Primal dailies. Transmutation is a coin sink and when you have very little coin it is not a useful tool where as if you had coin or not you could do your Primal dailies and get something useful. PWI is making this a rich aka cash players game only. Free to play is over and them calling this game that is a joke!
Transmutation is cheap. Stop lying. I spent 6m coins the first day it was released and got a freaking ton of useful stuff. My chart leveled from 48 to 50. That just about 1,000 exp for my chart, not to mention all the other stuff I got. Low lv transmutation is FREE. Yes it is FREE. My alts using advice boxes and attendance sheets got lots of nice pots and went from 0 to tier 5 neumas.
When it gives you stuff you don't want put it back in.
Hey poo head...? IT IS LUCK BASED. So you got lucky yay for you! I got crud, no lie. An Low Trans gives you Low crud that a HIGH level has no use for. Low level neuma when my neuma have long been done, great stuff. Hope could use but I sure couldn't.
FYI You might not agree with my opion which is fine by me but my option is not a lie diggle dork it's my option!
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No idea what happend but sorry for the "reposts".Post edited by padautz17 on0
sensualsoul wrote: »Transmutation cost a LOT of coin and you just end up getting more of the stuff you want to get ride of in the first place, so no this is not a fix for them messing up the Primal dailies. Transmutation is a coin sink and when you have very little coin it is not a useful tool where as if you had coin or not you could do your Primal dailies and get something useful. PWI is making this a rich aka cash players game only. Free to play is over and them calling this game that is a joke!
"a LOT of coin"? Dude, stop exaggerating... I converted junk which i saved over YEARS on first day and i didnt have to pay more than 10m. I found a bit more junk in my stash the day after. I think i paid 15-20m coins max so far and i got ~1500 exp for my star chart. I think thats more than a fair trade. You can get 20m easily in 1-2 weeks just by doing bh and ddh.
About "Free to play is over" We just got a new market back: selling fc exp rooms. And if you dont like selling exp rooms then no worries, just use hypers in fc to powerlevel a bunch of alts to level 80 and spam Jolly Old Jones! Free coins for basically doing nothing.... You need skill books? No worries, you dont have to farm fsp for pages anymore, just spam EU every day and get your books for free! Jesus...i remember i had to pay around 400m coins just for 2 of my class skills back in the days and that was the time which you still call "free to play".
Just a few words about fsp if you saw it as a way to make money. NOTHING CHANGED!. Why?
Lets just take a look on DFsp!
You got 20 coins before, you get 5 coins now. Price was 50k before and 200k now (on my server).
Lets do some basic maths!
BEFORE: 20x 50.000 = 1.000.000 coins
AFTER: 5x 200.000 = 1.000.000 coins
Surprise! You make the same amount of money.... Supply and Demand fixed it easily...0 -
Just a few words about fsp if you saw it as a way to make money. NOTHING CHANGED!. Why?
Lets just take a look on DFsp!
You got 20 coins before, you get 5 coins now. Price was 50k before and 200k now (on my server).
Lets do some basic maths!
BEFORE: 20x 50.000 = 1.000.000 coins
AFTER: 5x 200.000 = 1.000.000 coins
Surprise! You make the same amount of money.... Supply and Demand fixed it easily...
pretty much the same price on etherblade, 55k before, 55k after
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So far all the changes have done is give me less reason to log on. There is no reason to do dailies anymore since all I get is one new chart. No nebula dust, no astrospira, no avatars. Just xp. I'm 103x3 and 47% to 104. Xp at this point is basically pointless.
Now if they gave spirit, then I'd do them every day. It is still amazing to me that after 8.5 years of this game they still find ways to remove content almost as much as they add. I used to do those events, back when they were new. Now they are gone, and I'm glad I got my fash long ago. Are they planning on replacing them with anything? Why not take ou
I Aim To Misbehave0 -
Just a few words about fsp if you saw it as a way to make money. NOTHING CHANGED!. Why?
Lets just take a look on DFsp!
You got 20 coins before, you get 5 coins now. Price was 50k before and 200k now (on my server).
Lets do some basic maths!
BEFORE: 20x 50.000 = 1.000.000 coins
AFTER: 5x 200.000 = 1.000.000 coins
Surprise! You make the same amount of money.... Supply and Demand fixed it easily...
pretty much the same price on etherblade, 55k before, 55k after
pretty much people don't know the prices of stuff. coz they are not sellers. just to diss comments. LMAO
1 c pack = 155k each = 1.55m per day
so what happened after the patch?
FSD gives c packs now.
so will people still buy c packs?
can you sell other stuff?
REP on the other hand u can gain it in a lot of sources.
which makes it less reliable for income.
the 50k you are talking about are the prices of people RIPPING OFF other PEOPLE.
it was way past 50k since 6 months ago in TT it was 80k 1 week before patch.
BASIC Supply and Demand Doesnt WORK with PWI. coz if it does. GOLD wont be 5m each on a 5k spend reward.
Gold wont be 5m each with bonus currency on.
even 100+ matchless wings on market.. miraculously matchless wings still 190m. hahaha
twin strike and puncture wounds wont be 100m with supply and demand. (this is argueably the most overpriced of all)
3 noob sins in a server... says pretty much about the supply and demand.
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koudelkamorgan wrote: »So far all the changes have done is give me less reason to log on. There is no reason to do dailies anymore since all I get is one new chart. No nebula dust, no astrospira, no avatars. Just xp. I'm 103x3 and 47% to 104. Xp at this point is basically pointless.
Now if they gave spirit, then I'd do them every day. It is still amazing to me that after 8.5 years of this game they still find ways to remove content almost as much as they add. I used to do those events, back when they were new. Now they are gone, and I'm glad I got my fash long ago. Are they planning on replacing them with anything? Why not take ou
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Transmutation is great! I just maxed out the nuema stats
So... when will the next tier for nuema be coming out?0 -
My take on v1038 or later is:
I didn't expect anything useful for a f2p person.
And I was not disappointed.
Going down the list:
New World Boss: not looked for him yet, undecided.
Character Simulator: looked at it, seems overly complicated, but probably needs to be, again undecided.
Faction battles: I am in a dead faction, not interested in moving either, so this one is a fail.
Transmutation master: Tried it out 2 times, cant put bound stuff like some holy pills in it, put all my accumulated **** in it, got astrospira lvl 1 pills out of it, and I can no longer use them on my starchart, costs me coins as well, conclusion fail, Fail, FAIL.
Uncharted paradise quicker by 2 bosses: Meaning less drops of HS items or g17 stuff, so-so.
Undercurrent Hall: entrance level lowered, primordial blood costs lowered, Barbaric Blood added, verging towards good.
Intermediate boss removed from Dawnlight Halls: Good.
Heavenfall Temple rewards changed: I rarely enter heavenfall so this is a so-so change.
Quicksand Maze rewards increased for lvl 95 and below: all my characters are lvl 100 and I have no intention of making another character, Not Applicable.
Hyper stones again usable in Frostcovered City: GOOD
Kill Golden Toad in lvl 100+ Phoenix Valley: As a free to play person, I got a terrible shock when I first completed pv after v1038. I need a Phoenix Sanctum Pass from Assistant Wang Tsai in order to get to the golden toad. At 100 lucky coins each, each one would take my entire farming profit for the day. Bugger that for a joke! FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL
Angoria Colosseum: I did not enter it before v1038, and have no intention of paying 30m to register a team after either. Not Applicable.
Removing 4 weekly events: rewards were not worth the time taken for the most part. so-so.
Moving Nation Wars time and adding X-NW: should have been done when X-NW first came out. Good.
Territory Wars times adjusted: I'm not in a competitive faction so this is irrelevant.
Rank 8: Bracers and shoes can now be purchased: GOOD. Upgrade materials changed and placed in strange places. FAIL.
Merchants selling Mystical and Holy pills and Perfect stones: so-so.
batch crafting stackable items: good.
Mysterious Pages now dropping from final bosses in SOT and Abaddon: Tried to get mysterious pages from Hellfire Abomination in SOT. Killed him but only the usual **** and spirits of assault and defense dropped. Maybe the drop rate is too low for a single run to get a page, if so, I can only say FAIL!
Glyph colour, items stacking: so-so
This is getting too long so Ill summarize. 3 not applicable/irrelevant, 2 undecided, 6 good, 5 so-so, 12 fail.
Overall I am again thinking of quitting, but Ill probably convince myself to stay a bit longer.
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I did the New world boss, if you die you lose your merit and even if you are in a squad, they will just kill the boss so they get their stuff if they are the lucky squad that has agro. Why risk another squad getting all the goodies right? So if you are not op and you die you get nothing but charm depletion and wasted apo. Also all the drops will go to the squad that hits the hardest aka has agro, so if you are not super OP again you get nothing. Basicly only the factions/squads that need this stuff least will get it again. Yeah I know it's how the world works but sadly it doesn't make your normal not so OP people want to even try.
This part of the new stuff is, Meh. Something else directed at the cash players.0 -
Hello guys, I'm not a pwi player, I play pwbr but I like to come here to get information about the future content, I have 2 questions: first about FSP, people saying we will only get 5 coins, C packs bounded but what about that rank8 thing? is it tradable? if not then we will have problems cause here we don't have jolly jones quests....
The second questions is about 105 coins if we have golden splendor, is it true? how does it work?
I'll be grateful if anyone can help me0 -
I know this. I'm f2p. But I learn to adapt.#WhySoOffended
Sometimes, PWI is often Generous of giving free items. Like Neverfall Codes when it hit, Instant lvl 100, Rebirth items and items to get lvl 99 gear and all that. I mean god all that could cost more than anything. For me I don't mind paying and I do just fine without paying for awhile mostly spend 90% of my time helping people. Even pass cultivation which are a pain for those not able to do them.
One guy I met gave me free Sage Books for my Barb skill. Out of kindness, You don't see that everyday.[center][b]"[color="#7CFC00"]Sonic Archie Comics[/color]"[/b][/center]
[center][b][color="#4169E1"]Sonic[/color] Vs. [color="#228B22"]Scourge[/color][/b][/center]0 -
@furries2 you should re-word "generous".
coz im pretty sure 99% of those free stuff you dont have any use for.
1%(really useful stuff)-starchart items and war avatar cards s(not really s but hey),a (this is really a). this is the stuff that you really need.
as if you have use for pills when ur rb2.
and im pretty sure you dont have use for event gold. chat maybe.
well basic concept of CHINESE GAMES (this pretty much began during 2008 and stopped when revelation online got on) - pretty little things take forever to finish. basically testing out your patience to complete stuff.
you get little things everyday and finish a gear for a year or so. (g17?) starchart,war avatar.
all of which designed to prolong everything. and basically if you want to get ahead you need to spend.
thats Chinese mentality for yah.
Japanese game gran fantasy online was reported to Japanese government due to the fact that somebody spend 6k usd to get a character in the game. (this game has ridiculous RNG. (sounds familiar right)). the game itself have to revamp their RNG engine to make it less gruesome.
0.0xxx% is crazy right? (pwi has them.)
if you look newer games (2017) such as bless online. they don't have those things called "chance packs" that flooded Chinese developed games.
US doesn't have a game regulatory body to report this things. and mostly people stay away from Chinese developed games altogether that's why PWI has very much low new player turnout. i can say that new players around pwi came around 2016 or so.
lol barb books are next to extinct coz NOBODY PLAYS BARB. they can't really sell barb skills too. hahaha coz nobody is playing it
"roar king" only barb I know.
@sbforfun each pw in different region offers different content. (rewards and such, how to obtain skills and what not)
i can pretty much says pw south east asia is less of hassle than pwi generally since i played both.; they dont give out codes in south east asia coz its not really needed for a time pw southeast asia had a permanent x2xp and spirit. i dont know if still is now. each region offers different prices of stuff. even mount speed differs. some region have 13.0 mount's speed.
you should not compare pwi to other regions of pw coz i think this is the only pw which the chinese devs are gods. ijs. well its kinda true. content may or may not be the same. it all depends the distributor. aka game franchiser.
btw pwi prices are priced on USD so generally its much higher here than other regions. and the item here called
"GOLD FOIL: XXXXXX" i dont think south east asia has them. (please clarify them since i logged pw south east asia 6 months ago and they dont have it. )
@sensualsoul yeah the changeling haspon is for r9+12 op people only.
basically the one who deals damage gets the loot. and what do you know. PEOPLE CAMP THIS BOSS. CHANCES OF YOU GETTING A SHARE ON THIS IS KINDA SLIM. don't worry glyph prices will go down eventually.
pwi did really a good job on making r9 people camp this and abuse this one. they changed fs where g16 people can somehow get money to get to r9. and they didnt bother setting up rules for this boss. lol.Post edited by nub29#0863 on0
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