Scheduled Server Maintenance - *Content Launch* [ 8/29/2017 - 10 PM PST]

kalystconquerer#0876 Posts: 1,421 Perfect World Employee
edited August 2017 in Official Announcements

Good evening PWI players!

Tonight is our content launch!

We will be having our regular server maintenance tonight at 10 PM PST. We have our PATCH NOTES here!

*Important Notices*

Due to our content update launch, we have longer maintenance times than usual, so please keep this in mind!

*Tentative Duration*

Maintenance is expected to last approximately 6 hours, so during that time you will not be able to access the live servers.
*Maintenance times are tentative and are subject to change at any time. Actual end times will vary depending on the progress of the maintenance.

Thank you for your patience and we apologize for the inconvenience.

- The PWI Crew

Tonight's Maintenance Discussion

What are your thoughts about Hypers in FC? :P
Post edited by kalystconquerer#0876 on


  • paralleogram
    paralleogram Posts: 596 Arc User
    Nice content update. I am for once not annoyed by any changes.

    Here we go again....
  • nbreaking
    nbreaking Posts: 607 Arc User

    Mr. Justice
  • coinsrus
    coinsrus Posts: 131 Arc User
    "*Completing daily quests for Endless Universe will reward a random Sage or Demon skill book for your class.
    *Completing daily quests for Advanced Endless Universe will reward a random Aware of Vacuity, Celestial Sage, or Celestial Demon skill book for your class."

    Lmao i stacked up mystical pages like an idiot hahaha

    For FC i did not see the time where Hypers were working in there...but i have the impression leveling now-a-days is much faster than it was then.

    Will it really be faster with FC-hypers?
  • npc15
    npc15 Posts: 230 Arc User
    "*Duke Blacke will now announce to the server when a piece of gear is refined to +9 or higher* this is gonna get really annoying really fast
    "Focused Mind and Tidal Protection now share a 120-second cooldown (up from 90)" NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU :'(
    "*You can now spend 6 Silent Sea Sandgrains to take a weekly quest to kill the Lord of Paradise in Uncharted Halls" pretty sure thats a typo

    Few thoughts among many others
  • dingo488
    dingo488 Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited August 2017
    I wonder if the cooldown increase on Umbral Stalker didn't go through or if they missed it when listing the changes. I also thought the cast time of the BM ulti went down, but don't see that either. Overall good stuff, finally the psybuff disaster is gone. Now we gotta wait 3 years for them to nerf vortex and we might just be able to have fun in TW again.
  • ericamariex222
    ericamariex222 Posts: 114 Arc User
    Title reads 11pm, but post reads 10pm so which is it @kalystconquerer#0876 :)
  • kalystconquerer#0876
    kalystconquerer#0876 Posts: 1,421 Perfect World Employee
    Title reads 11pm, but post reads 10pm so which is it @kalystconquerer#0876 :)

    *shifty eyes* I totally knew that! I'm just, uh, testing people, that's it! *coughs loudly* Fixed!
  • aphrodita
    aphrodita Posts: 228 Arc User
    so we seriously have local TW on dawnglory and xTW at the same time? great.
    so we seriously get these absolutely terrible collosseum times? perfect.

    back to pve and spending our lives in fc then.
  • kalystconquerer#0876
    kalystconquerer#0876 Posts: 1,421 Perfect World Employee
    @dingo488 Surtr caught the Umbral Stalker portion and the patchnotes should be updated accordingly! For some reason, some other Duskblade changes got skipped, so the updated potions are these -
    *Divine Moonlight's cooldown increased from 15 to 30 seconds. Chi cost reduced from 30 to 10.
    *Umbral Stalker's cooldown increased from 90 to 120 seconds. Chi cost reduced from 50 to 30.
    *Quadrature's Chi cost increased from 30 to 50.

    We don't see anything for BM ulti, so that might come in the next update depending on when that got changed in the CN version. Right now, there doesn't appear to be any changes.

    @npc15 Don't you know there's a new secret dungeon called Uncharted Halls? Kappa

    But yes, it's Uncharted Paradise, should be fixed!

  • npc15
    npc15 Posts: 230 Arc User
    Also any chance of silkworms also stacking higher (I don't think that was there). They only stack to 10 and are taking up 2-3 rows of my bank XD
  • cyberomega45
    cyberomega45 Posts: 175 Arc User
    edited August 2017
    What I don't like is getting rid of Celestial Tigers. I like doing NW, but Monday and Tuesday night gonna be tough for those of us who actually work for a living. This game is becoming too focused on PvP. Oh well. Wife is now asking how are people gonna get event gold since she did Tigers for that.
  • npc15
    npc15 Posts: 230 Arc User
    Also I thought I remember you saying in another thread (I forget where) that for eastern servers arena is 6-6, but if it is CET time zone like in the patch notes that's 5 hours ahead of EST not 6 so is arena 7-7 then?

    Just wanna make sure I have my times right :)
  • kalystconquerer#0876
    kalystconquerer#0876 Posts: 1,421 Perfect World Employee
    @cyberomega45 No Tigers on Monday means that it can essentially be moved around and spawned more frequently or on spawntimes that might be easier to hit for players. This goes for the other closed old events except for City of Abominations (which for some reason still needs to be spawned on Wednesdays...)

    Also, this doesn't exclude Event Gold itself from being given in codes or appearing in other events.

    The Anniversary is just around the corner, so I hope everyone looks forward to that!

    @npc15 I'd have to request that, and that would be one of the more obscure ones they're probably heard in a while. Are there more people with stacks that are overflowing?

    As for times, it will kickback a message if you're not in the time-range to match make and Daylight Savings time might mess with these timeframes.
  • implode
    implode Posts: 107 Arc User
    Dragon temple is gone? :( That's been my favourite event, I've done it literally every week since I hit level 60 sometime late in 2008 except when I was on holiday at the time and physically couldn't :(

    Now how am I supposed to provide cheap bikinis for all the pretty girl chars on the server to wear :(
  • asterelle
    asterelle Posts: 861 Arc User
    edited August 2017
    Uhh so before the only ever time people queued up for arigora was right after Dragon's Conquest which would be Sat like 20:00 - 23:00 CET. If it's only going to be open now on 00:00 - 12:00 when are we supposed to battle? This is a bit awkward. What was wrong with 24hr arigora?​​
  • kalystconquerer#0876
    kalystconquerer#0876 Posts: 1,421 Perfect World Employee
    @implode Something, something bikinis and GM Pinata events, but reading back my initial typed sentence made it sound much more worse than intended.

    Dragon Temple is definitely still IN the game, just not through normal means anymore. It just means I have to hop on and spawn the NPC to start the event!

    Do people still farm the dragon for the necklace still and all the Veno Skill books from the chests btw?
  • implode
    implode Posts: 107 Arc User
    Do people still farm the dragon for the necklace still and all the Veno Skill books from the chests btw?
    I don't think the necklace is much use anymore (many much better options available these days), but the veno pet skills, most definitely people still go in DT to farm those.
  • yoda3160
    yoda3160 Posts: 132 Arc User
    I found out not that long ago that you could get quite a few pet skill books in there that aren't available anywhere else. Always wondered how to get them before finding out that. Most people probably don't even know that's where you get the rare ones from and hence why some of the prices for some of them are so high. If they did do completely away with that, I would hope they would add some other way to easily get the books and stuff from there.
  • laiwaisan
    laiwaisan Posts: 1,123 Arc User
    WOW awesome i was only unhappy with one of the updates in the patch how rare is that the cool down for tidal protection was already to long or at least make a new skill that lets sins use both at same time or even make it a longer buff other then that awesome i'm actually impressed.
  • cyberomega45
    cyberomega45 Posts: 175 Arc User
    @cyberomega45 No Tigers on Monday means that it can essentially be moved around and spawned more frequently or on spawntimes that might be easier to hit for players. This goes for the other closed old events except for City of Abominations (which for some reason still needs to be spawned on Wednesdays...)

    Also, this doesn't exclude Event Gold itself from being given in codes or appearing in other events.

    The Anniversary is just around the corner, so I hope everyone looks forward to that!

    @npc15 I'd have to request that, and that would be one of the more obscure ones they're probably heard in a while. Are there more people with stacks that are overflowing?

    As for times, it will kickback a message if you're not in the time-range to match make and Daylight Savings time might mess with these timeframes.

    If they put Tigers on a different day, that would make alot of people happy. Not everyone likes doing NW because they don't like PvPing. My fear is this game is going too much PvP oriented, we do need enough PvE events for other players.
  • klys
    klys Posts: 283 Arc User
    can essentially be moved around and spawned more frequently or on spawntimes
    Let's set a repeat spawntime for the normal time of the events and pretend nothing changed. I'm cool with that. You're cool with that that. Everyone's cool with that.
    Ok, Good talk. See you at tigers next week at 9 ;)

  • yoda3160
    yoda3160 Posts: 132 Arc User
    I am curious how the meridians lvl change will affect those of us that have already maxed it out. Are they adding new levels for the the meridians thing, or is it only going to affect those who haven't maxed it out yet?
  • sinchalla
    sinchalla Posts: 58 Arc User
    YES bring back Hypers in FC.
    For starters, when Hypers left FC/FF, not sure about other servers it destroyed and took away the "noob/low level community"
    Plus it was another way for no cash shoppers to farm, grind and make some money. Selling Full Runs/Big Rooms or private Runs.

    Seeing that Glyphs IN THE NEXT(Yes guys next content update, not this one) Content update will be come useless spending the time in DDH, their goes that market. So would be good brining back another sort of farming martket.

    DDH Farming: Can make Glyphs with lucky coins. - no point famring.
    TT3-2/3-3: Can make pill babies, level up their tailor/blacksmith their tt99 can turn into g15/s2 nirvy and be tradeable. - no point famring.
    TT3-1: People farm those for the Capes/Robes - DEPENDING on lucky coin rises or stays the same, their will be no point famring it. Due to 200 Lucky coins can make tradeable g15/s2 Hats/Capes as well as Lunars. - 50/50 on maybe still a famring option.
    P.Stone market: Merchant selling them for 1k -.- - If u wanna farm Delt/RB for them, and sell at 900 ea, sht GL with that..
    DQ Drops Prices: When PWI realised that people were making 6-10mil a night with the free BOT aka Auto Cultavtion, they took out the NPC price..

    So yes PWI be nice on bringing back something too farm C: Might keep me playing this game longer, i dont wanna spend my life savings on here.

    Tyty, gimmie ur thoughts :)) be nice for @Kaly to respond <3
  • capnk
    capnk Posts: 486 Arc User
    *Soul of Silence and Soul of Vengeance can now only be cast on yourself.*

    wtf how is Echo supposed to PVP with these outrageous restrictions?
  • attackerv
    attackerv Posts: 295 Arc User
    @asterelle just because pwi doesn't want to give a free charm from SvS to run arena. Pay for Playing!!! :)
    Main Chars in tidewell:
    Attacker_V: archer
    Seraphim_V: Veno
    xNightshadowx: db
  • sensualsoul
    sensualsoul Posts: 282 Arc User
    *Soul of Silence and Soul of Vengeance can now only be cast on yourself. Way to **** over the psy, now they don't even have the option to single buff one person. ONLY CLASS WITH NOT BUFF FOR A SQUAD! How nice of you PWI how are we suppose to be valued as a squad mate with nothing to buff the squad with?! WTF!
  • lightpheonixx
    lightpheonixx Posts: 19 Arc User
    Some of us are actually glad psy buffs are self buffs now :P Theres a certain pk faction that depended on them A LOT, like if they couldn't pk without them so now lets see how others play now since no more psy buffs for them.
  • padautz17
    padautz17 Posts: 66 Arc User
    Some of us are actually glad psy buffs are self buffs now :P Theres a certain pk faction that depended on them A LOT, like if they couldn't pk without them so now lets see how others play now since no more psy buffs for them.

    I guess that's what they call..."Karma"
  • irmoose
    irmoose Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited August 2017
    *Soul of Silence and Soul of Vengeance can now only be cast on yourself. Way to **** over the psy, now they don't even have the option to single buff one person. ONLY CLASS WITH NOT BUFF FOR A SQUAD! How nice of you PWI how are we suppose to be valued as a squad mate with nothing to buff the squad with?! WTF!
    And Bramble has been useless in pvp for a long time. I have both classes. I only ever buffed because psy is demon for the lols.

    Gotta get used to it, man.

    Oh and, they said nothing about Empowered Vigor, still got that.
  • ravenyoss123
    ravenyoss123 Posts: 29 Arc User
    Any info on how big this download will be? Thanks. I have limited internet and need to know if i have to find some.