PWI is not more on Steam ?

PWI is not more on Steam ?
IF not what happened ?


  • heerohex#3018
    heerohex#3018 Posts: 4,811 Community Moderator

    They pulled it along with a lot of other titles... GUESS it was costing to much money for little return.

    USE arc and use the bypass or even arc... Bypass can be found in the support section sticky post.
    I dont use arc even to update, Only in the case of the original download.

  • josemaria12
    josemaria12 Posts: 3 Arc User

    Make no sence if this is was the reason lol...what is bypass
  • kalystconquerer#0876
    kalystconquerer#0876 Posts: 1,421 Perfect World Employee

    Yes, we pulled them from Steam.

    Keep in mind that publishing on Steam does cost money, not so much in the initial push but the charges on micro-transactions. Also, we need to make we adhere to their standards (such as making sure the Steam overlay displays properly, making sure Arc overlay does not supersede Steams when booting from Steam etc.) That's probably more information than I should have divulged, but that's the long and short of it.

    You are still able to freely access the game through the Arc platform - however *coughs lightly* I don't necessarily condone openly sharing ways to bypass the Arc boot ups.
  • sarrafeline
    sarrafeline Posts: 152 Arc User
    I have an i5 3.1 ghz PC, and when running PWI without ARC, my CPU utilization sits at 22% ish, I get 60-90 FPS, and my graphics card sits at around 20% utilization.

    When Running PWI with ARC, my CPU sits at 49%, I get 30-50 FPS, and my graphics card sits at 15% utilization.

    Either optimize ARC and PWI to work properly on modern hardware, fix ARC so it isn't using an entire CPU core for no obvious reason, or just let us run PWI without having to jump through hoops to disable ARC.

    I also was kind of sad to see PWI not on Steam anymore. PWI is the ONLY game I have that requires ARC, the rest of the PWE titles I play are available on Steam. It doesn't make a lot of sense to put a FTP/P2W game on Steam, and then have it require ARC to run anyway. I've called ARC bad things in the past, and while not repeating them, here, I still have the same rather distinct dislike of ARC as I did back when it first came out.
  • phantomforce#4598
    phantomforce#4598 Posts: 397 Community Moderator
    Bypassing it is pretty easy though, and I seem to recall some approved instructions around here somewhere.​​
  • aeternusdoleo
    aeternusdoleo Posts: 180 Arc User
    Rough guesstimate on my part is that the PWE brass wants to slowly move away from PWI and "encourage" players to move to other games, like that Gigantic stuff they keep spamming over Arc, much to my annoyance. I've killed Arc as well now, only use it to redeem some Jones/Omalleys and then just taskmanager-snipe the process if it's being difficult about closing.
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