Chill community...geez...
Posts: 1,414 Arc User
It is understandable that some people are frustrated that they most likely won't finish their Nuema Portal set with the spend promos. However, please remember that PWE can do whatever they want and none of their promos is even in the slightest legally binding.
The most important thing however, give Kaly a break ffs. It is not her fault. CN decided that those promos have to leave (not like she explained that already a dozen of times) and that she can do absolutely nothing about it. If the boss doesn't want it, no matter how stupid it may seem, then it ain't gonna happen. Period. You guys can throw tempers all day, won't change anything.
Kaly is the first really active CM in years on end but the community seems to wanna get rid of her just as they did with domino. I can imagine that no one wants to put up with this community for a long time. @kalystconquerer#0876 please try not to take them for serious. Not all are like them. You will always have people acting like spoiled brats. However, I can admit that you did great for PWI in the short time that you are in charge and that you've brought us lots of stuff we most likely wouldn't have gotten without you. Main reason for that might be that you are a player as well. You know the game and all the ups and downs. Don't know if this game could handle losing you as well.
So guys, stop hating on her. Hate on me instead, I know you love to hate me. So here goes:
A majority of you don't need Nuema Portal. Not all BUT A VAST MAJORITY of you guys are "brainless" casher anyways with a vastly larger bank account than skill-level. That's also true for at least 90% of the people that already have the set. So just take the opportunity and save some money and rather work on your skill and learn how to actually play the game![:D :D](
I know, I know. There are some people that can't play a game when they don't have any sort of advantage over other people but still...IMHO the only thing that kinda bugs me is that there are already that many NP-people out there. IF we never had those promos then we would still only have 2-3 NP people per server on average. Would reduce the endless QQ about being overgeared really, really hard. Look at me and the gears I have. Even NP-less people normally vastly outgear me, not even to mention those rbed NP people. Yet I can still hold my own. NP is just overkill, completely unnecessary. "QQ but others got it already so I want it too, the same way!!!" - grow up.
First come, first serve.
The most important thing however, give Kaly a break ffs. It is not her fault. CN decided that those promos have to leave (not like she explained that already a dozen of times) and that she can do absolutely nothing about it. If the boss doesn't want it, no matter how stupid it may seem, then it ain't gonna happen. Period. You guys can throw tempers all day, won't change anything.
Kaly is the first really active CM in years on end but the community seems to wanna get rid of her just as they did with domino. I can imagine that no one wants to put up with this community for a long time. @kalystconquerer#0876 please try not to take them for serious. Not all are like them. You will always have people acting like spoiled brats. However, I can admit that you did great for PWI in the short time that you are in charge and that you've brought us lots of stuff we most likely wouldn't have gotten without you. Main reason for that might be that you are a player as well. You know the game and all the ups and downs. Don't know if this game could handle losing you as well.
So guys, stop hating on her. Hate on me instead, I know you love to hate me. So here goes:
A majority of you don't need Nuema Portal. Not all BUT A VAST MAJORITY of you guys are "brainless" casher anyways with a vastly larger bank account than skill-level. That's also true for at least 90% of the people that already have the set. So just take the opportunity and save some money and rather work on your skill and learn how to actually play the game
![:D :D](
I know, I know. There are some people that can't play a game when they don't have any sort of advantage over other people but still...IMHO the only thing that kinda bugs me is that there are already that many NP-people out there. IF we never had those promos then we would still only have 2-3 NP people per server on average. Would reduce the endless QQ about being overgeared really, really hard. Look at me and the gears I have. Even NP-less people normally vastly outgear me, not even to mention those rbed NP people. Yet I can still hold my own. NP is just overkill, completely unnecessary. "QQ but others got it already so I want it too, the same way!!!" - grow up.
First come, first serve.
It's funny as hell when ppl think she calls the shots or made all the rediculous calls PWI make. Shoot the messenger xD that always seems like the most rational thing to do105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode -
It's funny as hell when ppl think she calls the shots or made all the rediculous calls PWI make. Shoot the messenger xD that always seems like the most rational thing to do
Never understood people that wanna shoot the messenger so bad. They should direct their anger towards the people that actually deserve it.0 -
Ok joe maybe you want a tissue after sucking pwi [Redacted] in this post. You are like the annoying kid at school that reminds the teacher to check homeworks. WHO df are you to judge other servers players? Do u really think SVS is a good way of doing that? Cause uk a lot of US players cant attend that and anyhow u get carried by Crisis. And pls for the love of god stop to call urself undergeared no1 buys that ****.
Kalyst : Edited for...interesting word usage.0 -
@jsxshadow Despite all the bad calls PWI (not her the company) I'd like to see one of the ppl complaining name one GM. Just 1 GM who has done 1/3 of the amount of work @kalystconquerer#0876 has done gl105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode -
@blazerboy eatwithspoons? Also people do love Bearclaw, depending on who you talk to.
I won't comment one way or another, but I'll keep an eye on this to make sure it doesn't get super out of hand like the last thread(s)0 -
@blazerboy exactly.
@nadss I am not judging anyone nor am I saying that their initial complaints aren't justified. However, I say that they should cut the garb again Kaly. She is a subordinate and can't move above her bosses head or she gets in trouble. Anyone should be able to relate to that so give her a break.
PS: And yeah I am undergeared cause 95% of all ppl I've been fighting in 3v3 so far vastly outgear my best geared char (storm), not to mention all the other chars I have
(in case you're wondering. Anything with CoM/set, 20 apt chart with 6+ good stats, full +12, max ornament shards, full lvl5 glyphs..that together is already a massive outgear, heck charts alone can make such a massive difference..I don't even...people heavily underestimate the influence of certain stats/equip in comparison to people that don't have em. NP (as long as it is not rbed) doesn't even make such a dif. Let's say you got stuck with 15 apt chart with 4 skills on a caster like mdef, HP, Spirit and mpen and now you are ultralucky, roll 9 stats with double pdef and mattack on fates + HP + spirit + mdef and put the apti to 20...dude that's WAY more than NP could ever do in terms of survival and offensive power. I don't have a particularly bad chart (5 good stats, 2 fates) but just saying as an example)0 -
@kalystconquerer#0876 actually bearclaw is infamous to the people of Harshlands server after what he did a few years ago lmfao NP fiasco ftw. Dw I won't go into detail about it some things are better left in the past eatwithspoons? Hmmm I don't even remember that gm to be 100% honest just know you have done more for us than most xD105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode -
And u pointing fingers at CSers that are complaing about not getting their last card. Think at ppl who bought 5 cards and now they get to see this. No 1 is blaming our actual CM but since shes like the only active pwi related person we get to speak with ofc shes gonna get the heat.
Base NP isn't overpowered as u said but when some ppl spent 6k for 5 cards they have the right to be upset0 -
@nadss yes, but you also have to remember that they hardly spent 6k for those cards. Smart people have saved up 1200 Gold and went into sell&buy rotation but even if they didn't: We are talking about spend Promotions. So they always get something for their gold, maybe even some charge rewards and I bet some people could also make use of the free orbs. So you can't 100% say that they spent the money on nothing because that is just not true. Sure, getting NP might've been a deciding factor to even charge that much gold, no doubt to that but I'm just saying that it hasn't been for nothing for a majority of people.
That PWI's pricing is garb...I guess that's something we don't need to talk about but even then...1200 bucks just for 1 card at a time? That alone is heavily questionable. Those that can really afford it won't care anyways cause if you can spent 6k on a game then money comes easy for you anyways so I can suggest that they simply move on and try to get over it.0 -
I dont think anyone was mad at Kalyst directly (if they were the anger was misdirected). People were mad at PW I believe.
And ironically, no amount of calling people brainless cashers, or telling them that their money was wrongly invested, will help people to relax.
eirghan sage seeker ♥ current gear ♥ youtube ♥ title quest guide
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I dont think anyone was mad at Kalyst directly (if they were the anger was misdirected). People were mad at PW I believe.
And ironically, no amount of calling people brainless cashers, or telling them that their money was wrongly invested, will help people to relax.
Nah, but as I said, better they put their hate towards me than towards kalyso ofc that was a little provoking from my side
I don't like it when hatred gets misdirected because that can break many more things. It is correct to complain if something doesn't go as expected, yes, but some people definitely passed some boundaries by a long shot.
0 -
@eirghan I can agree but a lot of ppl were taking their frustration far at kaly I think that's why @jsxshadow made this post. I just think ppl needed time to accept NP isn't ganna be a common thing105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode -
We've had some terrible CMs and we've had some great CMs. Spoons was the first one I remember and one of the greater ones. Then we had frankieraye (AKA "Soon™"), there was Sparkiesoft for awhile, and also Domino. Did I miss anyone? I feel like I may have missed one or two. Also @jsxshadow what did Domino do to gain the community's ire? I was on hiatus for a large part of his tenure so my memory is a bit fuzzy on that period.
Regarding GM-hate: I wish these people would take half a second to understand the situation or at least assign blame properly. The other night I saw a guy flip out just because a GM entered his homestead during a cornucopia event - didn't even take anything, just popped in. A dozen world chats later and we learn that the "fault" was on a completely different GM. But no, random GM appears in HS, and suddenly it's super duper salty time and he's holding another cornucopia because the first one was totally ruined you guys, no really.
I mean, a lot of people don't read the forums, and that's part of the problem. But on the off chance that someone's reading this and looking to complain about something, please, do us all a favor and remember this first: your anger may well be justified, but misplaced anger is wasted anger. Learn why the event you're here to complain about happened. Understand that a large portion of what issues happen in-game cannot be fixed by PWE directly, and that individual GMs, much less the CM like Kalyst, have control over even less. Serious issues do not get fixed quickly. For example, I've been sitting on a ticket for six months because my HS contracting profits have been known to vanish from the collection dialog before I can pick them up. I have no idea when or even if that will be fixed, meaning I may never be able to properly use my HS again. But that isn't Kalyst's fault, or any GM's fault. It's China's fault, and I can continue to be a pest about that, but screaming at Kalyst isn't going to make me feel any better - and if that kind of thing would make you feel better, then you're not paying attention. At the end of the day, regardless of job description, these are real people with real lives, and you may find that screaming at them results in about as much success as if you did it to someone IRL.
I will also wholeheartedly echo the idea of these people (or frankly, anyone) never needing NP, or even half of the gear/cards that they already have for that matter.Mains: Miugre / LigerKing
Etherblade server0 -
@eirghan I can agree but a lot of ppl were taking their frustration far at kaly I think that's why @jsxshadow made this post. I just think ppl needed time to accept NP isn't ganna be a common thing
I think people just needed an answer, of which closing the thread was one, so they can move on if that's what they choose to do.
eirghan sage seeker ♥ current gear ♥ youtube ♥ title quest guide
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@eirghan in her defense she told these ppl to calm the heck down she's looking into it but here's what ppl decided to do. LETS PROMOTE CHARGEBACKS AND BREAK PWI TOS OR LETS BOYCOTT CHARGING UNTIL THEY GIVE US OUR WAY. Asking for a refund is one thing but demanding one otherwise I will make a chargeback case or encouraging it publically was the wrong way. I honestly hate when they close threads mainly because threads like that to me are entertaining as heck, but openly calling gms on fraud and encouraging breaking the TOS I can't blame them that time. Sometimes you decide to give ppl a inch and they take a mile on that thread some ppl went several miles and took a victory lap lmfao xD
I was going to start my NP next cycle just so I can keep up with the current 1st RB NP ppl and higher since there's actually a few with that O.O. But then that post was made and I said gg wp I can't get more attack,which is what I feel the only main goal for NP is. Anyways when I saw that I said ok time to find other ventures to preoccupy my time and just plan with what I've got. So do I feel bad for those who didn't get to finish thier set kinda since they more or less didn't lose anything just made a choice to charge. But do I feel PWI owe a refund? Nope just like ppl didn't get refunds when they spend hundreds of $ on any form of packs. -shrugs- I just feel we can all agree to disagree on this one and move on.105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode -
Why was this thread even left open? Its nothing but a flamebait.0
@ least they are more open to listening now than ever before.
Tho we really have some issues still. Kalyst is working on them and I have confidence in that.0 -
@eirghan in her defense she told these ppl to calm the heck down she's looking into it but here's what ppl decided to do. LETS PROMOTE CHARGEBACKS AND BREAK PWI TOS OR LETS BOYCOTT CHARGING UNTIL THEY GIVE US OUR WAY. Asking for a refund is one thing but demanding one otherwise I will make a chargeback case or encouraging it publically was the wrong way. I honestly hate when they close threads mainly because threads like that to me are entertaining as heck, but openly calling gms on fraud and encouraging breaking the TOS I can't blame them that time. Sometimes you decide to give ppl a inch and they take a mile on that thread some ppl went several miles and took a victory lap lmfao xD
I was going to start my NP next cycle just so I can keep up with the current 1st RB NP ppl and higher since there's actually a few with that O.O. But then that post was made and I said gg wp I can't get more attack,which is what I feel the only main goal for NP is. Anyways when I saw that I said ok time to find other ventures to preoccupy my time and just plan with what I've got. So do I feel bad for those who didn't get to finish thier set kinda since they more or less didn't lose anything just made a choice to charge. But do I feel PWI owe a refund? Nope just like ppl didn't get refunds when they spend hundreds of $ on any form of packs. -shrugs- I just feel we can all agree to disagree on this one and move on.
I never attacked Kalyst so you dont need to come to her defense.
I never defended the people who incited chargebacks, and if those posts were left on the thread you would see I in fact discouraged and warned those people. If you were so concerned about it you were welcome to say so then.
If you and joe think initiating further discussion on the matter is going to make Kalyst feel better I am not certain thats the case. If I were in her position, the last thing I would want to see is more discussion on the matter. I am sure she closed the thread and said there is nothing more she can say on the topic because of that.
In my above comment I stated very fairly, and very matter-of-factly that kalyst is not to blame, but people are none-the-less upset over what happened and welcome to their opinions and also deserving of a concrete answer on their question of how the promos will be handled in the future. They got it and can make their decisions accordingly. Drama over. Thread closed.
eirghan sage seeker ♥ current gear ♥ youtube ♥ title quest guide
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LOL, man i miss being up to date in this game. took a bit over a year off and then kept my client updated so i could come back with new content.
i also peruse the forums from time to time to keep up on current events.
and boy can I say all my motivation to log back in has died! its not the player's fault, its the publisher and the company who owns everything. i left right as Kalyst was beginning to help out and i must say she has done about a good a job GM'ing as anyone since frankieraye, if not better. she has made sure to communicate often and i saw her even replying to forum posts after hours (as an IT support person, seeing somebody reply off the clock is a BIG thing).
I really dont think i have it in me to grind the bloods or spirit (i believe my main is SSX or whatever the 3rd sky level is) even though i really want to play around with the glyphs and stuff. its really the DAILY aspect of the game, it requires me to sacrifice 4 hours a day just to make progress. i could understand if there were a way to catchup and do many of these quests more than once (i think the jade order system for AEU was probably the best system PW has implemented after nerfing frost), but i cant even do that. missing a day or two a month is a huge hit to your momentum.
im mixing in things from the other thread about new players cus the same ppl are here sorry, but i completely agree about the challenges that face brand new players, and even returning players. putting things in the cash shop is not the answer either because now we have this huge pay-wall and it detracts more than it benefits the game.
in regards to ppl threatening to boycott, i feel that is an appropriate response that should have been used more than a few years ago when the sales strategy of this company turned the game in an express lane to debt-land.
using the fact that the company has to contend with bots and other exploits in china is also a poor explanation and excuse. so the only way to address these concerns is to create a large monetary pit to jump into? no sir!
i actually agree with joe (usually joe makes a post or replies to one and its 14 pages of hatred lol) here about the gold price and economy. i think ppl should never have bought into those spend promos that rewarded $1200 of expenditures. it created a horrible precedent and they will never back down from it. i understand a good many players had been merching and stockpiling mountains of gold and coin and that those promos were created to drain those swamps.... but it didnt work. how many CoMs were sold for 10+ billion coin? look at the threshold to move from newb to competitive (i mean to the point where you can score 3 digit damage on NP ppl!!?), its purely ridiculous.
ok so now im spewing but to sum up, Kalyst is a wonderful CM as far as i've seen and i wish ppl can find a way to protest and voice their outrage without stressing her out because she is making great strides to reform the game for the players. ppl should stop buying into every single promo they come up with, if the promos always make them tons of money what incentive do they have to make a change? starting this game or resuming this game is by and large...... impossible/illogical, yall can have fun with it but i have been struggling to find a reason to fall back into the trap. have a good day yall0 -
@blazerboy Spoons was one of the original GMs/CMs for the game in the beginning before frankieraye. He might have left during the time I started playing, since the first person I remember is frankie. And ahhh, that's unfortunate! Yeah, definitely why I said depending on who you talk to
Based on my dusty memory it was Spoons, Frankie, defenderofdreams (for a short stint), sparkie, maybe kind of sort of surtr plus enmelie (?), domino/mintsummer, orinj (for a short stint) and then me. I did not have an active account at the time orinj was around, but I helped with certain things in the background then (i.e. the Purify Proc stuff)
I think I said it in a different thread already, but that one was getting a bit out of hand. I do welcome suggestions and feedback on either making different promos or events that people will like, but I won't be able to commit to anything unfortunately. Some of the replies to that thread might have been removed, so if posts look to be out of place or missing that's probably why.
@greenfire312 Regarding your specific issue with Homestead, I can't seem to reproduce this, nor can I get CN to reproduce this. I'm extremely disappointed that I could not find a solution for your issuesI've prodded them, but they can't see how or why that would be happening.
But yes, try and remain respectful to each other- I don't close threads for fun. I try to leave them alone, so players can come in and discuss things, even when there are times I wonder if I should leave certain ones open. If this one goes down the same path, I might have to be stuck closing this one too.
As a side note - I check the forums on my off hours more frequently than people think, I just sometimes never reply. Or, I'll just lurk around in-game incognito. Is that weird?0 -
Everybody forgetting v4liance (also known as "Hey, you!").
He was a pretty good CM, and also helped making .ini editing legal so we can have pretty characters.0 -
Ohhhhh shoot I forgot about him! *facedesk*
I'm very grateful that this change was championed and pushed through, so now everyone can have barbs with hats and "updated" classes (old classes with the new eye and skin textures).
Wasn't he....after Sparkie? Or before? *leafs through the search bar* For some odd reason, I thought Sparkie was Hey You, Zzzzz...0 -
As others have said, it's definitely not the right thing to blame Kaly for all this brouhaha, as she didn't have any control over it. And most people weren't specifically intending that, though it's difficult to tell intentions when a thread blows up so massively with all that hate.
That being said, the basis behind some people's anger (cashers are people too, and the people that keep the game alive I'd remind y'all) was justified to a degree. It came out of left field and was basically an insult to those banking on that sale for the only viable method for them to get NP. Me personally? I haven't logged in for about a month and stuff like that is only making it less likely for me to do so. I'm really losing sights on what the point of the game is anymore. I know MMOs are a grind, but usually there's something of a point or purpose, whether it be story, to try to reach the pinnacle of what your character can be, or experiencing all the content. But I feel like there's just not enough there to be satisfying anymore. And certainly not enough for anyone who can't pay or grind endlessly.
I realize I am a very lazy player and frankly haven't put 100% into the game in years, but I've had no reason to. Back before and during the beginning of the tideborn update, I could pk freely with plenty of people and do very well (yes it might be because BMs were the premiere stun lock class, but I had to have very precise timing dangit!). Shortly after tideborn, I lost that ability because of the gear chasm that opened up between cashers and f2p players. And it has only gotten wider and wider, with my own spending out of desperation not even closing that gap a bit. So I can imagine that players who finally had an effective and clear path to go on to catch up to hardcore cashers would be rightly miffed that that avenue is taken away. Blaming Kaly for it? Wrong way to go about it, but don't just dismiss cashers of any kind, hardcore whales or just putting some money in to close the gap a bit, as "brainless".Post edited by nightmare201 on0 -
@eirghan you realize I never said you did those things o.o? You're saying I never did this or that but I didn't specifically mean you otherwise I'd say it was you. I don't think I said it either so not sure where all that defensive remark came from but ok o.o?
Nobody is trying to make her feel better joe tried to make a post to tell ppl to watch what they say and not be so quick to point fingers in his own joe way. I agreed with him on the matter and the thread proceeded in the direction the gms aren't perfect but still this one does a lot for us. If you mean to chastise him for it that's your right but you're making it sound like we pity kaly or someone is attacking you by stating all the things you didn't say so uhm what exactly are you trying to say here? Also that's the best part about forums you can voice your opinion and make your own discussions while you feel kaly wouldn't want another post about it if you were kaly then cool that's your right just like joe can make a post like this so really confused where all this coming from ._.
@kalystconquerer#0876 AH I remember Orinj he was quite entertaining especially when he logged on and spoke to us on harshlands ah the good old days take me back hahaha. Personally I had nothing agianst bear,I found all the worldchat drama regarding him was hilarious on Harshlands and it's nostalgic when I remember it. Nonetheless there has been times I would submit a ticket and he would randomly teleport me Cromagnon village to help deal with my issues this happened twice and I was there when he did the same for a friend of mine when he loss gear and he was very patient and polite so I agree it does depend who you ask about him.105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode -
Welp the community has all the reasons to be pissed and express it. Afterall promo end without reaching last stage. But i never actually seen someone blaming Kaly for this. Kaly is a great person always answering questions and putting alot of work into this game. IF China actually did demand NP promo fater 1 full cycle and half another without finishing it well then GG. PW company got from my NR1 recommend list to not even recommend list. Playable but wouldnt recomend others to start. Ik PW doesnt care about my opinion but i believe i am not the only 1 here.0
Chill Joe...geez...0
Maybe i havent followed the forum posts enough but I didnt see the community being as descriped in this thread, nor anybody at all that wishes for kalyst to be gone.
People was upset, thats for sure, and for a good reason too. I am as well.
I do think our staff needs to have a proper discussion with PWCN about the games prices. As already mentioned here and in many other forum topics, this game is way way way too expensive.
Oh and I didnt know orinj was gone. Not like we ever know when someone quits though...0 -
Wasn't frankie the guy who got so angry at the community he posted bitly links that took you to virus infested websites? Ahh memories.
<~ these need to come back into the CS.
0 -
Is orinj really gone? @kalystconquerer#0876
Didn't he say he was some kind of manager/boss? I could be wrong but it sounded like he was the big-boss of PWE in general.0 -
Wasn't frankie the guy who got so angry at the community he posted bitly links that took you to virus infested websites? Ahh memories.kalystconquerer#0876 wrote:@greenfire312 Regarding your specific issue with Homestead, I can't seem to reproduce this, nor can I get CN to reproduce this. I'm extremely disappointed that I could not find a solution for your issues
I've prodded them, but they can't see how or why that would be happening.
As always, I can do more tests if you need them. All I care about is that it doesn't fall by the wayside entirely.
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